These functions utilize Cloudflare Functions to dynamically inject meta tags server side for richer link sharing capabilities.
## Functions
Currently, there are 2 types of cloudflare functions developed
- Meta Data Injectors - Workers that inject [Open Graph]( standardized meta tags into the `header` of specific webpages.
- Currently we support this functionaltiy for three separate webpages: NFT Assets, NFT Collections, and Token Detail Pages
- These functions query data from GraphQL and then formats them into HTML `meta` tags to be injected
- Dynamically Generated Images - Utilizes Vercel's [Open Graph Image Generation Library]( to create custom thumbnails for specific webpages
- Currently supports NFT Assets, NFT Collections, and Token Detail Pages
- These functions query data from GraphQL, and utilize `Satori` to convert HTML into a png image response which is then returned when the api is called.
Testing is done utilizing a custom jest environment as well as Cloudflare's local tester: `wrangler`. Wrangler enables testing locally by running a proxy to wrap `localhost`. Tests run against a proxy server, so you'll need to start it before running tests:
- Manually run `yarn start:cloud` to setup wrangler on `localhost:3000`
Functions will be deployed to Cloudlfare where they will be ran automatically when the appropriate route is hit.
## Miscellaneous
- Caching: In order to speed up webpage requests, repeated GraphQL queries will be saved and pulled using Cloudflare's Cache API.
## Scripts
-`yarn start:cloud` (NODE_OPTIONS=--dns-result-order=ipv4first PORT=3001 npx wrangler pages dev --node-compat --proxy=3001 --port=3000 -- yarn start), script to start local wrangler environment
-`npx wrangler pages dev`: this basis of this command which starts a local instance of wrangler to test cloud functions
-`--node-compat`: wrangler option that enables compatibility with Node.js modules
-`--proxy:3001`: telling the proxy to listen on port 3001
-`--port=3000`: telling wrangler to run our proxy on port 3000
-`NODE_OPTIONS=--dns-result-order=ipv4first`: wrangler still serves to IPv4 which isn't compatible with Node 18 which default resolves to IPv6 so we need to specify to serve to IPv4
-`PORT-3001 --yarn start`: runs default yarn start on port 3001
-`yarn test:cloud` (NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules yarn jest functions --watch --config=functions/jest.config.json), script to test cloud functions with jest
-`NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules`: support for ES Modules and Web Assembly
-`--config=functions/jest.config.json`: specifying which config file to use