2017-10-28 03:55:27 -04:00
2022-07-18 17:41:32 -04:00
"name": "@uniswap/interface",
2022-04-19 13:14:58 -04:00
"version": "1.0.7",
2020-05-20 16:10:26 -05:00
"description": "Uniswap Interface",
2021-09-29 16:55:31 -07:00
"homepage": ".",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
"scripts": {
"contracts:compile:abi": "typechain --target ethers-v5 --out-dir src/abis/types \"./src/abis/**/*.json\"",
"contracts:compile:v3": "typechain --target ethers-v5 --out-dir src/types/v3 \"./node_modules/@uniswap/**/artifacts/contracts/**/*[!dbg].json\"",
"contracts:compile": "yarn contracts:compile:abi && yarn contracts:compile:v3",
2022-08-19 15:31:10 -04:00
"graphql:fetch": "node fetch-schema.js",
2022-12-20 13:42:52 -08:00
"graphql:generate:data": "graphql-codegen --config apollo-codegen.ts",
"graphql:generate:thegraph": "graphql-codegen --config apollo-codegen_thegraph.ts",
"graphql:generate": "yarn graphql:generate:data && yarn graphql:generate:thegraph",
2022-07-12 17:51:24 +01:00
"prei18n:extract": "node prei18n-extract.js",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"i18n:extract": "lingui extract --locale en-US",
"i18n:compile": "yarn i18n:extract && lingui compile",
"i18n:pseudo": "lingui extract --locale pseudo && lingui compile",
2022-09-26 18:01:50 -04:00
"prepare": "yarn contracts:compile && yarn graphql:fetch && yarn graphql:generate && yarn i18n:compile",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"start": "craco start",
"build": "craco build",
2022-06-13 17:43:58 -04:00
"serve": "serve build -l 3000",
2022-11-24 12:23:56 -05:00
"deduplicate": "yarn-deduplicate --strategy=highest",
2022-07-01 15:05:37 -07:00
"lint": "yarn eslint .",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"test": "craco test --coverage",
2022-06-14 15:40:52 -04:00
"cypress:open": "cypress open --browser chrome --e2e",
2022-08-23 12:02:27 -04:00
"cypress:run": "cypress run --browser chrome --e2e",
"postinstall": "patch-package"
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
2022-06-10 16:39:38 -04:00
"jest": {
2022-06-13 17:43:58 -04:00
"collectCoverageFrom": [
2022-06-10 16:39:38 -04:00
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"branches": 4,
"functions": 6,
"lines": 9,
"statements": 9
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"browserslist": {
"production": [
"not dead",
"not op_mini all"
"development": [
"last 1 chrome version",
"last 1 firefox version",
"last 1 safari version"
2022-02-23 13:12:07 -08:00
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"devDependencies": {
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"@craco/craco": "6.4.3",
2022-03-30 20:45:43 -07:00
"@ethersproject/experimental": "^5.4.0",
2021-05-26 13:34:52 -07:00
"@lingui/cli": "^3.9.0",
2022-07-13 16:56:09 -04:00
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.4",
"@testing-library/react": "^13.1",
2021-05-11 16:43:08 -05:00
"@typechain/ethers-v5": "^7.0.0",
2021-09-15 11:03:12 -07:00
"@types/array.prototype.flat": "^1.2.1",
"@types/array.prototype.flatmap": "^1.2.2",
2021-07-07 16:39:44 -07:00
"@types/d3": "^6.7.1",
2020-05-21 15:47:52 -04:00
"@types/jest": "^25.2.1",
2021-05-26 13:34:52 -07:00
"@types/lingui__core": "^2.7.1",
"@types/lingui__macro": "^2.7.4",
"@types/lingui__react": "^2.8.3",
2021-07-01 11:08:53 -07:00
"@types/ms.macro": "^2.0.0",
feat(lists): allow selecting and adding token lists (#1023)
* more list stuff
Use the selected list instead of the default list, but also use the default list
start list selection code
* move token warning to a modal, fix the install issue
* add/remove/enter key
* handle enter on currency select for ETHER
* change slippage tolerance to be a slider
* make ui closer to the mocks
* commit slider changes
* back to tabs
* copy changes
* bump list version
* some styling for the list select
* bump uniswap default list version
* use contract calls to get ens names and addresses
* show list logo
* fix failing integration test
* .eth.link
* list introduction screen
* remove showSendWithSwap
* fix integration and unit tests
* resolve ENS names
* logos from ens
* fix the lint errors
* some refactoring to better support using a the library provider from the user for resolving ENS names
* load list info from the list url for the introduction page
* make it slightly harder to remove a list
* minor clean up, some help text and links
* remove icon from list update popup
* show added/removed tokens
* add GA everywhere, don't debounce contenthash lookups
* show tags
* fix tag key
* tag display, list rendering, needs optimization
* fix list fetching in firefox, style issue in safari
* sort the lists, clean up styling
* use client provider when possible
* show token warning for url loaded tokens
* improve the warning modal
* some refactoring to fix the list fetching on networks other than mainnet
* fix tests
* some minor improvements
* increase timeout to maybe fix integration tests which pass locally
* build for tests using the dev network url
* reset the lists if we deleted the other two copies
* improve how we handle updating the default list of lists
* fix integration test
* Update token list selection styles
* fix external links, reuse the on click outside code, show add errors
* show the list origin instead of the full url
* fix update list link
* show host instead of hostname
do not automatically dismiss major version upgrades for lists
* fix link to tokenlists.org
* add uma
* clean up styling in list rows
* bump token list version
* bump token list version again
* hover symbol to see currency name
* bump version
* add cmc lists, dharma list
Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
2020-08-26 08:46:21 -05:00
"@types/multicodec": "^1.0.0",
2020-05-21 15:47:52 -04:00
"@types/node": "^13.13.5",
"@types/qs": "^6.9.2",
2022-07-13 16:56:09 -04:00
"@types/react": "^18.0.15",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.0.6",
"@types/react-redux": "^7.1.24",
"@types/react-router-dom": "^5.3.3",
2022-09-27 20:33:15 +03:00
"@types/react-table": "^7.7.12",
feat(lists): allow selecting and adding token lists (#1023)
* more list stuff
Use the selected list instead of the default list, but also use the default list
start list selection code
* move token warning to a modal, fix the install issue
* add/remove/enter key
* handle enter on currency select for ETHER
* change slippage tolerance to be a slider
* make ui closer to the mocks
* commit slider changes
* back to tabs
* copy changes
* bump list version
* some styling for the list select
* bump uniswap default list version
* use contract calls to get ens names and addresses
* show list logo
* fix failing integration test
* .eth.link
* list introduction screen
* remove showSendWithSwap
* fix integration and unit tests
* resolve ENS names
* logos from ens
* fix the lint errors
* some refactoring to better support using a the library provider from the user for resolving ENS names
* load list info from the list url for the introduction page
* make it slightly harder to remove a list
* minor clean up, some help text and links
* remove icon from list update popup
* show added/removed tokens
* add GA everywhere, don't debounce contenthash lookups
* show tags
* fix tag key
* tag display, list rendering, needs optimization
* fix list fetching in firefox, style issue in safari
* sort the lists, clean up styling
* use client provider when possible
* show token warning for url loaded tokens
* improve the warning modal
* some refactoring to fix the list fetching on networks other than mainnet
* fix tests
* some minor improvements
* increase timeout to maybe fix integration tests which pass locally
* build for tests using the dev network url
* reset the lists if we deleted the other two copies
* improve how we handle updating the default list of lists
* fix integration test
* Update token list selection styles
* fix external links, reuse the on click outside code, show add errors
* show the list origin instead of the full url
* fix update list link
* show host instead of hostname
do not automatically dismiss major version upgrades for lists
* fix link to tokenlists.org
* add uma
* clean up styling in list rows
* bump token list version
* bump token list version again
* hover symbol to see currency name
* bump version
* add cmc lists, dharma list
Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
2020-08-26 08:46:21 -05:00
"@types/react-virtualized-auto-sizer": "^1.0.0",
2020-05-23 12:06:16 -04:00
"@types/react-window": "^1.8.2",
2021-02-16 17:33:55 -05:00
"@types/rebass": "^4.0.7",
2022-07-14 10:15:46 -04:00
"@types/styled-components": "^5.1.25",
2020-05-21 15:47:52 -04:00
"@types/testing-library__cypress": "^5.0.5",
2021-05-11 18:09:01 +02:00
"@types/ua-parser-js": "^0.7.35",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"@types/uuid": "^8.3.4",
2020-09-24 11:18:57 -05:00
"@types/wcag-contrast": "^3.0.0",
2022-12-21 03:08:20 +04:00
"@uniswap/eslint-config": "^1.1.1",
2022-08-15 18:02:02 -04:00
"@vanilla-extract/babel-plugin": "^1.1.7",
"@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin": "^2.1.11",
2022-07-21 12:11:01 -04:00
"cypress": "^10.3.1",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"env-cmd": "^10.1.0",
"eslint": "^7.11.0",
2023-01-13 13:53:40 -08:00
"jest-fetch-mock": "^3.0.3",
2022-07-20 15:27:40 -04:00
"jest-styled-components": "^7.0.8",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"ms.macro": "^2.0.0",
2022-08-23 12:02:27 -04:00
"patch-package": "^6.4.7",
"postinstall-postinstall": "^2.1.0",
2022-07-18 16:32:03 -04:00
"prettier": "^2.7.1",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"react-scripts": "^4.0.3",
"serve": "^11.3.2",
2022-12-20 13:42:52 -08:00
"ts-transform-graphql-tag": "^0.2.1",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"typechain": "^5.0.0",
2022-11-24 12:23:56 -05:00
"typescript": "^4.4.3",
"yarn-deduplicate": "^6.0.0"
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"dependencies": {
2022-12-20 13:42:52 -08:00
"@apollo/client": "^3.7.2",
2023-02-27 17:18:21 -05:00
"@coinbase/wallet-sdk": "^3.6.4",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"@fontsource/ibm-plex-mono": "^4.5.1",
"@fontsource/inter": "^4.5.1",
2022-12-20 13:42:52 -08:00
"@graphql-codegen/cli": "^2.15.0",
"@graphql-codegen/client-preset": "^1.2.1",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript": "^2.8.3",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "^2.5.8",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo": "^3.3.7",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers": "^2.7.8",
2022-07-13 16:56:09 -04:00
"@lingui/core": "^3.14.0",
"@lingui/macro": "^3.14.0",
"@lingui/react": "^3.14.0",
2022-11-16 15:42:19 -08:00
"@looksrare/sdk": "^0.10.2",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"@metamask/jazzicon": "^2.0.0",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"@opensea/seaport-js": "^1.0.2",
2022-06-29 09:43:01 -07:00
"@popperjs/core": "^2.4.4",
"@reach/dialog": "^0.10.3",
"@reach/portal": "^0.10.3",
"@react-hook/window-scroll": "^1.3.0",
"@reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.6.1",
2023-01-09 21:49:19 +04:00
"@sentry/react": "^7.29.0",
2022-11-18 11:20:06 -05:00
"@types/react-window-infinite-loader": "^1.0.6",
2023-02-24 12:09:41 -08:00
"@uniswap/analytics": "^1.3.1",
"@uniswap/analytics-events": "^2.4.0",
2023-03-03 11:30:51 -05:00
"@uniswap/conedison": "^1.4.0",
2020-09-24 11:18:57 -05:00
"@uniswap/governance": "^1.0.2",
"@uniswap/liquidity-staker": "^1.0.2",
"@uniswap/merkle-distributor": "1.0.1",
2022-12-06 12:41:45 -08:00
"@uniswap/permit2-sdk": "1.2.0",
2022-11-15 18:12:33 -05:00
"@uniswap/redux-multicall": "^1.1.8",
2022-08-11 16:40:55 -04:00
"@uniswap/router-sdk": "^1.3.0",
2023-03-03 16:09:35 -05:00
"@uniswap/sdk-core": "^3.2.0",
2023-03-03 12:18:42 -08:00
"@uniswap/smart-order-router": "^3.6.0",
2022-06-21 15:52:09 -04:00
"@uniswap/token-lists": "^1.0.0-beta.30",
2023-02-15 11:30:09 -05:00
"@uniswap/universal-router-sdk": "^1.3.6",
2020-05-05 16:36:22 -04:00
"@uniswap/v2-core": "1.0.0",
2020-06-05 18:40:02 -04:00
"@uniswap/v2-periphery": "^1.1.0-beta.0",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"@uniswap/v2-sdk": "^3.0.1",
2021-05-04 12:23:00 -05:00
"@uniswap/v3-core": "1.0.0",
2021-07-02 12:25:37 -05:00
"@uniswap/v3-periphery": "^1.1.1",
2022-07-12 10:48:03 -04:00
"@uniswap/v3-sdk": "^3.9.0",
2023-03-03 12:18:42 -08:00
"@uniswap/widgets": "^2.43.2",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"@vanilla-extract/css": "^1.7.2",
"@vanilla-extract/css-utils": "^0.1.2",
"@vanilla-extract/dynamic": "^2.0.2",
"@vanilla-extract/sprinkles": "^1.4.1",
feat: explore UI (#4262)
* feat(explore): add /explore route (#3935)
add route
* Explore use top tokens (#3954)
feat(explore): add a top tokens hook with mock data
* feat(explore): use token price (#3958)
feat(explore): add useTokenPrice hook and dumby data
* fix(explore): mock data fetching hook return type (#3959)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* feat: Kg/add time selector dropdown UI (#3956)
* feat: add time selector dropdown UI
* update time selector style
* feat(explore): use token relevant resources (#3963)
chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore: merge main into explore (#3970)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929)
* feat: empty to deploy 628417f696f40cb54ef5bbba2374573e75a59915 (#3962)
feat: empty to deploy
* feat: fix metamask mobile browser connection (#3964)
* fix metamask
* forceActivate
* remove forceActivate
* unused change
* feat(risk): cache risk check with ttl (#3965)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
* feat: add initial token table (#3957)
* add token table UI
* update token table with intial data pipeline
* feat: Load token table with initial dummy data
TODO: get token information (token name and symbol)
* add token table UI and token row components
* update table with token logo
* update table with correct arrow
* update table border
* runs prettier (#3971)
* add header to tokenRow, format dollar util, add responsiveness
* update table styling
* update table styling and components setup
* add back side padding
* create header cell component
* update table styling
* fix padding
* update css styling
* Alphabetize styles
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
* fix: add mobile responsiveness break point (#3988)
update width mobile breakpoint
* fix: hide header when mobile (#3989)
hide header on token table when mobile view
* feat: stack token name and symbol (mobile view) (#3996)
* stack token name and symbol
* style: clean up CSS
* feat: add token table loading state (#3984)
* add token table loading state
* make token row components reusable
* change typing and CSS styling
* remove key props
* feat: token table mobile view (#4003)
* fix conflicts
* style: CSS cleaning 2
* clean divs
* add media breakpoint constants
* feat: add favorites button frontend component (#4007)
* add favorites button frontend component
* fix height and width CSS
* fix: small arrow sizing detail (#4012)
fix small arrow sizing detail
* feat: filter favorite tokens (#4010)
* filter favorite tokens
* fix atom
* make showFavorite an atom
* implement atom and clean CSS
* change naming schema
* feat: explore search bar UI (#4018)
* search bar CSS
* style css fix
* change from atom to useState
* fix: fix slow favoriting bug (#4033)
* fix favoriting bug
* fix code styling
* minor change
* feat: search responsiveness (#4034)
* search responsiveness
* hide placeholder
* css fix
* shared file
* feat: token link page with token address URL param (#4039)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* fixes
* token null fix
* feat: token detail page header UI (#4041)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* token header
* remove flex
* font sizes
* fix CSS
* feat: add timeframe options UI (#4042)
* add timeframe options
* map times
* list times
* feat: explore & token detail linking (#4048)
* link routing
* fix focus
* Update index.tsx
* feat: token detail page metadata UI (#4047)
* skeleton
* padding change
* fix link styling
* add resource component
* feat: remove swap button (#4055)
* remove swap button & responsiveness
* center sparkline
* remove margin
* fix: token details color fix (#4056)
fix hover
* feat: network balances component (#4059)
* fix hover
* initial network balance
* fix network
* checking 0 balance
* add unsupported chain check
* add network selector
* multiple netwrk logic
* change polygon logo
* fix
* naming
* feat: add more and incorporate dummy data (#4066)
* for demo
* link protocol info
* colors in shared file
* feat: loading state for token detail (#4068)
* animate chart mwaha
* get rid of comments
* add timeout
* add fake widget
* style
* move loading into own file
* fix: patch bad imports
* feat: header hover states and favorite active state styling (#4079)
* hover states
* favorite
* type boolean
* fixes
* fix eslint
* fix prettier
* fix import
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page (#4105)
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page token table
* pr feedback
* chore: merge in latest changes from main (#4108)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* add celo chain text colors
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: favorite token on tokenDetail page (#4091)
* favorite token on tokenDetail page
* make favoriting reusable
* export
* fix hook call
* fixes
* fix
* fix function
* remove files
* remove random
* fix
* fix spaces
* fix color
* Update settings.json
* Update .gitignore
* feat: add hook for multi-network token balances (#4104)
* add hook for multi-network token balances
* add predictable order to network balances
* patch some lint issues and code cleanup
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries
* add craco config file
* Add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
* Actually add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: Kg/explore expanding search bar (#4099)
* expanding search
* fix focus
* making search
* kms
* ngmi
* done
* icons
* color fix
* add animation
* fix start state
* responsive
* mouse
* expanded
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* fix: expand state (#4126)
expand state
* chore: merge main into explore (#4131)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* balance summary fix
* rm isChainAllowed
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
* feat: share popout (#4112)
* share popout
* tweet
* remove yarn update
* update unnecessary adds
* naming
* success state
* tweet
* new window
* new twitter window position and fix network display
* fix css and add promise
* comments
* quick fixes
* feat: Kg/explore network selector filter UI (#4129)
* initial network
* search bar fix
* fix menu items
* fix
* renaming and remove comment
* Update package.json
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* update chain info
* fix props
* moving to another PR
* fix: search responsiveness and expand state (#4142)
* fix search expand
* search moves to newline
* chore: merge main into explore (#4153)
* merge main
* deprecated
* deprecate colors
* chore: merge main into explore (#4164)
* merge main
* re-work App.tsx
* feat: add new colors to explore page (#4139)
* update color theme file
* update explore colors
* fix
* rename
* hover state colors
* table highlight
* update colors!
