
2611 lines
83 KiB
Raw Normal View History

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: uniswap-interface\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-02 22:06\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: sl_SI\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: uniswap-interface\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 458284\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: sl\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: en-US.po\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 4\n"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "$-"
msgstr "- $"
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/FiatValue.tsx
msgid "$<0/>"
msgstr "<0/> $"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
#: src/components/swap/GasEstimateBadge.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "${0}"
msgstr "{0} $"
#: src/components/swap/TradePrice.tsx
msgid "(${0})"
msgstr "(${0})"
#: src/components/AddressInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "(View on Explorer)"
msgstr "(Ogled v Raziskovalcu)"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "(clear all)"
msgstr "(počisti vse)"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "(edit)"
msgstr "(uredi)"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "- Remove recipient"
msgstr "- Odstrani prejemnika"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "0 UNI / week"
msgstr "0 UNI / teden"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "25%"
msgstr "25 %"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "50%"
msgstr "50 %"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "75%"
msgstr "75 %"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "<0/> All Proposals"
msgstr "<0/> Vse pobude"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "<0/> Votes"
msgstr "<0/> glasov"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "<0>Account analytics and accrued fees</0><1> ↗ </1>"
msgstr "<0> Analitika računa in zbrane provizije</0> <1> ↗</1>"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "<0>Current Price:</0><1><2/></1><3>{0} per {1}</3>"
msgstr "<0>Trenutna cena:</0> <1> <2/></1> <3>{0} na {1}</3>"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "<0>Tip:</0> Removing pool tokens converts your position back into underlying tokens at the current rate, proportional to your share of the pool. Accrued fees are included in the amounts you receive."
msgstr "<0>Komentar:</0> Odstranitev žetonov iz sklada pretvori vaša sredstva nazaj v osnovne žetone po trenutnem tečaju, sorazmerno z vašim deležem v skladu. Obračunane pristojbine so vključene v zneske, ki jih prejmete."
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/index.tsx
msgid "<0>Tip:</0> Select an action and describe your proposal for the community. The proposal cannot be modified after submission, so please verify all information before submitting. The voting period will begin immediately and last for 7 days. To propose a custom action, <1>read the docs</1>."
msgstr "<0>Komentar:</0> Izberite dejanje in za skupnost opišite svojo pobudo. Po oddaji pobude ni mogoče več spreminjati, zato pred oddajo preverite vse podatke. Glasovalno obdobje se začne takoj in traja 7 dni. Če želite predlagati dejanje po meri, <1>preberite dokumentacijo</1> ."
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "<0>Tip:</0> Use this tool to find v2 pools that don't automatically appear in the interface."
msgstr "<0>Komentar:</0> S tem orodjem poiščite sklade V2, ki se v vmesniku ne prikažejo samodejno."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "<0>Tip:</0> When you add liquidity, you will receive pool tokens representing your position. These tokens automatically earn fees proportional to your share of the pool, and can be redeemed at any time."
msgstr "<0> Komentar:</0> Ko dodate likvidnost, boste prejeli žetone sklada, ki predstavljajo vaša sredstva v skladu. Ti žetoni samodejno služijo pristojbine sorazmerno z vašim deležem v skladu. Kadar koli jih lahko pretvorite nazaj v izvorna sredstva."
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "<0>Unlock voting</0> to prepare for the next proposal."
msgstr "<0>Odklenite glasovanje</0>, če se želite pripraviti na naslednjo pobudo."
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "<0>🎉 </0>Welcome to team Unicorn :) <1>🎉</1>"
msgstr "<0> 🎉</0> Dobrodošli v ekipi Samorog :) <1> 🎉</1>"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "A minimum threshold of 0.25% of the total UNI supply is required to submit proposals"
msgstr "Za predložitev predlogov potrebujete vsaj 0,25 % celotne zaloge UNI."
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "About"
msgstr "O Uniswapu"
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Sprejmi"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Račun"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportRow.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktiven"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Add <0/> and <1/> to Uniswap V2"
msgstr "Dodaj <0/> in <1/> v Uniswap V2"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Add Delegate +"
msgstr "Dodaj zastopnika +"
#: src/components/NavigationTabs/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Add Liquidity"
msgstr "Dodaj likvidnost"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Add V2 Liquidity"
msgstr "Dodaj likvidnost V2"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Add liquidity."
msgstr "Dodaj likvidnost."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Add more liquidity"
msgstr "Dodaj dodatno likvidnost"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "Add {0} to Metamask <0/>"
msgstr "Dodaj {0} v Metamask <0/>"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Add {0}-{1} liquidity"
msgstr "Dodaj likvidnost {0}-{1}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Add {0}/{1} V3 liquidity"
msgstr "Dodaj V3-likvidnost {0}/{1}"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "Added {0}"
msgstr "Dodano v {0}"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Address has no available claim"
msgstr "Ta naslov nima terjatve"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Against"
msgstr "Proti"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Allow LP token migration"
msgstr "Dovoli migracijo likvidnostnih (LP) žetonov"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Allow high price impact trades and skip the confirm screen. Use at your own risk."
msgstr "Dovolite trgovanje z visokim vplivom na ceno in preskočite zaslon za potrditev. Uporabljajte na lastno odgovornost."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Allow the Uniswap Protocol to use your {0}"
msgstr "Dovoli protokolu Uniswap, da uporabi vaše {0}"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Allowed"
msgstr "Dovoljeno"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Znesek"
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "An error occurred when trying to execute this swap. You may need to increase your slippage tolerance. If that does not work, there may be an incompatibility with the token you are trading. Note: fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Pri poskusu izvedbe te zamenjave je prišlo do napake. Morda boste morali povečati toleranco do zdrsa. Če to ne deluje, je morda težava v nezdružljivosti z žetonom, s katerim trgujete. Pozor: žetoni s provizijami ob prenosu in uravnavani (rebase) žetoni niso združljivi z Uniswap V3."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/SwapButton.tsx
msgid "Approval pending <0/>"
msgstr "Odobritev čaka <0/>"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/SwapButton.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/SwapButton.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Odobri"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalActionSelector.tsx
msgid "Approve Token"
msgstr "Odobri žeton"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Approve {0}"
msgstr "Odobri {0}"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/SwapButton.tsx
msgid "Approve {0} first"
msgstr "Najprej odobrite {0}"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Approved"
msgstr "Odobreno"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Approving"
msgstr "Odobritev v teku"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Approving {0}"
msgstr "Odobritev {0} v teku"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Arbiscan"
msgstr "Arbiscan"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Arbitrum Bridge"
msgstr "Most v Arbitrum"
#: src/components/DowntimeWarning/index.tsx
msgid "Arbitrum is in Beta and may experience downtime. During downtime, your position will not earn fees and you will be unable to remove liquidity. <0>Read more.</0>"
msgstr "Arbitrum je v različici beta in možni so izpadi. V času izpadov vaša pozicija ne bo služila provizij, likvidnosti pa ne boste mogli dvigniti. <0>Preberi več.</0>"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Ste prepričani?"
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "As a member of the Uniswap community you may claim UNI to be used for voting and governance.<0/><1/><2>Read more about UNI</2>"
msgstr "Kot član skupnosti Uniswap ste upravičeni do žetonov UNI, ki se uporabljajo za glasovanje in upravljanje. <0/> <1/> <2> Preberite več o UNI</2>"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "At least {0} {1} and {2} {3} will be refunded to your wallet due to selected price range."
msgstr "V vašo denarnico bo zaradi izbranega cenovnega razpona vrnjeno vsaj {0} {1} in {2} {3}."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/MaxSlippageSelect.tsx
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Samodejno"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Auto Router API"
msgstr "API samodejnega iskalnika poti"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
msgid "Available to deposit: {0}"
msgstr "Na voljo za polog: {0}"
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "Balance: {0}"
msgstr "Dobroimetje: {0}"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/shared.tsx
msgid "Best for exotic pairs."
msgstr "Primerno za redko uporabljane pare."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/shared.tsx
msgid "Best for most pairs."
msgstr "Primerno za večino parov."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/shared.tsx
msgid "Best for stable pairs."
msgstr "Primerno za stabilne pare."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/shared.tsx
msgid "Best for very stable pairs."
msgstr "Primerno za zelo stabilne pare."
