import { openDB, deleteDB } from 'idb' import networkConfig from '@/networkConfig' import { INDEX_DB_ERROR, NETWORKS } from '@/constants' // TODO method for migration, remove indexed class IndexedDB { constructor({ stores, dbName }) { this.dbExists = false this.isBlocked = false this.options = { upgrade(db) { Object.values(db.objectStoreNames).forEach((value) => { db.deleteObjectStore(value) }) stores.forEach(({ name, keyPath, indexes }) => { const store = db.createObjectStore(name, { keyPath, autoIncrement: true }) if (Array.isArray(indexes)) { indexes.forEach(({ name, unique = false }) => { store.createIndex(name, name, { unique }) }) } }) } } this.dbName = dbName } async initDB() { try { if (this.dbExists) { return } this.db = await openDB(this.dbName, 34, this.options) // version (optional): Schema version, or undefined to open the current version. this.onEventHandler() this.dbExists = true } catch (err) { // need for private mode firefox browser if (err.message.includes(INDEX_DB_ERROR)) { this.isBlocked = true return } if (err.message.includes('less than the existing version')) { await this._removeExist() } console.error(`Method initDB has error: ${err.message}`) } } onEventHandler() { this.db.addEventListener('onupgradeneeded', async () => { await this._removeExist() }) } async _removeExist() { await deleteDB(this.dbName) this.dbExists = false await this.initDB() } async getFromIndex(params) { if (this.isBlocked) { return undefined } try { return await this._getFromIndex(params) } catch (err) { return undefined } } async _getFromIndex({ storeName, indexName, key }) { try { const value = await this.db.getFromIndex(storeName, indexName, key) return value } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method getFromIndex has error: ${err.message}`) } } async getAllFromIndex(params) { if (this.isBlocked) { return [] } try { return await this._getAllFromIndex(params) } catch (err) { return [] } } async _getAllFromIndex({ storeName, indexName, key, count }) { try { const value = await this.db.getAllFromIndex(storeName, indexName, key, count) return value } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method getAllFromIndex has error: ${err.message}`) } } async getItem({ storeName, key }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return undefined } try { const store = this.db.transaction(storeName).objectStore(storeName) const value = await store.get(key) return value } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method getItem has error: ${err.message}`) } } async addItem({ storeName, data, key = '' }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return } try { const tx = this.db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite') const isExist = await tx.objectStore(storeName).get(key) if (!isExist) { await tx.objectStore(storeName).add(data) } } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method addItem has error: ${err.message}`) } } async putItem({ storeName, data }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return } try { const tx = this.db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite') await tx.objectStore(storeName).put(data) } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method putItem has error: ${err.message}`) } } async getAll({ storeName }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return [] } try { const tx = this.db.transaction(storeName, 'readonly') const store = tx.objectStore(storeName) const data = await store.getAll() return data } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method getAll has error: ${err.message}`) } } async clearStore({ storeName, mode = 'readwrite' }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return } try { const tx = this.db.transaction(storeName, mode) await tx.objectStore(storeName).clear() } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method clearStore has error: ${err.message}`) } } async createTransactions({ storeName, data, mode = 'readwrite' }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return } try { const tx = this.db.transaction(storeName, mode) await tx.objectStore(storeName).add(data) await tx.done } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method createTransactions has error: ${err.message}`) } } createMultipleTransactions({ storeName, data, index, mode = 'readwrite' }) { if (this.isBlocked) { return } try { const tx = this.db.transaction(storeName, mode) => { if (item) {{ ...item, ...index }) } }) } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method createMultipleTransactions has error: ${err.message}`) } } } export default async (ctx, inject) => { const DEPOSIT_INDEXES = [ { name: 'transactionHash', unique: false }, { name: 'commitment', unique: true } ] const WITHDRAWAL_INDEXES = [ { name: 'nullifierHash', unique: true } // keys on which the index is created ] const LAST_EVENT_INDEXES = [{ name: 'name', unique: false }] // TODO: generate from config const defaultState = [ { name: 'encrypted_events', keyPath: 'transactionHash' }, { name: 'lastEvents', keyPath: 'name', indexes: LAST_EVENT_INDEXES } ] const stores = [ { name: 'register_events', keyPath: 'ensName' } ] NETWORKS.forEach((netId) => { => { stores.push({ ...item, name: `${}_${netId}` }) }) }) Object.keys(networkConfig).forEach((key) => { const { tokens, nativeCurrency } = networkConfig[key] const netId = key.replace('netId', '') Object.keys(tokens).forEach((token) => { Object.keys(tokens[token].instanceAddress).forEach((amount) => { if (nativeCurrency === token) { // ToDo make good) stores.push({ name: `stringify_bloom_${token}_${amount}_${netId}`, keyPath: 'hashBloom' }) } stores.push({ name: `deposits_${token}_${amount}_${netId}`, keyPath: 'leafIndex', // the key by which it refers to the object must be in all instances of the storage indexes: DEPOSIT_INDEXES }) stores.push({ name: `withdrawals_${token}_${amount}_${netId}`, keyPath: 'transactionHash', indexes: WITHDRAWAL_INDEXES }) stores.push({ name: `stringify_tree_${token}_${amount}_${netId}`, keyPath: 'hashTree' }) }) }) }) const options = { stores, dbName: 'tornado_cash' } const instance = new IndexedDB(options) await instance.initDB() ctx.$indexedDB = instance inject('indexedDB', instance) }