* small changes
* Update settings.json
* feat: different table states (#4166)
* error state
* center
* filter at table level (error)
* Update settings.json
* filter at table
* add hook
* fix hook, add no tokens state
* favorite in hook
* add favorites part 2
* fix import
* revert toptokens data type
* componenet
* feat: explore state management (#4171)
* initial
* add jotai
* refile
* save file
* change style
* reset filter string query
* Update settings.json
* location
* feat: token details mobile responsiveness (#4172)
* initial
* gap
* flexy
* Update settings.json
* flex box gains
* fix: fix mobile padding on table and show header (#4168)
* initial
* fix padding
* fix alignment
* fix padding
* Update settings.json
* feat: change token price sparkline colors (#4173)
* fix: make all token row content clickable (#4183)
* initial
* link content to token details
* Update settings.json
* header name token name label
* cursor fix
* Update settings.json
* feat: token details small mobile views (320px min) (#4185)
* initial
* make min width 320
* Update settings.json
* no mobile use
* fix: hover color for TokenTable header cell state (#4184)
* initial
* change header cell hover state
* add
* Update settings.json
* padding 4 to 8
* change header cell hover state
* add
* padding 4 to 8
* Update settings.json
* reusability
* Update settings.json
* Update index.tsx
* fix: Explore color changes (#4195)
* initial
* initial color changes
* Update settings.json
* color changes
* fix: make token details loading state responsive (#4203)
* initial
* skeleton width
* fix jumps
* Update settings.json
* rm wrapper
* fix spaces
* rm random height
* fix props
* fix: update colors on token details page (#4201)
* initial
* update token detail colors
* Update settings.json
* feat: explore table sort (#4202)
* fix some sort style nits
* style fixes
* style fixes
* sort functionality
* refactor(explore): sortfn input from vig (#4209)
sortfn input from vig
* ts nits (#4210)
* fix: add shimmer animation to Explore loading bubbles (#4211)
* initial
* add shimmer animation to loading bubbles
* update shimmer
* export
* animation load
* shared loaded
* Update settings.json
* feat: add error state for network balance summary (#4215)
error state
* feat: network badge on token details page (#4212)
* initial network badge
* update colors
* fix color schema
* update chain usage
* change loading color
* rm css
* update naming
* rename colors
* feat: TokenDetailsPagequery (#4179)
* general query for token details page
* fix conditional useEffect
* feat: amplitude analytics in explore, and make entire token row clickable (#4149)
* initial
* page log
* token select
* explore token page amplitude
* add storage
* comment
* Update settings.json
* rebased new
* Update settings.json
* fixes
* fix amy
* rebase with state management
* rebase
* Update TokenTable.tsx
* Delete TokenTable.tsx
* make row clickable and send event
* rip out unnecessary leftover event
* remove listNumber prop and derive from tokenListIndex directly
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
* fix: rm underline for token details (#4255)
rm underline
* feat: initial price charts (#4254)
* Created initial price chart using static data
* addressed PR comments
* applied theme, removed unused visx dependencies
* chore: merge main into explore (#4260)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* chore: move prettier, jest-styled-components to devDependencies (#4128)
* change package
* yarn.lock
* feat: implement connect wallet category events (#4111)
* init commit
* wallet connected event init commit
* add received_swap_quote event property
* add page context, connect wallet event log
* add received_swap_quote property
* fix typo
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comments
* move trace to app.tsx from header
* respond to vm comments
* build: change project name to @uniswap/interface (#4125)
* fix: increase celo blocksPerFetch to 5 to improve interface performance (#4130)
* init commit
* revert yarn.lock changes
* update test snapshots
* build: lock jest-styled-components@7.0.7 (#4132)
* fix: don't toggle desktop NetworkSelector on click (#4134)
fix: don't NetworkSelector onClick on desktop
* chore: access router data with hooks (#4121)
* chore: access router data with hooks
* chore: clean RouteComponentProps
* chore: use children instead of render
* add import
* test: fix swap test flake (#4135)
* remove all the funky logic
* clear stuff
* uncomment some tests
* remove expert mode tests
* skip these tests again, smh
* fix: sync chain query parameter (#4019)
* replaceURLChain
* reorder stuff
* don't use usePrevious for previousChainId
* remove the replace param call in promise
* variable names
* comment
* confirm isActive
* wrong place for isActive
* change ret type
* add comments
* check if not previous chain id
* fix: unused onClickOutside reference (#4140)
* refactor: clean floating Route (#4144)
* fix: increase Polygon gas limit (#3882)
* Update graph link
* Add Gas over ride temp for Polygon
* removal of personal tweaks
* Update index.tsx
* reset to original file
* missing EOL
* Update useClientSideV3Trade.ts
* remove space
* fix: add celo gas override (#4147)
fix: add celo gas override to circumvent 'out of gas' error from multicall
* build: add global jest-styled-components config (#4148)
* add test.config.ts
* don't need per file
* comment
* ts -> js
* rm test.config.js?
* update snapshots
* update jest-styled-components
* style: Adds "deprecated_" prefix to all non-theme colors (#4146)
* Add deprecated_ label to white and black
* Add deprecated_ label to text1 through text5
* Add deprecated_ label for bg0 through bg6
* Add deprecated_ prefix to remaining colors
* Add deprecated_ prefix to direct style references
* Add deprecated_ prefix to all remaining colors
* Update link color
* Fix 'deprecated_white' -> theme.deprecated_white
* Update snapshots
* style: updating ui on unsupported network (#4138)
* initial changes
* disabled all swap ui buttons when on unsupported chain
* implementing Cal's requests to change sizing and copy on pools
* updated snapshots
* reverted changed snapshots
* updated unsupported network test
* fixing deprecated colors missing
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy (#4154)
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy
* remove exclusions
* fix: fix swap details expanded not working on local build (#4156)
fix swap details expanded not working
* refactor: remove unused SwapPoolTabs (#4159)
* chore: clean useless code
* clean unused code
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4155)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement other swap events part 1 (#4151)
* init commit
* fix prettier errors
* check node env in vercel
* add shouldLogImpression to TraceEvent
* chore: upgrade cypress (#4161)
* chore: upgrade cypress
* 10.3.1
* feat: add updated theme colors (#4141)
* add colors
* Update settings.json
* Update settings.json
* remove comments
* rename
* feat: Web 214 implement the main submit swap event (#4061)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* change percentage to basis points units
* feat: implement swap quote received event (#4165)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: scroll to top only when pathname changes (#4180)
* fix: Update V2 Pool Document link (#4188)
Update V2 Pool Document link
Current link line 163 point to old documents, and gives error page
changed to
current version of pool documents for V2
* fix: updated external docs link for Propose (#4186)
FIxed Propose External Docs Link
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6 (#4143)
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6
* migrate Redirect to Navigate
* use Routes instead of Switch
* migrate useHistory to useNavigate
* use To type
* use element
* work around activeClassName
* fix typing for useParams
* deduplicate
* fix Navigate
* add e2e tests
* visit /swap directly
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* style: Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components (#4192)
* Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components
* Fix lint errors
* fix: update critical red HEX (#4191)
change red
* feat: Web 262 user model custom properties first PR (#4190)
* init commit
* abstract amplitude stuff away to separate function
* feat: remaining swap events (#4169)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* init commit
* add swap transaction completed event
* respond to cmcewen comments
* add two events
* remove console.logs
* move transaction completed logging to reducer
* simplify and remove unnecessary logic and constants
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comment
* feat: add time / duration based event properties to swap events (#4193)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* respond to vm comments
* merge and rename util method
* respond to vm comments again
* feat: fetch stablecoin price with SOR, PI warning (#4217)
* feat: fetch stablecoins price with SOR, PI warning
* calculate realized price impact
* remove unrelated changes
* dupe import
* pr feedback
* use the same calculation function for PI
* use proper var
* feat: update unsupported token list (#4219)
* feat: new swap events and properties in taxonomy (#4204)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* init
* add approve token event
* fix build
* add route event properties
* fix build
* respond to vm comments
* respond to vm comments
* remove routes properties
* feat(risk): tune down cache (#4208)
* tune down cache from 7 days to 12 hours
* minimal cache time
* fix: hide text cursor on network selector hover (#4249)
Dont' show text cursor when hovering over network dropdown text
* feat: initial FeatureFlagProvider (#4248)
* initial
* add to index
* show more logic
* split up
* nvm combine
* combine more
* loading state for the app
* no conditional
* rm var
* comment
* move comment
* add control specifically
* feat: amplitude logs is_reconnect (#4214)
* modified redux state to track wallet connections to properly log reconnects
* linted and removed console.log
* fixes for lynn's comments + documenting
* fix: update SOR to refundETH on high price impact ETH trades (#4251)
fix lock
* feat: theme color updates under feature flag (#4252)
* toggle
* fixed position
* im bad at spelling
* rm button
* fix
* add feature flag
* naming
* rm blue5
* uppercase
* rm file
* attempting to resolve some theme/unused var issues
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
* patch yarn.lock
* chore: merge main into explore (#4264)
merge main
* fix: use absolute path for TokenRow Link (#4266)
* feat: feature flag for explore (#4265)
* deduplicate yarn.lock
* build: default enabled flag on local (#4267)
default flag on local
* chore: Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)" (#4269)
Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)"
This reverts commit fa284d85f1c3cc9f9d276d2e0207ebc1fc5de656.
* feat: Token safety labels/speedbumps (#4200)
* setup warning modal
* modal pops up on direct link to token details
* updated styles based on fred's review, fixed error where token safety was innacurate on first site visit
* test: updating snapshot changed by token safety (#4272)
updated snapshot changed by token safety merge
* refactor: moved token detail price into chart (#4274)
* moved token price and delta into chart, expanded hoverability for crosshair
* fix: update theme color files on explore (#4277)
fix theme
* fix: theme add hover state and flyout colors (#4279)
* add flyout
* fix hover
* feat(token-details): lazy load some heavy stuff (#4282)
* chore: merge main into explore (#4281)
merge main into explore
* feat: token balances across networks -- footer view for token details page (#4194)
* initial
* initial footer
* network balances
* alphabetize
* add smallest media breakpoint
* Update colors.ts
* rm console log
* add loading and error state
* fix multiple vs single
* updates
* updates
* fix
* Update settings.json
* import fix
* test: update snapshots based on color change (#4287)
* lint errors
* build: declare d3-curve-circlecorners types (#4288)
* fix: merging explore to main nits (#4289)
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charles@bachmeier.io>
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
2022-08-05 11:37:19 -04:00
"@visx/axis": "^2.12.2",
"@visx/event": "^2.6.0",
"@visx/glyph": "^2.10.0",
"@visx/group": "^2.10.0",
2022-09-30 14:27:52 -04:00
"@visx/react-spring": "^2.12.2",
feat: explore UI (#4262)
* feat(explore): add /explore route (#3935)
add route
* Explore use top tokens (#3954)
feat(explore): add a top tokens hook with mock data
* feat(explore): use token price (#3958)
feat(explore): add useTokenPrice hook and dumby data
* fix(explore): mock data fetching hook return type (#3959)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* feat: Kg/add time selector dropdown UI (#3956)
* feat: add time selector dropdown UI
* update time selector style
* feat(explore): use token relevant resources (#3963)
chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore: merge main into explore (#3970)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929)
* feat: empty to deploy 628417f696f40cb54ef5bbba2374573e75a59915 (#3962)
feat: empty to deploy
* feat: fix metamask mobile browser connection (#3964)
* fix metamask
* forceActivate
* remove forceActivate
* unused change
* feat(risk): cache risk check with ttl (#3965)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
* feat: add initial token table (#3957)
* add token table UI
* update token table with intial data pipeline
* feat: Load token table with initial dummy data
TODO: get token information (token name and symbol)
* add token table UI and token row components
* update table with token logo
* update table with correct arrow
* update table border
* runs prettier (#3971)
* add header to tokenRow, format dollar util, add responsiveness
* update table styling
* update table styling and components setup
* add back side padding
* create header cell component
* update table styling
* fix padding
* update css styling
* Alphabetize styles
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
* fix: add mobile responsiveness break point (#3988)
update width mobile breakpoint
* fix: hide header when mobile (#3989)
hide header on token table when mobile view
* feat: stack token name and symbol (mobile view) (#3996)
* stack token name and symbol
* style: clean up CSS
* feat: add token table loading state (#3984)
* add token table loading state
* make token row components reusable
* change typing and CSS styling
* remove key props
* feat: token table mobile view (#4003)
* fix conflicts
* style: CSS cleaning 2
* clean divs
* add media breakpoint constants
* feat: add favorites button frontend component (#4007)
* add favorites button frontend component
* fix height and width CSS
* fix: small arrow sizing detail (#4012)
fix small arrow sizing detail
* feat: filter favorite tokens (#4010)
* filter favorite tokens
* fix atom
* make showFavorite an atom
* implement atom and clean CSS
* change naming schema
* feat: explore search bar UI (#4018)
* search bar CSS
* style css fix
* change from atom to useState
* fix: fix slow favoriting bug (#4033)
* fix favoriting bug
* fix code styling
* minor change
* feat: search responsiveness (#4034)
* search responsiveness
* hide placeholder
* css fix
* shared file
* feat: token link page with token address URL param (#4039)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* fixes
* token null fix
* feat: token detail page header UI (#4041)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* token header
* remove flex
* font sizes
* fix CSS
* feat: add timeframe options UI (#4042)
* add timeframe options
* map times
* list times
* feat: explore & token detail linking (#4048)
* link routing
* fix focus
* Update index.tsx
* feat: token detail page metadata UI (#4047)
* skeleton
* padding change
* fix link styling
* add resource component
* feat: remove swap button (#4055)
* remove swap button & responsiveness
* center sparkline
* remove margin
* fix: token details color fix (#4056)
fix hover
* feat: network balances component (#4059)
* fix hover
* initial network balance
* fix network
* checking 0 balance
* add unsupported chain check
* add network selector
* multiple netwrk logic
* change polygon logo
* fix
* naming
* feat: add more and incorporate dummy data (#4066)
* for demo
* link protocol info
* colors in shared file
* feat: loading state for token detail (#4068)
* animate chart mwaha
* get rid of comments
* add timeout
* add fake widget
* style
* move loading into own file
* fix: patch bad imports
* feat: header hover states and favorite active state styling (#4079)
* hover states
* favorite
* type boolean
* fixes
* fix eslint
* fix prettier
* fix import
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page (#4105)
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page token table
* pr feedback
* chore: merge in latest changes from main (#4108)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* add celo chain text colors
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: favorite token on tokenDetail page (#4091)
* favorite token on tokenDetail page
* make favoriting reusable
* export
* fix hook call
* fixes
* fix
* fix function
* remove files
* remove random
* fix
* fix spaces
* fix color
* Update settings.json
* Update .gitignore
* feat: add hook for multi-network token balances (#4104)
* add hook for multi-network token balances
* add predictable order to network balances
* patch some lint issues and code cleanup
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries
* add craco config file
* Add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
* Actually add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: Kg/explore expanding search bar (#4099)
* expanding search
* fix focus
* making search
* kms
* ngmi
* done
* icons
* color fix
* add animation
* fix start state
* responsive
* mouse
* expanded
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* fix: expand state (#4126)
expand state
* chore: merge main into explore (#4131)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* balance summary fix
* rm isChainAllowed
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
* feat: share popout (#4112)
* share popout
* tweet
* remove yarn update
* update unnecessary adds
* naming
* success state
* tweet
* new window
* new twitter window position and fix network display
* fix css and add promise
* comments
* quick fixes
* feat: Kg/explore network selector filter UI (#4129)
* initial network
* search bar fix
* fix menu items
* fix
* renaming and remove comment
* Update package.json
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* update chain info
* fix props
* moving to another PR
* fix: search responsiveness and expand state (#4142)
* fix search expand
* search moves to newline
* chore: merge main into explore (#4153)
* merge main
* deprecated
* deprecate colors
* chore: merge main into explore (#4164)
* merge main
* re-work App.tsx
* feat: add new colors to explore page (#4139)
* update color theme file
* update explore colors
* fix
* rename
* hover state colors
* table highlight
* update colors!