#: src/components/swap/SwapRoute.tsx
msgid "Best price route costs ~{formattedGasPriceString} in gas."
msgstr "Pot z najnižjo ceno stane ~{formattedGasPriceString} v plinu."
#: src/components/Blocklist/index.tsx
msgid "Blocked address"
msgstr "Blokiran naslov"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Bridge"
msgstr "Most"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "By adding liquidity you'll earn 0.3% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity."
msgstr "Ko dodate likvidnost, boste služili provizijo 0,3 % od vseh poslov na tem paru sorazmerno z vašim deležem v skladu. Provozije se dodajajo v sklad v realnem času. Prevzamete jih, ko umaknete svojo likvidnost iz sklada."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "By adding this list you are implicitly trusting that the data is correct. Anyone can create a list, including creating fake versions of existing lists and lists that claim to represent projects that do not have one."
msgstr "Z dodajanjem tega seznama zaupate pravilnosti podatkov. Vsakdo lahko ustvari seznam; ustvari lahko tudi ponarejeno različico obstoječega seznama ali pa seznam, ki naj bi pripadal resničnemu projektu, ki nima uradnega seznama."
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "By connecting a wallet, you agree to Uniswap Labs <0>Terms of Service</0> and acknowledge that you have read and understand the Uniswap <1>Protocol Disclaimer</1>."
msgstr "S tem ko povežete denarnico, se strinjate s <0>pogoji storitve Uniswap Labs</0> in potrjujete, da ste prebrali in razumeli <1>izjavo o omejitvi odgovornosti</1> protokola Uniswap."
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Canceled"
msgstr "Preklicana"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Spremeni"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Grafikoni"
#: src/components/Header/ChainConnectivityWarning.tsx
msgid "Check network status"
msgstr "Stanje omrežja preverite"
#: src/pages/Pool/CTACards.tsx
msgid "Check out our v3 LP walkthrough and migration guides."
msgstr "Oglejte si naše vodnike za V3-likvidnost in navodila za migracijo."
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Claim"
msgstr "Prevzemi"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Claim <0/> for {0}"
msgstr "Prevzemi <0/> za {0}"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Claim UNI"
msgstr "Prevzemi UNI"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Claim UNI Token"
msgstr "Prevzemi žetone UNI"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Claim UNI reward for {0}"
msgstr "Prevzemi nagrado UNI za {0}"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Claim fees"
msgstr "Prevzemi provizije"
#: src/components/Popups/ClaimPopup.tsx
msgid "Claim your UNI tokens"
msgstr "Prevzemite svoje žetone UNI"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Claimed"
msgstr "Prevzeto"
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Claimed UNI!"
msgstr "UNI pridobljeni!"
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Claimed!"
msgstr "Prevzeto!"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Claiming"
msgstr "Prevzem v teku"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
msgid "Claiming UNI"
msgstr "Prevzemam UNI"
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Claiming {0} UNI"
msgstr "Prevzem {0} UNI v teku"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Počisti vse"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageTokens.tsx
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Počisti vse"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zapri"
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Zaprto"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Collect"
msgstr "Prevzemi"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Collect as WETH"
msgstr "Prevzemi kot WETH"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Collect fees"
msgstr "Prevzemi provizije"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Collect {0}/{1} fees"
msgstr "Prevzemi provizije {0}/{1}"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Collected"
msgstr "Prevzeto"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Collecting"
msgstr "Prevzem v teku"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Collecting fees"
msgstr "Prevzem provizij v teku"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Collecting fees will withdraw currently available fees for you."
msgstr "S prevzemom provizij dvignete provizije, ki so vam trenutno na voljo."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Potrdi"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
msgid "Confirm Supply"
msgstr "Potrdi polog"
#: src/components/swap/ConfirmSwapModal.tsx
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalFooter.tsx
msgid "Confirm Swap"
msgstr "Potrdi menjavo"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "Confirm swap"
msgstr "Potrdi menjavo"
#: src/components/ModalViews/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "Confirm this transaction in your wallet"
msgstr "Odobrite to transakcijo in svoji denarnici"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "Confirm transaction in wallet"
msgstr "V denarnici potrdite transakcijo"
#: src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapInfo.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
#: src/state/burn/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/burn/v3/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/stake/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/swap/hooks.tsx
msgid "Connect Wallet"
msgstr "Poveži denarnico"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Connect a wallet"
msgstr "Poveži denarnico"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Connect to a wallet to find pools"
msgstr "Če želite poiskati sklade, povežite denarnico"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "Connect to a wallet to view your V2 liquidity."
msgstr "Če si želite ogledati svojo likvidnost V2, povežite denarnico."
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Connect to a wallet to view your liquidity."
msgstr "Če si želite ogledati svojo likvidnost, povežite denarnico."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Toolbar/Caption.tsx
msgid "Connect wallet to swap"
msgstr "Povežite denarnico za menjavo"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Connected with {name}"
msgstr "Povezano z: {name}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/Copy.tsx
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Kopirano"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Copy Address"
msgstr "Kopiraj naslov"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
msgid "Create Pool & Supply"
msgstr "Ustvari sklad & položi likvidnost"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Create Proposal"
msgstr "Ustvari pobudo"
#: src/components/NavigationTabs/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Create a pair"
msgstr "Ustvarite par"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Create a pool"
msgstr "Ustvari sklad"
#: src/components/ErrorBoundary/index.tsx
msgid "Create an issue on GitHub"
msgstr "Odprite zadevo na GitHubu"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Create pool and add {0}/{1} V3 liquidity"
msgstr "Ustvari sklad in dodaj V3-likvidnost za {0}/{1}"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Create pool."
msgstr "Ustvari sklad."
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Create {0}/{1} V3 pool"
msgstr "Ustvari V3-sklad {0}/{1}"
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Current price"
msgstr "Trenutna cena"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Current {0} Price:"
msgstr "Trenutna cena {0}:"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Dark Theme"
msgstr "Temna preobleka"
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Defeated"
msgstr "Zavrnjena"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Delegate Votes"
msgstr "Glasovni zastopnikov"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Delegate voting power to {0}"
msgstr "Prenesi pravico glasovanja na zastopnika {0}"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Delegated to:"
msgstr "Zastopnik:"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Delegating votes"
msgstr "Pooblaščanje zastopnika"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Deposit"
msgstr "Polog"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Deposit Amounts"
msgstr "Zneska pologa"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Deposit UNI-V2 LP Tokens"
msgstr "Naloži likvidnostne žetone UNI-V2"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Deposit liquidity"
msgstr "Položi likvidnost"
#: src/components/NetworkAlert/NetworkAlert.tsx
msgid "Deposit tokens to the {label} network."
msgstr "Položite žetone v omrežje {label}"
#: src/pages/Earn/index.tsx
msgid "Deposit your Liquidity Provider tokens to receive UNI, the Uniswap protocol governance token."
msgstr "Položite likvidnostne (LP) žetone, s čimer prejmete UNI, žeton za upravljanje protokola Uniswap."
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Deposited liquidity:"
msgstr "Položena likvidnost:"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
msgid "Deposited {0} UNI-V2"
msgstr "Položenih {0} UNI-V2"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
msgid "Depositing Liquidity"
msgstr "Polog likvidnosti"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Detailed"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini povezavo"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Discord"
msgstr "Discord"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Opusti"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentacija"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "Dont see one of your v2 positions? <0>Import it.</0>"
msgstr "Ne vidite katerega od svojih pologov V2? <0>Uvozite ga.</0>"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Earned UNI tokens represent voting shares in Uniswap governance."
msgstr "Žetoni UNI predstavljajo delež glasovalnih pravic pri upravljanju sistema Uniswap."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Uredi"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Efficiency Comparison"
msgstr "Primerjava učinkovitosti"
#: src/state/burn/v3/hooks.tsx
msgid "Enter a percent"
msgstr "Vnesite odstotek"
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapInfo.tsx
#: src/state/swap/hooks.tsx
msgid "Enter a recipient"
msgstr "Vnesite prejemnika"
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Enter a valid slippage percentage"
msgstr "Vnesite veljaven odstotek zdrsa"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Enter an address to trigger a UNI claim. If the address has any claimable UNI it will be sent to them on submission."
msgstr "Vnesite naslov za prevzem UNI. Če ima naslov pravico do prevzema žetonov UNI, mu bodo le-ti ob sprožitvi poslani."
