diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 92d6d71654..acacec82e1 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ /src/locales/**/pseudo.po # generated graphql types +/src/graphql/**/__generated__ schema.graphql # dependencies diff --git a/src/graphql/data/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts b/src/graphql/data/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 765e1de262..0000000000 --- a/src/graphql/data/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2275 +0,0 @@ -import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; -import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client'; -export type Maybe = T; -export type InputMaybe = T; -export type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; -export type MakeOptional = Omit & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe }; -export type MakeMaybe = Omit & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe }; -const defaultOptions = {} as const; -/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ -export type Scalars = { - ID: string; - String: string; - Boolean: boolean; - Int: number; - Float: number; - /** - * The `AWSJSON` scalar type provided by AWS AppSync, represents a JSON string that - * complies with [RFC 8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259). Maps like - * "**{\\"upvotes\\": 10}**", lists like "**[1,2,3]**", and scalar values like - * "**\\"AWSJSON example string\\"**", "**1**", and "**true**" are accepted as - * valid JSON and will automatically be parsed and loaded in the resolver mapping - * templates as Maps, Lists, or Scalar values rather than as the literal input - * strings. Invalid JSON strings like "**{a: 1}**", "**{'a': 1}**" and "**Unquoted - * string**" will throw GraphQL validation errors. - */ - AWSJSON: any; -}; - -export enum ActivityType { - Approve = 'APPROVE', - Borrow = 'BORROW', - Burn = 'BURN', - Cancel = 'CANCEL', - Claim = 'CLAIM', - Deployment = 'DEPLOYMENT', - Lend = 'LEND', - Mint = 'MINT', - Nft = 'NFT', - Receive = 'RECEIVE', - Repay = 'REPAY', - Send = 'SEND', - Stake = 'STAKE', - Swap = 'SWAP', - Staking = 'Staking', - Unknown = 'UNKNOWN', - Unstake = 'UNSTAKE', - Withdraw = 'WITHDRAW', - Market = 'market', - Money = 'money' -} - -export type Amount = IAmount & { - __typename?: 'Amount'; - currency?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - value: Scalars['Float']; -}; - -export type AmountChange = { - __typename?: 'AmountChange'; - absolute?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - percentage?: Maybe; -}; - -export type AssetActivity = { - __typename?: 'AssetActivity'; - assetChanges: Array>; - chain: Chain; - gasUsed?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - timestamp: Scalars['Int']; - transaction: Transaction; - type: ActivityType; -}; - -export type AssetChange = NftApproval | NftApproveForAll | NftTransfer | TokenApproval | TokenTransfer; - -export enum Chain { - Arbitrum = 'ARBITRUM', - Celo = 'CELO', - Ethereum = 'ETHEREUM', - EthereumGoerli = 'ETHEREUM_GOERLI', - Optimism = 'OPTIMISM', - Polygon = 'POLYGON', - UnknownChain = 'UNKNOWN_CHAIN' -} - -export enum CollectionSortableField { - Volume = 'VOLUME' -} - -export type ContractInput = { - address?: InputMaybe; - chain: Chain; -}; - -export enum Currency { - Eth = 'ETH', - Usd = 'USD' -} - -export type Dimensions = { - __typename?: 'Dimensions'; - height?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - width?: Maybe; -}; - -export enum HighLow { - High = 'HIGH', - Low = 'LOW' -} - -export enum HistoryDuration { - Day = 'DAY', - Hour = 'HOUR', - Max = 'MAX', - Month = 'MONTH', - Week = 'WEEK', - Year = 'YEAR' -} - -export type IAmount = { - currency?: Maybe; - value: Scalars['Float']; -}; - -export type IContract = { - address?: Maybe; - chain: Chain; -}; - -export type Image = { - __typename?: 'Image'; - dimensions?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - url: Scalars['String']; -}; - -/** TODO: deprecate this enum */ -export enum MarketSortableField { - MarketCap = 'MARKET_CAP', - Volume = 'VOLUME' -} - -export type NftActivity = { - __typename?: 'NftActivity'; - address: Scalars['String']; - asset?: Maybe; - fromAddress: Scalars['String']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - marketplace?: Maybe; - orderStatus?: Maybe; - price?: Maybe; - quantity?: Maybe; - timestamp: Scalars['Int']; - toAddress?: Maybe; - tokenId?: Maybe; - transactionHash?: Maybe; - type: NftActivityType; - url?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftActivityConnection = { - __typename?: 'NftActivityConnection'; - edges: Array; - pageInfo: PageInfo; -}; - -export type NftActivityEdge = { - __typename?: 'NftActivityEdge'; - cursor: Scalars['String']; - node: NftActivity; -}; - -export type NftActivityFilterInput = { - activityTypes?: InputMaybe>; - address?: InputMaybe; - tokenId?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum NftActivityType { - CancelListing = 'CANCEL_LISTING', - Listing = 'LISTING', - Sale = 'SALE', - Transfer = 'TRANSFER' -} - -export type NftApproval = { - __typename?: 'NftApproval'; - approvedAddress: Scalars['String']; - /** can be erc20 or erc1155 */ - asset: NftAsset; - id: Scalars['ID']; - nftStandard: NftStandard; -}; - -export type NftApproveForAll = { - __typename?: 'NftApproveForAll'; - approved: Scalars['Boolean']; - /** can be erc721 or erc1155 */ - asset: NftAsset; - id: Scalars['ID']; - nftStandard: NftStandard; - operatorAddress: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export type NftAsset = { - __typename?: 'NftAsset'; - animationUrl?: Maybe; - collection?: Maybe; - creator?: Maybe; - description?: Maybe; - flaggedBy?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - image?: Maybe; - imageUrl?: Maybe; - listings?: Maybe; - metadataUrl?: Maybe; - name?: Maybe; - nftContract?: Maybe; - originalImage?: Maybe; - /** TODO: may need to be array to support erc1155 cases. not needed at the moment so will revisit. */ - ownerAddress?: Maybe; - rarities?: Maybe>; - smallImage?: Maybe; - smallImageUrl?: Maybe; - suspiciousFlag?: Maybe; - thumbnail?: Maybe; - thumbnailUrl?: Maybe; - tokenId: Scalars['String']; - traits?: Maybe>; -}; - - -export type NftAssetListingsArgs = { - after?: InputMaybe; - asc?: InputMaybe; - before?: InputMaybe; - chain?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - last?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type NftAssetConnection = { - __typename?: 'NftAssetConnection'; - edges: Array; - pageInfo: PageInfo; - totalCount?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftAssetEdge = { - __typename?: 'NftAssetEdge'; - cursor: Scalars['String']; - node: NftAsset; -}; - -export type NftAssetInput = { - address: Scalars['String']; - tokenId: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export type NftAssetRarity = { - __typename?: 'NftAssetRarity'; - id: Scalars['ID']; - provider?: Maybe; - rank?: Maybe; - score?: Maybe; -}; - -export enum NftAssetSortableField { - Price = 'PRICE', - Rarity = 'RARITY' -} - -export type NftAssetTrait = { - __typename?: 'NftAssetTrait'; - id: Scalars['ID']; - name?: Maybe; - rarity?: Maybe; - value?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftAssetTraitInput = { - name: Scalars['String']; - values: Array; -}; - -export type NftAssetsFilterInput = { - listed?: InputMaybe; - marketplaces?: InputMaybe>; - maxPrice?: InputMaybe; - minPrice?: InputMaybe; - tokenIds?: InputMaybe>; - tokenSearchQuery?: InputMaybe; - traits?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export type NftBalance = { - __typename?: 'NftBalance'; - id: Scalars['ID']; - lastPrice?: Maybe; - listedMarketplaces?: Maybe>; - listingFees?: Maybe>>; - ownedAsset?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftBalanceConnection = { - __typename?: 'NftBalanceConnection'; - edges: Array; - pageInfo: PageInfo; -}; - -export type NftBalanceEdge = { - __typename?: 'NftBalanceEdge'; - cursor: Scalars['String']; - node: NftBalance; -}; - -export type NftBalancesFilterInput = { - addresses?: InputMaybe>; - assets?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export type NftCollection = { - __typename?: 'NftCollection'; - bannerImage?: Maybe; - /** - * TODO: support querying for collection assets here - * assets(page: Int, pageSize: Int, orderBy: NftAssetSortableField): [NftAsset] - */ - bannerImageUrl?: Maybe; - collectionId: Scalars['String']; - creator?: Maybe; - description?: Maybe; - discordUrl?: Maybe; - homepageUrl?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - image?: Maybe; - imageUrl?: Maybe; - instagramName?: Maybe; - isVerified?: Maybe; - markets?: Maybe>; - name?: Maybe; - nftContracts?: Maybe>; - numAssets?: Maybe; - openseaUrl?: Maybe; - traits?: Maybe>; - twitterName?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type NftCollectionMarketsArgs = { - currencies: Array; -}; - -export type NftCollectionConnection = { - __typename?: 'NftCollectionConnection'; - edges: Array; - pageInfo: PageInfo; -}; - -export type NftCollectionEdge = { - __typename?: 'NftCollectionEdge'; - cursor: Scalars['String']; - node: NftCollection; -}; - -export type NftCollectionMarket = { - __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarket'; - floorPrice?: Maybe; - floorPricePercentChange?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - listings?: Maybe; - marketplaces?: Maybe>; - nftContracts?: Maybe>; - owners?: Maybe; - percentListed?: Maybe; - percentUniqueOwners?: Maybe; - sales?: Maybe; - totalVolume?: Maybe; - volume?: Maybe; - volume24h?: Maybe; - volumePercentChange?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type NftCollectionMarketFloorPricePercentChangeArgs = { - duration?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type NftCollectionMarketMarketplacesArgs = { - marketplaces?: InputMaybe>; -}; - - -export type NftCollectionMarketSalesArgs = { - duration?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type NftCollectionMarketVolumeArgs = { - duration?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type NftCollectionMarketVolumePercentChangeArgs = { - duration?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type NftCollectionMarketplace = { - __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarketplace'; - floorPrice?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - listings?: Maybe; - marketplace?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftCollectionTrait = { - __typename?: 'NftCollectionTrait'; - id: Scalars['ID']; - name?: Maybe; - stats?: Maybe>; - values?: Maybe>; -}; - -export type NftCollectionTraitStats = { - __typename?: 'NftCollectionTraitStats'; - assets?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - listings?: Maybe; - name?: Maybe; - value?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftCollectionsFilterInput = { - addresses?: InputMaybe>; - nameQuery?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type NftContract = IContract & { - __typename?: 'NftContract'; - address: Scalars['String']; - chain: Chain; - id: Scalars['ID']; - name?: Maybe; - standard?: Maybe; - symbol?: Maybe; - totalSupply?: Maybe; -}; - -export type NftFee = { - __typename?: 'NftFee'; - basisPoints: Scalars['Int']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - payoutAddress: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export enum NftMarketSortableField { - FloorPrice = 'FLOOR_PRICE', - Volume = 'VOLUME' -} - -export enum NftMarketplace { - Cryptopunks = 'CRYPTOPUNKS', - Foundation = 'FOUNDATION', - Looksrare = 'LOOKSRARE', - Nft20 = 'NFT20', - Nftx = 'NFTX', - Opensea = 'OPENSEA', - Sudoswap = 'SUDOSWAP', - X2Y2 = 'X2Y2' -} - -export type NftOrder = { - __typename?: 'NftOrder'; - address: Scalars['String']; - auctionType?: Maybe; - createdAt: Scalars['Float']; - endAt?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - maker: Scalars['String']; - marketplace: NftMarketplace; - marketplaceUrl: Scalars['String']; - orderHash?: Maybe; - price: Amount; - protocolParameters?: Maybe; - quantity: Scalars['Int']; - startAt: Scalars['Float']; - status: OrderStatus; - taker?: Maybe; - tokenId?: Maybe; - type: OrderType; -}; - -export type NftOrderConnection = { - __typename?: 'NftOrderConnection'; - edges: Array; - pageInfo: PageInfo; -}; - -export type NftOrderEdge = { - __typename?: 'NftOrderEdge'; - cursor: Scalars['String']; - node: NftOrder; -}; - -export type NftProfile = { - __typename?: 'NftProfile'; - address: Scalars['String']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - isVerified?: Maybe; - profileImage?: Maybe; - username?: Maybe; -}; - -export enum NftRarityProvider { - RaritySniper = 'RARITY_SNIPER' -} - -export type NftRouteResponse = { - __typename?: 'NftRouteResponse'; - calldata: Scalars['String']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - route?: Maybe>; - sendAmount: TokenAmount; - toAddress: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export enum NftStandard { - Erc721 = 'ERC721', - Erc1155 = 'ERC1155', - Noncompliant = 'NONCOMPLIANT' -} - -export type NftTrade = { - __typename?: 'NftTrade'; - amount: Scalars['Int']; - contractAddress: Scalars['String']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - marketplace: NftMarketplace; - /** price represents the current price of the NFT, which can be different from quotePrice */ - price: TokenAmount; - /** quotePrice represents the last quoted price of the NFT */ - quotePrice?: Maybe; - tokenId: Scalars['String']; - tokenType: NftStandard; -}; - -export type NftTradeInput = { - amount: Scalars['Int']; - contractAddress: Scalars['String']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - marketplace: NftMarketplace; - quotePrice?: InputMaybe; - tokenId: Scalars['String']; - tokenType: NftStandard; -}; - -export type NftTransfer = { - __typename?: 'NftTransfer'; - asset: NftAsset; - direction: TransactionDirection; - id: Scalars['ID']; - nftStandard: NftStandard; - recipient: Scalars['String']; - sender: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export enum OrderStatus { - Cancelled = 'CANCELLED', - Executed = 'EXECUTED', - Expired = 'EXPIRED', - Valid = 'VALID' -} - -export enum OrderType { - Listing = 'LISTING', - Offer = 'OFFER' -} - -export type PageInfo = { - __typename?: 'PageInfo'; - endCursor?: Maybe; - hasNextPage?: Maybe; - hasPreviousPage?: Maybe; - startCursor?: Maybe; -}; - -/** v2 pool parameters as defined by https://github.com/Uniswap/v2-sdk/blob/main/src/entities/pair.ts */ -export type PairInput = { - tokenAmountA: TokenAmountInput; - tokenAmountB: TokenAmountInput; -}; - -export type PermitDetailsInput = { - amount: Scalars['String']; - expiration: Scalars['String']; - nonce: Scalars['String']; - token: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export type PermitInput = { - details: PermitDetailsInput; - sigDeadline: Scalars['String']; - signature: Scalars['String']; - spender: Scalars['String']; -}; - -/** v3 pool parameters as defined by https://github.com/Uniswap/v3-sdk/blob/main/src/entities/pool.ts */ -export type PoolInput = { - fee: Scalars['Int']; - liquidity: Scalars['String']; - sqrtRatioX96: Scalars['String']; - tickCurrent: Scalars['String']; - tokenA: TokenInput; - tokenB: TokenInput; -}; - -export type Portfolio = { - __typename?: 'Portfolio'; - assetActivities?: Maybe>>; - id: Scalars['ID']; - /** TODO: (michael.zhang) replace with paginated query */ - nftBalances?: Maybe>>; - ownerAddress: Scalars['String']; - tokenBalances?: Maybe>>; - tokensTotalDenominatedValue?: Maybe; - tokensTotalDenominatedValueChange?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type PortfolioAssetActivitiesArgs = { - includeOffChain?: InputMaybe; - page?: InputMaybe; - pageSize?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PortfolioTokensTotalDenominatedValueChangeArgs = { - duration?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type Query = { - __typename?: 'Query'; - nftActivity?: Maybe; - nftAssets?: Maybe; - nftBalances?: Maybe; - nftCollections?: Maybe; - nftCollectionsById?: Maybe>>; - nftRoute?: Maybe; - portfolios?: Maybe>>; - searchTokenProjects?: Maybe>>; - searchTokens?: Maybe>>; - token?: Maybe; - tokenProjects?: Maybe>>; - tokens?: Maybe>>; - topCollections?: Maybe; - topTokens?: Maybe>>; -}; - - -export type QueryNftActivityArgs = { - after?: InputMaybe; - chain?: InputMaybe; - filter?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryNftAssetsArgs = { - address: Scalars['String']; - after?: InputMaybe; - asc?: InputMaybe; - before?: InputMaybe; - chain?: InputMaybe; - filter?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - last?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryNftBalancesArgs = { - after?: InputMaybe; - before?: InputMaybe; - chain?: InputMaybe; - filter?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - last?: InputMaybe; - ownerAddress: Scalars['String']; -}; - - -export type QueryNftCollectionsArgs = { - after?: InputMaybe; - chain?: InputMaybe; - filter?