* small changes
* Update settings.json
* feat: different table states (#4166)
* error state
* center
* filter at table level (error)
* Update settings.json
* filter at table
* add hook
* fix hook, add no tokens state
* favorite in hook
* add favorites part 2
* fix import
* revert toptokens data type
* componenet
* feat: explore state management (#4171)
* initial
* add jotai
* refile
* save file
* change style
* reset filter string query
* Update settings.json
* location
* feat: token details mobile responsiveness (#4172)
* initial
* gap
* flexy
* Update settings.json
* flex box gains
* fix: fix mobile padding on table and show header (#4168)
* initial
* fix padding
* fix alignment
* fix padding
* Update settings.json
* feat: change token price sparkline colors (#4173)
* fix: make all token row content clickable (#4183)
* initial
* link content to token details
* Update settings.json
* header name token name label
* cursor fix
* Update settings.json
* feat: token details small mobile views (320px min) (#4185)
* initial
* make min width 320
* Update settings.json
* no mobile use
* fix: hover color for TokenTable header cell state (#4184)
* initial
* change header cell hover state
* add
* Update settings.json
* padding 4 to 8
* change header cell hover state
* add
* padding 4 to 8
* Update settings.json
* reusability
* Update settings.json
* Update index.tsx
* fix: Explore color changes (#4195)
* initial
* initial color changes
* Update settings.json
* color changes
* fix: make token details loading state responsive (#4203)
* initial
* skeleton width
* fix jumps
* Update settings.json
* rm wrapper
* fix spaces
* rm random height
* fix props
* fix: update colors on token details page (#4201)
* initial
* update token detail colors
* Update settings.json
* feat: explore table sort (#4202)
* fix some sort style nits
* style fixes
* style fixes
* sort functionality
* refactor(explore): sortfn input from vig (#4209)
sortfn input from vig
* ts nits (#4210)
* fix: add shimmer animation to Explore loading bubbles (#4211)
* initial
* add shimmer animation to loading bubbles
* update shimmer
* export
* animation load
* shared loaded
* Update settings.json
* feat: add error state for network balance summary (#4215)
error state
* feat: network badge on token details page (#4212)
* initial network badge
* update colors
* fix color schema
* update chain usage
* change loading color
* rm css
* update naming
* rename colors
* feat: TokenDetailsPagequery (#4179)
* general query for token details page
* fix conditional useEffect
* feat: amplitude analytics in explore, and make entire token row clickable (#4149)
* initial
* page log
* token select
* explore token page amplitude
* add storage
* comment
* Update settings.json
* rebased new
* Update settings.json
* fixes
* fix amy
* rebase with state management
* rebase
* Update TokenTable.tsx
* Delete TokenTable.tsx
* make row clickable and send event
* rip out unnecessary leftover event
* remove listNumber prop and derive from tokenListIndex directly
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
* fix: rm underline for token details (#4255)
rm underline
* feat: initial price charts (#4254)
* Created initial price chart using static data
* addressed PR comments
* applied theme, removed unused visx dependencies
* chore: merge main into explore (#4260)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* chore: move prettier, jest-styled-components to devDependencies (#4128)
* change package
* yarn.lock
* feat: implement connect wallet category events (#4111)
* init commit
* wallet connected event init commit
* add received_swap_quote event property
* add page context, connect wallet event log
* add received_swap_quote property
* fix typo
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comments
* move trace to app.tsx from header
* respond to vm comments
* build: change project name to @uniswap/interface (#4125)
* fix: increase celo blocksPerFetch to 5 to improve interface performance (#4130)
* init commit
* revert yarn.lock changes
* update test snapshots
* build: lock jest-styled-components@7.0.7 (#4132)
* fix: don't toggle desktop NetworkSelector on click (#4134)
fix: don't NetworkSelector onClick on desktop
* chore: access router data with hooks (#4121)
* chore: access router data with hooks
* chore: clean RouteComponentProps
* chore: use children instead of render
* add import
* test: fix swap test flake (#4135)
* remove all the funky logic
* clear stuff
* uncomment some tests
* remove expert mode tests
* skip these tests again, smh
* fix: sync chain query parameter (#4019)
* replaceURLChain
* reorder stuff
* don't use usePrevious for previousChainId
* remove the replace param call in promise
* variable names
* comment
* confirm isActive
* wrong place for isActive
* change ret type
* add comments
* check if not previous chain id
* fix: unused onClickOutside reference (#4140)
* refactor: clean floating Route (#4144)
* fix: increase Polygon gas limit (#3882)
* Update graph link
* Add Gas over ride temp for Polygon
* removal of personal tweaks
* Update index.tsx
* reset to original file
* missing EOL
* Update useClientSideV3Trade.ts
* remove space
* fix: add celo gas override (#4147)
fix: add celo gas override to circumvent 'out of gas' error from multicall
* build: add global jest-styled-components config (#4148)
* add test.config.ts
* don't need per file
* comment
* ts -> js
* rm test.config.js?
* update snapshots
* update jest-styled-components
* style: Adds "deprecated_" prefix to all non-theme colors (#4146)
* Add deprecated_ label to white and black
* Add deprecated_ label to text1 through text5
* Add deprecated_ label for bg0 through bg6
* Add deprecated_ prefix to remaining colors
* Add deprecated_ prefix to direct style references
* Add deprecated_ prefix to all remaining colors
* Update link color
* Fix 'deprecated_white' -> theme.deprecated_white
* Update snapshots
* style: updating ui on unsupported network (#4138)
* initial changes
* disabled all swap ui buttons when on unsupported chain
* implementing Cal's requests to change sizing and copy on pools
* updated snapshots
* reverted changed snapshots
* updated unsupported network test
* fixing deprecated colors missing
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy (#4154)
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy
* remove exclusions
* fix: fix swap details expanded not working on local build (#4156)
fix swap details expanded not working
* refactor: remove unused SwapPoolTabs (#4159)
* chore: clean useless code
* clean unused code
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4155)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement other swap events part 1 (#4151)
* init commit
* fix prettier errors
* check node env in vercel
* add shouldLogImpression to TraceEvent
* chore: upgrade cypress (#4161)
* chore: upgrade cypress
* 10.3.1
* feat: add updated theme colors (#4141)
* add colors
* Update settings.json
* Update settings.json
* remove comments
* rename
* feat: Web 214 implement the main submit swap event (#4061)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* change percentage to basis points units
* feat: implement swap quote received event (#4165)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: scroll to top only when pathname changes (#4180)
* fix: Update V2 Pool Document link (#4188)
Update V2 Pool Document link
Current link line 163 point to old documents, and gives error page
changed to
current version of pool documents for V2
* fix: updated external docs link for Propose (#4186)
FIxed Propose External Docs Link
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6 (#4143)
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6
* migrate Redirect to Navigate
* use Routes instead of Switch
* migrate useHistory to useNavigate
* use To type
* use element
* work around activeClassName
* fix typing for useParams
* deduplicate
* fix Navigate
* add e2e tests
* visit /swap directly
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* style: Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components (#4192)
* Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components
* Fix lint errors
* fix: update critical red HEX (#4191)
change red
* feat: Web 262 user model custom properties first PR (#4190)
* init commit
* abstract amplitude stuff away to separate function
* feat: remaining swap events (#4169)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* init commit
* add swap transaction completed event
* respond to cmcewen comments
* add two events
* remove console.logs
* move transaction completed logging to reducer
* simplify and remove unnecessary logic and constants
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comment
* feat: add time / duration based event properties to swap events (#4193)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* respond to vm comments
* merge and rename util method
* respond to vm comments again
* feat: fetch stablecoin price with SOR, PI warning (#4217)
* feat: fetch stablecoins price with SOR, PI warning
* calculate realized price impact
* remove unrelated changes
* dupe import
* pr feedback
* use the same calculation function for PI
* use proper var
* feat: update unsupported token list (#4219)
* feat: new swap events and properties in taxonomy (#4204)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* init
* add approve token event
* fix build
* add route event properties
* fix build
* respond to vm comments
* respond to vm comments
* remove routes properties
* feat(risk): tune down cache (#4208)
* tune down cache from 7 days to 12 hours
* minimal cache time
* fix: hide text cursor on network selector hover (#4249)
Dont' show text cursor when hovering over network dropdown text
* feat: initial FeatureFlagProvider (#4248)
* initial
* add to index
* show more logic
* split up
* nvm combine
* combine more
* loading state for the app
* no conditional
* rm var
* comment
* move comment
* add control specifically
* feat: amplitude logs is_reconnect (#4214)
* modified redux state to track wallet connections to properly log reconnects
* linted and removed console.log
* fixes for lynn's comments + documenting
* fix: update SOR to refundETH on high price impact ETH trades (#4251)
fix lock
* feat: theme color updates under feature flag (#4252)
* toggle
* fixed position
* im bad at spelling
* rm button
* fix
* add feature flag
* naming
* rm blue5
* uppercase
* rm file
* attempting to resolve some theme/unused var issues
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
* patch yarn.lock
* chore: merge main into explore (#4264)
merge main
* fix: use absolute path for TokenRow Link (#4266)
* feat: feature flag for explore (#4265)
* deduplicate yarn.lock
* build: default enabled flag on local (#4267)
default flag on local
* chore: Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)" (#4269)
Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)"
This reverts commit fa284d85f1c3cc9f9d276d2e0207ebc1fc5de656.
* feat: Token safety labels/speedbumps (#4200)
* setup warning modal
* modal pops up on direct link to token details
* updated styles based on fred's review, fixed error where token safety was innacurate on first site visit
* test: updating snapshot changed by token safety (#4272)
updated snapshot changed by token safety merge
* refactor: moved token detail price into chart (#4274)
* moved token price and delta into chart, expanded hoverability for crosshair
* fix: update theme color files on explore (#4277)
fix theme
* fix: theme add hover state and flyout colors (#4279)
* add flyout
* fix hover
* feat(token-details): lazy load some heavy stuff (#4282)
* chore: merge main into explore (#4281)
merge main into explore
* feat: token balances across networks -- footer view for token details page (#4194)
* initial
* initial footer
* network balances
* alphabetize
* add smallest media breakpoint
* Update colors.ts
* rm console log
* add loading and error state
* fix multiple vs single
* updates
* updates
* fix
* Update settings.json
* import fix
* test: update snapshots based on color change (#4287)
* lint errors
* build: declare d3-curve-circlecorners types (#4288)
* fix: merging explore to main nits (#4289)
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charles@bachmeier.io>
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
2022-08-05 11:37:19 -04:00
"@visx/responsive": "^2.10.0",
"@visx/shape": "^2.11.1",
2022-11-14 12:53:46 -05:00
"@walletconnect/ethereum-provider": "^1.8.0",
2023-02-02 16:24:31 -08:00
"@web3-react/coinbase-wallet": "8.0.35-beta.0",
2022-11-21 13:35:12 -05:00
"@web3-react/core": "8.0.35-beta.0",
2023-02-02 16:24:31 -08:00
"@web3-react/eip1193": "8.0.27-beta.0",
2022-11-21 13:35:12 -05:00
"@web3-react/empty": "8.0.20-beta.0",
"@web3-react/gnosis-safe": "8.0.7-beta.0",
2023-02-02 16:24:31 -08:00
"@web3-react/metamask": "8.0.30-beta.0",
2022-11-21 13:35:12 -05:00
"@web3-react/network": "8.0.27-beta.0",
"@web3-react/types": "8.0.20-beta.0",
"@web3-react/url": "8.0.25-beta.0",
2023-02-02 16:24:31 -08:00
"@web3-react/walletconnect": "8.0.37-beta.0",
2021-09-15 11:03:12 -07:00
"array.prototype.flat": "^1.2.4",
"array.prototype.flatmap": "^1.2.4",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"cids": "^1.0.0",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"clsx": "^1.1.1",
2019-05-30 16:42:25 -04:00
"copy-to-clipboard": "^3.2.0",
feat: explore UI (#4262)
* feat(explore): add /explore route (#3935)
add route
* Explore use top tokens (#3954)
feat(explore): add a top tokens hook with mock data
* feat(explore): use token price (#3958)
feat(explore): add useTokenPrice hook and dumby data
* fix(explore): mock data fetching hook return type (#3959)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* feat: Kg/add time selector dropdown UI (#3956)
* feat: add time selector dropdown UI
* update time selector style
* feat(explore): use token relevant resources (#3963)
chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore: merge main into explore (#3970)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929)
* feat: empty to deploy 628417f696f40cb54ef5bbba2374573e75a59915 (#3962)
feat: empty to deploy
* feat: fix metamask mobile browser connection (#3964)
* fix metamask
* forceActivate
* remove forceActivate
* unused change
* feat(risk): cache risk check with ttl (#3965)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
* feat: add initial token table (#3957)
* add token table UI
* update token table with intial data pipeline
* feat: Load token table with initial dummy data
TODO: get token information (token name and symbol)
* add token table UI and token row components
* update table with token logo
* update table with correct arrow
* update table border
* runs prettier (#3971)
* add header to tokenRow, format dollar util, add responsiveness
* update table styling
* update table styling and components setup
* add back side padding
* create header cell component
* update table styling
* fix padding
* update css styling
* Alphabetize styles
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
* fix: add mobile responsiveness break point (#3988)
update width mobile breakpoint
* fix: hide header when mobile (#3989)
hide header on token table when mobile view
* feat: stack token name and symbol (mobile view) (#3996)
* stack token name and symbol
* style: clean up CSS
* feat: add token table loading state (#3984)
* add token table loading state
* make token row components reusable
* change typing and CSS styling
* remove key props
* feat: token table mobile view (#4003)
* fix conflicts
* style: CSS cleaning 2
* clean divs
* add media breakpoint constants
* feat: add favorites button frontend component (#4007)
* add favorites button frontend component
* fix height and width CSS
* fix: small arrow sizing detail (#4012)
fix small arrow sizing detail
* feat: filter favorite tokens (#4010)
* filter favorite tokens
* fix atom
* make showFavorite an atom
* implement atom and clean CSS
* change naming schema
* feat: explore search bar UI (#4018)
* search bar CSS
* style css fix
* change from atom to useState
* fix: fix slow favoriting bug (#4033)
* fix favoriting bug
* fix code styling
* minor change
* feat: search responsiveness (#4034)
* search responsiveness
* hide placeholder
* css fix
* shared file
* feat: token link page with token address URL param (#4039)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* fixes
* token null fix
* feat: token detail page header UI (#4041)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* token header
* remove flex
* font sizes
* fix CSS
* feat: add timeframe options UI (#4042)
* add timeframe options
* map times
* list times
* feat: explore & token detail linking (#4048)
* link routing
* fix focus
* Update index.tsx
* feat: token detail page metadata UI (#4047)
* skeleton
* padding change
* fix link styling
* add resource component
* feat: remove swap button (#4055)
* remove swap button & responsiveness
* center sparkline
* remove margin
* fix: token details color fix (#4056)
fix hover
* feat: network balances component (#4059)
* fix hover
* initial network balance
* fix network
* checking 0 balance
* add unsupported chain check
* add network selector
* multiple netwrk logic
* change polygon logo
* fix
* naming
* feat: add more and incorporate dummy data (#4066)
* for demo
* link protocol info
* colors in shared file
* feat: loading state for token detail (#4068)
* animate chart mwaha
* get rid of comments
* add timeout
* add fake widget
* style
* move loading into own file
* fix: patch bad imports
* feat: header hover states and favorite active state styling (#4079)
* hover states
* favorite
* type boolean
* fixes
* fix eslint
* fix prettier
* fix import
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page (#4105)
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page token table
* pr feedback
* chore: merge in latest changes from main (#4108)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* add celo chain text colors
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: favorite token on tokenDetail page (#4091)
* favorite token on tokenDetail page
* make favoriting reusable
* export
* fix hook call
* fixes
* fix
* fix function
* remove files
* remove random
* fix
* fix spaces
* fix color
* Update settings.json
* Update .gitignore
* feat: add hook for multi-network token balances (#4104)
* add hook for multi-network token balances
* add predictable order to network balances
* patch some lint issues and code cleanup
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries
* add craco config file
* Add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
* Actually add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: Kg/explore expanding search bar (#4099)
* expanding search
* fix focus
* making search
* kms
* ngmi
* done
* icons
* color fix
* add animation
* fix start state
* responsive
* mouse
* expanded
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* fix: expand state (#4126)
expand state
* chore: merge main into explore (#4131)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* balance summary fix
* rm isChainAllowed
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
* feat: share popout (#4112)
* share popout
* tweet
* remove yarn update
* update unnecessary adds
* naming
* success state
* tweet
* new window
* new twitter window position and fix network display
* fix css and add promise
* comments
* quick fixes
* feat: Kg/explore network selector filter UI (#4129)
* initial network
* search bar fix
* fix menu items
* fix
* renaming and remove comment
* Update package.json
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* update chain info
* fix props
* moving to another PR
* fix: search responsiveness and expand state (#4142)
* fix search expand
* search moves to newline
* chore: merge main into explore (#4153)
* merge main
* deprecated
* deprecate colors
* chore: merge main into explore (#4164)
* merge main
* re-work App.tsx
* feat: add new colors to explore page (#4139)
* update color theme file
* update explore colors
* fix
* rename
* hover state colors
* table highlight
* update colors!