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Toolbar/Caption.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapInfo.tsx
#: src/state/burn/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/stake/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/swap/hooks.tsx
msgid "Enter an amount"
msgstr "Vnesite znesek"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Enter valid list location"
msgstr "Vnesite veljavno mesto seznama"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageTokens.tsx
msgid "Enter valid token address"
msgstr "Vnesite veljaven naslov žetona"
#: src/hooks/useWrapCallback.tsx
#: src/hooks/useWrapCallback.tsx
msgid "Enter {0} amount"
msgstr "Vnesite znesek {0}"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Napaka"
#: src/components/WalletModal/PendingView.tsx
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Error connecting"
msgstr "Napaka pri povezovanju"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Error connecting. Try refreshing the page."
msgstr "Napaka pri povezovanju. Poskusite osvežiti stran."
#: src/lib/components/Error/ErrorDialog.tsx
msgid "Error details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti o napaki"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Error importing list"
msgstr "Napaka pri uvozu seznama"
#: src/components/swap/GasEstimateBadge.tsx
msgid "Estimate may differ due to your wallet gas settings"
msgstr "Ocena se lahko spremeni zaradi nastavitev plina v vaši denarnici"
#: src/components/swap/GasEstimateBadge.tsx
msgid "Estimated network fee"
msgstr "Ocena omrežne provizije"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Etherscan"
msgstr "Etherscan"
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Executed"
msgstr "Izvršena"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencyList.tsx
msgid "Expanded results from inactive Token Lists"
msgstr "Razširjeni rezultati z onemogočenih seznamov žetonov"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
msgid "Expected Output"
msgstr "Pričakovani rezultat"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Expert Mode"
msgstr "Strokovni način"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Expert mode turns off the confirm transaction prompt and allows high slippage trades that often result in bad rates and lost funds."
msgstr "Strokovni način izklopi poziv za potrditev transakcije in omogoča velike zdrse poslov, ki pogosto povzročijo slabe menjalne tečaje in izgubljena sredstva."
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Potekla"
#: src/pages/Pool/CTACards.tsx
msgid "Explore Uniswap Analytics."
msgstr "Pobrskajte po Uniswap Analytics."
#: src/components/Popups/FailedNetworkSwitchPopup.tsx
msgid "Failed to switch networks from the Uniswap Interface. In order to use Uniswap on {0}, you must change the network in your wallet."
msgstr "Zamenjava omrežij iz Uniswapovega vmesnika ni uspel. Če želite uporabiti Uniswap na {0}, morate zamenjati omrežje v svoji denarnici."
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
msgid "Fee Tier"
msgstr "Stopnja provizije"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Fee tier"
msgstr "Stopnja provizije"
#: src/components/swap/SwapDetailsDropdown.tsx
msgid "Fetching best price..."
msgstr "Pridobivam najboljšo ceno ..."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Toolbar/Caption.tsx
msgid "Fetching best price…"
msgstr "Pridobivam najboljšo ceno…"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Output.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "For"
msgstr "Za"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "For each pool shown below, click migrate to remove your liquidity from Uniswap V2 and deposit it into Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Za vsak spodaj prikazani sklad s klikom na Migriraj odstranite svojo likvidnost iz Uniswap V2 in jo vložite v Uniswap V3."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "From (at most)"
msgstr "Od (največ)"
#: src/components/RangeSelector/PresetsButtons.tsx
msgid "Full Range"
msgstr "Poln razpon"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Full range positions may earn less fees than concentrated positions. Learn more <0>here</0>."
msgstr "Položaji polnega razpona lahko zaslužijo manj provizij kot koncentrirane pozicije. Preberite več <0> tukaj</0>."
#: src/components/ErrorBoundary/index.tsx
msgid "Get support on Discord"
msgstr "Poiščite podporo na Discordu"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Help Center"
msgstr "Center za pomoč"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Skrij"
#: src/components/PositionList/index.tsx
msgid "Hide closed positions"
msgstr "Skrij zaprte pozicije"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "High Price Impact"
msgstr "Visok vpliv na ceno"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/MaxSlippageSelect.tsx
msgid "High slippage increases the risk of price movement"
msgstr "Visok zdrs povečuje tveganje gibanja cen"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "How this app uses APIs"
msgstr "Kako ta aplikacija uporablja API-je"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "I understand"
msgstr "Razumem"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "If you purchase a token from this list, you may not be able to sell it back."
msgstr "Če kupite žeton s tega seznama, ga morda ne boste mogli več prodati."
#: src/components/SearchModal/BlockedToken.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportRow.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportToken.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Uvozi"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "Import List"
msgstr "Uvozi seznam"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Import Pool"
msgstr "Uvozi sklad"
#: src/components/NavigationTabs/index.tsx
msgid "Import V2 Pool"
msgstr "Uvozi V2-sklad"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "Import at your own risk"
msgstr "Uvažate na lastno odgovornost"
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "In range"
msgstr "Znotraj razpona"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Increase Liquidity"
msgstr "Povečaj likvidnost"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Initial prices and pool share"
msgstr "Začetne cene in delež v skladu"
#: src/components/WalletModal/PendingView.tsx
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Inicializacija..."
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
msgid "Input is estimated. You will sell at most <0>{0} {1}</0> or the transaction will revert."
msgstr "Vhodni znesek je ocenjen. Prodali boste največ <0>{0} {1}</0> ali pa bo transakcija stornirana."
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Install Metamask"
msgstr "Namesti Metamask"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Insufficient liquidity for this trade."
msgstr "Za ta posel je likvidnost prenizka."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Toolbar/Caption.tsx
msgid "Insufficient liquidity in the pool for your trade"
msgstr "Nezadostna likvidnost v bazenu za vašo trgovino"
#: src/hooks/useWrapCallback.tsx
#: src/hooks/useWrapCallback.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Toolbar/Caption.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapInfo.tsx
#: src/state/mint/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/swap/hooks.tsx
msgid "Insufficient {0} balance"
msgstr "Prenizko dobroimetje {0}"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Interface Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve vmesnika"
#: src/state/mint/hooks.tsx
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.tsx
msgid "Invalid pair"
msgstr "Neveljaven par"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Invalid pair."
msgstr "Neveljaven par."
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.tsx
msgid "Invalid price input"
msgstr "Neveljaven vnos cene"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Invalid range selected. The min price must be lower than the max price."
msgstr "Razpon ni veljaven. Najnižja cena mora biti nižja od najvišje."
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapCallback.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapInfo.tsx
#: src/state/swap/hooks.tsx
msgid "Invalid recipient"
msgstr "Neveljaven prejemnik"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Learn"
msgstr "Informacije"
#: src/pages/Pool/CTACards.tsx
msgid "Learn about providing liquidity"
msgstr "Naučite se vse o polaganju likvidnosti"
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Več o tem"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Legal & Privacy"
msgstr "Pravna obvestila in zasebnost"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Light Theme"
msgstr "Svetla preobleka"
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Liquidity"
msgstr "Likvidnost"
#: src/components/LiquidityChartRangeInput/index.tsx
msgid "Liquidity data not available."
msgstr "Podatki o likvidnosti niso na voljo."
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Liquidity provider rewards"
msgstr "Nagrade ponudnikom likvidnosti"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Liquidity providers earn a 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity."
msgstr "Ponudniki likvidnosti služijo provizijo 0,3 % od vseh poslov, sorazmerno s svojim deležem v skladu. Provozije se dodajajo v sklad in se nabirajo v realnem času, prevzamete pa jih, ko dvignete svojo likvidnost iz sklada."
