34 lines
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34 lines
1.3 KiB
import { DEFAULT_COLOR } from '../constants'
import getColor from './getColor'
test('should return the average color of a black PNG image', async () => {
const image = 'https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/001/209/957/original/square-png.png'
const color = await getColor(image)
expect(color).toEqual([0, 0, 0])
test('should return the average color of a blue PNG image', async () => {
const image = 'https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTB2Ztcim-RKbOu57kfjYpXnnS1MO5YMUaUH9Lk5Eg&s'
const color = await getColor(image)
expect(color).toEqual([2, 6, 251])
test('should return the average color of a white PNG image', async () => {
const image = 'https://www.cac.cornell.edu/wiki/images/4/44/White_square.png'
const color = await getColor(image)
expect(color).toEqual([255, 255, 255])
test('should return the average color of a black JPG image', async () => {
const image =
const color = await getColor(image)
expect(color).toEqual([0, 0, 0])
test('should return default color for a gif image', async () => {
const image = 'https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AgitatedLiveAgouti-size_restricted.gif'
const color = await getColor(image)