* small changes
* Update settings.json
* feat: different table states (#4166)
* error state
* center
* filter at table level (error)
* Update settings.json
* filter at table
* add hook
* fix hook, add no tokens state
* favorite in hook
* add favorites part 2
* fix import
* revert toptokens data type
* componenet
* feat: explore state management (#4171)
* initial
* add jotai
* refile
* save file
* change style
* reset filter string query
* Update settings.json
* location
* feat: token details mobile responsiveness (#4172)
* initial
* gap
* flexy
* Update settings.json
* flex box gains
* fix: fix mobile padding on table and show header (#4168)
* initial
* fix padding
* fix alignment
* fix padding
* Update settings.json
* feat: change token price sparkline colors (#4173)
* fix: make all token row content clickable (#4183)
* initial
* link content to token details
* Update settings.json
* header name token name label
* cursor fix
* Update settings.json
* feat: token details small mobile views (320px min) (#4185)
* initial
* make min width 320
* Update settings.json
* no mobile use
* fix: hover color for TokenTable header cell state (#4184)
* initial
* change header cell hover state
* add
* Update settings.json
* padding 4 to 8
* change header cell hover state
* add
* padding 4 to 8
* Update settings.json
* reusability
* Update settings.json
* Update index.tsx
* fix: Explore color changes (#4195)
* initial
* initial color changes
* Update settings.json
* color changes
* fix: make token details loading state responsive (#4203)
* initial
* skeleton width
* fix jumps
* Update settings.json
* rm wrapper
* fix spaces
* rm random height
* fix props
* fix: update colors on token details page (#4201)
* initial
* update token detail colors
* Update settings.json
* feat: explore table sort (#4202)
* fix some sort style nits
* style fixes
* style fixes
* sort functionality
* refactor(explore): sortfn input from vig (#4209)
sortfn input from vig
* ts nits (#4210)
* fix: add shimmer animation to Explore loading bubbles (#4211)
* initial
* add shimmer animation to loading bubbles
* update shimmer
* export
* animation load
* shared loaded
* Update settings.json
* feat: add error state for network balance summary (#4215)
error state
* feat: network badge on token details page (#4212)
* initial network badge
* update colors
* fix color schema
* update chain usage
* change loading color
* rm css
* update naming
* rename colors
* feat: TokenDetailsPagequery (#4179)
* general query for token details page
* fix conditional useEffect
* feat: amplitude analytics in explore, and make entire token row clickable (#4149)
* initial
* page log
* token select
* explore token page amplitude
* add storage
* comment
* Update settings.json
* rebased new
* Update settings.json
* fixes
* fix amy
* rebase with state management
* rebase
* Update TokenTable.tsx
* Delete TokenTable.tsx
* make row clickable and send event
* rip out unnecessary leftover event
* remove listNumber prop and derive from tokenListIndex directly
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
* fix: rm underline for token details (#4255)
rm underline
* feat: initial price charts (#4254)
* Created initial price chart using static data
* addressed PR comments
* applied theme, removed unused visx dependencies
* chore: merge main into explore (#4260)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* chore: move prettier, jest-styled-components to devDependencies (#4128)
* change package
* yarn.lock
* feat: implement connect wallet category events (#4111)
* init commit
* wallet connected event init commit
* add received_swap_quote event property
* add page context, connect wallet event log
* add received_swap_quote property
* fix typo
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comments
* move trace to app.tsx from header
* respond to vm comments
* build: change project name to @uniswap/interface (#4125)
* fix: increase celo blocksPerFetch to 5 to improve interface performance (#4130)
* init commit
* revert yarn.lock changes
* update test snapshots
* build: lock jest-styled-components@7.0.7 (#4132)
* fix: don't toggle desktop NetworkSelector on click (#4134)
fix: don't NetworkSelector onClick on desktop
* chore: access router data with hooks (#4121)
* chore: access router data with hooks
* chore: clean RouteComponentProps
* chore: use children instead of render
* add import
* test: fix swap test flake (#4135)
* remove all the funky logic
* clear stuff
* uncomment some tests
* remove expert mode tests
* skip these tests again, smh
* fix: sync chain query parameter (#4019)
* replaceURLChain
* reorder stuff
* don't use usePrevious for previousChainId
* remove the replace param call in promise
* variable names
* comment
* confirm isActive
* wrong place for isActive
* change ret type
* add comments
* check if not previous chain id
* fix: unused onClickOutside reference (#4140)
* refactor: clean floating Route (#4144)
* fix: increase Polygon gas limit (#3882)
* Update graph link
* Add Gas over ride temp for Polygon
* removal of personal tweaks
* Update index.tsx
* reset to original file
* missing EOL
* Update useClientSideV3Trade.ts
* remove space
* fix: add celo gas override (#4147)
fix: add celo gas override to circumvent 'out of gas' error from multicall
* build: add global jest-styled-components config (#4148)
* add test.config.ts
* don't need per file
* comment
* ts -> js
* rm test.config.js?
* update snapshots
* update jest-styled-components
* style: Adds "deprecated_" prefix to all non-theme colors (#4146)
* Add deprecated_ label to white and black
* Add deprecated_ label to text1 through text5
* Add deprecated_ label for bg0 through bg6
* Add deprecated_ prefix to remaining colors
* Add deprecated_ prefix to direct style references
* Add deprecated_ prefix to all remaining colors
* Update link color
* Fix 'deprecated_white' -> theme.deprecated_white
* Update snapshots
* style: updating ui on unsupported network (#4138)
* initial changes
* disabled all swap ui buttons when on unsupported chain
* implementing Cal's requests to change sizing and copy on pools
* updated snapshots
* reverted changed snapshots
* updated unsupported network test
* fixing deprecated colors missing
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy (#4154)
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy
* remove exclusions
* fix: fix swap details expanded not working on local build (#4156)
fix swap details expanded not working
* refactor: remove unused SwapPoolTabs (#4159)
* chore: clean useless code
* clean unused code
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4155)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement other swap events part 1 (#4151)
* init commit
* fix prettier errors
* check node env in vercel
* add shouldLogImpression to TraceEvent
* chore: upgrade cypress (#4161)
* chore: upgrade cypress
* 10.3.1
* feat: add updated theme colors (#4141)
* add colors
* Update settings.json
* Update settings.json
* remove comments
* rename
* feat: Web 214 implement the main submit swap event (#4061)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* change percentage to basis points units
* feat: implement swap quote received event (#4165)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: scroll to top only when pathname changes (#4180)
* fix: Update V2 Pool Document link (#4188)
Update V2 Pool Document link
Current link line 163 point to old documents, and gives error page
changed to
current version of pool documents for V2
* fix: updated external docs link for Propose (#4186)
FIxed Propose External Docs Link
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6 (#4143)
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6
* migrate Redirect to Navigate
* use Routes instead of Switch
* migrate useHistory to useNavigate
* use To type
* use element
* work around activeClassName
* fix typing for useParams
* deduplicate
* fix Navigate
* add e2e tests
* visit /swap directly
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* style: Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components (#4192)
* Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components
* Fix lint errors
* fix: update critical red HEX (#4191)
change red
* feat: Web 262 user model custom properties first PR (#4190)
* init commit
* abstract amplitude stuff away to separate function
* feat: remaining swap events (#4169)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* init commit
* add swap transaction completed event
* respond to cmcewen comments
* add two events
* remove console.logs
* move transaction completed logging to reducer
* simplify and remove unnecessary logic and constants
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comment
* feat: add time / duration based event properties to swap events (#4193)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* respond to vm comments
* merge and rename util method
* respond to vm comments again
* feat: fetch stablecoin price with SOR, PI warning (#4217)
* feat: fetch stablecoins price with SOR, PI warning
* calculate realized price impact
* remove unrelated changes
* dupe import
* pr feedback
* use the same calculation function for PI
* use proper var
* feat: update unsupported token list (#4219)
* feat: new swap events and properties in taxonomy (#4204)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* init
* add approve token event
* fix build
* add route event properties
* fix build
* respond to vm comments
* respond to vm comments
* remove routes properties
* feat(risk): tune down cache (#4208)
* tune down cache from 7 days to 12 hours
* minimal cache time
* fix: hide text cursor on network selector hover (#4249)
Dont' show text cursor when hovering over network dropdown text
* feat: initial FeatureFlagProvider (#4248)
* initial
* add to index
* show more logic
* split up
* nvm combine
* combine more
* loading state for the app
* no conditional
* rm var
* comment
* move comment
* add control specifically
* feat: amplitude logs is_reconnect (#4214)
* modified redux state to track wallet connections to properly log reconnects
* linted and removed console.log
* fixes for lynn's comments + documenting
* fix: update SOR to refundETH on high price impact ETH trades (#4251)
fix lock
* feat: theme color updates under feature flag (#4252)
* toggle
* fixed position
* im bad at spelling
* rm button
* fix
* add feature flag
* naming
* rm blue5
* uppercase
* rm file
* attempting to resolve some theme/unused var issues
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
* patch yarn.lock
* chore: merge main into explore (#4264)
merge main
* fix: use absolute path for TokenRow Link (#4266)
* feat: feature flag for explore (#4265)
* deduplicate yarn.lock
* build: default enabled flag on local (#4267)
default flag on local
* chore: Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)" (#4269)
Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)"
This reverts commit fa284d85f1c3cc9f9d276d2e0207ebc1fc5de656.
* feat: Token safety labels/speedbumps (#4200)
* setup warning modal
* modal pops up on direct link to token details
* updated styles based on fred's review, fixed error where token safety was innacurate on first site visit
* test: updating snapshot changed by token safety (#4272)
updated snapshot changed by token safety merge
* refactor: moved token detail price into chart (#4274)
* moved token price and delta into chart, expanded hoverability for crosshair
* fix: update theme color files on explore (#4277)
fix theme
* fix: theme add hover state and flyout colors (#4279)
* add flyout
* fix hover
* feat(token-details): lazy load some heavy stuff (#4282)
* chore: merge main into explore (#4281)
merge main into explore
* feat: token balances across networks -- footer view for token details page (#4194)
* initial
* initial footer
* network balances
* alphabetize
* add smallest media breakpoint
* Update colors.ts
* rm console log
* add loading and error state
* fix multiple vs single
* updates
* updates
* fix
* Update settings.json
* import fix
* test: update snapshots based on color change (#4287)
* lint errors
* build: declare d3-curve-circlecorners types (#4288)
* fix: merging explore to main nits (#4289)
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charles@bachmeier.io>
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
2022-08-05 11:37:19 -04:00
"d3": "^7.6.1",
2023-03-03 12:18:42 -08:00
"ethers": "^5.7.2",
2021-10-25 08:41:55 -04:00
"firebase": "^9.1.3",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"focus-visible": "^5.2.0",
2022-08-19 15:31:10 -04:00
"get-graphql-schema": "^2.1.2",
2022-08-16 20:01:12 -04:00
"graphql": "^16.5.0",
2021-06-28 15:12:58 -07:00
"graphql-request": "^3.4.0",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"immer": "^9.0.6",
2020-06-30 16:47:16 -04:00
"inter-ui": "^3.13.1",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"jotai": "^1.3.7",
"jsbi": "^3.1.4",
"make-plural": "^7.0.0",
"multicodec": "^3.0.1",
"multihashes": "^4.0.2",
"node-vibrant": "^3.2.1-alpha.1",
feat: explore UI (#4262)
* feat(explore): add /explore route (#3935)
add route
* Explore use top tokens (#3954)
feat(explore): add a top tokens hook with mock data
* feat(explore): use token price (#3958)
feat(explore): add useTokenPrice hook and dumby data
* fix(explore): mock data fetching hook return type (#3959)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* feat: Kg/add time selector dropdown UI (#3956)
* feat: add time selector dropdown UI
* update time selector style
* feat(explore): use token relevant resources (#3963)
chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929) (#3961)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore: merge main into explore (#3970)
* chore(deps): bump token-lists (#3929)
* feat: empty to deploy 628417f696f40cb54ef5bbba2374573e75a59915 (#3962)
feat: empty to deploy
* feat: fix metamask mobile browser connection (#3964)
* fix metamask
* forceActivate
* remove forceActivate
* unused change
* feat(risk): cache risk check with ttl (#3965)
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
* feat: add initial token table (#3957)
* add token table UI
* update token table with intial data pipeline
* feat: Load token table with initial dummy data
TODO: get token information (token name and symbol)
* add token table UI and token row components
* update table with token logo
* update table with correct arrow
* update table border
* runs prettier (#3971)
* add header to tokenRow, format dollar util, add responsiveness
* update table styling
* update table styling and components setup
* add back side padding
* create header cell component
* update table styling
* fix padding
* update css styling
* Alphabetize styles
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
* fix: add mobile responsiveness break point (#3988)
update width mobile breakpoint
* fix: hide header when mobile (#3989)
hide header on token table when mobile view
* feat: stack token name and symbol (mobile view) (#3996)
* stack token name and symbol
* style: clean up CSS
* feat: add token table loading state (#3984)
* add token table loading state
* make token row components reusable
* change typing and CSS styling
* remove key props
* feat: token table mobile view (#4003)
* fix conflicts
* style: CSS cleaning 2
* clean divs
* add media breakpoint constants
* feat: add favorites button frontend component (#4007)
* add favorites button frontend component
* fix height and width CSS
* fix: small arrow sizing detail (#4012)
fix small arrow sizing detail
* feat: filter favorite tokens (#4010)
* filter favorite tokens
* fix atom
* make showFavorite an atom
* implement atom and clean CSS
* change naming schema
* feat: explore search bar UI (#4018)
* search bar CSS
* style css fix
* change from atom to useState
* fix: fix slow favoriting bug (#4033)
* fix favoriting bug
* fix code styling
* minor change
* feat: search responsiveness (#4034)
* search responsiveness
* hide placeholder
* css fix
* shared file
* feat: token link page with token address URL param (#4039)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* fixes
* token null fix
* feat: token detail page header UI (#4041)
* token detail draft
* initial route path and some info
* reduce PR
* token header
* remove flex
* font sizes
* fix CSS
* feat: add timeframe options UI (#4042)
* add timeframe options
* map times
* list times
* feat: explore & token detail linking (#4048)
* link routing
* fix focus
* Update index.tsx
* feat: token detail page metadata UI (#4047)
* skeleton
* padding change
* fix link styling
* add resource component
* feat: remove swap button (#4055)
* remove swap button & responsiveness
* center sparkline
* remove margin
* fix: token details color fix (#4056)
fix hover
* feat: network balances component (#4059)
* fix hover
* initial network balance
* fix network
* checking 0 balance
* add unsupported chain check
* add network selector
* multiple netwrk logic
* change polygon logo
* fix
* naming
* feat: add more and incorporate dummy data (#4066)
* for demo
* link protocol info
* colors in shared file
* feat: loading state for token detail (#4068)
* animate chart mwaha
* get rid of comments
* add timeout
* add fake widget
* style
* move loading into own file
* fix: patch bad imports
* feat: header hover states and favorite active state styling (#4079)
* hover states
* favorite
* type boolean
* fixes
* fix eslint
* fix prettier
* fix import
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page (#4105)
* feat(explore-table-filter): add basic text filtering to explore page token table
* pr feedback
* chore: merge in latest changes from main (#4108)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* add celo chain text colors
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: favorite token on tokenDetail page (#4091)
* favorite token on tokenDetail page
* make favoriting reusable
* export
* fix hook call
* fixes
* fix
* fix function
* remove files
* remove random
* fix
* fix spaces
* fix color
* Update settings.json
* Update .gitignore
* feat: add hook for multi-network token balances (#4104)
* add hook for multi-network token balances
* add predictable order to network balances
* patch some lint issues and code cleanup
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries
* add craco config file
* Add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
* Actually add VE common styles, sprinkles, and themes
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
* feat: Kg/explore expanding search bar (#4099)
* expanding search
* fix focus
* making search
* kms
* ngmi
* done
* icons
* color fix
* add animation
* fix start state
* responsive
* mouse
* expanded
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* fix: expand state (#4126)
expand state
* chore: merge main into explore (#4131)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* balance summary fix
* rm isChainAllowed
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
* feat: share popout (#4112)
* share popout
* tweet
* remove yarn update
* update unnecessary adds
* naming
* success state
* tweet
* new window
* new twitter window position and fix network display
* fix css and add promise
* comments
* quick fixes
* feat: Kg/explore network selector filter UI (#4129)
* initial network
* search bar fix
* fix menu items
* fix
* renaming and remove comment
* Update package.json
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* update chain info
* fix props
* moving to another PR
* fix: search responsiveness and expand state (#4142)
* fix search expand
* search moves to newline
* chore: merge main into explore (#4153)
* merge main
* deprecated
* deprecate colors
* chore: merge main into explore (#4164)
* merge main
* re-work App.tsx
* feat: add new colors to explore page (#4139)
* update color theme file
* update explore colors
* fix
* rename
* hover state colors
* table highlight
* update colors!