#: src/components/SearchModal/Manage.tsx
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Seznami"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Loaded"
msgstr "Naloženo"
#: src/components/PositionCard/Sushi.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Nalagam"
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "MAX"
msgstr "MAX"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/Manage.tsx
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Upravljaj"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Manage Liquidity in Rewards Pool"
msgstr "Upravljanje likvidnosti v skladu nagrad"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencySearch.tsx
msgid "Manage Token Lists"
msgstr "Upravljanje seznamov žetonov"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Manage this pool."
msgstr "Upravljaj s tem skladom."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/TokenInput.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Največ"
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/RangeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Max Price"
msgstr "Najvišja cena"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Max price"
msgstr "Najvišja cena"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/MaxSlippageSelect.tsx
msgid "Max slippage"
msgstr "Največji zdrs"
#: src/components/PositionListItem/index.tsx
msgid "Max:"
msgstr "Največ:"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/Details.tsx
msgid "Maximum sent"
msgstr "Največ poslano"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Meni"
#: src/components/PositionCard/Sushi.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate"
msgstr "Migriraj"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Migrate Liquidity to V3"
msgstr "Migriraj likvidnost v V3"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate V2 Liquidity"
msgstr "Migriraj likvidnost iz V2"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate your liquidity tokens from Uniswap V2 to Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Migrirajte svojo likvidnostne žetone iz Uniswapa V2 v Uniswap V3."
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Migrate {0}/{1} liquidity to V3"
msgstr "Migriraj likvidnost {0}/{1} v V3"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Migrating"
msgstr "Migacija"
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/RangeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Min Price"
msgstr "Najnižja cena"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Min price"
msgstr "Najnižja cena"
#: src/components/PositionListItem/index.tsx
msgid "Min:"
msgstr "Najmanj:"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/Details.tsx
msgid "Minimum received"
msgstr "Prejmete najmanj"
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapCallback.tsx
msgid "Missing dependencies"
msgstr "Manjkajoče odvisnosti"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/MockToggle.tsx
msgid "Mock Toggle"
msgstr "Navidezni preklop"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "More"
msgstr "Več"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
msgid "Network Fee"
msgstr "Omrežna provizija"
#: src/components/Header/ChainConnectivityWarning.tsx
msgid "Network Warning"
msgstr "Opozorilo glede omrežja"
#: src/components/swap/SwapWarningDropdown.tsx
msgid "Network fees exceed 50% of the swap amount!"
msgstr "Omrežna provizija presega 50% zneska menjave!"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "New Position"
msgstr "Nova pozicija"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "No V2 Liquidity found."
msgstr "Ne najdem nobene likvidnosti V2."
#: src/pages/Earn/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/index.tsx
msgid "No active pools"
msgstr "Ni aktivnih skladov"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/FeeTierPercentageBadge.tsx
msgid "No data"
msgstr "Ni podatkov"
#: src/state/governance/hooks.ts
msgid "No description."
msgstr "Brez opisa"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "No liquidity found."
msgstr "Ni likvidnosti."
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "No pool found."
msgstr "Ne najdem sklada."
#: src/components/vote/ProposalEmptyState.tsx
msgid "No proposals found."
msgstr "Ni predlogov."
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencySearch.tsx
msgid "No results found."
msgstr "Ni rezultatov."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/FeeTierPercentageBadge.tsx
msgid "Not created"
msgstr "Ni ustvarjeno"
#: src/components/Toggle/ListToggle.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Toggle.tsx
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Izklopljeno"
#: src/components/Toggle/ListToggle.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Toggle.tsx
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Vklopljeno"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgstr "Ta način uporabljajte SAMO, ČE VESTE, KAJ POČNETE."
#: src/components/Toggle/index.tsx
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Izklopljeno"
#: src/components/Toggle/index.tsx
msgid "On"
msgstr "Vklopljeno"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Once you are happy with the rate click supply to review."
msgstr "Ko ste zadovoljni s tečajem, kliknite Položi za pregled."
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Only UNI votes that were self delegated or delegated to another address before block {0} are eligible for voting."
msgstr "Do glasovanja so upravičeni samo glasovi UNI, ki so bili samozastopani ali so pooblastili drugega zastopnika pred blokom {0}."
#: src/components/Web3ReactManager/index.tsx
msgid "Oops! An unknown error occurred. Please refresh the page, or visit from another browser or device."
msgstr "Ojej! Prišlo je do neznane napake. Osvežite stran ali poskusite v drugem brskalniku ali napravi."
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Optimism Gateway"
msgstr "Portal za Optimism"
#: src/components/DowntimeWarning/index.tsx
msgid "Optimism is in Beta and may experience downtime. Optimism expects planned downtime to upgrade the network in the near future. During downtime, your position will not earn fees and you will be unable to remove liquidity. <0>Read more.</0>"
msgstr "Optimism je v različici beta in lahko prihaja do izpadov. Optimizem pričakuje v bližnji prihodnosti načrtovane izpade za nadgradnjo omrežja. V času izpadov vaša pozicija ne bo služila pristojbin in likvidnosti ne boste mogli odstraniti. <0> Preberi več.</0>"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Optimistic Etherscan"
msgstr "Optimistic Etherscan"
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "Out of range"
msgstr "Zunaj razpona"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "Output is estimated."
msgstr "Izhod je ocenjen."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Output is estimated. If the price changes by more than {0}% your transaction will revert."
msgstr "Izhodni znesek je ocenjen. Če se cena spremeni za več kot {0} %, bo transakcija stornirana."
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
msgid "Output is estimated. You will receive at least <0>{0} {1}</0> or the transaction will revert."
msgstr "Rezultat je ocenjen. Prejeli boste vsaj <0>{0} {1}</0> ali pa bo transakcija stornirana."
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
msgid "Output will be sent to <0>{0}</0>"
msgstr "Izhod bo poslan na <0>{0}</0>"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Lastnik"
#: src/pages/Earn/index.tsx
msgid "Participating pools"
msgstr "Sodelujoči skladi"
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "V teku"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Please confirm you would like to remove this list by typing REMOVE"
msgstr "Prosimo, vtipkajte REMOVE, s čimer boste potrdili, da želite odstraniti ta seznam."
#: src/components/vote/ProposalEmptyState.tsx
msgid "Please connect to Layer 1 Ethereum"
msgstr "Prosimo, povežite se z Ethereumom prvega sloja (layer 1)"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Please connect to a supported network in the dropdown menu or in your wallet."
msgstr "Povežite se s podprtim omrežjem v spustnem meniju ali v svoji denarnici."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/MaxSlippageSelect.tsx
msgid "Please enter a valid slippage %"
msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven odstotek zdrsa"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Please type the word \"{confirmWord}\" to enable expert mode."
msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite besedo \"{confirmWord}\", če želite omogočiti strokovni način."
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Polygon Bridge"
msgstr "Most za Polygon"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Polygonscan"
msgstr "Polygonscan"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
#: src/components/NavigationTabs/index.tsx
msgid "Pool"
msgstr "Skladi"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Pool Found!"
msgstr "Sklad najden!"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Pool Rate"
msgstr "Tečaj sklada"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "Pool rate"
msgstr "Tečaj sklada"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Pool tokens in rewards pool:"
msgstr "Žetoni sklada v skladu nagrad:"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Pooled {0}:"
msgstr "{0} v skladu:"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Pools Overview"
msgstr "Pregled skladov"
#: src/lib/components/BrandedFooter.tsx
msgid "Powered by the Uniswap protocol"
msgstr "Zgrajeno na protokolu Uniswap"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Predogled"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Cena"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Price Difference:"
msgstr "Razlika v ceni:"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
msgid "Price Impact"
msgstr "Vpliv na ceno"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Price Impact Too High"
msgstr "Vpliv na ceno previsok"
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
msgid "Price Updated"
msgstr "Cena posodobljena"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/Details.tsx
msgid "Price impact"
msgstr "Vpliv na ceno"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Price range"
msgstr "Cenovni razpon"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "Price updated"
msgstr "Cena posodobljena"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Price:"
msgstr "Cena:"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Prices and pool share"
msgstr "Cene in delež v skladu"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalEditor.tsx
msgid "Proposal"
msgstr "Pobuda"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalSubmissionModal.tsx
msgid "Proposal Submitted"
msgstr "Pobuda predložena"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalEditor.tsx
msgid "Proposal Title"
msgstr "Naslov pobude"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Proposals"
msgstr "Pobude"
#: src/components/vote/ProposalEmptyState.tsx
msgid "Proposals submitted by community members will appear here."
msgstr "Pobude članov skupnosti bodo prikazane tukaj."