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryNftCollectionsByIdArgs = { - collectionIds?: InputMaybe>>; -}; - - -export type QueryNftRouteArgs = { - chain?: InputMaybe; - nftTrades: Array; - senderAddress: Scalars['String']; - tokenTrades?: InputMaybe>; -}; - - -export type QueryPortfoliosArgs = { - ownerAddresses: Array; -}; - - -export type QuerySearchTokenProjectsArgs = { - searchQuery: Scalars['String']; -}; - - -export type QuerySearchTokensArgs = { - searchQuery: Scalars['String']; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenArgs = { - address?: InputMaybe; - chain: Chain; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenProjectsArgs = { - contracts: Array; -}; - - -export type QueryTokensArgs = { - contracts: Array; -}; - - -export type QueryTopCollectionsArgs = { - after?: InputMaybe; - chains?: InputMaybe>; - cursor?: InputMaybe; - duration?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - limit?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTopTokensArgs = { - chain?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - page?: InputMaybe; - pageSize?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum SafetyLevel { - Blocked = 'BLOCKED', - MediumWarning = 'MEDIUM_WARNING', - StrongWarning = 'STRONG_WARNING', - Verified = 'VERIFIED' -} - -export type TimestampedAmount = IAmount & { - __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount'; - currency?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - timestamp: Scalars['Int']; - value: Scalars['Float']; -}; - -export type Token = IContract & { - __typename?: 'Token'; - address?: Maybe; - chain: Chain; - decimals?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - market?: Maybe; - name?: Maybe; - project?: Maybe; - standard?: Maybe; - symbol?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type TokenMarketArgs = { - currency?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type TokenAmount = { - __typename?: 'TokenAmount'; - currency: Currency; - id: Scalars['ID']; - value: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export type TokenAmountInput = { - amount: Scalars['String']; - token: TokenInput; -}; - -export type TokenApproval = { - __typename?: 'TokenApproval'; - approvedAddress: Scalars['String']; - /** can be erc20 or erc1155 */ - asset: Token; - id: Scalars['ID']; - quantity: Scalars['String']; - tokenStandard: TokenStandard; -}; - -export type TokenBalance = { - __typename?: 'TokenBalance'; - blockNumber?: Maybe; - blockTimestamp?: Maybe; - denominatedValue?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - ownerAddress: Scalars['String']; - quantity?: Maybe; - token?: Maybe; - tokenProjectMarket?: Maybe; -}; - -export type TokenInput = { - address: Scalars['String']; - chainId: Scalars['Int']; - decimals: Scalars['Int']; - isNative: Scalars['Boolean']; -}; - -export type TokenMarket = { - __typename?: 'TokenMarket'; - id: Scalars['ID']; - price?: Maybe; - priceHighLow?: Maybe; - priceHistory?: Maybe>>; - pricePercentChange?: Maybe; - token: Token; - totalValueLocked?: Maybe; - volume?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type TokenMarketPriceHighLowArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; - highLow: HighLow; -}; - - -export type TokenMarketPriceHistoryArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; -}; - - -export type TokenMarketPricePercentChangeArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; -}; - - -export type TokenMarketVolumeArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; -}; - -export type TokenProject = { - __typename?: 'TokenProject'; - description?: Maybe; - homepageUrl?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - isSpam?: Maybe; - logo?: Maybe; - logoUrl?: Maybe; - markets?: Maybe>>; - name?: Maybe; - safetyLevel?: Maybe; - smallLogo?: Maybe; - spamCode?: Maybe; - tokens: Array; - twitterName?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type TokenProjectMarketsArgs = { - currencies: Array; -}; - -export type TokenProjectMarket = { - __typename?: 'TokenProjectMarket'; - currency: Currency; - /** @deprecated Use marketCap */ - fullyDilutedMarketCap?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - marketCap?: Maybe; - price?: Maybe; - priceHighLow?: Maybe; - priceHistory?: Maybe>>; - pricePercentChange?: Maybe; - /** @deprecated Use pricePercentChange */ - pricePercentChange24h?: Maybe; - tokenProject: TokenProject; - /** @deprecated Use TokenMarket.volume for Uniswap volume */ - volume?: Maybe; - /** @deprecated Use TokenMarket.volume with duration DAY for Uniswap volume */ - volume24h?: Maybe; -}; - - -export type TokenProjectMarketPriceHighLowArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; - highLow: HighLow; -}; - - -export type TokenProjectMarketPriceHistoryArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; -}; - - -export type TokenProjectMarketPricePercentChangeArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; -}; - - -export type TokenProjectMarketVolumeArgs = { - duration: HistoryDuration; -}; - -export enum TokenSortableField { - MarketCap = 'MARKET_CAP', - Popularity = 'POPULARITY', - TotalValueLocked = 'TOTAL_VALUE_LOCKED', - Volume = 'VOLUME' -} - -export enum TokenStandard { - Erc20 = 'ERC20', - Erc1155 = 'ERC1155', - Native = 'NATIVE' -} - -export type TokenTradeInput = { - permit?: InputMaybe; - routes?: InputMaybe; - slippageToleranceBasisPoints?: InputMaybe; - tokenAmount: TokenAmountInput; -}; - -export type TokenTradeRouteInput = { - inputAmount: TokenAmountInput; - outputAmount: TokenAmountInput; - pools: Array; -}; - -export type TokenTradeRoutesInput = { - mixedRoutes?: InputMaybe>; - tradeType: TokenTradeType; - v2Routes?: InputMaybe>; - v3Routes?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum TokenTradeType { - ExactInput = 'EXACT_INPUT', - ExactOutput = 'EXACT_OUTPUT' -} - -export type TokenTransfer = { - __typename?: 'TokenTransfer'; - asset: Token; - direction: TransactionDirection; - id: Scalars['ID']; - quantity: Scalars['String']; - recipient: Scalars['String']; - sender: Scalars['String']; - tokenStandard: TokenStandard; - transactedValue?: Maybe; -}; - -export type TradePoolInput = { - pair?: InputMaybe; - pool?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type Transaction = { - __typename?: 'Transaction'; - blockNumber: Scalars['Int']; - from: Scalars['String']; - gasLimit?: Maybe; - hash: Scalars['String']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - maxFeePerGas?: Maybe; - nonce: Scalars['Int']; - status: TransactionStatus; - to: Scalars['String']; -}; - -export enum TransactionDirection { - In = 'IN', - Out = 'OUT', - Self = 'SELF' -} - -export enum TransactionStatus { - Confirmed = 'CONFIRMED', - Failed = 'FAILED', - Pending = 'PENDING' -} - -export type RecentlySearchedAssetsQueryVariables = Exact<{ - collectionAddresses: Array | Scalars['String']; - contracts: Array | ContractInput; -}>; - - -export type RecentlySearchedAssetsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftCollections?: { __typename?: 'NftCollectionConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionEdge', node: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', collectionId: string, isVerified?: boolean, name?: string, numAssets?: number, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string }>, markets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarket', floorPrice?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', currency?: Currency, value: number } }> } }> }, tokens?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Token', id: string, decimals?: number, name?: string, chain: Chain, standard?: TokenStandard, address?: string, symbol?: string, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, price?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, pricePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number }, volume24H?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency } }, project?: { __typename?: 'TokenProject', id: string, logoUrl?: string, safetyLevel?: SafetyLevel } }> }; - -export type SearchTokensQueryVariables = Exact<{ - searchQuery: Scalars['String']; -}>; - - -export type SearchTokensQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', searchTokens?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Token', id: string, decimals?: number, name?: string, chain: Chain, standard?: TokenStandard, address?: string, symbol?: string, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, price?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, pricePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number }, volume24H?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency } }, project?: { __typename?: 'TokenProject', id: string, logoUrl?: string, safetyLevel?: SafetyLevel } }> }; - -export type TokenQueryVariables = Exact<{ - chain: Chain; - address?: InputMaybe; -}>; - - -export type TokenQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', token?: { __typename?: 'Token', id: string, decimals?: number, name?: string, chain: Chain, address?: string, symbol?: string, standard?: TokenStandard, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, totalValueLocked?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, price?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, volume24H?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, priceHigh52W?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number }, priceLow52W?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number } }, project?: { __typename?: 'TokenProject', id: string, description?: string, homepageUrl?: string, twitterName?: string, logoUrl?: string, tokens: Array<{ __typename?: 'Token', id: string, chain: Chain, address?: string }> } } }; - -export type TokenPriceQueryVariables = Exact<{ - chain: Chain; - address?: InputMaybe; - duration: HistoryDuration; -}>; - - -export type TokenPriceQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', token?: { __typename?: 'Token', id: string, address?: string, chain: Chain, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, price?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number }, priceHistory?: Array<{ __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', id: string, timestamp: number, value: number }> } } }; - -export type TopTokens100QueryVariables = Exact<{ - duration: HistoryDuration; - chain: Chain; -}>; - - -export type TopTokens100Query = { __typename?: 'Query', topTokens?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Token', id: string, name?: string, chain: Chain, address?: string, symbol?: string, standard?: TokenStandard, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, totalValueLocked?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, price?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, pricePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, currency?: Currency, value: number }, volume?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency } }, project?: { __typename?: 'TokenProject', id: string, logoUrl?: string } }> }; - -export type TopTokensSparklineQueryVariables = Exact<{ - duration: HistoryDuration; - chain: Chain; -}>; - - -export type TopTokensSparklineQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', topTokens?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Token', id: string, address?: string, chain: Chain, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, priceHistory?: Array<{ __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', id: string, timestamp: number, value: number }> } }> }; - -export type TrendingTokensQueryVariables = Exact<{ - chain: Chain; -}>; - - -export type TrendingTokensQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', topTokens?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Token', id: string, decimals?: number, name?: string, chain: Chain, standard?: TokenStandard, address?: string, symbol?: string, market?: { __typename?: 'TokenMarket', id: string, price?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency }, pricePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number }, volume24H?: { __typename?: 'Amount', id: string, value: number, currency?: Currency } }, project?: { __typename?: 'TokenProject', id: string, logoUrl?: string, safetyLevel?: SafetyLevel } }> }; - -export type AssetQueryVariables = Exact<{ - address: Scalars['String']; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - asc?: InputMaybe; - filter?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - after?: InputMaybe; - last?: InputMaybe; - before?: InputMaybe; -}>; - - -export type AssetQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftAssets?: { __typename?: 'NftAssetConnection', totalCount?: number, edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftAssetEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'NftAsset', id: string, name?: string, ownerAddress?: string, tokenId: string, description?: string, animationUrl?: string, suspiciousFlag?: boolean, metadataUrl?: string, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, smallImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, originalImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, collection?: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', name?: string, isVerified?: boolean, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, creator?: { __typename?: 'NftProfile', address: string, isVerified?: boolean, profileImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string } }, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string, standard?: NftStandard }> }, listings?: { __typename?: 'NftOrderConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftOrderEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'NftOrder', address: string, createdAt: number, endAt?: number, id: string, maker: string, marketplace: NftMarketplace, marketplaceUrl: string, orderHash?: string, quantity: number, startAt: number, status: OrderStatus, taker?: string, tokenId?: string, type: OrderType, protocolParameters?: any, price: { __typename?: 'Amount', currency?: Currency, value: number } } }> }, rarities?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftAssetRarity', provider?: NftRarityProvider, rank?: number, score?: number }> } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', endCursor?: string, hasNextPage?: boolean, hasPreviousPage?: boolean, startCursor?: string } } }; - -export type CollectionQueryVariables = Exact<{ - addresses: Array | Scalars['String']; -}>; - - -export type CollectionQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftCollections?: { __typename?: 'NftCollectionConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', collectionId: string, description?: string, discordUrl?: string, homepageUrl?: string, instagramName?: string, isVerified?: boolean, name?: string, numAssets?: number, twitterName?: string, bannerImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string, chain: Chain, name?: string, standard?: NftStandard, symbol?: string, totalSupply?: number }>, traits?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionTrait', name?: string, values?: Array, stats?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionTraitStats', name?: string, value?: string, assets?: number, listings?: number }> }>, markets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarket', owners?: number, floorPrice?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', currency?: Currency, value: number }, totalVolume?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number, currency?: Currency }, listings?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, volume?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number, currency?: Currency }, volumePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number, currency?: Currency }, floorPricePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number, currency?: Currency }, marketplaces?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarketplace', marketplace?: NftMarketplace, listings?: number, floorPrice?: number }> }> } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', endCursor?: string, hasNextPage?: boolean, hasPreviousPage?: boolean, startCursor?: string } } }; - -export type CollectionSearchQueryVariables = Exact<{ - query: Scalars['String']; -}>; - - -export type CollectionSearchQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftCollections?: { __typename?: 'NftCollectionConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', isVerified?: boolean, name?: string, numAssets?: number, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string, chain: Chain, name?: string, symbol?: string, totalSupply?: number }>, markets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarket', floorPrice?