* small changes
* Update settings.json
* feat: different table states (#4166)
* error state
* center
* filter at table level (error)
* Update settings.json
* filter at table
* add hook
* fix hook, add no tokens state
* favorite in hook
* add favorites part 2
* fix import
* revert toptokens data type
* componenet
* feat: explore state management (#4171)
* initial
* add jotai
* refile
* save file
* change style
* reset filter string query
* Update settings.json
* location
* feat: token details mobile responsiveness (#4172)
* initial
* gap
* flexy
* Update settings.json
* flex box gains
* fix: fix mobile padding on table and show header (#4168)
* initial
* fix padding
* fix alignment
* fix padding
* Update settings.json
* feat: change token price sparkline colors (#4173)
* fix: make all token row content clickable (#4183)
* initial
* link content to token details
* Update settings.json
* header name token name label
* cursor fix
* Update settings.json
* feat: token details small mobile views (320px min) (#4185)
* initial
* make min width 320
* Update settings.json
* no mobile use
* fix: hover color for TokenTable header cell state (#4184)
* initial
* change header cell hover state
* add
* Update settings.json
* padding 4 to 8
* change header cell hover state
* add
* padding 4 to 8
* Update settings.json
* reusability
* Update settings.json
* Update index.tsx
* fix: Explore color changes (#4195)
* initial
* initial color changes
* Update settings.json
* color changes
* fix: make token details loading state responsive (#4203)
* initial
* skeleton width
* fix jumps
* Update settings.json
* rm wrapper
* fix spaces
* rm random height
* fix props
* fix: update colors on token details page (#4201)
* initial
* update token detail colors
* Update settings.json
* feat: explore table sort (#4202)
* fix some sort style nits
* style fixes
* style fixes
* sort functionality
* refactor(explore): sortfn input from vig (#4209)
sortfn input from vig
* ts nits (#4210)
* fix: add shimmer animation to Explore loading bubbles (#4211)
* initial
* add shimmer animation to loading bubbles
* update shimmer
* export
* animation load
* shared loaded
* Update settings.json
* feat: add error state for network balance summary (#4215)
error state
* feat: network badge on token details page (#4212)
* initial network badge
* update colors
* fix color schema
* update chain usage
* change loading color
* rm css
* update naming
* rename colors
* feat: TokenDetailsPagequery (#4179)
* general query for token details page
* fix conditional useEffect
* feat: amplitude analytics in explore, and make entire token row clickable (#4149)
* initial
* page log
* token select
* explore token page amplitude
* add storage
* comment
* Update settings.json
* rebased new
* Update settings.json
* fixes
* fix amy
* rebase with state management
* rebase
* Update TokenTable.tsx
* Delete TokenTable.tsx
* make row clickable and send event
* rip out unnecessary leftover event
* remove listNumber prop and derive from tokenListIndex directly
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
* fix: rm underline for token details (#4255)
rm underline
* feat: initial price charts (#4254)
* Created initial price chart using static data
* addressed PR comments
* applied theme, removed unused visx dependencies
* chore: merge main into explore (#4260)
* refactor: remove hideRouteDiagram prop (#3763)
* fix: Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState" (#4081)
Revert "refactor: remove coinbase wallet resetState (#4024)"
This reverts commit e36722ccb4cd282aa932ff7c7e6082190f3ed131.
* feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo
* fix: wrong condition
* combine celo and alfajores lists
* use celo erc20 representation
* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls
* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available
* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains
* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address
* fix: darkmode background graident
* fix: removing a comment left behind
* fix: remove bad import
* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org
* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring
* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org
* fix: change celo token bridge to portal
* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version
* refactor: for code readability
* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo
* fix: change celo token list to hosted version
* fix: update celo banner colors
* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk
* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s
* fix: update celo contract addresses
* fix: update celo subgraph
* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions
* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix
* fix: resolve Pool dependency
* fix: bridge chain id types
* fix: explorer link test
* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo
* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks
* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install
* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk
* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade
* build: dedup lockfile
* feature: add portal ether to common bases
* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2
* fix: use token as native asset
* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method
* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned
* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan
* fix: celo token casting
* fix: celo celo explorer it
* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* fix: revert "fix button jump on currency panel" (#4083)
fix padding
* fix: unsupported chain displays message instead of crash (#4054)
* made initial changes for pools page displaying w/ unsupported chains
* condensed styling
* added chain validation to CTACards and wrote tests for both CTAcards and Pools page
* linted changes
* switched from snapshot to text matching tests
* switched test to use check for text instead of testid
* fix: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script (#3728)
* fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script
* fix: :rotating_light: add newline
* Revert "fix: :bug: add crossplatform `prei18n-extract` script"
This reverts commit 201bd2308a3caf648368b3945d5b73d8cb46c816.
* build: :package: add `shx` as dev dep, use it in `prei18n:extract` script
* fix: :bug: use platform-specific commands for prei18n-extract
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4084)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement trace framework for analytics (#4060)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* respond to zzmp comments
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* refactor: wallet specific Option components (#4065)
* refactor: wallet specific Option components
* fix
* fix
* fix coinbase wallet logic
* injected logic
* remove wallet.ts
* install metamask
* move all into InjectedOption
* fix mobile metamask
* wip
* more mocking
* more test fixes
* refactor
* more special casing
* isMetaMask
* simplify components
* fix imports
* fix coinbase wallet
* test fix
* fix connectors changing
* Revert "fix connectors changing"
This reverts commit 2acfe645ca506048e599d515674a54b27d12144f.
* more to typescript logic instead of jsx
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4090)
* build: upgrade @typescript-eslint (#4095)
build: update @typescript-eslint
* build: update caniuse-lite (#4093)
* test: enforce deps deduplication (#4097)
* build: use fewer babel versions
* build: dedup
* test: test deps dedups
* fix: test.yml
* fix: typo
* test: failing
* fix: dedup
* fix: dedup
* test: comment dedup tests
* chore: whitespace
* feat: implement token selector events (#4067)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* init commit
* respond to zzmp comments
* add token selected event
* fixes
* eliminate unnecessary state
* respond to part of zzmp comments
* respond to zzmp comments round 2
* fixes
* respond to zzmp comments
* add imported token event and other fixes
* also log onKeyPress for suggested tokens
* respond to cmcewen comments
* chore: updates web3-react, adds key for changing connector order (#4085)
* fix connectors changing
* update package
* add connection name
* rename file
* de-dupe
* cb wallet fix
* fix
* yarn change
* log the key
* re-order connections
* memoize the key
* some updates
* rm console
* prevent memory leak
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* feat: implement-page-viewed-event-for-all-main-pages-of-app (#4089)
* init commit: initial constants for pages, implement vote page viewed
* implement swap
* implement pool
* remove charts
* simplify shouldLogImpression
* chore: upgrade to react 18 (#3992)
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix: revert to prev commmit
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* fix: rebase
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* rebase
* rebase
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* rebase
* chore: upgrade to react 18
* fix: update tests
* fix: fix lint issues and remove unnecessary react hooks testing library
* fix: add types for stricter typescript checks
* fix: fix additional typescript check issues
* fix
* eslint fix
* fix: package.json changes
* fix: package.json changes
* fix yarn lock
* fix version package.json
* fix: downgrade react-router-dom to original
* fix: undo modification of .github/workflows/release.yaml
* fix: revert cypress testing version update
* fix
* fix: error boundary change
* yarn.lock change
* fix: cypress tests finally passing due to zzmp redux multicall fix HOORAY
* undo service worker changes
* build: dedup lockfile
* yarn.lock + lint
* update snapshot tests
* checkpoint
* yarn.lock
* fix: fix type errors during build
* fixes
* fix yarn.lock
* dedup yarn
* fix: import react components explicitly instead of all of react
* dedup
* yarn.lock
* yarn.lock
* dedup
* yarn
* dedup
* dedupe use-sync-external-store
* fix build issues
* dedup use-sync-external-store
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile (#4101)
* chore(web3-react): fix connectEagerly for MetaMask mobile
* fix
* build: pause deploy (#4102)
* fix: update styled-components in package.json to latest to remove react invalid hook call warnings (#4103)
* fix warning vig found by updating styled-components
* revert unnecessary yarn.lock changes
* reduce unnecessary changes
* dedup
* manual fix and dedup of yarn.lock
* manually dedup @emotion/is-prop-valid
* update snapshot tests
* build: upgrade prettier to v2.7.1 (#4109)
* style: prettier based on v2.2
* 2.7.1 instead?
* npx
* ^
* refactor: adding safe getter for ChainInfo (#4110)
* replaced CHAIN_INFO access with a function call
* updated CTACard tests to work with getChainInfo
* updated typechecking, removed console.log
* build: Revert "build: pause deploy" (#4107)
* Revert "build: pause deploy (#4102)"
This reverts commit 3a1ea3df85a60fd32f47b67ce933a6edd239384f.
* prettier
* refactor: remaining changes from the large celo merge (#4088)
* refactor: useUSDCValue -> useStablecoinValue
* refactor: use the isCelo() helper
* refactor: remove unneeded white space
* chore: upgrades react-router-dom, fixes dev-mode linking (#4115)
* fix: stale route
* fix: add e2e test
* fix: update e2e test
* fix: fixes Popover arrow positioning (#4119)
fix: fix arrow position
* build: don't fail cypress on unhandled exception (#4122)
* fix: catch vibrant failure (#4123)
fix: catch CORS error
* feat: enable 1bp optimism fee tier (#4124)
enable new optimism fee tier
* chore: move prettier, jest-styled-components to devDependencies (#4128)
* change package
* yarn.lock
* feat: implement connect wallet category events (#4111)
* init commit
* wallet connected event init commit
* add received_swap_quote event property
* add page context, connect wallet event log
* add received_swap_quote property
* fix typo
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comments
* move trace to app.tsx from header
* respond to vm comments
* build: change project name to @uniswap/interface (#4125)
* fix: increase celo blocksPerFetch to 5 to improve interface performance (#4130)
* init commit
* revert yarn.lock changes
* update test snapshots
* build: lock jest-styled-components@7.0.7 (#4132)
* fix: don't toggle desktop NetworkSelector on click (#4134)
fix: don't NetworkSelector onClick on desktop
* chore: access router data with hooks (#4121)
* chore: access router data with hooks
* chore: clean RouteComponentProps
* chore: use children instead of render
* add import
* test: fix swap test flake (#4135)
* remove all the funky logic
* clear stuff
* uncomment some tests
* remove expert mode tests
* skip these tests again, smh
* fix: sync chain query parameter (#4019)
* replaceURLChain
* reorder stuff
* don't use usePrevious for previousChainId
* remove the replace param call in promise
* variable names
* comment
* confirm isActive
* wrong place for isActive
* change ret type
* add comments
* check if not previous chain id
* fix: unused onClickOutside reference (#4140)
* refactor: clean floating Route (#4144)
* fix: increase Polygon gas limit (#3882)
* Update graph link
* Add Gas over ride temp for Polygon
* removal of personal tweaks
* Update index.tsx
* reset to original file
* missing EOL
* Update useClientSideV3Trade.ts
* remove space
* fix: add celo gas override (#4147)
fix: add celo gas override to circumvent 'out of gas' error from multicall
* build: add global jest-styled-components config (#4148)
* add test.config.ts
* don't need per file
* comment
* ts -> js
* rm test.config.js?
* update snapshots
* update jest-styled-components
* style: Adds "deprecated_" prefix to all non-theme colors (#4146)
* Add deprecated_ label to white and black
* Add deprecated_ label to text1 through text5
* Add deprecated_ label for bg0 through bg6
* Add deprecated_ prefix to remaining colors
* Add deprecated_ prefix to direct style references
* Add deprecated_ prefix to all remaining colors
* Update link color
* Fix 'deprecated_white' -> theme.deprecated_white
* Update snapshots
* style: updating ui on unsupported network (#4138)
* initial changes
* disabled all swap ui buttons when on unsupported chain
* implementing Cal's requests to change sizing and copy on pools
* updated snapshots
* reverted changed snapshots
* updated unsupported network test
* fixing deprecated colors missing
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy (#4154)
* build: only test for highest yarn-deduplicate strategy
* remove exclusions
* fix: fix swap details expanded not working on local build (#4156)
fix swap details expanded not working
* refactor: remove unused SwapPoolTabs (#4159)
* chore: clean useless code
* clean unused code
* chore(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#4155)
chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
* feat: implement other swap events part 1 (#4151)
* init commit
* fix prettier errors
* check node env in vercel
* add shouldLogImpression to TraceEvent
* chore: upgrade cypress (#4161)
* chore: upgrade cypress
* 10.3.1
* feat: add updated theme colors (#4141)
* add colors
* Update settings.json
* Update settings.json
* remove comments
* rename
* feat: Web 214 implement the main submit swap event (#4061)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* change percentage to basis points units
* feat: implement swap quote received event (#4165)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: scroll to top only when pathname changes (#4180)
* fix: Update V2 Pool Document link (#4188)
Update V2 Pool Document link
Current link line 163 point to old documents, and gives error page
changed to
current version of pool documents for V2
* fix: updated external docs link for Propose (#4186)
FIxed Propose External Docs Link
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6 (#4143)
* chore: upgrade react-router-dom to v6
* migrate Redirect to Navigate
* use Routes instead of Switch
* migrate useHistory to useNavigate
* use To type
* use element
* work around activeClassName
* fix typing for useParams
* deduplicate
* fix Navigate
* add e2e tests
* visit /swap directly
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
* style: Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components (#4192)
* Add Deprecated prefix to ThemedText components
* Fix lint errors
* fix: update critical red HEX (#4191)
change red
* feat: Web 262 user model custom properties first PR (#4190)
* init commit
* abstract amplitude stuff away to separate function
* feat: remaining swap events (#4169)
* init commit
* add amplitude ts sdk to package.json
* add more comments and documentation
* respond to vm comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* fix: remove unused constants
* init commit
* adapt to web
* add optional event properties to trace
* correct telemetry to analytics
* init commit
* change telemetry to analytics in doc
* init commit
* fix: respond to cmcewen comments + initialize analytics in app.tsx + add missing return statement
* add element name constant
* init commit
* correct price_impact calculation
* resolve vm comments
* fixes in response to comments
* respond to vm
* use ALL significant digits for token amounts
* init commit
* logged all properties
* create helper function getPriceImpactPercentageNumber
* 4 decimal points for percentages
* price percentage fn
* only log event on FIRST price fetch
* init commit
* add swap transaction completed event
* respond to cmcewen comments
* add two events
* remove console.logs
* move transaction completed logging to reducer
* simplify and remove unnecessary logic and constants
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to cmcewen comments
* respond to vm comment
* feat: add time / duration based event properties to swap events (#4193)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* respond to vm comments
* merge and rename util method
* respond to vm comments again
* feat: fetch stablecoin price with SOR, PI warning (#4217)
* feat: fetch stablecoins price with SOR, PI warning
* calculate realized price impact
* remove unrelated changes
* dupe import
* pr feedback
* use the same calculation function for PI
* use proper var
* feat: update unsupported token list (#4219)
* feat: new swap events and properties in taxonomy (#4204)
* init commit
* remove absolute value in date calc
* all the events are now logged properly plus changed native token address to NATIVE
* add documentation line
* remove unnecessary prop
* init
* add approve token event
* fix build
* add route event properties
* fix build
* respond to vm comments
* respond to vm comments
* remove routes properties
* feat(risk): tune down cache (#4208)
* tune down cache from 7 days to 12 hours
* minimal cache time
* fix: hide text cursor on network selector hover (#4249)
Dont' show text cursor when hovering over network dropdown text
* feat: initial FeatureFlagProvider (#4248)
* initial
* add to index
* show more logic
* split up
* nvm combine
* combine more
* loading state for the app
* no conditional
* rm var
* comment
* move comment
* add control specifically
* feat: amplitude logs is_reconnect (#4214)
* modified redux state to track wallet connections to properly log reconnects
* linted and removed console.log
* fixes for lynn's comments + documenting
* fix: update SOR to refundETH on high price impact ETH trades (#4251)
fix lock
* feat: theme color updates under feature flag (#4252)
* toggle
* fixed position
* im bad at spelling
* rm button
* fix
* add feature flag
* naming
* rm blue5
* uppercase
* rm file
* attempting to resolve some theme/unused var issues
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Kaylee George <62825936+kayleegeorge@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
* patch yarn.lock
* chore: merge main into explore (#4264)
merge main
* fix: use absolute path for TokenRow Link (#4266)
* feat: feature flag for explore (#4265)
* deduplicate yarn.lock
* build: default enabled flag on local (#4267)
default flag on local
* chore: Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)" (#4269)
Revert "chore: add craco and vanilla extract libraries (#4100)"
This reverts commit fa284d85f1c3cc9f9d276d2e0207ebc1fc5de656.