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalActionSelector.tsx
msgid "Proposed Action"
msgstr "Predlagani ukrep"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Proposer"
msgstr "Pobudnik"
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "Protocol Disclaimer"
msgstr "Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti za protokol"
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Queued"
msgstr "V čakalni vrsti"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
msgid "Rates"
msgstr "Tečaji"
#: src/pages/Earn/index.tsx
msgid "Read more about UNI"
msgstr "Preberite več o UNI"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Read more about Uniswap governance"
msgstr "Preberite več o Uniswapovem upravljanju"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Read more about providing liquidity"
msgstr "Preberite več o zagotavljanju likvidnosti"
#: src/components/swap/UnsupportedCurrencyFooter.tsx
msgid "Read more about unsupported assets"
msgstr "Preberite več o nepodprtih sredstvih"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Recent Transactions"
msgstr "Zadnje transakcije"
#: src/lib/components/RecentTransactionsDialog.tsx
msgid "Recent transactions"
msgstr "Nedavne transakcije"
#: src/components/AddressInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "Recipient"
msgstr "Prejemnik"
#: src/lib/components/Error/ErrorBoundary.tsx
msgid "Reload the page"
msgstr "Ponovno naložite stran"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odstrani"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Remove <0/> and <1/>"
msgstr "Odstrani <0/> in <1/>"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Remove Amount"
msgstr "Odstrani znesek"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Remove Delegate"
msgstr "Odstrani zastopnika"
#: src/components/NavigationTabs/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Remove Liquidity"
msgstr "Odstrani likvidnost"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Remove list"
msgstr "Odstrani seznam"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Removing {0} {1} and {2} {3}"
msgstr "Odstranitev {0} {1} in {2} {3}"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Removing {0} {1} and{2} {3}"
msgstr "Odstranitev {0} {1} in{2} {3}"
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Request Features"
msgstr "Predlagajte funkcionalnosti"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Ponastavi"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalSubmissionModal.tsx
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Nazaj"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/SwapButton.tsx
msgid "Review swap"
msgstr "Preglej menjavo"
#: src/lib/components/TokenSelect/index.tsx
msgid "Search by token name or address"
msgstr "Iskanje po imenu ali naslovu žetona"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencySearch.tsx
msgid "Search name or paste address"
msgstr "Poiščite ime ali prilepite naslov"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Select Pair"
msgstr "Izberite par"
#: src/components/Header/NetworkSelector.tsx
msgid "Select a network"
msgstr "Izberite omrežje"
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/index.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencySearch.tsx
#: src/lib/components/TokenSelect/TokenButton.tsx
#: src/lib/components/TokenSelect/index.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSwapInfo.tsx
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
#: src/state/swap/hooks.tsx
msgid "Select a token"
msgstr "Izberite žeton"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Select a token to find your v2 liquidity."
msgstr "Za iskanje svoje likvidnosti V2 izberite žeton."
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalActionSelector.tsx
msgid "Select an action"
msgstr "Izberite dejanje"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Selected Range"
msgstr "Izbrani razpon"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Self"
msgstr "Sebi"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Self Delegate"
msgstr "Samozastopanje"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Set Price Range"
msgstr "Nastavi razpon cene"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Set Starting Price"
msgstr "Nastavi začetno ceno"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/PoolPriceBar.tsx
msgid "Share of Pool"
msgstr "Delež v skladu"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
msgid "Share of Pool:"
msgstr "Delež sklada:"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Show Portis"
msgstr "Prikaži Portis"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Show closed positions"
msgstr "Pokaži zaprte položaje"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "Enostavno"
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/Details.tsx
msgid "Slippage tolerance"
msgstr "Toleranca do zdrsa"
#: src/components/swap/UnsupportedCurrencyFooter.tsx
msgid "Some assets are not available through this interface because they may not work well with the smart contracts or we are unable to allow trading for legal reasons."
msgstr "Nekatera sredstva v tem vmesniku niso na voljo, ker morda ne delujejo dobro s pametnimi pogodbami ali pa iz pravnih razlogov ne moremo dovoliti trgovanja z njimi."
#: src/components/ErrorBoundary/index.tsx
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr "Nekaj je šlo narobe"
#: src/lib/components/Error/ErrorBoundary.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Error/ErrorDialog.tsx
msgid "Something went wrong."
msgstr "Nekaj je šlo narobe."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Step 1. Get UNI-V2 Liquidity tokens"
msgstr "Korak 1. Pridobite žetone za likvidnost UNI-V2"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Submit new proposal"
msgstr "Predloži novo pobudo"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalSubmissionModal.tsx
msgid "Submitting Proposal"
msgstr "Predložitev pobude"
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "Submitting Vote"
msgstr "Oddaja glasu"
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Succeeded"
msgstr "Uspelo"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Uspelo"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Supply"
msgstr "Položi"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Supplying {0} {1} and {2} {3}"
msgstr "Polog {0} {1} in {2} {3}"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
#: src/components/NavigationTabs/index.tsx
#: src/components/swap/SwapHeader.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Swap"
msgstr "Menjava"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Swap <0/> for exactly <1/>"
msgstr "Menjaj <0/> za natanko <1/>"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Swap Anyway"
msgstr "Vseeno zamenjaj"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "Swap details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti menjave"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Swap exactly <0/> for <1/>"
msgstr "Menjaj natanko <0/> za <1/>"
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSendSwapTransaction.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSendSwapTransaction.tsx
msgid "Swap failed: {0}"
msgstr "Menjava je spodletela: {0}"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "Swap summary"
msgstr "Povzetek menjave"
#: src/components/swap/ConfirmSwapModal.tsx
msgid "Swapping {0} {1} for {2} {3}"
msgstr "Menjava {0} {1} za {2} {3}"
#: src/components/Popups/SurveyPopup.tsx
msgid "Take a 10 minute survey to help us improve your experience in the Uniswap app."
msgstr "Izpolnite 10-minutno anketo in nam pomagajte izboljšati vašo izkušnjo aplikacije Uniswap."
#: src/components/Popups/SurveyPopup.tsx
msgid "Tell us what you think ↗"
msgstr "Povejte nam, kaj si mislite ↗"
#: src/components/Popups/ClaimPopup.tsx
msgid "Thanks for being part of the Uniswap community <0/>"
msgstr "Hvala, ker ste del skupnosti Uniswap <0/>"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "The % you will earn in fees."
msgstr "Odstotek, ki ga boste služili s provizijami."
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "The Uniswap invariant x*y=k was not satisfied by the swap. This usually means one of the tokens you are swapping incorporates custom behavior on transfer."
msgstr "Pri tej menjavi ni bilo zadoščeno Uniswapovi stalnici x*y = k. To običajno pomeni, da ima eden od žetonov, ki jih menjate, pri prenosih vgrajeno posebno obnašanje."
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "The app fetches blockchain data from The Graphs hosted service."
msgstr "Aplikacija pridobi podatke verige blokov iz gostujoče storitve The Graph."
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "The app fetches on-chain data and constructs contract calls with an Infura API."
msgstr "Aplikacija pridobi podatke in verige in zgradi pogodbene klice z API-jem Infura."
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "The app fetches the optimal trade route from a Uniswap Labs server."
msgstr "Aplikacija pridobi optimalno pot trgovanja s strežnika Uniswap Labs."
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "The app logs anonymized usage statistics in order to improve over time."
msgstr "Aplikacija z namenom prihodnjih izboljšav beleži anonimizirano statistiko uporabe."
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "The app securely collects your wallet address and shares it with TRM Labs Inc. for risk and compliance reasons."
msgstr "Aplikacija na varen način prebere naslov vaše denarnice in ga deli s TRM Labs Inc. zaradi ocene tveganja in skladnosti z zakoni."
#: src/components/swap/SwapWarningDropdown.tsx
msgid "The cost of sending this transaction is more than half of the value of the input amount."
msgstr "Strošek pošiljanja te transakcije presega polovico vrednosti vhodnega zneska."
#: src/components/Header/Polling.tsx
msgid "The current fast gas amount for sending a transaction on L1. Gas fees are paid in Ethereum's native currency Ether (ETH) and denominated in GWEI."
msgstr "Trenutna količina plina za hitro pošiljanje transakcije na L1. Provizije za plin se plačajo v valuti ether (ETH), domači valuti omrežja Ethereum, in so denominirane v enoti Gwei."
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/FiatValue.tsx
msgid "The estimated difference between the USD values of input and output amounts."
msgstr "Ocenjena razlika med vrednostmi (v USD) vhodnih in izhodnih zneskov."