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', currency?: Currency, value: number } }> } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', endCursor?: string, hasNextPage?: boolean, hasPreviousPage?: boolean, startCursor?: string } } }; - -export type DetailsQueryVariables = Exact<{ - address: Scalars['String']; - tokenId: Scalars['String']; -}>; - - -export type DetailsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftAssets?: { __typename?: 'NftAssetConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftAssetEdge', node: { __typename?: 'NftAsset', id: string, name?: string, ownerAddress?: string, tokenId: string, description?: string, animationUrl?: string, suspiciousFlag?: boolean, metadataUrl?: string, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, smallImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, originalImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, creator?: { __typename?: 'NftProfile', address: string, isVerified?: boolean, profileImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string } }, collection?: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', name?: string, isVerified?: boolean, numAssets?: number, twitterName?: string, discordUrl?: string, homepageUrl?: string, description?: string, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string, standard?: NftStandard }> }, listings?: { __typename?: 'NftOrderConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftOrderEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'NftOrder', address: string, createdAt: number, endAt?: number, id: string, maker: string, marketplace: NftMarketplace, marketplaceUrl: string, orderHash?: string, quantity: number, startAt: number, status: OrderStatus, taker?: string, tokenId?: string, type: OrderType, protocolParameters?: any, price: { __typename?: 'Amount', currency?: Currency, value: number } } }> }, rarities?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftAssetRarity', provider?: NftRarityProvider, rank?: number, score?: number }>, traits?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftAssetTrait', name?: string, value?: string }> } }> } }; - -export type NftBalanceQueryVariables = Exact<{ - ownerAddress: Scalars['String']; - filter?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - after?: InputMaybe; - last?: InputMaybe; - before?: InputMaybe; -}>; - - -export type NftBalanceQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftBalances?: { __typename?: 'NftBalanceConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftBalanceEdge', node: { __typename?: 'NftBalance', listedMarketplaces?: Array, ownedAsset?: { __typename?: 'NftAsset', id: string, animationUrl?: string, description?: string, flaggedBy?: string, name?: string, ownerAddress?: string, suspiciousFlag?: boolean, tokenId: string, collection?: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', isVerified?: boolean, name?: string, twitterName?: string, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string, chain: Chain, name?: string, standard?: NftStandard, symbol?: string, totalSupply?: number }>, markets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarket', floorPrice?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number } }> }, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, originalImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, smallImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, thumbnail?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, listings?: { __typename?: 'NftOrderConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftOrderEdge', node: { __typename?: 'NftOrder', createdAt: number, marketplace: NftMarketplace, endAt?: number, price: { __typename?: 'Amount', value: number, currency?: Currency } } }> } }, listingFees?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftFee', payoutAddress: string, basisPoints: number }>, lastPrice?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', currency?: Currency, timestamp: number, value: number } } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', endCursor?: string, hasNextPage?: boolean, hasPreviousPage?: boolean, startCursor?: string } } }; - -export type NftRouteQueryVariables = Exact<{ - chain?: InputMaybe; - senderAddress: Scalars['String']; - nftTrades: Array | NftTradeInput; - tokenTrades?: InputMaybe | TokenTradeInput>; -}>; - - -export type NftRouteQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nftRoute?: { __typename?: 'NftRouteResponse', id: string, calldata: string, toAddress: string, route?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftTrade', amount: number, contractAddress: string, id: string, marketplace: NftMarketplace, tokenId: string, tokenType: NftStandard, price: { __typename?: 'TokenAmount', id: string, currency: Currency, value: string }, quotePrice?: { __typename?: 'TokenAmount', id: string, currency: Currency, value: string } }>, sendAmount: { __typename?: 'TokenAmount', id: string, currency: Currency, value: string } } }; - -export type TrendingCollectionsQueryVariables = Exact<{ - size?: InputMaybe; - timePeriod?: InputMaybe; -}>; - - -export type TrendingCollectionsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', topCollections?: { __typename?: 'NftCollectionConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionEdge', node: { __typename?: 'NftCollection', name?: string, isVerified?: boolean, nftContracts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftContract', address: string, totalSupply?: number }>, image?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, bannerImage?: { __typename?: 'Image', url: string }, markets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NftCollectionMarket', owners?: number, floorPrice?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, totalVolume?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, volume?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, volumePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, floorPricePercentChange?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, sales?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number }, listings?: { __typename?: 'TimestampedAmount', value: number } }> } }> } }; - - -export const RecentlySearchedAssetsDocument = gql` - query RecentlySearchedAssets($collectionAddresses: [String!]!, $contracts: [ContractInput!]!) { - nftCollections(filter: {addresses: $collectionAddresses}) { - edges { - node { - collectionId - image { - url - } - isVerified - name - numAssets - nftContracts { - address - } - markets(currencies: ETH) { - floorPrice { - currency - value - } - } - } - } - } - tokens(contracts: $contracts) { - id - decimals - name - chain - standard - address - symbol - market(currency: USD) { - id - price { - id - value - currency - } - pricePercentChange(duration: DAY) { - id - value - } - volume24H: volume(duration: DAY) { - id - value - currency - } - } - project { - id - logoUrl - safetyLevel - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useRecentlySearchedAssetsQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useRecentlySearchedAssetsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useRecentlySearchedAssetsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useRecentlySearchedAssetsQuery({ - * variables: { - * collectionAddresses: // value for 'collectionAddresses' - * contracts: // value for 'contracts' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useRecentlySearchedAssetsQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(RecentlySearchedAssetsDocument, options); - } -export function useRecentlySearchedAssetsLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(RecentlySearchedAssetsDocument, options); - } -export type RecentlySearchedAssetsQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type RecentlySearchedAssetsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type RecentlySearchedAssetsQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const SearchTokensDocument = gql` - query SearchTokens($searchQuery: String!) { - searchTokens(searchQuery: $searchQuery) { - id - decimals - name - chain - standard - address - symbol - market(currency: USD) { - id - price { - id - value - currency - } - pricePercentChange(duration: DAY) { - id - value - } - volume24H: volume(duration: DAY) { - id - value - currency - } - } - project { - id - logoUrl - safetyLevel - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useSearchTokensQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useSearchTokensQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useSearchTokensQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useSearchTokensQuery({ - * variables: { - * searchQuery: // value for 'searchQuery' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useSearchTokensQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(SearchTokensDocument, options); - } -export function useSearchTokensLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(SearchTokensDocument, options); - } -export type SearchTokensQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type SearchTokensLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type SearchTokensQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const TokenDocument = gql` - query Token($chain: Chain!, $address: String = null) { - token(chain: $chain, address: $address) { - id - decimals - name - chain - address - symbol - standard - market(currency: USD) { - id - totalValueLocked { - id - value - currency - } - price { - id - value - currency - } - volume24H: volume(duration: DAY) { - id - value - currency - } - priceHigh52W: priceHighLow(duration: YEAR, highLow: HIGH) { - id - value - } - priceLow52W: priceHighLow(duration: YEAR, highLow: LOW) { - id - value - } - } - project { - id - description - homepageUrl - twitterName - logoUrl - tokens { - id - chain - address - } - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useTokenQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useTokenQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useTokenQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useTokenQuery({ - * variables: { - * chain: // value for 'chain' - * address: // value for 'address' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useTokenQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(TokenDocument, options); - } -export function useTokenLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TokenDocument, options); - } -export type TokenQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TokenLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TokenQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const TokenPriceDocument = gql` - query TokenPrice($chain: Chain!, $address: String = null, $duration: HistoryDuration!) { - token(chain: $chain, address: $address) { - id - address - chain - market(currency: USD) { - id - price { - id - value - } - priceHistory(duration: $duration) { - id - timestamp - value - } - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useTokenPriceQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useTokenPriceQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useTokenPriceQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useTokenPriceQuery({ - * variables: { - * chain: // value for 'chain' - * address: // value for 'address' - * duration: // value for 'duration' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useTokenPriceQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(TokenPriceDocument, options); - } -export function useTokenPriceLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TokenPriceDocument, options); - } -export type TokenPriceQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TokenPriceLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TokenPriceQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const TopTokens100Document = gql` - query TopTokens100($duration: HistoryDuration!, $chain: Chain!) { - topTokens(pageSize: 100, page: 1, chain: $chain, orderBy: VOLUME) { - id - name - chain - address - symbol - standard - market(currency: USD) { - id - totalValueLocked { - id - value - currency - } - price { - id - value - currency - } - pricePercentChange(duration: $duration) { - id - currency - value - } - volume(duration: $duration) { - id - value - currency - } - } - project { - id - logoUrl - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useTopTokens100Query__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useTopTokens100Query` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useTopTokens100Query` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useTopTokens100Query({ - * variables: { - * duration: // value for 'duration' - * chain: // value for 'chain' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useTopTokens100Query(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(TopTokens100Document, options); - } -export function useTopTokens100LazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TopTokens100Document, options); - } -export type TopTokens100QueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TopTokens100LazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TopTokens100QueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const TopTokensSparklineDocument = gql` - query TopTokensSparkline($duration: HistoryDuration!, $chain: Chain!) { - topTokens(pageSize: 100, page: 1, chain: $chain) { - id - address - chain - market(currency: USD) { - id - priceHistory(duration: $duration) { - id - timestamp - value - } - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useTopTokensSparklineQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useTopTokensSparklineQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useTopTokensSparklineQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useTopTokensSparklineQuery({ - * variables: { - * duration: // value for 'duration' - * chain: // value for 'chain' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useTopTokensSparklineQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(TopTokensSparklineDocument, options); - } -export function useTopTokensSparklineLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TopTokensSparklineDocument, options); - } -export type TopTokensSparklineQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TopTokensSparklineLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TopTokensSparklineQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const TrendingTokensDocument = gql` - query TrendingTokens($chain: Chain!) { - topTokens(pageSize: 4, page: 1, chain: $chain, orderBy: VOLUME) { - id - decimals - name - chain - standard - address - symbol - market(currency: USD) { - id - price { - id - value - currency - } - pricePercentChange(duration: DAY) { - id - value - } - volume24H: volume(duration: DAY) { - id - value - currency - } - } - project { - id - logoUrl - safetyLevel - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useTrendingTokensQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useTrendingTokensQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useTrendingTokensQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useTrendingTokensQuery({ - * variables: { - * chain: // value for 'chain' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useTrendingTokensQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(TrendingTokensDocument, options); - } -export function useTrendingTokensLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TrendingTokensDocument, options); - } -export type TrendingTokensQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TrendingTokensLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TrendingTokensQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const AssetDocument = gql` - query Asset($address: String!, $orderBy: NftAssetSortableField, $asc: Boolean, $filter: NftAssetsFilterInput, $first: Int, $after: String, $last: Int, $before: String) { - nftAssets( - address: $address - orderBy: $orderBy - asc: $asc - filter: $filter - first: $first - after: $after - last: $last - before: $before - ) { - edges { - node { - id - name - ownerAddress - image { - url - } - smallImage { - url - } - originalImage { - url - } - tokenId - description - animationUrl - suspiciousFlag - collection { - name - isVerified - image { - url - } - creator { - address - profileImage { - url - } - isVerified - } - nftContracts { - address - standard - } - } - listings(first: 1) { - edges { - node { - address - createdAt - endAt - id - maker - marketplace - marketplaceUrl - orderHash - price { - currency - value - } - quantity - startAt - status - taker - tokenId - type - protocolParameters - } - cursor - } - } - rarities { - provider - rank - score - } - metadataUrl - } - cursor - } - totalCount - pageInfo { - endCursor - hasNextPage - hasPreviousPage - startCursor - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useAssetQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useAssetQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useAssetQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useAssetQuery({ - * variables: { - * address: // value for 'address' - * orderBy: // value for 'orderBy' - * asc: // value for 'asc' - * filter: // value for 'filter' - * first: // value for 'first' - * after: // value for 'after' - * last: // value for 'last' - * before: // value for 'before' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useAssetQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(AssetDocument, options); - } -export function useAssetLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(AssetDocument, options); - } -export type AssetQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type AssetLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type AssetQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const CollectionDocument = gql` - query Collection($addresses: [String!]