* feat: Token safety labels/speedbumps (#4200)
* setup warning modal
* modal pops up on direct link to token details
* updated styles based on fred's review, fixed error where token safety was innacurate on first site visit
* test: updating snapshot changed by token safety (#4272)
updated snapshot changed by token safety merge
* refactor: moved token detail price into chart (#4274)
* moved token price and delta into chart, expanded hoverability for crosshair
* fix: update theme color files on explore (#4277)
fix theme
* fix: theme add hover state and flyout colors (#4279)
* add flyout
* fix hover
* feat(token-details): lazy load some heavy stuff (#4282)
* chore: merge main into explore (#4281)
merge main into explore
* feat: token balances across networks -- footer view for token details page (#4194)
* initial
* initial footer
* network balances
* alphabetize
* add smallest media breakpoint
* Update colors.ts
* rm console log
* add loading and error state
* fix multiple vs single
* updates
* updates
* fix
* Update settings.json
* import fix
* test: update snapshots based on color change (#4287)
* lint errors
* build: declare d3-curve-circlecorners types (#4288)
* fix: merging explore to main nits (#4289)
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: matteenm <105068213+matteenm@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <vignesh@vigneshmohankumar.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charles@bachmeier.io>
Co-authored-by: Anas Yousef <anas.y0807@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesse <31524583+Jesse-Sawa@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: cartcrom <39385577+cartcrom@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Crosier <bruno.crosier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: lynn <41491154+lynnshaoyu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Charles Bachmeier <charlie@genie.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Lynn Yu <lynn.yu@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Vignesh Mohankumar <me@vig.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rachel-Eichenberger <60412342+Rachel-Eichenberger@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel James <danielcolinjames@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Akshit Choudhary <akshitchoudhary007@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Connor McEwen <connor.mcewen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Walsh <davidwalsh83@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emily Williams <emag3m@gmail.com>
2022-08-05 11:37:19 -04:00
"numbro": "^2.3.6",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"polished": "^3.3.2",
2021-09-02 02:17:49 +08:00
"polyfill-object.fromentries": "^1.0.1",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"popper-max-size-modifier": "^0.2.0",
2020-05-16 17:55:22 -04:00
"qs": "^6.9.4",
2022-10-21 13:37:42 -04:00
"rc-slider": "^10.0.1",
2022-07-13 16:56:09 -04:00
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"react-feather": "^2.0.8",
2022-03-24 21:44:48 -04:00
"react-ga4": "^1.4.1",
2022-08-22 12:15:17 -04:00
"react-infinite-scroll-component": "^6.1.0",
2021-07-06 17:05:19 -04:00
"react-is": "^17.0.2",
2020-09-24 11:18:57 -05:00
"react-markdown": "^4.3.1",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"react-popper": "^2.2.3",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"react-query": "^3.39.1",
2022-07-13 16:56:09 -04:00
"react-redux": "^8.0.2",
2022-07-27 05:10:57 +08:00
"react-router-dom": "^6.3.0",
2022-09-30 13:09:06 -04:00
"react-spring": "^9.5.5",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"react-table": "^7.8.0",
2019-11-25 17:56:31 -05:00
"react-use-gesture": "^6.0.14",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"react-virtualized-auto-sizer": "^1.0.2",
"react-window": "^1.8.5",
2022-11-18 11:20:06 -05:00
"react-window-infinite-loader": "^1.0.8",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"rebass": "^4.0.7",
2022-02-23 13:12:07 -08:00
"redux": "^4.1.2",
2020-08-27 10:21:51 -05:00
"redux-localstorage-simple": "^2.3.1",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"setimmediate": "^1.0.5",
2023-02-17 17:42:57 -08:00
"statsig-react": "^1.22.0",
2022-07-14 10:15:46 -04:00
"styled-components": "^5.3.5",
2022-06-09 14:39:38 -04:00
"tiny-invariant": "^1.2.0",
2021-05-11 18:09:01 +02:00
"ua-parser-js": "^0.7.28",
2020-09-24 11:18:57 -05:00
"use-count-up": "^2.2.5",
2022-07-20 18:16:27 -04:00
"use-resize-observer": "^9.0.2",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"uuid": "^8.3.2",
"video-extensions": "^1.2.0",
2021-03-23 21:45:58 -04:00
"wcag-contrast": "^3.0.0",
2021-09-17 09:14:45 -07:00
"web-vitals": "^2.1.0",
2021-03-23 21:45:58 -04:00
"workbox-core": "^6.1.0",
2022-06-14 15:40:52 -04:00
"workbox-navigation-preload": "^6.1.0",
2021-03-23 21:45:58 -04:00
"workbox-precaching": "^6.1.0",
2022-08-10 16:38:23 -07:00
"workbox-routing": "^6.1.0",
"zustand": "^4.0.0-rc.1"
2022-08-22 13:55:48 -04:00
"engines": {
"npm": "please-use-yarn",
"node": "14",
"yarn": ">=1.22"
chore: merge widgets work into main (#3065)
* feat: design system (#2622)
* refactor: mv setInterval to lib (#2621)
* chore: widget tooling (#2620)
* chore: remove global styles from cosmos viewer
* chore: add generated svgs to bundle
* chore: alias lib within lib
* feat: widgets swap settings and arch (#2629)
* style: update theme
* feat: grid-based row/column
* feat: widget/modal arch
* feat: tooltip arch
* feat: atoms arch
* feat: swap settings
* chore: update deps
* fix: input width
* refactor: modularize Tooltip
* feat: add grow to Row
* style: true prop
* refactor: clean NumericInput
* fix: customizable data structure
* chore: sort styled-components
* fix: import ReactNode
* fix: svgr index generation
* chore: run tests on widgets (#2635)
* chore: widgets nits (#2636)
* fix: restrict type color to theme
* feat: add types
* fix: input width
* fix: header divider
* fix: eslint
* fix: color name
* fix: use inputs for a11y (#2646)
* fix: clearable customizable
* feat: accent hovered select option
* feat: custom slippage color
* fix: use buttons for a11y
* fix: widgets styles (#2654)
* style: add body1
* refactor: modularize theme/components
* refactor: modularize all text Input
* fix: toggle opacity
* test: fixture arch
* feat: rm gas price select
* fix: toggle styles/strings
* feat: mock toggle
* fix: dialog overflow clipping
* fix: mix-blend-mode for safari
* fix: clip-path for safari svg
* fix: mock toggle content
* fix: input margin
* fix: input and cursor
* fix: validate . input
* fix: unused useMemo
* feat: widgets empty state (#2657)
* refactor: TextButton
* feat: inline icons
* feat: swap empty state
* feat: define TokenSelect
* fix: always inline icons
* feat: recent transactions (#2661)
* feat: wallet button
* fix: tx deps
* feat: widgets token select (#2685)
* fix: line height of 1
* fix: button margin
* fix: update styles
* feat: token select
* refactor: mocks and types
* feat: close dialog on esc
* feat: focus input on token select
* refactor: layer swap elements
* feat: use token color
* fix: widget theme
* fix: use vibrant
* chore: lodash types
* fix: fixture props
* feat: smoother color extraction
* fix: vibrant dep
* perf: extract input token color too
* feat: eased token background
* feat: token color prefetching
* chore: mv polished to deps
* chore: package management
* fix: token background transition
* fix: better color transitions
* feat: widgets UI (#2742)
* feat: add swap states
* fix: widget-global box-sizing
* feat: desaturate and opacity on token approval
* feat: red balance on balance insufficient
* fix: states
* feat: action button
* refactor: action button
* feat: loading spinner border
* fix: typescript errors
* fix: token color transition
* fix: unused typings
* feat: swap summary sans tooltip
* refactor: swap state
* feat: swap summary
* refactor: simpler swap names
* fix: cutoffs around footer
* refactor: recent txs
* refactor: buttons
* feat: tx status
* fix: consistent formatting
* feat: tx error
* test: tx error
* test: widget decorator
* style: theming
* fix: clean up dialogs
* fix: clean up swap
* fix: clean up overlays
* fix: action button text on hover
* fix: pickAtom
* fix: pickAtom typings
* fix: smoother error transition
* feat: enter for toggle
* fix: select tabbing
* refactor: simplify dialogs
* feat: widgets polish (#2757)
* fix: loading spinner fallback for safari
* fix: use border for focus
* refactor: token options
* fix: use react toggle event
* fix: token select
* fix: inert content when modal
* fix: windowed token select
* chore: mv windowing utils to deps
* fix: windowing with no rerender
* feat: widget i18n (#2765)
* feat: configure widget i18n
* i18n: wrap translatable strings in macros
* fix: rm lib/locales
* refactor: t to trans
* feat: cosmos locale selector
* chore: widgets nits (#2786)
* fix: tooltip color
* fix: tx ttl tooltip
* fix: tooltip positioning
* fix: token list padding top
* style: responsive tx
* nit: fix summary copy
* chore: change byline
* feat(widgets): add new @web3-react cosmos decorator (#2799)
add new @web3-react cosmos decorator and provider api to widget
* feat: token color mock (#2878)
* chore: merge main into widgets (#2893)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: center focused outline card (#2625)
* fix: add usdc to arbitrum/optimism common bases (#2641)
* remove WETH from optimism bases (#2640)
* use l2 logos in base pairs (#2634)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors (#2630)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors
* set to 100m gas
* back to 25m so we batch fewer calls
* do not pass through gas limit, some simplification of the code
* unused import
* fix: restrict @davatar usage to avoid 3p fetches (#2649)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data (#2652)
* ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data
* debounce both input currencies, and only look for pairs on currencies that share a chainId
* pr feedback
* fix: use optional operator for chainId (#2666)
* chore: update token list (#2670)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: update token list (#2671)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: extend privacy and terms (#2623)
* initial iteration
* add logging
* added hook
* polish
* remove unused import
* add hash
* addressed pr feedback
* remove autorouter icon
* use firebase store
* style
* adjust recat ga
* log remove liquidity
* update copy
* addressed pr feedback
* addressed pr feedback
* prevent privacy content from dismissing modal
* make top-level key origin
* use hostname
* restore trm
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log full signed tx (#2681)
* refactor monitoring (#2682)
* chore: set final privacy learn more link' (#2684)
* add learn more button
* add final link
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: back arrow bug in wallet modal and fill tx for wallet (#2687)
* add tx to wallet connect
* remove id from env
* restore env
* block import of unsupported tokens (#2673)
generalize custom import token block ui
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps-dev): bump @uniswap/token-lists (#2699)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* try out 'dimension1' (#2704)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: walletconnect modal re-open after user rejection (#2693)
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
* chore: update unsupported token list (#2689)
* chore: update unsupported token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: memoize the list stuff so the tokens are consistently clickable (#2724)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: update cmc list link (#2710)
* update cmc lists
* update CMC url
* add token to unsupported list (#2732)
* don't overwrite localstorage lists when fetch throws (#2723)
* try cd1 for custom dimension (#2734)
* fix: Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8 (#2655)
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.5 which has a walletlink update to support addEthereumChain+switchEthereumChain requests
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.7
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8
* fix: Parse latest proposal description correctly
* add proposal start time (#2738)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: #2741 Increase liquidity form off center (#2746)
* fix: bump to latest token list including ENS token
* fix: remove deprecated optimism status url (#2771)
* feat: Menu update. Add help center & feature requests. Remove analytics & github. (#2709)
* Add help center, remove analytics from menu
* Add canny feature requests link, remove github link
* add coffee icon
* no unused imports eslint rule (#2773)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* add protocols param to quote endpoint (#2774)
* add protocols param to quote endpoint
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: lint error (#2775)
* fix(optimism): Optimism regenesis support (#2703)
* feat(optimism): optimistic kovan local regenesis changes
* use the regenesis version of the sdk
* remove the override no longer necessary
* diff rpc url
* back to kovan url
* lint error
* Optimism mainnet regenesis test (#2695)
* remove the optimism mainnet specific code and point to the mainnet regenesis rpc url
* point at the old mainnet multicall address
* bump the sdk version
* copy the list
* multicall address regenesis change
* revert the gas limit special casing for optimism
* bump the sdk version
* remove a couple other temporary edits
* unused test case
* specific version of v3-sdk
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: add support for 0.01% tier (#2769)
* chore: add support for 0.01% tier
* only show 1bps on mainnet
* rename VERY_LOW to LOWEST
* upgrade to v3-sdk 3.7.0
* add snapshot testing for lowest tier
* fix integration test
* fix integration test
* use ALL_SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS over string all
* consider 0.01% tier in pool (#2770)
* merge main and only consider lowest tier for mainnet
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp (#2777)
* update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp
* stop doing dumb state manipulation
* fix: copy in network alert
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): remove redux from chain connectivity (#2781)
* remove redux from chain connectivity
* useMachineTimeMs instead of Date.now to force updates, useCurrentBlockTimestamp
* use useInterval
* change not created font size to 10 (#2785)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString (#2459)
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString
Fixes #2458
* fix: date typings
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: broken link to docs (#2816)
* chore: fix typo in useAllCurrencyCombinations.ts (#2778)
occurence -> occurrence
* chore: update typechain scripts for Windows (#2707)
There are two errors when deploying on Windows system:
1. Using single quotes in path argument doesn't seem to be accepted in typechain command
2. `?(v3-core|v3-periphery)` operator doesn't work
Here are fixes/workarounds.