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "The input token cannot be transferred. There may be an issue with the input token."
msgstr "Vhodnega žetona ni mogoče prenesti. Morda je gre za težavo z vhodnim žetonom."
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "The market price is outside your specified price range. Single-asset deposit only."
msgstr "Tržna cena je izven območja, ki ste ga izbrali. Položite lahko le eno od obeh sredstev."
#: src/components/Header/Polling.tsx
msgid "The most recent block number on this network. Prices update on every block."
msgstr "Zadnja številka bloka v tem omrežju. Cene se z vsakim blokom posodobijo."
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "The output token cannot be transferred. There may be an issue with the output token."
msgstr "Izhodnega žetona ni mogoče prenesti. Morda gre za težavo z izhodnim žetonom."
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "The output token cannot be transferred. There may be an issue with the output token. Note: fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Izhodnega žetona ni mogoče prenesti. Morda gre za težavo z izhodnim žetonom. Pozor: žetoni s provizijami ob prenosu in uravnavani (rebase) žetoni niso združljivi z Uniswapom V3."
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "The price of this pool is outside of your selected range. Your position is not currently earning fees."
msgstr "Cena v tem skladu je izven območja, ki ste ga izbrali. Vaš vložek vam trenutno ne služi provizij."
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "The price of this pool is within your selected range. Your position is currently earning fees."
msgstr "Cena v tem skladu je trenutno znotraj območja, ki ste ga izbrali. Vaš vložek vam trenutno služi provizije. "
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "The ratio of tokens you add will set the price of this pool."
msgstr "Razmerje med žetoni, ki jih boste vložili, bo določilo začetno ceno v tem skladu."
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "The transaction could not be sent because the deadline has passed. Please check that your transaction deadline is not too low."
msgstr "Transakcije ni bilo mogoče poslati, ker je rok potekel. Preverite, ali vaš transakcijski rok ni prekratek."
#: src/components/LiquidityChartRangeInput/index.tsx
msgid "There is no liquidity data."
msgstr "Podatkov o likvidnosti ni."
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "This app uses the following third-party APIs:"
msgstr "Ta aplikacija uporablja naslednje API-je tretjih oseb:"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "This pool must be initialized before you can add liquidity. To initialize, select a starting price for the pool. Then, enter your liquidity price range and deposit amount. Gas fees will be higher than usual due to the initialization transaction."
msgstr "Ta sklad je treba inicializirati, preden lahko dodate likvidnost. Za inicializacijo izberite začetno ceno za sklad. Nato vnesite svoj cenovni razpon likvidnosti in znesek depozita. Provizije za plin (gas) bodo zaradi inicializacijske transakcije višje kot običajno."
#: src/components/swap/SwapRoute.tsx
msgid "This route optimizes your total output by considering split routes, multiple hops, and the gas cost of each step."
msgstr "To je pot, po kateri iz menjave dobite največ ob upoštevanju razcepljenih poti, zaporednih menjav in stroškov plina na vsakem koraku."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportToken.tsx
msgid "This token doesn't appear on the active token list(s). Make sure this is the token that you want to trade."
msgstr "Tega žetona ni na nobenem od omogočenih seznamov žetonov. Prepričajte se, da je to res žeton, s katerim želite trgovati."
#: src/components/SearchModal/BlockedToken.tsx
msgid "This token is not supported in the Uniswap Labs app"
msgstr "Ta žeton ni podprt v aplikaciji Uniswap Labs"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "This tool will safely migrate your {0} liquidity to V3. The process is completely trustless thanks to the"
msgstr "To orodje poskrbi za varno migracijo vaših likvidnostnih žetonov {0} v Uniswap V3. Ta postopek ne zahteva nikakršnega zaupanja drugi osebi zaradi "
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "This transaction will not succeed due to price movement. Try increasing your slippage tolerance. Note: fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Ta transakcija ne bo uspela zaradi premika cene. Poskusite povečati toleranco do zdrsa. Pozor: žetoni s provizijami ob prenosu in uravnavani (rebase) žetoni niso združljivi z Uniswap V3."
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "This transaction will not succeed either due to price movement or fee on transfer. Try increasing your slippage tolerance."
msgstr "Ta transakcija ne bo uspela zaradi gibanja cene ali provizije za prenos. Poskusite povečati toleranco do zdrsa."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageTokens.tsx
msgid "Tip: Custom tokens are stored locally in your browser"
msgstr "Komentar: Žetoni po meri so shranjeni lokalno v vašem brskalniku"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalActionDetail.tsx
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalActionDetail.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "To"
msgstr "Za"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "To (at least)"
msgstr "Za (vsaj)"
#: src/components/SearchModal/BlockedToken.tsx
msgid "Token not supported"
msgstr "Žeton ni podprt"
#: src/components/SearchModal/Manage.tsx
msgid "Tokens"
msgstr "Žetoni"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencyList.tsx
msgid "Tokens from inactive lists. Import specific tokens below or click Manage to activate more lists."
msgstr "Žetoni z neaktivnih seznamov. Specifične žetone lahko uvozite spodaj ali pa kliknite Upravljaj in omogočite več seznamov."
#: src/pages/Pool/CTACards.tsx
msgid "Top pools"
msgstr "Glavni skladi"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "Total deposited"
msgstr "Skupaj položeno"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Total deposits"
msgstr "Vsi pologi"
#: src/components/swap/RouterLabel.tsx
msgid "Trade Route"
msgstr "Pot menjave"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Input.tsx
msgid "Trading"
msgstr "Trgovanje"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Transaction Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve transakcije"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "Transaction Submitted"
msgstr "Transakcija oddana"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "Transaction completed in"
msgstr "Transakcija je bila zaključena v "
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/TransactionTtlInput.tsx
msgid "Transaction deadline"
msgstr "Rok za transakcijo"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "Transaction pending"
msgstr "Transakcija v teku"
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSendSwapTransaction.tsx
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSendSwapTransaction.tsx
msgid "Transaction rejected."
msgstr "Transakcija zavrnjena."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "Transaction submitted"
msgstr "Transakcija oddana"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalActionSelector.tsx
msgid "Transfer Token"
msgstr "Prenos žetona"
#: src/components/WalletModal/PendingView.tsx
msgid "Try Again"
msgstr "Poskusi ponovno"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "Try increasing your slippage tolerance.<0/>NOTE: Fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Poskusite povečati toleranco zdrsa.<0/>OPOMBA: Pristojbina za žetone za prenos in ponovno uporabo ni združljiva z Uniswap V3."
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Turn On Expert Mode"
msgstr "Vklopi strokovni način"
#: src/components/Popups/ClaimPopup.tsx
msgid "UNI has arrived"
msgstr "UNI je dospel"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "UNI tokens represent voting shares in Uniswap governance. You can vote on each proposal yourself or delegate your votes to a third party."
msgstr "Žetoni UNI predstavljajo delež glasovalnih pravic pri upravljanju sistema Uniswap. Za vsak predlog lahko glasujete sami ali pa svoje glasove prenesete na izbranega zastopnika."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "UNI {0}/{1} Burned"
msgstr "Uničenih {0}/{1} UNI"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "UNI-V2 LP tokens are required. Once you've added liquidity to the {0}-{1} pool you can stake your liquidity tokens on this page."
msgstr "Potrebni so žetoni likvidnosti (LP) UNI-V2. Če boste dodali likvidnost v sklad {0}-{1} , boste lahko na tej strani zastavili svoje žetone likvidnosti."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "UNI-V2 {0}-{1}"
msgstr "UNI-V2 {0}-{1}"
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Unclaimed UNI"
msgstr "Neprevzeti UNI"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Unclaimed fees"
msgstr "Neprevzete provizije"
#: src/pages/Vote/styled.tsx
msgid "Undetermined"
msgstr "Nedoločeno"
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSendSwapTransaction.tsx
msgid "Unexpected error. Could not estimate gas for the swap."
msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka. Porabe plina za menjavo ni bilo mogoče oceniti."
#: src/lib/hooks/swap/useSendSwapTransaction.tsx
msgid "Unexpected issue with estimating the gas. Please try again."
msgstr "Nepričakovana težava pri ocenjevanju porabe plina. Prosimo, poskusite ponovno."