!) { - nftCollections(filter: {addresses: $addresses}) { - edges { - cursor - node { - bannerImage { - url - } - collectionId - description - discordUrl - homepageUrl - image { - url - } - instagramName - isVerified - name - numAssets - twitterName - nftContracts { - address - chain - name - standard - symbol - totalSupply - } - traits { - name - values - stats { - name - value - assets - listings - } - } - markets(currencies: ETH) { - floorPrice { - currency - value - } - owners - totalVolume { - value - currency - } - listings { - value - } - volume(duration: DAY) { - value - currency - } - volumePercentChange(duration: DAY) { - value - currency - } - floorPricePercentChange(duration: DAY) { - value - currency - } - marketplaces { - marketplace - listings - floorPrice - } - } - } - } - pageInfo { - endCursor - hasNextPage - hasPreviousPage - startCursor - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useCollectionQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useCollectionQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useCollectionQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useCollectionQuery({ - * variables: { - * addresses: // value for 'addresses' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useCollectionQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(CollectionDocument, options); - } -export function useCollectionLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(CollectionDocument, options); - } -export type CollectionQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type CollectionLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type CollectionQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const CollectionSearchDocument = gql` - query CollectionSearch($query: String!) { - nftCollections(filter: {nameQuery: $query}) { - edges { - cursor - node { - image { - url - } - isVerified - name - numAssets - nftContracts { - address - chain - name - symbol - totalSupply - } - markets(currencies: ETH) { - floorPrice { - currency - value - } - } - } - } - pageInfo { - endCursor - hasNextPage - hasPreviousPage - startCursor - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useCollectionSearchQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useCollectionSearchQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useCollectionSearchQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useCollectionSearchQuery({ - * variables: { - * query: // value for 'query' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useCollectionSearchQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(CollectionSearchDocument, options); - } -export function useCollectionSearchLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(CollectionSearchDocument, options); - } -export type CollectionSearchQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type CollectionSearchLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type CollectionSearchQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const DetailsDocument = gql` - query Details($address: String!, $tokenId: String!) { - nftAssets(address: $address, filter: {listed: false, tokenIds: [$tokenId]}) { - edges { - node { - id - name - ownerAddress - image { - url - } - smallImage { - url - } - originalImage { - url - } - tokenId - description - animationUrl - suspiciousFlag - creator { - address - profileImage { - url - } - isVerified - } - collection { - name - isVerified - numAssets - twitterName - discordUrl - homepageUrl - image { - url - } - nftContracts { - address - standard - } - description - } - listings(first: 1) { - edges { - node { - address - createdAt - endAt - id - maker - marketplace - marketplaceUrl - orderHash - price { - currency - value - } - quantity - startAt - status - taker - tokenId - type - protocolParameters - } - cursor - } - } - rarities { - provider - rank - score - } - metadataUrl - traits { - name - value - } - } - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useDetailsQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useDetailsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useDetailsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useDetailsQuery({ - * variables: { - * address: // value for 'address' - * tokenId: // value for 'tokenId' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useDetailsQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(DetailsDocument, options); - } -export function useDetailsLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(DetailsDocument, options); - } -export type DetailsQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type DetailsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type DetailsQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const NftBalanceDocument = gql` - query NftBalance($ownerAddress: String!, $filter: NftBalancesFilterInput, $first: Int, $after: String, $last: Int, $before: String) { - nftBalances( - ownerAddress: $ownerAddress - filter: $filter - first: $first - after: $after - last: $last - before: $before - ) { - edges { - node { - ownedAsset { - id - animationUrl - collection { - isVerified - image { - url - } - name - twitterName - nftContracts { - address - chain - name - standard - symbol - totalSupply - } - markets(currencies: ETH) { - floorPrice { - value - } - } - } - description - flaggedBy - image { - url - } - originalImage { - url - } - name - ownerAddress - smallImage { - url - } - suspiciousFlag - tokenId - thumbnail { - url - } - listings(first: 1) { - edges { - node { - price { - value - currency - } - createdAt - marketplace - endAt - } - } - } - } - listedMarketplaces - listingFees { - payoutAddress - basisPoints - } - lastPrice { - currency - timestamp - value - } - } - } - pageInfo { - endCursor - hasNextPage - hasPreviousPage - startCursor - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useNftBalanceQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useNftBalanceQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useNftBalanceQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useNftBalanceQuery({ - * variables: { - * ownerAddress: // value for 'ownerAddress' - * filter: // value for 'filter' - * first: // value for 'first' - * after: // value for 'after' - * last: // value for 'last' - * before: // value for 'before' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useNftBalanceQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(NftBalanceDocument, options); - } -export function useNftBalanceLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(NftBalanceDocument, options); - } -export type NftBalanceQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type NftBalanceLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type NftBalanceQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const NftRouteDocument = gql` - query NftRoute($chain: Chain = ETHEREUM, $senderAddress: String!, $nftTrades: [NftTradeInput!]!, $tokenTrades: [TokenTradeInput!]) { - nftRoute( - chain: $chain - senderAddress: $senderAddress - nftTrades: $nftTrades - tokenTrades: $tokenTrades - ) { - id - calldata - route { - amount - contractAddress - id - marketplace - price { - id - currency - value - } - quotePrice { - id - currency - value - } - tokenId - tokenType - } - sendAmount { - id - currency - value - } - toAddress - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useNftRouteQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useNftRouteQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useNftRouteQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useNftRouteQuery({ - * variables: { - * chain: // value for 'chain' - * senderAddress: // value for 'senderAddress' - * nftTrades: // value for 'nftTrades' - * tokenTrades: // value for 'tokenTrades' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useNftRouteQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(NftRouteDocument, options); - } -export function useNftRouteLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(NftRouteDocument, options); - } -export type NftRouteQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type NftRouteLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type NftRouteQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const TrendingCollectionsDocument = gql` - query TrendingCollections($size: Int, $timePeriod: HistoryDuration) { - topCollections(first: $size, duration: $timePeriod) { - edges { - node { - name - nftContracts { - address - totalSupply - } - image { - url - } - bannerImage { - url - } - isVerified - markets(currencies: ETH) { - floorPrice { - value - } - owners - totalVolume { - value - } - volume(duration: $timePeriod) { - value - } - volumePercentChange(duration: $timePeriod) { - value - } - floorPricePercentChange(duration: $timePeriod) { - value - } - sales { - value - } - listings { - value - } - } - } - } - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useTrendingCollectionsQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useTrendingCollectionsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useTrendingCollectionsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useTrendingCollectionsQuery({ - * variables: { - * size: // value for 'size' - * timePeriod: // value for 'timePeriod' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useTrendingCollectionsQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(TrendingCollectionsDocument, options); - } -export function useTrendingCollectionsLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TrendingCollectionsDocument, options); - } -export type TrendingCollectionsQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TrendingCollectionsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type TrendingCollectionsQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/graphql/thegraph/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts b/src/graphql/thegraph/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 659b5f11f8..0000000000 --- a/src/graphql/thegraph/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5472 +0,0 @@ -import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; -import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client'; -export type Maybe = T; -export type InputMaybe = T; -export type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; -export type MakeOptional = Omit & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe }; -export type MakeMaybe = Omit & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe }; -const defaultOptions = {} as const; -/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ -export type Scalars = { - ID: string; - String: string; - Boolean: boolean; - Int: number; - Float: number; - BigDecimal: any; - BigInt: any; - Bytes: any; -}; - -export type BlockChangedFilter = { - number_gte: Scalars['Int']; -}; - -export type Block_Height = { - hash?: InputMaybe; - number?: InputMaybe; - number_gte?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type Bundle = { - __typename?: 'Bundle'; - ethPriceUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; -}; - -export type Bundle_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - ethPriceUSD?: InputMaybe; - ethPriceUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - ethPriceUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - ethPriceUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - ethPriceUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - ethPriceUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - ethPriceUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - ethPriceUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; -}; - -export enum Bundle_OrderBy { - EthPriceUsd = 'ethPriceUSD', - Id = 'id' -} - -export type Burn = { - __typename?: 'Burn'; - amount: Scalars['BigInt']; - amount0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amountUSD?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - logIndex?: Maybe; - origin: Scalars['Bytes']; - owner?: Maybe; - pool: Pool; - tickLower: Scalars['BigInt']; - tickUpper: Scalars['BigInt']; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - token0: Token; - token1: Token; - transaction: Transaction; -}; - -export type Burn_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - amount?: InputMaybe; - amount0?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount_not?: InputMaybe; - amount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex_lt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_lte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - origin?: InputMaybe; - origin_contains?: InputMaybe; - origin_gt?: InputMaybe; - origin_gte?: InputMaybe; - origin_in?: InputMaybe>; - origin_lt?: InputMaybe; - origin_lte?: InputMaybe; - origin_not?: InputMaybe; - origin_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - origin_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner?: InputMaybe; - owner_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_gt?: InputMaybe; - owner_gte?: InputMaybe; - owner_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner_lt?: InputMaybe; - owner_lte?: InputMaybe; - owner_not?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickLower_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0?: InputMaybe; - token0_?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0_not?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1?: InputMaybe; - token1_?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1_not?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum Burn_OrderBy { - Amount = 'amount', - Amount0 = 'amount0', - Amount1 = 'amount1', - AmountUsd = 'amountUSD', - Id = 'id', - LogIndex = 'logIndex', - Origin = 'origin', - Owner = 'owner', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - TickLower = 'tickLower', - TickUpper = 'tickUpper', - Timestamp = 'timestamp', - Token0 = 'token0', - Token0Decimals = 'token0__decimals', - Token0DerivedEth = 'token0__derivedETH', - Token0FeesUsd = 'token0__feesUSD', - Token0Id = 'token0__id', - Token0Name = 'token0__name', - Token0PoolCount = 'token0__poolCount', - Token0Symbol = 'token0__symbol', - Token0TotalSupply = 'token0__totalSupply', - Token0TotalValueLocked = 'token0__totalValueLocked', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token0TxCount = 'token0__txCount', - Token0UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token0__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token0Volume = 'token0__volume', - Token0VolumeUsd = 'token0__volumeUSD', - Token1 = 'token1', - Token1Decimals = 'token1__decimals', - Token1DerivedEth = 'token1__derivedETH', - Token1FeesUsd = 'token1__feesUSD', - Token1Id = 'token1__id', - Token1Name = 'token1__name', - Token1PoolCount = 'token1__poolCount', - Token1Symbol = 'token1__symbol', - Token1TotalSupply = 'token1__totalSupply', - Token1TotalValueLocked = 'token1__totalValueLocked', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token1TxCount = 'token1__txCount', - Token1UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token1__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token1Volume = 'token1__volume', - Token1VolumeUsd = 'token1__volumeUSD', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp' -} - -export type Collect = { - __typename?: 'Collect'; - amount0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amountUSD?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - logIndex?: Maybe; - owner?: Maybe; - pool: Pool; - tickLower: Scalars['BigInt']; - tickUpper: Scalars['BigInt']; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - transaction: Transaction; -}; - -export type Collect_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - amount0?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex_lt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_lte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - owner?: InputMaybe; - owner_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_gt?: InputMaybe; - owner_gte?: InputMaybe; - owner_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner_lt?: InputMaybe; - owner_lte?: InputMaybe; - owner_not?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickLower_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum Collect_OrderBy { - Amount0 = 'amount0', - Amount1 = 'amount1', - AmountUsd = 'amountUSD', - Id = 'id', - LogIndex = 'logIndex', - Owner = 'owner', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - TickLower = 'tickLower', - TickUpper = 'tickUpper', - Timestamp = 'timestamp', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp' -} - -export type Factory = { - __typename?: 'Factory'; - id: Scalars['ID']; - owner: Scalars['ID']; - poolCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - totalFeesETH: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalFeesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedETH: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalVolumeETH: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - txCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - untrackedVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type Factory_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - owner?: InputMaybe; - owner_gt?: InputMaybe; - owner_gte?: InputMaybe; - owner_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner_lt?: InputMaybe; - owner_lte?: InputMaybe; - owner_not?