* perf: lazy load vote related routes (#2468)
* perf: lazy load vote related routes
* wrap Switch in Suspense
* remove exact to match nested routes
* fix nested routes
* split Landing
* fix
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: Enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet (#2753)
enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas (#2815)
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas
* comments
* min/max at 0.5% to 25%
* oops on constant
* address review feedback
* Fixing #2818 (#2820)
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: fix #2818
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log an event on max click (#2827)
* Add trailing slash to L2 info links (#2696)
Some links were broken. For example on /pools/ page click the 'Top Pools' CTA. It would mistakenly direct you to info.uniswap.org/optimismpools instead of optimism/pools
* fix(L2): block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked (#2721)
* block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* check for support on all connectors, and disable when the connector (or lack thereof) no longer supports 3085 (#2824)
* feat: display an ENS avatar (#2806)
* feat: ens avatar resolution
* chore: uninstall @davatar/react
* fix: add avatar alt
* feat: support data uris
* feat: support arweave uris
* feat: support erc721 avatars
* feat: support erc1155 avatars
* fix: jazzicon integration
* fix: clean usage of status icon
* fix: fix jazzicon svg offset
* refactor: share status icon component
* fix: pass memoized args to multicall
* Update locales.ts (#2825)
update Finnish from person (Suomalainen) to language (suomi)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore: fix the build blocking linter error
* chore: run linters with auto_fix = false for forks (#2852)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org (#2855)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org
fixes https://github.com/Uniswap/interface/issues/2572
* address comment
* fix: remove orphaned node (#2863)
* fix: remove orphaned node
* fix: react cleanup
* refactor: use ref for jazzicon (#2874)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps): bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 (#2759)
Bumps [ws](https://github.com/websockets/ws) from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/websockets/ws/compare/5.2.2...5.2.3)
- dependency-name: ws
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (#2504)
Bumps [url-parse](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse) from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/compare/1.5.1...1.5.3)
- dependency-name: url-parse
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* add more tests for tryParseTick (#2110)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config (#2886)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* fix the linter errors that arose from using the proper config
* clean up the rebass text renames
* fix if statement, use the config
* use the same name prefix for both steps
* `TextPreset` -> `ThemedText`
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: Add routes for stakewise tokens (#2832)
* Add additional routes for stakewise tokens
* Reference StakeWise addresses with sdk tokens
* Sort token imports
* chore: yarn-deduplicate
* chore: lint widgets
* fix: use lib useInterval
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: Micael Rodrigues <micaelr95@outlook.pt>
Co-authored-by: Justin Domingue <judo@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moodysalem@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <46133205+M0kY@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Will Hennessy <hennessywill@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brendan Weinstein <65564422+brendanww@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ben Krochta <35636764+bkrochta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moody.salem@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Raj <sukhrajghuman@live.com>
Co-authored-by: Ikko Ashimine <eltociear@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Salamon <35425388+Matthews3301@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ali Eray Kısabacak <eraykisabacak@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kimmo S <kkpsiren@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmitri Tsumak <tsumak.dmitri@gmail.com>
* chore: merge main into widgets (#2923)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: center focused outline card (#2625)
* fix: add usdc to arbitrum/optimism common bases (#2641)
* remove WETH from optimism bases (#2640)
* use l2 logos in base pairs (#2634)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors (#2630)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors
* set to 100m gas
* back to 25m so we batch fewer calls
* do not pass through gas limit, some simplification of the code
* unused import
* fix: restrict @davatar usage to avoid 3p fetches (#2649)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data (#2652)
* ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data
* debounce both input currencies, and only look for pairs on currencies that share a chainId
* pr feedback
* fix: use optional operator for chainId (#2666)
* chore: update token list (#2670)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: update token list (#2671)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: extend privacy and terms (#2623)
* initial iteration
* add logging
* added hook
* polish
* remove unused import
* add hash
* addressed pr feedback
* remove autorouter icon
* use firebase store
* style
* adjust recat ga
* log remove liquidity
* update copy
* addressed pr feedback
* addressed pr feedback
* prevent privacy content from dismissing modal
* make top-level key origin
* use hostname
* restore trm
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log full signed tx (#2681)
* refactor monitoring (#2682)
* chore: set final privacy learn more link' (#2684)
* add learn more button
* add final link
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: back arrow bug in wallet modal and fill tx for wallet (#2687)
* add tx to wallet connect
* remove id from env
* restore env
* block import of unsupported tokens (#2673)
generalize custom import token block ui
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps-dev): bump @uniswap/token-lists (#2699)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* try out 'dimension1' (#2704)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: walletconnect modal re-open after user rejection (#2693)
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
* chore: update unsupported token list (#2689)
* chore: update unsupported token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: memoize the list stuff so the tokens are consistently clickable (#2724)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: update cmc list link (#2710)
* update cmc lists
* update CMC url
* add token to unsupported list (#2732)
* don't overwrite localstorage lists when fetch throws (#2723)
* try cd1 for custom dimension (#2734)
* fix: Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8 (#2655)
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.5 which has a walletlink update to support addEthereumChain+switchEthereumChain requests
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.7
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8
* fix: Parse latest proposal description correctly
* add proposal start time (#2738)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: #2741 Increase liquidity form off center (#2746)
* fix: bump to latest token list including ENS token
* fix: remove deprecated optimism status url (#2771)
* feat: Menu update. Add help center & feature requests. Remove analytics & github. (#2709)
* Add help center, remove analytics from menu
* Add canny feature requests link, remove github link
* add coffee icon
* no unused imports eslint rule (#2773)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* add protocols param to quote endpoint (#2774)
* add protocols param to quote endpoint
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: lint error (#2775)
* fix(optimism): Optimism regenesis support (#2703)
* feat(optimism): optimistic kovan local regenesis changes
* use the regenesis version of the sdk
* remove the override no longer necessary
* diff rpc url
* back to kovan url
* lint error
* Optimism mainnet regenesis test (#2695)
* remove the optimism mainnet specific code and point to the mainnet regenesis rpc url
* point at the old mainnet multicall address
* bump the sdk version
* copy the list
* multicall address regenesis change
* revert the gas limit special casing for optimism
* bump the sdk version
* remove a couple other temporary edits
* unused test case
* specific version of v3-sdk
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: add support for 0.01% tier (#2769)
* chore: add support for 0.01% tier
* only show 1bps on mainnet
* rename VERY_LOW to LOWEST
* upgrade to v3-sdk 3.7.0
* add snapshot testing for lowest tier
* fix integration test
* fix integration test
* use ALL_SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS over string all
* consider 0.01% tier in pool (#2770)
* merge main and only consider lowest tier for mainnet
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp (#2777)
* update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp
* stop doing dumb state manipulation
* fix: copy in network alert
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): remove redux from chain connectivity (#2781)
* remove redux from chain connectivity
* useMachineTimeMs instead of Date.now to force updates, useCurrentBlockTimestamp
* use useInterval
* change not created font size to 10 (#2785)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString (#2459)
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString
Fixes #2458
* fix: date typings
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: broken link to docs (#2816)
* chore: fix typo in useAllCurrencyCombinations.ts (#2778)
occurence -> occurrence
* chore: update typechain scripts for Windows (#2707)
There are two errors when deploying on Windows system:
1. Using single quotes in path argument doesn't seem to be accepted in typechain command
2. `?(v3-core|v3-periphery)` operator doesn't work
Here are fixes/workarounds.
* perf: lazy load vote related routes (#2468)
* perf: lazy load vote related routes
* wrap Switch in Suspense
* remove exact to match nested routes
* fix nested routes
* split Landing
* fix
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: Enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet (#2753)
enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas (#2815)
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas
* comments
* min/max at 0.5% to 25%
* oops on constant
* address review feedback
* Fixing #2818 (#2820)
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: fix #2818
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log an event on max click (#2827)
* Add trailing slash to L2 info links (#2696)
Some links were broken. For example on /pools/ page click the 'Top Pools' CTA. It would mistakenly direct you to info.uniswap.org/optimismpools instead of optimism/pools
* fix(L2): block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked (#2721)
* block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* check for support on all connectors, and disable when the connector (or lack thereof) no longer supports 3085 (#2824)
* feat: display an ENS avatar (#2806)
* feat: ens avatar resolution
* chore: uninstall @davatar/react
* fix: add avatar alt
* feat: support data uris
* feat: support arweave uris
* feat: support erc721 avatars
* feat: support erc1155 avatars
* fix: jazzicon integration
* fix: clean usage of status icon
* fix: fix jazzicon svg offset
* refactor: share status icon component
* fix: pass memoized args to multicall
* Update locales.ts (#2825)
update Finnish from person (Suomalainen) to language (suomi)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore: fix the build blocking linter error
* chore: run linters with auto_fix = false for forks (#2852)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org (#2855)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org
fixes https://github.com/Uniswap/interface/issues/2572
* address comment
* fix: remove orphaned node (#2863)
* fix: remove orphaned node
* fix: react cleanup
* refactor: use ref for jazzicon (#2874)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps): bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 (#2759)
Bumps [ws](https://github.com/websockets/ws) from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/websockets/ws/compare/5.2.2...5.2.3)
- dependency-name: ws
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (#2504)
Bumps [url-parse](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse) from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/compare/1.5.1...1.5.3)
- dependency-name: url-parse
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* add more tests for tryParseTick (#2110)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config (#2886)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* fix the linter errors that arose from using the proper config
* clean up the rebass text renames
* fix if statement, use the config
* use the same name prefix for both steps
* `TextPreset` -> `ThemedText`
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: Add routes for stakewise tokens (#2832)
* Add additional routes for stakewise tokens
* Reference StakeWise addresses with sdk tokens
* Sort token imports
* fix: fix layout of proposal list items on the vote page on mobile (#2898)
* fix: fixing layout from using grid to flexbox
* fix: setting WrapSmall to nowrap due to layout issue on mobile
* fix: using width auto instead of disabling flex wrap
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
* fix: typo in arweave URI recognition (#2901)
* deleted files
* Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Uniswap/interface" (#2912)
This reverts commit bf7a40be7a0a37b5051b9a877bbea563fba5782d, reversing
changes made to 097b8361d4c09afd3cb681c4622145c555ced884.
* fix: inadvertent merges/reverts (#2915)
* Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Uniswap/interface" (#2912)"
This reverts commit 7d343dcfbdf75a2f91d28cefce84e4b1bace7b87.
* Revert "deleted files"
This reverts commit 097b8361d4c09afd3cb681c4622145c555ced884.
* refactor: Replace multicall implementation with library (#2768)
- Replace the local implementation of multicall with the new redux-multicall lib
- Create wrappers for redux-multicall hooks to inject block number and chainId
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: Micael Rodrigues <micaelr95@outlook.pt>
Co-authored-by: Justin Domingue <judo@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moodysalem@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <46133205+M0kY@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Will Hennessy <hennessywill@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brendan Weinstein <65564422+brendanww@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ben Krochta <35636764+bkrochta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moody.salem@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Raj <sukhrajghuman@live.com>
Co-authored-by: Ikko Ashimine <eltociear@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Salamon <35425388+Matthews3301@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ali Eray Kısabacak <eraykisabacak@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kimmo S <kkpsiren@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmitri Tsumak <tsumak.dmitri@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Diaz-Padron <carlosdiazpadron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: J M Rossy <jm.rossy@gmail.com>
* feat: Multicall lib integration for widgets (#2946)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: center focused outline card (#2625)
* fix: add usdc to arbitrum/optimism common bases (#2641)
* remove WETH from optimism bases (#2640)
* use l2 logos in base pairs (#2634)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors (#2630)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors
* set to 100m gas
* back to 25m so we batch fewer calls
* do not pass through gas limit, some simplification of the code
* unused import
* fix: restrict @davatar usage to avoid 3p fetches (#2649)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data (#2652)
* ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data
* debounce both input currencies, and only look for pairs on currencies that share a chainId
* pr feedback
* fix: use optional operator for chainId (#2666)
* chore: update token list (#2670)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: update token list (#2671)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: extend privacy and terms (#2623)
* initial iteration
* add logging
* added hook
* polish
* remove unused import
* add hash
* addressed pr feedback
* remove autorouter icon
* use firebase store
* style
* adjust recat ga
* log remove liquidity
* update copy
* addressed pr feedback
* addressed pr feedback
* prevent privacy content from dismissing modal
* make top-level key origin
* use hostname
* restore trm
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log full signed tx (#2681)
* refactor monitoring (#2682)
* chore: set final privacy learn more link' (#2684)
* add learn more button
* add final link
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: back arrow bug in wallet modal and fill tx for wallet (#2687)
* add tx to wallet connect
* remove id from env
* restore env
* block import of unsupported tokens (#2673)
generalize custom import token block ui
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps-dev): bump @uniswap/token-lists (#2699)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* try out 'dimension1' (#2704)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: walletconnect modal re-open after user rejection (#2693)
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
* chore: update unsupported token list (#2689)
* chore: update unsupported token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: memoize the list stuff so the tokens are consistently clickable (#2724)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: update cmc list link (#2710)
* update cmc lists
* update CMC url
* add token to unsupported list (#2732)
* don't overwrite localstorage lists when fetch throws (#2723)
* try cd1 for custom dimension (#2734)
* fix: Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8 (#2655)
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.5 which has a walletlink update to support addEthereumChain+switchEthereumChain requests
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.7
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8
* fix: Parse latest proposal description correctly
* add proposal start time (#2738)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: #2741 Increase liquidity form off center (#2746)
* fix: bump to latest token list including ENS token
* fix: remove deprecated optimism status url (#2771)
* feat: Menu update. Add help center & feature requests. Remove analytics & github. (#2709)
* Add help center, remove analytics from menu
* Add canny feature requests link, remove github link
* add coffee icon
* no unused imports eslint rule (#2773)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* add protocols param to quote endpoint (#2774)
* add protocols param to quote endpoint
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: lint error (#2775)
* fix(optimism): Optimism regenesis support (#2703)
* feat(optimism): optimistic kovan local regenesis changes
* use the regenesis version of the sdk
* remove the override no longer necessary
* diff rpc url
* back to kovan url
* lint error
* Optimism mainnet regenesis test (#2695)
* remove the optimism mainnet specific code and point to the mainnet regenesis rpc url
* point at the old mainnet multicall address
* bump the sdk version
* copy the list
* multicall address regenesis change
* revert the gas limit special casing for optimism
* bump the sdk version
* remove a couple other temporary edits
* unused test case
* specific version of v3-sdk
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: add support for 0.01% tier (#2769)
* chore: add support for 0.01% tier
* only show 1bps on mainnet
* rename VERY_LOW to LOWEST
* upgrade to v3-sdk 3.7.0
* add snapshot testing for lowest tier
* fix integration test
* fix integration test
* use ALL_SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS over string all
* consider 0.01% tier in pool (#2770)
* merge main and only consider lowest tier for mainnet
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp (#2777)
* update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp
* stop doing dumb state manipulation
* fix: copy in network alert
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): remove redux from chain connectivity (#2781)
* remove redux from chain connectivity
* useMachineTimeMs instead of Date.now to force updates, useCurrentBlockTimestamp
* use useInterval
* change not created font size to 10 (#2785)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString (#2459)
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString
Fixes #2458
* fix: date typings
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: broken link to docs (#2816)
* chore: fix typo in useAllCurrencyCombinations.ts (#2778)
occurence -> occurrence
* chore: update typechain scripts for Windows (#2707)
There are two errors when deploying on Windows system:
1. Using single quotes in path argument doesn't seem to be accepted in typechain command
2. `?(v3-core|v3-periphery)` operator doesn't work
Here are fixes/workarounds.
* perf: lazy load vote related routes (#2468)
* perf: lazy load vote related routes
* wrap Switch in Suspense
* remove exact to match nested routes
* fix nested routes
* split Landing
* fix
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: Enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet (#2753)
enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas (#2815)
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas
* comments
* min/max at 0.5% to 25%
* oops on constant
* address review feedback
* Fixing #2818 (#2820)
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: fix #2818
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log an event on max click (#2827)
* Add trailing slash to L2 info links (#2696)
Some links were broken. For example on /pools/ page click the 'Top Pools' CTA. It would mistakenly direct you to info.uniswap.org/optimismpools instead of optimism/pools
* fix(L2): block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked (#2721)
* block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* check for support on all connectors, and disable when the connector (or lack thereof) no longer supports 3085 (#2824)
* feat: display an ENS avatar (#2806)
* feat: ens avatar resolution
* chore: uninstall @davatar/react
* fix: add avatar alt
* feat: support data uris
* feat: support arweave uris
* feat: support erc721 avatars
* feat: support erc1155 avatars
* fix: jazzicon integration
* fix: clean usage of status icon
* fix: fix jazzicon svg offset
* refactor: share status icon component
* fix: pass memoized args to multicall
* Update locales.ts (#2825)
update Finnish from person (Suomalainen) to language (suomi)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore: fix the build blocking linter error
* chore: run linters with auto_fix = false for forks (#2852)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org (#2855)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org
fixes https://github.com/Uniswap/interface/issues/2572
* address comment
* fix: remove orphaned node (#2863)
* fix: remove orphaned node
* fix: react cleanup
* refactor: use ref for jazzicon (#2874)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps): bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 (#2759)
Bumps [ws](https://github.com/websockets/ws) from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/websockets/ws/compare/5.2.2...5.2.3)
- dependency-name: ws
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (#2504)
Bumps [url-parse](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse) from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/compare/1.5.1...1.5.3)
- dependency-name: url-parse
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* add more tests for tryParseTick (#2110)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config (#2886)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* fix the linter errors that arose from using the proper config
* clean up the rebass text renames
* fix if statement, use the config
* use the same name prefix for both steps
* `TextPreset` -> `ThemedText`
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: Add routes for stakewise tokens (#2832)
* Add additional routes for stakewise tokens
* Reference StakeWise addresses with sdk tokens
* Sort token imports
* fix: fix layout of proposal list items on the vote page on mobile (#2898)
* fix: fixing layout from using grid to flexbox
* fix: setting WrapSmall to nowrap due to layout issue on mobile
* fix: using width auto instead of disabling flex wrap
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
* fix: typo in arweave URI recognition (#2901)
* deleted files
* Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Uniswap/interface" (#2912)
This reverts commit bf7a40be7a0a37b5051b9a877bbea563fba5782d, reversing
changes made to 097b8361d4c09afd3cb681c4622145c555ced884.