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Uniswap Governance"
msgstr "Uniswapovo upravljanje"
#: src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
msgid "Uniswap Labs' Terms of Service"
msgstr "Pogoji storitve Uniswap Labs"
#: src/components/SwitchLocaleLink/index.tsx
msgid "Uniswap available in: <0>{0}</0>"
msgstr "Uniswap je na voljo v teh jezikih: <0>{0}</0>"
#: src/components/vote/ProposalEmptyState.tsx
msgid "Uniswap governance is only available on Layer 1. Switch your network to Ethereum Mainnet to view Proposals and Vote."
msgstr "Upravljanje Uniswapa je za na voljo samo na sloju 1. Če želite videti pobude in glasovati, preklopite na omrežje Ethereum Mainnet."
#: src/pages/Earn/index.tsx
msgid "Uniswap liquidity mining"
msgstr "Uniswapovo rudarjenje z likvidnostjo"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Uniswap migration contract↗"
msgstr "Uniswapova pogodba za migracijo↗"
#: src/components/SearchModal/TokenImportCard.tsx
msgid "Unknown Source"
msgstr "Neznan vir"
#: src/utils/swapErrorToUserReadableMessage.tsx
msgid "Unknown error{0}. Try increasing your slippage tolerance. Note: fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Neznana napaka {0}. Poskusite povečati toleranco do zdrsa. Pozor: žetoni s provizijami ob prenosu in uravnavani (rebase) žetoni niso združljivi z Uniswap V3."
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Unlock Votes"
msgstr "Odkleni glasove"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Unlock Voting"
msgstr "Odkleni glasovanje"
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "Unlocking Votes"
msgstr "Odklepanje glasov"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Unsupported Asset"
msgstr "Nepodprto sredstvo"
#: src/components/swap/UnsupportedCurrencyFooter.tsx
msgid "Unsupported Assets"
msgstr "Nepodprta sredstva"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Toolbar/Caption.tsx
msgid "Unsupported network - switch to another network to swap"
msgstr "Nepodprto omrežje za zamenjavo preklopite na drugo omrežje"
#: src/state/governance/hooks.ts
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Brez naslova"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Unwrap"
msgstr "Odvij"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Unwrap <0/> to {0}"
msgstr "Odvijte <0/> v {0}"
#: src/pages/Vote/Landing.tsx
msgid "Update Delegation"
msgstr "Posodobi pooblastilo"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Update list"
msgstr "Posodobi seznam"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Use the Uniswap Labs API to get faster quotes."
msgstr "Z uporabo API-ja Uniswap Labs lahko ponudbe pridobite hitreje."
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "User"
msgstr "Uporabnik"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "V2 is not available on Layer 2. Switch to Layer 1 Ethereum."
msgstr "V2 ni na voljo v sloju 2 (layer 2). Preklopite na Ethereumov sloj 1 (layer 1)."
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "V2 liquidity"
msgstr "Likvidnost V2"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "V3 {0} Price:"
msgstr "Cena V3 {0}:"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "View accrued fees and analytics<0>↗</0>"
msgstr "Oglejte si natečene pristojbine in analitiko <0>↗</0>"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "View list"
msgstr "Pokaži seznam"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/ProposalSubmissionModal.tsx
msgid "View on Etherscan"
msgstr "Prikaži na Etherscanu"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "View on Explorer"
msgstr "Prikaži v raziskovalcu"
#: src/components/ModalViews/index.tsx
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "View transaction on Explorer"
msgstr "Prikaži transakcijo v raziskovalcu"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
msgid "Vote"
msgstr "Glasuj"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Vote Against"
msgstr "Glasuj PROTI"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Vote For"
msgstr "Glasuj ZA"
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "Vote against proposal {proposalId}"
msgstr "Glasuj proti pobudi {proposalId}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Vote against proposal {proposalKey}"
msgstr "Glasuj proti pobudi {proposalKey}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Vote against proposal {proposalKey} with reason \"{0}\""
msgstr "Glasujte proti pobudi {proposalKey} z razlogom \"{0}\""
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "Vote for proposal {proposalId}"
msgstr "Glasuj za pobudo {proposalId}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Vote for proposal {proposalKey}"
msgstr "Glasuj za pobudo {proposalKey}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Vote for proposal {proposalKey} with reason \"{0}\""
msgstr "Glasuj za pobudo {proposalKey} z razlogom \"{0}\""
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "Vote to abstain on proposal {proposalId}"
msgstr "Vzdrži se glasovanja o pobudi {proposalId}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Vote to abstain on proposal {proposalKey}"
msgstr "Vzdrži se glasovanja o pobudi {proposalKey}"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Vote to abstain on proposal {proposalKey} with reason \"{0}\""
msgstr "Vzdrži se glasovanja o pobudi {proposalKey} z razlogom \"{0}\""
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Voting ended {0}"
msgstr "Glasovanje se je končalo {0}"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Voting ends approximately {0}"
msgstr "Glasovanje se konča okrog {0}"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Voting starts approximately {0}"
msgstr "Glasovanje se začne okrog {0}"
#: src/components/TransactionConfirmationModal/index.tsx
msgid "Waiting For Confirmation"
msgstr "Čakanje na potrditev"
#: src/components/AddressInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "Wallet Address or ENS name"
msgstr "Naslov denarnice ali ENS-ime"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
msgid "Weekly Rewards"
msgstr "Tedenske nagrade"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
msgid "Welcome to team Unicorn :)"
msgstr "Dobrodošli v ekipi Samorog :)"
#: src/components/earn/ClaimRewardModal.tsx
msgid "When you claim without withdrawing your liquidity remains in the mining pool."
msgstr "Ko prevzamete brez dviga, vaša likvidnost ostane v rudarskem skladu."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "When you withdraw, the contract will automagically claim UNI on your behalf!"
msgstr "Ob dvigu bo pogodba samodejno prevzela UNI v vašem imenu!"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "When you withdraw, your UNI is claimed and your liquidity is removed from the mining pool."
msgstr "Ko izvedete dvig, prevzamete svoje UNI, vaša likvidnost pa se odstrani iz rudarskega sklada."
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Withdraw"
msgstr "Dvig"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdraw & Claim"
msgstr "Dvigni in prevzemi"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Withdraw deposited liquidity"
msgstr "Dvignite položeno likvidnost"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdrawing {0} UNI-V2"
msgstr "Dvigujem {0} UNI-V2"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdrew UNI-V2!"
msgstr "UNI-V2 dvignjen!"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Wrap"
msgstr "Ovij"
#: src/components/AccountDetails/TransactionSummary.tsx
msgid "Wrap <0/> to {0}"
msgstr "Ovijte <0/> v {0}"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx
msgid "Wrong Network"
msgstr "Napačno omrežje"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/index.tsx
msgid "You already have an active or pending proposal"
msgstr "Imate že eno aktivno ali čakajočo pobudo."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "You are creating a pool"
msgstr "Ustvarjate sklad"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "You are the first liquidity provider for this Uniswap V3 pool. Your liquidity will migrate at the current {0} price."
msgstr "V tem skladu Uniswapa V3 ste prvi ponudnik likvidnosti. Vaša likvidnost bo migrirana po trenutni ceni {0}."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "You are the first liquidity provider."
msgstr "Ste prvi ponudnik likvidnosti."
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "You can either vote on each proposal yourself or delegate your votes to a third party."
msgstr "O vsaki pobudi lahko glasujete sami ali pa svoje glasove prenesete na izbranega zastopnika."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "You can now trade {0}"
msgstr "Zdaj lahko trgujete z {0}"
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/index.tsx
msgid "You don't have enough votes to submit a proposal"
msgstr "Nimate dovolj glasov za predložitev pobude."
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "You dont have liquidity in this pool yet."
msgstr "V tem skladu še nimate likvidnosti."
#: src/components/Header/ChainConnectivityWarning.tsx
msgid "You may have lost your network connection, or {label} might be down right now."
msgstr "Morda ste izgubili povezavo z omrežjem ali pa {label} trenutno ni na voljo."
#: src/components/Header/ChainConnectivityWarning.tsx
msgid "You may have lost your network connection."
msgstr "Morda ste izgubili omrežno povezavo."
#: src/components/swap/SwapWarningDropdown.tsx
msgid "You might consider waiting until the network fees go down to complete this transaction."
msgstr "Premislite, ali ne bi te transakcije zaključili v času, ko bodo omrežne provizije nižje."