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - poolCount?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - poolCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_not?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalFeesETH?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesETH_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesETH_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesETH_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalFeesETH_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesETH_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesETH_not?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesETH_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalFeesUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalFeesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalFeesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedETH?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETHUntracked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedETH_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedETH_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalVolumeETH?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeETH_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeETH_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeETH_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalVolumeETH_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeETH_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeETH_not?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeETH_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum Factory_OrderBy { - Id = 'id', - Owner = 'owner', - PoolCount = 'poolCount', - TotalFeesEth = 'totalFeesETH', - TotalFeesUsd = 'totalFeesUSD', - TotalValueLockedEth = 'totalValueLockedETH', - TotalValueLockedEthUntracked = 'totalValueLockedETHUntracked', - TotalValueLockedUsd = 'totalValueLockedUSD', - TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - TotalVolumeEth = 'totalVolumeETH', - TotalVolumeUsd = 'totalVolumeUSD', - TxCount = 'txCount', - UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'untrackedVolumeUSD' -} - -export type Flash = { - __typename?: 'Flash'; - amount0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount0Paid: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount1Paid: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amountUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - logIndex?: Maybe; - pool: Pool; - recipient: Scalars['Bytes']; - sender: Scalars['Bytes']; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - transaction: Transaction; -}; - -export type Flash_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - amount0?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0Paid_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid_not?: InputMaybe; - amount0Paid_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1Paid_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid_not?: InputMaybe; - amount1Paid_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex_lt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_lte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - recipient?: InputMaybe; - recipient_contains?: InputMaybe; - recipient_gt?: InputMaybe; - recipient_gte?: InputMaybe; - recipient_in?: InputMaybe>; - recipient_lt?: InputMaybe; - recipient_lte?: InputMaybe; - recipient_not?: InputMaybe; - recipient_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - recipient_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - sender?: InputMaybe; - sender_contains?: InputMaybe; - sender_gt?: InputMaybe; - sender_gte?: InputMaybe; - sender_in?: InputMaybe>; - sender_lt?: InputMaybe; - sender_lte?: InputMaybe; - sender_not?: InputMaybe; - sender_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - sender_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum Flash_OrderBy { - Amount0 = 'amount0', - Amount0Paid = 'amount0Paid', - Amount1 = 'amount1', - Amount1Paid = 'amount1Paid', - AmountUsd = 'amountUSD', - Id = 'id', - LogIndex = 'logIndex', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Recipient = 'recipient', - Sender = 'sender', - Timestamp = 'timestamp', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp' -} - -export type Mint = { - __typename?: 'Mint'; - amount: Scalars['BigInt']; - amount0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amountUSD?: Maybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - logIndex?: Maybe; - origin: Scalars['Bytes']; - owner: Scalars['Bytes']; - pool: Pool; - sender?: Maybe; - tickLower: Scalars['BigInt']; - tickUpper: Scalars['BigInt']; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - token0: Token; - token1: Token; - transaction: Transaction; -}; - -export type Mint_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - amount?: InputMaybe; - amount0?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount_not?: InputMaybe; - amount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex_lt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_lte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - origin?: InputMaybe; - origin_contains?: InputMaybe; - origin_gt?: InputMaybe; - origin_gte?: InputMaybe; - origin_in?: InputMaybe>; - origin_lt?: InputMaybe; - origin_lte?: InputMaybe; - origin_not?: InputMaybe; - origin_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - origin_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner?: InputMaybe; - owner_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_gt?: InputMaybe; - owner_gte?: InputMaybe; - owner_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner_lt?: InputMaybe; - owner_lte?: InputMaybe; - owner_not?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - sender?: InputMaybe; - sender_contains?: InputMaybe; - sender_gt?: InputMaybe; - sender_gte?: InputMaybe; - sender_in?: InputMaybe>; - sender_lt?: InputMaybe; - sender_lte?: InputMaybe; - sender_not?: InputMaybe; - sender_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - sender_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickLower?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickLower_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0?: InputMaybe; - token0_?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0_not?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1?: InputMaybe; - token1_?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1_not?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum Mint_OrderBy { - Amount = 'amount', - Amount0 = 'amount0', - Amount1 = 'amount1', - AmountUsd = 'amountUSD', - Id = 'id', - LogIndex = 'logIndex', - Origin = 'origin', - Owner = 'owner', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Sender = 'sender', - TickLower = 'tickLower', - TickUpper = 'tickUpper', - Timestamp = 'timestamp', - Token0 = 'token0', - Token0Decimals = 'token0__decimals', - Token0DerivedEth = 'token0__derivedETH', - Token0FeesUsd = 'token0__feesUSD', - Token0Id = 'token0__id', - Token0Name = 'token0__name', - Token0PoolCount = 'token0__poolCount', - Token0Symbol = 'token0__symbol', - Token0TotalSupply = 'token0__totalSupply', - Token0TotalValueLocked = 'token0__totalValueLocked', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token0TxCount = 'token0__txCount', - Token0UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token0__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token0Volume = 'token0__volume', - Token0VolumeUsd = 'token0__volumeUSD', - Token1 = 'token1', - Token1Decimals = 'token1__decimals', - Token1DerivedEth = 'token1__derivedETH', - Token1FeesUsd = 'token1__feesUSD', - Token1Id = 'token1__id', - Token1Name = 'token1__name', - Token1PoolCount = 'token1__poolCount', - Token1Symbol = 'token1__symbol', - Token1TotalSupply = 'token1__totalSupply', - Token1TotalValueLocked = 'token1__totalValueLocked', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token1TxCount = 'token1__txCount', - Token1UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token1__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token1Volume = 'token1__volume', - Token1VolumeUsd = 'token1__volumeUSD', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp' -} - -/** Defines the order direction, either ascending or descending */ -export enum OrderDirection { - Asc = 'asc', - Desc = 'desc' -} - -export type Pool = { - __typename?: 'Pool'; - burns: Array; - collectedFeesToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collectedFeesToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collectedFeesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collects: Array; - createdAtBlockNumber: Scalars['BigInt']; - createdAtTimestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeTier: Scalars['BigInt']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidity: Scalars['BigInt']; - liquidityProviderCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - mints: Array; - observationIndex: Scalars['BigInt']; - poolDayData: Array; - poolHourData: Array; - sqrtPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; - swaps: Array; - tick?: Maybe; - ticks: Array; - token0: Token; - token0Price: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - token1: Token; - token1Price: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedETH: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - txCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - untrackedVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - - -export type PoolBurnsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PoolCollectsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PoolMintsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PoolPoolDayDataArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PoolPoolHourDataArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PoolSwapsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type PoolTicksArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type PoolDayData = { - __typename?: 'PoolDayData'; - close: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - date: Scalars['Int']; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - high: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidity: Scalars['BigInt']; - low: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - open: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - pool: Pool; - sqrtPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; - tick?: Maybe; - token0Price: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - token1Price: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - tvlUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - txCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - volumeToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type PoolDayData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - close?: InputMaybe; - close_gt?: InputMaybe; - close_gte?: InputMaybe; - close_in?: InputMaybe>; - close_lt?: InputMaybe; - close_lte?: InputMaybe; - close_not?: InputMaybe; - close_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - date?: InputMaybe; - date_gt?: InputMaybe; - date_gte?: InputMaybe; - date_in?: InputMaybe>; - date_lt?: InputMaybe; - date_lte?: InputMaybe; - date_not?: InputMaybe; - date_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - high?: InputMaybe; - high_gt?: InputMaybe; - high_gte?: InputMaybe; - high_in?: InputMaybe>; - high_lt?: InputMaybe; - high_lte?: InputMaybe; - high_not?: InputMaybe; - high_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - low?: InputMaybe; - low_gt?: InputMaybe; - low_gte?: InputMaybe; - low_in?: InputMaybe>; - low_lt?: InputMaybe; - low_lte?: InputMaybe; - low_not?: InputMaybe; - low_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - open?: InputMaybe; - open_gt?: InputMaybe; - open_gte?: InputMaybe; - open_in?: InputMaybe>; - open_lt?: InputMaybe; - open_lte?: InputMaybe; - open_not?: InputMaybe; - open_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_gt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_gte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_in?: InputMaybe>; - sqrtPrice_lt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_lte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_not?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick?: InputMaybe; - tick_gt?: InputMaybe; - tick_gte?: InputMaybe; - tick_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_lt?: InputMaybe; - tick_lte?: InputMaybe; - tick_not?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0Price?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0Price_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_not?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1Price?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1Price_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_not?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tvlUSD?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - tvlUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum PoolDayData_OrderBy { - Close = 'close', - Date = 'date', - FeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - FeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - High = 'high', - Id = 'id', - Liquidity = 'liquidity', - Low = 'low', - Open = 'open', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - SqrtPrice = 'sqrtPrice', - Tick = 'tick', - Token0Price = 'token0Price', - Token1Price = 'token1Price', - TvlUsd = 'tvlUSD', - TxCount = 'txCount', - VolumeToken0 = 'volumeToken0', - VolumeToken1 = 'volumeToken1', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type PoolHourData = { - __typename?: 'PoolHourData'; - close: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - high: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidity: Scalars['BigInt']; - low: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - open: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - periodStartUnix: Scalars['Int']; - pool: Pool; - sqrtPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; - tick?: Maybe; - token0Price: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - token1Price: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - tvlUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - txCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - volumeToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type PoolHourData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - close?: InputMaybe; - close_gt?: InputMaybe; - close_gte?: InputMaybe; - close_in?: InputMaybe>; - close_lt?: InputMaybe; - close_lte?: InputMaybe; - close_not?: InputMaybe; - close_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - high?: InputMaybe; - high_gt?: InputMaybe; - high_gte?: InputMaybe; - high_in?: InputMaybe>; - high_lt?: InputMaybe; - high_lte?: InputMaybe; - high_not?: InputMaybe; - high_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - low?: InputMaybe; - low_gt?: InputMaybe; - low_gte?: InputMaybe; - low_in?: InputMaybe>; - low_lt?: InputMaybe; - low_lte?: InputMaybe; - low_not?: InputMaybe; - low_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - open?: InputMaybe; - open_gt?: InputMaybe; - open_gte?: InputMaybe; - open_in?: InputMaybe>; - open_lt?: InputMaybe; - open_lte?: InputMaybe; - open_not?: InputMaybe; - open_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - periodStartUnix?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_gt?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_gte?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_in?: InputMaybe>; - periodStartUnix_lt?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_lte?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_not?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_gt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_gte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_in?: InputMaybe>; - sqrtPrice_lt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_lte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_not?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick?: InputMaybe; - tick_gt?: InputMaybe; - tick_gte?: InputMaybe; - tick_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_lt?: InputMaybe; - tick_lte?: InputMaybe; - tick_not?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0Price?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0Price_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_not?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1Price?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1Price_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_not?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tvlUSD?