* fix: inadvertent merges/reverts (#2915)
* Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Uniswap/interface" (#2912)"
This reverts commit 7d343dcfbdf75a2f91d28cefce84e4b1bace7b87.
* Revert "deleted files"
This reverts commit 097b8361d4c09afd3cb681c4622145c555ced884.
* refactor: Replace multicall implementation with library (#2768)
- Replace the local implementation of multicall with the new redux-multicall lib
- Create wrappers for redux-multicall hooks to inject block number and chainId
* package.json tweaks
* add multicall lib and some basic provider things
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: Micael Rodrigues <micaelr95@outlook.pt>
Co-authored-by: Justin Domingue <judo@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moodysalem@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <46133205+M0kY@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Will Hennessy <hennessywill@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brendan Weinstein <65564422+brendanww@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ben Krochta <35636764+bkrochta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moody.salem@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Raj <sukhrajghuman@live.com>
Co-authored-by: Ikko Ashimine <eltociear@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Salamon <35425388+Matthews3301@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ali Eray Kısabacak <eraykisabacak@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kimmo S <kkpsiren@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmitri Tsumak <tsumak.dmitri@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Diaz-Padron <carlosdiazpadron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: J M Rossy <jm.rossy@gmail.com>
* feat: widgets style update (#2939)
* feat: widgets empty state (#2951)
* chore: mv onHover to computed theme; reduce to 0.16
* chore: transparentize primary on hover
* chore: transparentize dynamic primary on hover
* style: restrict icon usage
Restricts icons to lib/icons. This ensures that icons are loaded as singletons outside of the React lifecycle. Doing otherwise hinders performance.
* fix: logo mix-blend-mode
* wip: empty states
* fix: accent/active colors
* wip: empty states
* fix: input hover states
* nit: specific user select
* nit: button transition
* nit: no button transition
* chore: better cosmos toggles
* chore: load inter
* make cosmos work with new required widget props (#2956)
* separate connector atoms (#2959)
* fix: widgets nits sans summary/status (#2960)
* fix: dynamic scrollbar
* feat: system theme hook
* nit: settings
* nit: large settings icons
* fix: accessible color computation
* fix: ignore status scroll for now
* fix: ignore txs scroll for now
* feat: widgets summary (#2980)
* fix: output first in toolbar
* fix: widget height
* feat: token color extraction toggle
* fix: header sizing
* fix: height nits
* chore: re-arch sub pages
* nit: height
* feat: border radius as range
* fix: exclude cosmos setter from hook deps
* feat: default width to 360
* feat: type classes
* fix: header height
* fix: default cosmos width to 360
* refactor: icon button
* wip: summary
* fix: scrollbar
* feat: summary
* fix: summary expando
* fix: widgets transitions (#2983)
* fix: action button height
* fix: summary scrollbar fading
* fix: summary fixture
* fix: action button transitions
* feat: widgets status (#2987)
* fix: action button height
* fix: summary scrollbar fading
* fix: summary fixture
* fix: action button transitions
* refactor: commit spinner as svg asset
* feat: status dialog
* fix: spinner rounding
* feat: widgets fonts and transitions (#2998)
* feat: fonts using @fontsource
* feat: dialog transitions
* fix: swap transitions
* Refactor use active web3 react (#3002)
* separate connector atoms
* refactor cosmos and set up widgets env var
* fix: cosmos modularization (#3014)
* fix: cosmos modularization
* fix: web3 in atom provider
* feat: make connectors resettable
* drop empty test (#3022)
* Revert "feat: make connectors resettable"
This reverts commit db5af68b9be1edf4d6e1b7dc8ed2004f19e33f16.
* undo dumb open reorder
* bump widget web3-react versions
* bump to fix tests
Co-authored-by: Jordan Frankfurt <jordanwfrankfurt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* chore(widgets): Merge main into widgets (#3013)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: center focused outline card (#2625)
* fix: add usdc to arbitrum/optimism common bases (#2641)
* remove WETH from optimism bases (#2640)
* use l2 logos in base pairs (#2634)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors (#2630)
* fix: split calls into more chunks if they fail due to out of gas errors
* set to 100m gas
* back to 25m so we batch fewer calls
* do not pass through gas limit, some simplification of the code
* unused import
* fix: restrict @davatar usage to avoid 3p fetches (#2649)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data (#2652)
* ensure chainIds match before fetching pool data
* debounce both input currencies, and only look for pairs on currencies that share a chainId
* pr feedback
* fix: use optional operator for chainId (#2666)
* chore: update token list (#2670)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: update token list (#2671)
* update token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: extend privacy and terms (#2623)
* initial iteration
* add logging
* added hook
* polish
* remove unused import
* add hash
* addressed pr feedback
* remove autorouter icon
* use firebase store
* style
* adjust recat ga
* log remove liquidity
* update copy
* addressed pr feedback
* addressed pr feedback
* prevent privacy content from dismissing modal
* make top-level key origin
* use hostname
* restore trm
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log full signed tx (#2681)
* refactor monitoring (#2682)
* chore: set final privacy learn more link' (#2684)
* add learn more button
* add final link
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: back arrow bug in wallet modal and fill tx for wallet (#2687)
* add tx to wallet connect
* remove id from env
* restore env
* block import of unsupported tokens (#2673)
generalize custom import token block ui
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps-dev): bump @uniswap/token-lists (#2699)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* try out 'dimension1' (#2704)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: walletconnect modal re-open after user rejection (#2693)
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
* chore: update unsupported token list (#2689)
* chore: update unsupported token list
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: memoize the list stuff so the tokens are consistently clickable (#2724)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: update cmc list link (#2710)
* update cmc lists
* update CMC url
* add token to unsupported list (#2732)
* don't overwrite localstorage lists when fetch throws (#2723)
* try cd1 for custom dimension (#2734)
* fix: Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8 (#2655)
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.5 which has a walletlink update to support addEthereumChain+switchEthereumChain requests
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.7
* Update walletlink-connector to 6.2.8
* fix: Parse latest proposal description correctly
* add proposal start time (#2738)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: #2741 Increase liquidity form off center (#2746)
* fix: bump to latest token list including ENS token
* fix: remove deprecated optimism status url (#2771)
* feat: Menu update. Add help center & feature requests. Remove analytics & github. (#2709)
* Add help center, remove analytics from menu
* Add canny feature requests link, remove github link
* add coffee icon
* no unused imports eslint rule (#2773)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* add protocols param to quote endpoint (#2774)
* add protocols param to quote endpoint
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: lint error (#2775)
* fix(optimism): Optimism regenesis support (#2703)
* feat(optimism): optimistic kovan local regenesis changes
* use the regenesis version of the sdk
* remove the override no longer necessary
* diff rpc url
* back to kovan url
* lint error
* Optimism mainnet regenesis test (#2695)
* remove the optimism mainnet specific code and point to the mainnet regenesis rpc url
* point at the old mainnet multicall address
* bump the sdk version
* copy the list
* multicall address regenesis change
* revert the gas limit special casing for optimism
* bump the sdk version
* remove a couple other temporary edits
* unused test case
* specific version of v3-sdk
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* feat: add support for 0.01% tier (#2769)
* chore: add support for 0.01% tier
* only show 1bps on mainnet
* rename VERY_LOW to LOWEST
* upgrade to v3-sdk 3.7.0
* add snapshot testing for lowest tier
* fix integration test
* fix integration test
* use ALL_SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS over string all
* consider 0.01% tier in pool (#2770)
* merge main and only consider lowest tier for mainnet
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp (#2777)
* update block warning updater to check most recent block timestamp
* stop doing dumb state manipulation
* fix: copy in network alert
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix(L2): remove redux from chain connectivity (#2781)
* remove redux from chain connectivity
* useMachineTimeMs instead of Date.now to force updates, useCurrentBlockTimestamp
* use useInterval
* change not created font size to 10 (#2785)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString (#2459)
* fix: format date using Date.toLocaleString
Fixes #2458
* fix: date typings
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: broken link to docs (#2816)
* chore: fix typo in useAllCurrencyCombinations.ts (#2778)
occurence -> occurrence
* chore: update typechain scripts for Windows (#2707)
There are two errors when deploying on Windows system:
1. Using single quotes in path argument doesn't seem to be accepted in typechain command
2. `?(v3-core|v3-periphery)` operator doesn't work
Here are fixes/workarounds.
* perf: lazy load vote related routes (#2468)
* perf: lazy load vote related routes
* wrap Switch in Suspense
* remove exact to match nested routes
* fix nested routes
* split Landing
* fix
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: Enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet (#2753)
enable 3085 requests for coinbase wallet
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas (#2815)
* feat: set the auto slippage tolerance by the dollar value of gas
* comments
* min/max at 0.5% to 25%
* oops on constant
* address review feedback
* Fixing #2818 (#2820)
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: fix #2818
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* log an event on max click (#2827)
* Add trailing slash to L2 info links (#2696)
Some links were broken. For example on /pools/ page click the 'Top Pools' CTA. It would mistakenly direct you to info.uniswap.org/optimismpools instead of optimism/pools
* fix(L2): block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked (#2721)
* block L2 tokens explicitly linked to L1 tokens that are blocked
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* check for support on all connectors, and disable when the connector (or lack thereof) no longer supports 3085 (#2824)
* feat: display an ENS avatar (#2806)
* feat: ens avatar resolution
* chore: uninstall @davatar/react
* fix: add avatar alt
* feat: support data uris
* feat: support arweave uris
* feat: support erc721 avatars
* feat: support erc1155 avatars
* fix: jazzicon integration
* fix: clean usage of status icon
* fix: fix jazzicon svg offset
* refactor: share status icon component
* fix: pass memoized args to multicall
* Update locales.ts (#2825)
update Finnish from person (Suomalainen) to language (suomi)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore: fix the build blocking linter error
* chore: run linters with auto_fix = false for forks (#2852)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org (#2855)
* fix: do not show urls if issue is not occurring on app.uniswap.org
fixes https://github.com/Uniswap/interface/issues/2572
* address comment
* fix: remove orphaned node (#2863)
* fix: remove orphaned node
* fix: react cleanup
* refactor: use ref for jazzicon (#2874)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* chore(deps): bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 (#2759)
Bumps [ws](https://github.com/websockets/ws) from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/websockets/ws/compare/5.2.2...5.2.3)
- dependency-name: ws
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (#2504)
Bumps [url-parse](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse) from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/unshiftio/url-parse/compare/1.5.1...1.5.3)
- dependency-name: url-parse
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* add more tests for tryParseTick (#2110)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config (#2886)
* fix(lint): clean up the eslint config
* Fix code style issues with ESLint
* fix the linter errors that arose from using the proper config
* clean up the rebass text renames
* fix if statement, use the config
* use the same name prefix for both steps
* `TextPreset` -> `ThemedText`
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
* fix: Add routes for stakewise tokens (#2832)
* Add additional routes for stakewise tokens
* Reference StakeWise addresses with sdk tokens
* Sort token imports
* fix: fix layout of proposal list items on the vote page on mobile (#2898)
* fix: fixing layout from using grid to flexbox
* fix: setting WrapSmall to nowrap due to layout issue on mobile
* fix: using width auto instead of disabling flex wrap
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
* fix: typo in arweave URI recognition (#2901)
* deleted files
* Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Uniswap/interface" (#2912)
This reverts commit bf7a40be7a0a37b5051b9a877bbea563fba5782d, reversing
changes made to 097b8361d4c09afd3cb681c4622145c555ced884.
* fix: inadvertent merges/reverts (#2915)
* Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Uniswap/interface" (#2912)"
This reverts commit 7d343dcfbdf75a2f91d28cefce84e4b1bace7b87.
* Revert "deleted files"
This reverts commit 097b8361d4c09afd3cb681c4622145c555ced884.
* refactor: Replace multicall implementation with library (#2768)
- Replace the local implementation of multicall with the new redux-multicall lib
- Create wrappers for redux-multicall hooks to inject block number and chainId
* fix: introduce safeNamehash (#2925)
* namehash -> safeNamehash where necessary
* cleanup
* address comment
* feat: Add learn more link in TRM description (#2919)
* Add learn more link in TRM description
* Update src/components/PrivacyPolicy/index.tsx
Co-authored-by: Justin Domingue <judo@uniswap.org>
* give a bit more gas to balanceOf (#2943)
* fix: memoize hooks from /swap (#2949)
* fix: memoize hooks from /swap
* chore: rm console
* add fix for polygon proposal title (#2974)
* fix: display Uniswap token list in UI (#2821)
* fix: display Uniswap token list in UI
* chore: remove default-token-list build dependency
* fix: use ENS name for Uniswap token list
* fix: change Uniswap token list url
* fix: extend transaction deadline to 3 days (#2982)
* feat: integrate SwapRouter02 on L1/L2 + gas ui
* client-side smart order router support
* support auto router on L2s
* add swap router version in approval/swap callback GA events to save $ on approval txs
* add persistent UI view of gas estimate on L1s
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#2992)
* feat: Update contribution spec (#2993)
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#2994)
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#2995)
* feat: Update contribution spec (#2996)
* chore(i18n): synchronize translations from crowdin [skip ci]
* fix: double scroll in manage token list (#3020)
* fix double scroll
* remove bottom padding
* restrict walletlink to mainnet only (#3024)
* increase warning timer (#3004)
* add index.html styles to widget
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: Micael Rodrigues <micaelr95@outlook.pt>
Co-authored-by: Justin Domingue <judo@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moodysalem@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <46133205+M0kY@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Will Hennessy <hennessywill@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brendan Weinstein <65564422+brendanww@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ben Krochta <35636764+bkrochta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moody.salem@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Raj <sukhrajghuman@live.com>
Co-authored-by: Ikko Ashimine <eltociear@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Salamon <35425388+Matthews3301@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ali Eray Kısabacak <eraykisabacak@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kimmo S <kkpsiren@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmitri Tsumak <tsumak.dmitri@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Diaz-Padron <carlosdiazpadron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: J M Rossy <jm.rossy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Barry G <bgitarts@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tina Zheng <59578595+tinaszheng@users.noreply.github.com>
* feat: widgets transitions (#3007)
* fix: logo target
* feat: settings transition
* feat: reverse transition
* fix: transitions will-change and durations
* fix: logo color
* fix: only will-change transform
* fix: header targets
* fix: clip modal transitions
* fix: token select header
* fix: safari transparent gradients
* fix: safari scrollbar
* fix: scroll overlay
* fix: safari bounce jank
* fix: firefox overscroll
* refactor: scrollbar hook
* feat: native event hook
* fix: details nowrap
* fix: settings cog transition
* feat: expando icon
* fix: expando transition
* refactor: cosmos web3 integration (#3052)
* chore: use zustand 4.0.0-beta for dynamic stores
* chore: use strict mode
* refactor: clean connector state
* chore: mv web3 state to cosmos selectors
* chore: dedup yarn.lock
* chore: define EthereumProvider in lib
* fix: destructure would not compile
* fix: make it bundle
* chore: prune deps
* refactor: use error handler instead of GA
* chore: add make-plural
* chore: add redux
* chore: yarn dedup
* chore: do not (re)load default locale
* fix: center error headings
* feat: error dialog for boundary
* fix: tighten up transitions
* test: include bundle depcheck
* fix: rm console
* fix: do not load empty sourceLocale
* fix: no lingui defaults
* refactor: mv svg to assets/svg
* chore: block font display
* fix: remove manual zustand resolution
* fix: svg generation script
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
* chore: widget placeholders (#3061)
* chore: update comments
- typo
- performance comment was performant on retest
* nit: status placeholders
- prevent flashes of rerendering from lazy-loaded elements
* chore: initialize cosmos with json rpc
* refactor: token img component
- modularize the TokenImg
- add a placeholder for UX and broken images
* fix: recent tx token img usage
* pr feedback
* undo REACT_APP_IS_WIDGET network ternary
Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <support+bot@crowdin.com>
Co-authored-by: Micael Rodrigues <micaelr95@outlook.pt>
Co-authored-by: Justin Domingue <judo@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moodysalem@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <46133205+M0kY@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: M0kY <moky@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Will Hennessy <hennessywill@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brendan Weinstein <65564422+brendanww@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Noah Zinsmeister <noahwz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ben Krochta <35636764+bkrochta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Moody Salem <moody.salem@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Raj <sukhrajghuman@live.com>
Co-authored-by: Ikko Ashimine <eltociear@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Salamon <35425388+Matthews3301@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Chen <chenxsan@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ali Eray Kısabacak <eraykisabacak@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kimmo S <kkpsiren@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmitri Tsumak <tsumak.dmitri@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Julian Anderson <juliancanderson@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Diaz-Padron <carlosdiazpadron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: J M Rossy <jm.rossy@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Barry G <bgitarts@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tina Zheng <59578595+tinaszheng@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-01-05 12:38:53 -06:00
2022-03-01 11:32:55 -08:00