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "You must connect an account."
msgstr "Povezati morate račun."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "You must give the Uniswap smart contracts permission to use your {0}. You only have to do this once per token."
msgstr "Najprej morate Uniswapovim pametnim pogodbam dovoliti uporabo svojih {0}. To je za vsak žeton potrebno storiti samo enkrat."
#: src/pages/CreateProposal/index.tsx
msgid "You must have {formattedProposalThreshold} votes to submit a proposal"
msgstr "Za predložitev pobude potrebujete {formattedProposalThreshold} glasov."
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "You should only deposit liquidity into Uniswap V3 at a price you believe is correct. <0/>If the price seems incorrect, you can either make a swap to move the price or wait for someone else to do so."
msgstr "V Uniswap V3 položite likvidnost le po ceni, za katero menite, da je pravilna. <0/>Če se zdi cena napačna, lahko izvedete menjavo, s čimer premaknete ceno, ali pa počakajte, da to stori nekdo drug."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "You will also collect fees earned from this position."
msgstr "Ta pozicija vam bo tudi služila provizije."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "You will receive"
msgstr "Prejeli boste"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "You will receive at least {0} {1} or the transaction will revert."
msgstr "Prejeli boste vsaj {0} {1} ali pa bo transakcija stornirana."
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/index.tsx
msgid "You will send at most {0} {1} or the transaction will revert."
msgstr "Poslali boste največ {0} {1} ali pa bo transakcija stornirana."
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Your V2 liquidity"
msgstr "Vaša likvidnost V2"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Your active V3 liquidity positions will appear here."
msgstr "Tukaj bodo prikazane vaše aktivne likvidnostne pozicije na V3."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Your liquidity deposits"
msgstr "Vaši likvidnostni pologi"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Your pool share:"
msgstr "Vaš delež v skladu:"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Your position"
msgstr "Vaša pozicija"
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "Your position has 0 liquidity, and is not earning fees."
msgstr "Vaša pozicija nima likvidnosti in ne služi provizij."
#: src/components/LiquidityChartRangeInput/index.tsx
msgid "Your position will appear here."
msgstr "Vaša pozicija bo prikazana tu."
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
msgid "Your position will be 100% composed of {0} at this price"
msgstr "Pri tej ceni bo vaša pozicija 100 % v {0}"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Your position will be 100% {0} at this price."
msgstr "Pri tej ceni bo vaš položaj 100% {0}."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Your position will not earn fees or be used in trades until the market price moves into your range."
msgstr "Ta polog vam ne bo prinašal provizij ali se uporabljal za trgovanje, dokler se tržna cena ne premakne v notranjost izbranega razpona."
#: src/components/PositionList/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionList/index.tsx
msgid "Your positions"
msgstr "Vaše pozicije"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "Your rate"
msgstr "Vaš tečaj"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Your total pool tokens:"
msgstr "Količina vaših žetonov sklada:"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Your transaction cost will be much higher as it includes the gas to create the pool."
msgstr "Cena vaše transakcije bo precej višja, ker vsebuje plin (gas) za ustvarjenje sklada."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction may be frontrun"
msgstr "Možno je, da je bila vaša transakcija podvržena t.i. \"front-runningu\"."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction may fail"
msgstr "Vaša transakcija bo morda spodletela"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/TransactionTtlInput.tsx
msgid "Your transaction will revert if it has been pending for longer than this period of time."
msgstr "Vaša transakcija bo stornirana, če ne bo potrjena v tem času."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction will revert if it is pending for more than this period of time."
msgstr "Vaša transakcija bo stornirana, če se v tem časovnem obdobju ne izvrši."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/MaxSlippageSelect.tsx
msgid "Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than this percentage."
msgstr "Vaša transakcija bo stornirana, če se cena spremeni za več kot ta odstotek v neugodni smeri."
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Your transactions will appear here..."
msgstr "Vaše transakcije bodo prikazane tukaj ..."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Your unclaimed UNI"
msgstr "Vaši neprevzeti UNI"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
msgid "after slippage"
msgstr "po zdrsu"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "confirm"
msgstr "potrdi"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
msgid "for {0}"
msgstr "za {0}"
#: src/components/Header/Polling.tsx
msgid "gwei"
msgstr "gwei"
#: src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx
msgid "has socks emoji"
msgstr "ima emoji za nogavice"
#: src/components/Header/ChainConnectivityWarning.tsx
msgid "here."
msgstr "tukaj."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "https:// or ipfs:// or ENS name"
msgstr "https:// ali ipfs:// ali ENS-ime"
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Settings/TransactionTtlInput.tsx
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minut"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportRow.tsx
msgid "via {0}"
msgstr "preko {0}"
#: src/components/SearchModal/TokenImportCard.tsx
msgid "via {0} token list"
msgstr "prek seznama žetonov {0}"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportToken.tsx
msgid "{0, plural, one {Import token} other {Import tokens}}"
msgstr "{0, plural, one {Uvozi žeton} other {Uvozi žetone}}"
#: src/components/RateToggle/index.tsx
#: src/components/RateToggle/index.tsx
msgid "{0}"
msgstr "{0}"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "{0} %"
msgstr "{0} %"
#: src/components/PositionListItem/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionListItem/index.tsx
msgid "{0} <0/> per <1/>"
msgstr "{0} <0/> na <1/>"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageTokens.tsx
msgid "{0} Custom Tokens"
msgstr "{0} žetonov po meri"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
msgid "{0} Deposited"
msgstr "Položeno {0}"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "{0} ETH"
msgstr "{0} ETH"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "{0} Fees Earned:"
msgstr "Prislužene provizije pri {0}:"
#: src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx
msgid "{0} Pending"
msgstr "{0} v teku"
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/AddressClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "{0} UNI"
msgstr "{0} UNI"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "{0} UNI / week"
msgstr "{0} UNI / teden"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
msgid "{0} UNI-V2"
msgstr "{0} UNI-V2"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "{0} UNI-V2 LP tokens available"
msgstr "Na voljo {0} žetonov LP UNI-V2"
#: src/components/vote/VoteModal.tsx
msgid "{0} Votes"
msgstr "{0} glasov"
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/PoolPriceBar.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/PoolPriceBar.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "{0} per {1}"
msgstr "{0} na {1}"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "{0} tokens"
msgstr "{0} žetonov"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "{0} {1} Price:"
msgstr "Cena {0} {1}:"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
msgid "{0} {nativeCurrencySymbol}"
msgstr "{0} {nativeCurrencySymbol}"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencyList.tsx
msgid "{0} • Added by user"
msgstr "{0} • Dodal uporabnik"
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/FiatValue.tsx
#: src/components/FeeSelector/FeeOption.tsx
#: src/components/PositionListItem/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/ConfirmAddModalBottom.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "{0}%"
msgstr "{0} %"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "{0}% fee tier"
msgstr "Nivo provizij {0} %"
#: src/components/RoutingDiagram/RoutingDiagram.tsx
msgid "{0}% pool"
msgstr "{0}% sklad"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/FeeTierPercentageBadge.tsx
msgid "{0}% select"
msgstr "{0}% izberi"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "{0}-{1} Liquidity Mining"
msgstr "Rudarjenje likvidnosti z {0}-{1}"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "{0}/{1} LP NFT"
msgstr "LP NFT {0}/{1}"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "{0}/{1} LP Tokens"
msgstr "Likvidnostni žetoni {0}/{1}"
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgstr "{USER_AMOUNT} UNI"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "{activeTokensOnThisChain} tokens"
msgstr "{activeTokensOnThisChain} žetonov"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Summary/Details.tsx
msgid "{integrator} fee"
msgstr "Provizija za {integrator}"
#: src/components/NetworkAlert/NetworkAlert.tsx
msgid "{label} token bridge"
msgstr "Most za žetone {label}"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "{min}m {sec}s"
msgstr "{min} m {sec} s"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "{percentForSlider}%"
msgstr "{percentForSlider} %"
#: src/lib/components/Swap/Status/StatusDialog.tsx
msgid "{sec}s"
msgstr "{sec} s"
#: src/components/InputStepCounter/InputStepCounter.tsx
msgid "{tokenB} per {tokenA}"
msgstr "{tokenB} na {tokenA}"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "← Back to Pools Overview"
msgstr "← Nazaj na pregled skladov"