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - tvlUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum PoolHourData_OrderBy { - Close = 'close', - FeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - FeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - High = 'high', - Id = 'id', - Liquidity = 'liquidity', - Low = 'low', - Open = 'open', - PeriodStartUnix = 'periodStartUnix', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - SqrtPrice = 'sqrtPrice', - Tick = 'tick', - Token0Price = 'token0Price', - Token1Price = 'token1Price', - TvlUsd = 'tvlUSD', - TxCount = 'txCount', - VolumeToken0 = 'volumeToken0', - VolumeToken1 = 'volumeToken1', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type Pool_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - burns_?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesUSD?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collects_?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_gt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_gte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtBlockNumber_lt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_lte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_not?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtTimestamp?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtTimestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal0X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthGlobal1X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeTier?: InputMaybe; - feeTier_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeTier_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeTier_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeTier_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeTier_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeTier_not?: InputMaybe; - feeTier_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityProviderCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - mints_?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex_gt?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex_gte?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex_in?: InputMaybe>; - observationIndex_lt?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex_lte?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex_not?: InputMaybe; - observationIndex_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - poolDayData_?: InputMaybe; - poolHourData_?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_gt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_gte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_in?: InputMaybe>; - sqrtPrice_lt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_lte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_not?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPrice_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - swaps_?: InputMaybe; - tick?: InputMaybe; - tick_gt?: InputMaybe; - tick_gte?: InputMaybe; - tick_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_lt?: InputMaybe; - tick_lte?: InputMaybe; - tick_not?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - ticks_?: InputMaybe; - token0?: InputMaybe; - token0Price?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0Price_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_not?: InputMaybe; - token0Price_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0_not?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1?: InputMaybe; - token1Price?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1Price_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_not?: InputMaybe; - token1Price_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1_not?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedETH_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedETH_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedToken0?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedToken1?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum Pool_OrderBy { - Burns = 'burns', - CollectedFeesToken0 = 'collectedFeesToken0', - CollectedFeesToken1 = 'collectedFeesToken1', - CollectedFeesUsd = 'collectedFeesUSD', - Collects = 'collects', - CreatedAtBlockNumber = 'createdAtBlockNumber', - CreatedAtTimestamp = 'createdAtTimestamp', - FeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - FeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - FeeTier = 'feeTier', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - Id = 'id', - Liquidity = 'liquidity', - LiquidityProviderCount = 'liquidityProviderCount', - Mints = 'mints', - ObservationIndex = 'observationIndex', - PoolDayData = 'poolDayData', - PoolHourData = 'poolHourData', - SqrtPrice = 'sqrtPrice', - Swaps = 'swaps', - Tick = 'tick', - Ticks = 'ticks', - Token0 = 'token0', - Token0Price = 'token0Price', - Token0Decimals = 'token0__decimals', - Token0DerivedEth = 'token0__derivedETH', - Token0FeesUsd = 'token0__feesUSD', - Token0Id = 'token0__id', - Token0Name = 'token0__name', - Token0PoolCount = 'token0__poolCount', - Token0Symbol = 'token0__symbol', - Token0TotalSupply = 'token0__totalSupply', - Token0TotalValueLocked = 'token0__totalValueLocked', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token0TxCount = 'token0__txCount', - Token0UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token0__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token0Volume = 'token0__volume', - Token0VolumeUsd = 'token0__volumeUSD', - Token1 = 'token1', - Token1Price = 'token1Price', - Token1Decimals = 'token1__decimals', - Token1DerivedEth = 'token1__derivedETH', - Token1FeesUsd = 'token1__feesUSD', - Token1Id = 'token1__id', - Token1Name = 'token1__name', - Token1PoolCount = 'token1__poolCount', - Token1Symbol = 'token1__symbol', - Token1TotalSupply = 'token1__totalSupply', - Token1TotalValueLocked = 'token1__totalValueLocked', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token1TxCount = 'token1__txCount', - Token1UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token1__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token1Volume = 'token1__volume', - Token1VolumeUsd = 'token1__volumeUSD', - TotalValueLockedEth = 'totalValueLockedETH', - TotalValueLockedToken0 = 'totalValueLockedToken0', - TotalValueLockedToken1 = 'totalValueLockedToken1', - TotalValueLockedUsd = 'totalValueLockedUSD', - TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - TxCount = 'txCount', - UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'untrackedVolumeUSD', - VolumeToken0 = 'volumeToken0', - VolumeToken1 = 'volumeToken1', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type Position = { - __typename?: 'Position'; - collectedFeesToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collectedFeesToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - depositedToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - depositedToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128: Scalars['BigInt']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidity: Scalars['BigInt']; - owner: Scalars['Bytes']; - pool: Pool; - tickLower: Tick; - tickUpper: Tick; - token0: Token; - token1: Token; - transaction: Transaction; - withdrawnToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - withdrawnToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type PositionSnapshot = { - __typename?: 'PositionSnapshot'; - blockNumber: Scalars['BigInt']; - collectedFeesToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collectedFeesToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - depositedToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - depositedToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128: Scalars['BigInt']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidity: Scalars['BigInt']; - owner: Scalars['Bytes']; - pool: Pool; - position: Position; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - transaction: Transaction; - withdrawnToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - withdrawnToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type PositionSnapshot_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - blockNumber?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_gt?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_gte?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_in?: InputMaybe>; - blockNumber_lt?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_lte?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_not?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken0?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken0?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken1?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - owner?: InputMaybe; - owner_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_gt?: InputMaybe; - owner_gte?: InputMaybe; - owner_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner_lt?: InputMaybe; - owner_lte?: InputMaybe; - owner_not?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - position?: InputMaybe; - position_?: InputMaybe; - position_contains?: InputMaybe; - position_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - position_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - position_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - position_gt?: InputMaybe; - position_gte?: InputMaybe; - position_in?: InputMaybe>; - position_lt?: InputMaybe; - position_lte?: InputMaybe; - position_not?: InputMaybe; - position_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - position_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - position_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - position_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - position_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - position_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - position_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - position_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - position_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - withdrawnToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - withdrawnToken1?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - withdrawnToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum PositionSnapshot_OrderBy { - BlockNumber = 'blockNumber', - CollectedFeesToken0 = 'collectedFeesToken0', - CollectedFeesToken1 = 'collectedFeesToken1', - DepositedToken0 = 'depositedToken0', - DepositedToken1 = 'depositedToken1', - FeeGrowthInside0LastX128 = 'feeGrowthInside0LastX128', - FeeGrowthInside1LastX128 = 'feeGrowthInside1LastX128', - Id = 'id', - Liquidity = 'liquidity', - Owner = 'owner', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Position = 'position', - PositionCollectedFeesToken0 = 'position__collectedFeesToken0', - PositionCollectedFeesToken1 = 'position__collectedFeesToken1', - PositionDepositedToken0 = 'position__depositedToken0', - PositionDepositedToken1 = 'position__depositedToken1', - PositionFeeGrowthInside0LastX128 = 'position__feeGrowthInside0LastX128', - PositionFeeGrowthInside1LastX128 = 'position__feeGrowthInside1LastX128', - PositionId = 'position__id', - PositionLiquidity = 'position__liquidity', - PositionOwner = 'position__owner', - PositionWithdrawnToken0 = 'position__withdrawnToken0', - PositionWithdrawnToken1 = 'position__withdrawnToken1', - Timestamp = 'timestamp', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp', - WithdrawnToken0 = 'withdrawnToken0', - WithdrawnToken1 = 'withdrawnToken1' -} - -export type Position_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - collectedFeesToken0?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken0?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken1?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - depositedToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - depositedToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside0LastX128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthInside1LastX128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidity_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidity_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - owner?: InputMaybe; - owner_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_gt?: InputMaybe; - owner_gte?: InputMaybe; - owner_in?: InputMaybe>; - owner_lt?: InputMaybe; - owner_lte?: InputMaybe; - owner_not?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - owner_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_contains?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickLower_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickLower_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tickLower_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_contains?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickUpper_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tickUpper_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0?: InputMaybe; - token0_?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0_not?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1?: InputMaybe; - token1_?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1_not?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - withdrawnToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - withdrawnToken1?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - withdrawnToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - withdrawnToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum Position_OrderBy { - CollectedFeesToken0 = 'collectedFeesToken0', - CollectedFeesToken1 = 'collectedFeesToken1', - DepositedToken0 = 'depositedToken0', - DepositedToken1 = 'depositedToken1', - FeeGrowthInside0LastX128 = 'feeGrowthInside0LastX128', - FeeGrowthInside1LastX128 = 'feeGrowthInside1LastX128', - Id = 'id', - Liquidity = 'liquidity', - Owner = 'owner', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - TickLower = 'tickLower', - TickLowerCollectedFeesToken0 = 'tickLower__collectedFeesToken0', - TickLowerCollectedFeesToken1 = 'tickLower__collectedFeesToken1', - TickLowerCollectedFeesUsd = 'tickLower__collectedFeesUSD', - TickLowerCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'tickLower__createdAtBlockNumber', - TickLowerCreatedAtTimestamp = 'tickLower__createdAtTimestamp', - TickLowerFeeGrowthOutside0X128 = 'tickLower__feeGrowthOutside0X128', - TickLowerFeeGrowthOutside1X128 = 'tickLower__feeGrowthOutside1X128', - TickLowerFeesUsd = 'tickLower__feesUSD', - TickLowerId = 'tickLower__id', - TickLowerLiquidityGross = 'tickLower__liquidityGross', - TickLowerLiquidityNet = 'tickLower__liquidityNet', - TickLowerLiquidityProviderCount = 'tickLower__liquidityProviderCount', - TickLowerPoolAddress = 'tickLower__poolAddress', - TickLowerPrice0 = 'tickLower__price0', - TickLowerPrice1 = 'tickLower__price1', - TickLowerTickIdx = 'tickLower__tickIdx', - TickLowerUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'tickLower__untrackedVolumeUSD', - TickLowerVolumeToken0 = 'tickLower__volumeToken0', - TickLowerVolumeToken1 = 'tickLower__volumeToken1', - TickLowerVolumeUsd = 'tickLower__volumeUSD', - TickUpper = 'tickUpper', - TickUpperCollectedFeesToken0 = 'tickUpper__collectedFeesToken0', - TickUpperCollectedFeesToken1 = 'tickUpper__collectedFeesToken1', - TickUpperCollectedFeesUsd = 'tickUpper__collectedFeesUSD', - TickUpperCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'tickUpper__createdAtBlockNumber', - TickUpperCreatedAtTimestamp = 'tickUpper__createdAtTimestamp', - TickUpperFeeGrowthOutside0X128 = 'tickUpper__feeGrowthOutside0X128', - TickUpperFeeGrowthOutside1X128 = 'tickUpper__feeGrowthOutside1X128', - TickUpperFeesUsd = 'tickUpper__feesUSD', - TickUpperId = 'tickUpper__id', - TickUpperLiquidityGross = 'tickUpper__liquidityGross', - TickUpperLiquidityNet = 'tickUpper__liquidityNet', - TickUpperLiquidityProviderCount = 'tickUpper__liquidityProviderCount', - TickUpperPoolAddress = 'tickUpper__poolAddress', - TickUpperPrice0 = 'tickUpper__price0', - TickUpperPrice1 = 'tickUpper__price1', - TickUpperTickIdx = 'tickUpper__tickIdx', - TickUpperUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'tickUpper__untrackedVolumeUSD', - TickUpperVolumeToken0 = 'tickUpper__volumeToken0', - TickUpperVolumeToken1 = 'tickUpper__volumeToken1', - TickUpperVolumeUsd = 'tickUpper__volumeUSD', - Token0 = 'token0', - Token0Decimals = 'token0__decimals', - Token0DerivedEth = 'token0__derivedETH', - Token0FeesUsd = 'token0__feesUSD', - Token0Id = 'token0__id', - Token0Name = 'token0__name', - Token0PoolCount = 'token0__poolCount', - Token0Symbol = 'token0__symbol', - Token0TotalSupply = 'token0__totalSupply', - Token0TotalValueLocked = 'token0__totalValueLocked', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token0TxCount = 'token0__txCount', - Token0UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token0__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token0Volume = 'token0__volume', - Token0VolumeUsd = 'token0__volumeUSD', - Token1 = 'token1', - Token1Decimals = 'token1__decimals', - Token1DerivedEth = 'token1__derivedETH', - Token1FeesUsd = 'token1__feesUSD', - Token1Id = 'token1__id', - Token1Name = 'token1__name', - Token1PoolCount = 'token1__poolCount', - Token1Symbol = 'token1__symbol', - Token1TotalSupply = 'token1__totalSupply', - Token1TotalValueLocked = 'token1__totalValueLocked', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token1TxCount = 'token1__txCount', - Token1UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token1__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token1Volume = 'token1__volume', - Token1VolumeUsd = 'token1__volumeUSD', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp', - WithdrawnToken0 = 'withdrawnToken0', - WithdrawnToken1 = 'withdrawnToken1' -} - -export type Query = { - __typename?: 'Query'; - /** Access to subgraph metadata */ - _meta?: Maybe<_Meta_>; - bundle?: Maybe; - bundles: Array; - burn?: Maybe; - burns: Array; - collect?: Maybe; - collects: Array; - factories: Array; - factory?: Maybe; - flash?: Maybe; - flashes: Array; - mint?: Maybe; - mints: Array; - pool?: Maybe; - poolDayData?: Maybe; - poolDayDatas: Array; - poolHourData?: Maybe; - poolHourDatas: Array; - pools: Array; - position?: Maybe; - positionSnapshot?: Maybe; - positionSnapshots: Array; - positions: Array; - swap?: Maybe; - swaps: Array; - tick?: Maybe; - tickDayData?: Maybe; - tickDayDatas: Array; - tickHourData?: Maybe; - tickHourDatas: Array; - ticks: Array; - token?: Maybe; - tokenDayData?: Maybe; - tokenDayDatas: Array; - tokenHourData?: Maybe; - tokenHourDatas: Array; - tokens: Array; - transaction?: Maybe; - transactions: Array; - uniswapDayData?: Maybe; - uniswapDayDatas: Array; -}; - - -export type Query_MetaArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryBundleArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryBundlesArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryBurnArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryBurnsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryCollectArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryCollectsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryFactoriesArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryFactoryArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryFlashArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryFlashesArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryMintArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryMintsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryPoolArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryPoolDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryPoolDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryPoolHourDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryPoolHourDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryPoolsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryPositionArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryPositionSnapshotArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryPositionSnapshotsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryPositionsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QuerySwapArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QuerySwapsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTickArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTickDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTickDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTickHourDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTickHourDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTicksArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenHourDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTokenHourDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTokensArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryTransactionArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryTransactionsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type QueryUniswapDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type QueryUniswapDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type Subscription = { - __typename?: 'Subscription'; - /** Access to subgraph metadata */ - _meta?: Maybe<_Meta_>; - bundle?: Maybe; - bundles: Array; - burn?: Maybe; - burns: Array; - collect?: Maybe; - collects: Array; - factories: Array; - factory?: Maybe; - flash?: Maybe; - flashes: Array; - mint?: Maybe; - mints: Array; - pool?: Maybe; - poolDayData?: Maybe; - poolDayDatas: Array; - poolHourData?: Maybe; - poolHourDatas: Array; - pools: Array; - position?: Maybe; - positionSnapshot?: Maybe; - positionSnapshots: Array; - positions: Array; - swap?: Maybe; - swaps: Array; - tick?: Maybe; - tickDayData?: Maybe; - tickDayDatas: Array; - tickHourData?: Maybe; - tickHourDatas: Array; - ticks: Array; - token?: Maybe; - tokenDayData?: Maybe; - tokenDayDatas: Array; - tokenHourData?: Maybe; - tokenHourDatas: Array; - tokens: Array; - transaction?: Maybe; - transactions: Array; - uniswapDayData?: Maybe; - uniswapDayDatas: Array; -}; - - -export type Subscription_MetaArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionBundleArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionBundlesArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionBurnArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionBurnsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionCollectArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionCollectsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionFactoriesArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionFactoryArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionFlashArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionFlashesArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionMintArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionMintsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPoolArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPoolDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPoolDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPoolHourDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPoolHourDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPoolsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPositionArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPositionSnapshotArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPositionSnapshotsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionPositionsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionSwapArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionSwapsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTickArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTickDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTickDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTickHourDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTickHourDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTicksArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTokenArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTokenDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTokenDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTokenHourDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTokenHourDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTokensArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTransactionArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionTransactionsArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionUniswapDayDataArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - id: Scalars['ID']; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; -}; - - -export type SubscriptionUniswapDayDatasArgs = { - block?: InputMaybe; - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type Swap = { - __typename?: 'Swap'; - amount0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amount1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - amountUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - logIndex?: Maybe; - origin: Scalars['Bytes']; - pool: Pool; - recipient: Scalars['Bytes']; - sender: Scalars['Bytes']; - sqrtPriceX96: Scalars['BigInt']; - tick: Scalars['BigInt']; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - token0: Token; - token1: Token; - transaction: Transaction; -}; - -export type Swap_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - amount0?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount0_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount0_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not?: InputMaybe; - amount0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_gte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_in?: InputMaybe>; - amount1_lt?: InputMaybe; - amount1_lte?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not?: InputMaybe; - amount1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - amountUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - amountUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_gte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_in?: InputMaybe>; - logIndex_lt?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_lte?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not?: InputMaybe; - logIndex_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - origin?: InputMaybe; - origin_contains?: InputMaybe; - origin_gt?: InputMaybe; - origin_gte?: InputMaybe; - origin_in?: InputMaybe>; - origin_lt?: InputMaybe; - origin_lte?: InputMaybe; - origin_not?: InputMaybe; - origin_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - origin_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - recipient?: InputMaybe; - recipient_contains?: InputMaybe; - recipient_gt?: InputMaybe; - recipient_gte?: InputMaybe; - recipient_in?: InputMaybe>; - recipient_lt?: InputMaybe; - recipient_lte?: InputMaybe; - recipient_not?: InputMaybe; - recipient_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - recipient_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - sender?: InputMaybe; - sender_contains?: InputMaybe; - sender_gt?: InputMaybe; - sender_gte?: InputMaybe; - sender_in?: InputMaybe>; - sender_lt?: InputMaybe; - sender_lte?: InputMaybe; - sender_not?: InputMaybe; - sender_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - sender_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - sqrtPriceX96?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPriceX96_gt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPriceX96_gte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPriceX96_in?: InputMaybe>; - sqrtPriceX96_lt?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPriceX96_lte?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPriceX96_not?: InputMaybe; - sqrtPriceX96_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick?: InputMaybe; - tick_gt?: InputMaybe; - tick_gte?: InputMaybe; - tick_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_lt?: InputMaybe; - tick_lte?: InputMaybe; - tick_not?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0?: InputMaybe; - token0_?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_gt?: InputMaybe; - token0_gte?: InputMaybe; - token0_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_lt?: InputMaybe; - token0_lte?: InputMaybe; - token0_not?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token0_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token0_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1?: InputMaybe; - token1_?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_gt?: InputMaybe; - token1_gte?: InputMaybe; - token1_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_lt?: InputMaybe; - token1_lte?: InputMaybe; - token1_not?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token1_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token1_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction?: InputMaybe; - transaction_?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_gte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_lt?: InputMaybe; - transaction_lte?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - transaction_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - transaction_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export enum Swap_OrderBy { - Amount0 = 'amount0', - Amount1 = 'amount1', - AmountUsd = 'amountUSD', - Id = 'id', - LogIndex = 'logIndex', - Origin = 'origin', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Recipient = 'recipient', - Sender = 'sender', - SqrtPriceX96 = 'sqrtPriceX96', - Tick = 'tick', - Timestamp = 'timestamp', - Token0 = 'token0', - Token0Decimals = 'token0__decimals', - Token0DerivedEth = 'token0__derivedETH', - Token0FeesUsd = 'token0__feesUSD', - Token0Id = 'token0__id', - Token0Name = 'token0__name', - Token0PoolCount = 'token0__poolCount', - Token0Symbol = 'token0__symbol', - Token0TotalSupply = 'token0__totalSupply', - Token0TotalValueLocked = 'token0__totalValueLocked', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token0TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token0__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token0TxCount = 'token0__txCount', - Token0UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token0__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token0Volume = 'token0__volume', - Token0VolumeUsd = 'token0__volumeUSD', - Token1 = 'token1', - Token1Decimals = 'token1__decimals', - Token1DerivedEth = 'token1__derivedETH', - Token1FeesUsd = 'token1__feesUSD', - Token1Id = 'token1__id', - Token1Name = 'token1__name', - Token1PoolCount = 'token1__poolCount', - Token1Symbol = 'token1__symbol', - Token1TotalSupply = 'token1__totalSupply', - Token1TotalValueLocked = 'token1__totalValueLocked', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsd = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSD', - Token1TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token1__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - Token1TxCount = 'token1__txCount', - Token1UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token1__untrackedVolumeUSD', - Token1Volume = 'token1__volume', - Token1VolumeUsd = 'token1__volumeUSD', - Transaction = 'transaction', - TransactionBlockNumber = 'transaction__blockNumber', - TransactionGasPrice = 'transaction__gasPrice', - TransactionGasUsed = 'transaction__gasUsed', - TransactionId = 'transaction__id', - TransactionTimestamp = 'transaction__timestamp' -} - -export type Tick = { - __typename?: 'Tick'; - collectedFeesToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collectedFeesToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - collectedFeesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - createdAtBlockNumber: Scalars['BigInt']; - createdAtTimestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthOutside0X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthOutside1X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidityGross: Scalars['BigInt']; - liquidityNet: Scalars['BigInt']; - liquidityProviderCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - pool: Pool; - poolAddress?: Maybe; - price0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - price1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - tickIdx: Scalars['BigInt']; - untrackedVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type TickDayData = { - __typename?: 'TickDayData'; - date: Scalars['Int']; - feeGrowthOutside0X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feeGrowthOutside1X128: Scalars['BigInt']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidityGross: Scalars['BigInt']; - liquidityNet: Scalars['BigInt']; - pool: Pool; - tick: Tick; - volumeToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type TickDayData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - date?: InputMaybe; - date_gt?: InputMaybe; - date_gte?: InputMaybe; - date_in?: InputMaybe>; - date_lt?: InputMaybe; - date_lte?: InputMaybe; - date_not?: InputMaybe; - date_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside0X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside1X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityGross?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityGross_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityNet?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityNet_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick?: InputMaybe; - tick_?: InputMaybe; - tick_contains?: InputMaybe; - tick_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_gt?: InputMaybe; - tick_gte?: InputMaybe; - tick_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_lt?: InputMaybe; - tick_lte?: InputMaybe; - tick_not?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum TickDayData_OrderBy { - Date = 'date', - FeeGrowthOutside0X128 = 'feeGrowthOutside0X128', - FeeGrowthOutside1X128 = 'feeGrowthOutside1X128', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - Id = 'id', - LiquidityGross = 'liquidityGross', - LiquidityNet = 'liquidityNet', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Tick = 'tick', - TickCollectedFeesToken0 = 'tick__collectedFeesToken0', - TickCollectedFeesToken1 = 'tick__collectedFeesToken1', - TickCollectedFeesUsd = 'tick__collectedFeesUSD', - TickCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'tick__createdAtBlockNumber', - TickCreatedAtTimestamp = 'tick__createdAtTimestamp', - TickFeeGrowthOutside0X128 = 'tick__feeGrowthOutside0X128', - TickFeeGrowthOutside1X128 = 'tick__feeGrowthOutside1X128', - TickFeesUsd = 'tick__feesUSD', - TickId = 'tick__id', - TickLiquidityGross = 'tick__liquidityGross', - TickLiquidityNet = 'tick__liquidityNet', - TickLiquidityProviderCount = 'tick__liquidityProviderCount', - TickPoolAddress = 'tick__poolAddress', - TickPrice0 = 'tick__price0', - TickPrice1 = 'tick__price1', - TickTickIdx = 'tick__tickIdx', - TickUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'tick__untrackedVolumeUSD', - TickVolumeToken0 = 'tick__volumeToken0', - TickVolumeToken1 = 'tick__volumeToken1', - TickVolumeUsd = 'tick__volumeUSD', - VolumeToken0 = 'volumeToken0', - VolumeToken1 = 'volumeToken1', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type TickHourData = { - __typename?: 'TickHourData'; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - liquidityGross: Scalars['BigInt']; - liquidityNet: Scalars['BigInt']; - periodStartUnix: Scalars['Int']; - pool: Pool; - tick: Tick; - volumeToken0: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeToken1: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type TickHourData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityGross?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityGross_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityNet?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityNet_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - periodStartUnix?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_gt?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_gte?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_in?: InputMaybe>; - periodStartUnix_lt?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_lte?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_not?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick?: InputMaybe; - tick_?: InputMaybe; - tick_contains?: InputMaybe; - tick_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_gt?: InputMaybe; - tick_gte?: InputMaybe; - tick_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_lt?: InputMaybe; - tick_lte?: InputMaybe; - tick_not?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tick_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tick_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - tick_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum TickHourData_OrderBy { - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - Id = 'id', - LiquidityGross = 'liquidityGross', - LiquidityNet = 'liquidityNet', - PeriodStartUnix = 'periodStartUnix', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Tick = 'tick', - TickCollectedFeesToken0 = 'tick__collectedFeesToken0', - TickCollectedFeesToken1 = 'tick__collectedFeesToken1', - TickCollectedFeesUsd = 'tick__collectedFeesUSD', - TickCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'tick__createdAtBlockNumber', - TickCreatedAtTimestamp = 'tick__createdAtTimestamp', - TickFeeGrowthOutside0X128 = 'tick__feeGrowthOutside0X128', - TickFeeGrowthOutside1X128 = 'tick__feeGrowthOutside1X128', - TickFeesUsd = 'tick__feesUSD', - TickId = 'tick__id', - TickLiquidityGross = 'tick__liquidityGross', - TickLiquidityNet = 'tick__liquidityNet', - TickLiquidityProviderCount = 'tick__liquidityProviderCount', - TickPoolAddress = 'tick__poolAddress', - TickPrice0 = 'tick__price0', - TickPrice1 = 'tick__price1', - TickTickIdx = 'tick__tickIdx', - TickUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'tick__untrackedVolumeUSD', - TickVolumeToken0 = 'tick__volumeToken0', - TickVolumeToken1 = 'tick__volumeToken1', - TickVolumeUsd = 'tick__volumeUSD', - VolumeToken0 = 'volumeToken0', - VolumeToken1 = 'volumeToken1', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type Tick_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - collectedFeesToken0?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesUSD?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - collectedFeesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - collectedFeesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtBlockNumber?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_gt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_gte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtBlockNumber_lt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_lte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_not?: InputMaybe; - createdAtBlockNumber_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtTimestamp?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - createdAtTimestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - createdAtTimestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside0X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside0X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside1X128?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_gt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_gte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_in?: InputMaybe>; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_lt?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_lte?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_not?: InputMaybe; - feeGrowthOutside1X128_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityGross?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityGross_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityGross_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityNet?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityNet_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityNet_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityProviderCount?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - liquidityProviderCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_not?: InputMaybe; - liquidityProviderCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - pool?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_contains?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_gt?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_gte?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_in?: InputMaybe>; - poolAddress_lt?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_lte?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - poolAddress_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - poolAddress_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_gt?: InputMaybe; - pool_gte?: InputMaybe; - pool_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_lt?: InputMaybe; - pool_lte?: InputMaybe; - pool_not?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - pool_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - pool_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - price0?: InputMaybe; - price0_gt?: InputMaybe; - price0_gte?: InputMaybe; - price0_in?: InputMaybe>; - price0_lt?: InputMaybe; - price0_lte?: InputMaybe; - price0_not?: InputMaybe; - price0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - price1?: InputMaybe; - price1_gt?: InputMaybe; - price1_gte?: InputMaybe; - price1_in?: InputMaybe>; - price1_lt?: InputMaybe; - price1_lte?: InputMaybe; - price1_not?: InputMaybe; - price1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickIdx?: InputMaybe; - tickIdx_gt?: InputMaybe; - tickIdx_gte?: InputMaybe; - tickIdx_in?: InputMaybe>; - tickIdx_lt?: InputMaybe; - tickIdx_lte?: InputMaybe; - tickIdx_not?: InputMaybe; - tickIdx_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken0_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken0_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeToken1_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeToken1_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum Tick_OrderBy { - CollectedFeesToken0 = 'collectedFeesToken0', - CollectedFeesToken1 = 'collectedFeesToken1', - CollectedFeesUsd = 'collectedFeesUSD', - CreatedAtBlockNumber = 'createdAtBlockNumber', - CreatedAtTimestamp = 'createdAtTimestamp', - FeeGrowthOutside0X128 = 'feeGrowthOutside0X128', - FeeGrowthOutside1X128 = 'feeGrowthOutside1X128', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - Id = 'id', - LiquidityGross = 'liquidityGross', - LiquidityNet = 'liquidityNet', - LiquidityProviderCount = 'liquidityProviderCount', - Pool = 'pool', - PoolAddress = 'poolAddress', - PoolCollectedFeesToken0 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken0', - PoolCollectedFeesToken1 = 'pool__collectedFeesToken1', - PoolCollectedFeesUsd = 'pool__collectedFeesUSD', - PoolCreatedAtBlockNumber = 'pool__createdAtBlockNumber', - PoolCreatedAtTimestamp = 'pool__createdAtTimestamp', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal0X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal0X128', - PoolFeeGrowthGlobal1X128 = 'pool__feeGrowthGlobal1X128', - PoolFeeTier = 'pool__feeTier', - PoolFeesUsd = 'pool__feesUSD', - PoolId = 'pool__id', - PoolLiquidity = 'pool__liquidity', - PoolLiquidityProviderCount = 'pool__liquidityProviderCount', - PoolObservationIndex = 'pool__observationIndex', - PoolSqrtPrice = 'pool__sqrtPrice', - PoolTick = 'pool__tick', - PoolToken0Price = 'pool__token0Price', - PoolToken1Price = 'pool__token1Price', - PoolTotalValueLockedEth = 'pool__totalValueLockedETH', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken0 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken0', - PoolTotalValueLockedToken1 = 'pool__totalValueLockedToken1', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsd = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSD', - PoolTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'pool__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - PoolTxCount = 'pool__txCount', - PoolUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'pool__untrackedVolumeUSD', - PoolVolumeToken0 = 'pool__volumeToken0', - PoolVolumeToken1 = 'pool__volumeToken1', - PoolVolumeUsd = 'pool__volumeUSD', - Price0 = 'price0', - Price1 = 'price1', - TickIdx = 'tickIdx', - UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'untrackedVolumeUSD', - VolumeToken0 = 'volumeToken0', - VolumeToken1 = 'volumeToken1', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type Token = { - __typename?: 'Token'; - decimals: Scalars['BigInt']; - derivedETH: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - name: Scalars['String']; - poolCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - symbol: Scalars['String']; - tokenDayData: Array; - totalSupply: Scalars['BigInt']; - totalValueLocked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - txCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - untrackedVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volume: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - whitelistPools: Array; -}; - - -export type TokenTokenDayDataArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type TokenWhitelistPoolsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type TokenDayData = { - __typename?: 'TokenDayData'; - close: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - date: Scalars['Int']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - high: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - low: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - open: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - priceUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - token: Token; - totalValueLocked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - untrackedVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volume: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type TokenDayData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - close?: InputMaybe; - close_gt?: InputMaybe; - close_gte?: InputMaybe; - close_in?: InputMaybe>; - close_lt?: InputMaybe; - close_lte?: InputMaybe; - close_not?: InputMaybe; - close_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - date?: InputMaybe; - date_gt?: InputMaybe; - date_gte?: InputMaybe; - date_in?: InputMaybe>; - date_lt?: InputMaybe; - date_lte?: InputMaybe; - date_not?: InputMaybe; - date_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - high?: InputMaybe; - high_gt?: InputMaybe; - high_gte?: InputMaybe; - high_in?: InputMaybe>; - high_lt?: InputMaybe; - high_lte?: InputMaybe; - high_not?: InputMaybe; - high_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - low?: InputMaybe; - low_gt?: InputMaybe; - low_gte?: InputMaybe; - low_in?: InputMaybe>; - low_lt?: InputMaybe; - low_lte?: InputMaybe; - low_not?: InputMaybe; - low_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - open?: InputMaybe; - open_gt?: InputMaybe; - open_gte?: InputMaybe; - open_in?: InputMaybe>; - open_lt?: InputMaybe; - open_lte?: InputMaybe; - open_not?: InputMaybe; - open_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - priceUSD?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - priceUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token?: InputMaybe; - token_?: InputMaybe; - token_contains?: InputMaybe; - token_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_gt?: InputMaybe; - token_gte?: InputMaybe; - token_in?: InputMaybe>; - token_lt?: InputMaybe; - token_lte?: InputMaybe; - token_not?: InputMaybe; - token_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume_gt?: InputMaybe; - volume_gte?: InputMaybe; - volume_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume_lt?: InputMaybe; - volume_lte?: InputMaybe; - volume_not?: InputMaybe; - volume_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum TokenDayData_OrderBy { - Close = 'close', - Date = 'date', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - High = 'high', - Id = 'id', - Low = 'low', - Open = 'open', - PriceUsd = 'priceUSD', - Token = 'token', - TokenDecimals = 'token__decimals', - TokenDerivedEth = 'token__derivedETH', - TokenFeesUsd = 'token__feesUSD', - TokenId = 'token__id', - TokenName = 'token__name', - TokenPoolCount = 'token__poolCount', - TokenSymbol = 'token__symbol', - TokenTotalSupply = 'token__totalSupply', - TokenTotalValueLocked = 'token__totalValueLocked', - TokenTotalValueLockedUsd = 'token__totalValueLockedUSD', - TokenTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - TokenTxCount = 'token__txCount', - TokenUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token__untrackedVolumeUSD', - TokenVolume = 'token__volume', - TokenVolumeUsd = 'token__volumeUSD', - TotalValueLocked = 'totalValueLocked', - TotalValueLockedUsd = 'totalValueLockedUSD', - UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'untrackedVolumeUSD', - Volume = 'volume', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type TokenHourData = { - __typename?: 'TokenHourData'; - close: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - high: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - low: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - open: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - periodStartUnix: Scalars['Int']; - priceUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - token: Token; - totalValueLocked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - totalValueLockedUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - untrackedVolumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volume: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type TokenHourData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - close?: InputMaybe; - close_gt?: InputMaybe; - close_gte?: InputMaybe; - close_in?: InputMaybe>; - close_lt?: InputMaybe; - close_lte?: InputMaybe; - close_not?: InputMaybe; - close_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - high?: InputMaybe; - high_gt?: InputMaybe; - high_gte?: InputMaybe; - high_in?: InputMaybe>; - high_lt?: InputMaybe; - high_lte?: InputMaybe; - high_not?: InputMaybe; - high_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - low?: InputMaybe; - low_gt?: InputMaybe; - low_gte?: InputMaybe; - low_in?: InputMaybe>; - low_lt?: InputMaybe; - low_lte?: InputMaybe; - low_not?: InputMaybe; - low_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - open?: InputMaybe; - open_gt?: InputMaybe; - open_gte?: InputMaybe; - open_in?: InputMaybe>; - open_lt?: InputMaybe; - open_lte?: InputMaybe; - open_not?: InputMaybe; - open_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - periodStartUnix?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_gt?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_gte?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_in?: InputMaybe>; - periodStartUnix_lt?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_lte?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_not?: InputMaybe; - periodStartUnix_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - priceUSD?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - priceUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - priceUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token?: InputMaybe; - token_?: InputMaybe; - token_contains?: InputMaybe; - token_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_gt?: InputMaybe; - token_gte?: InputMaybe; - token_in?: InputMaybe>; - token_lt?: InputMaybe; - token_lte?: InputMaybe; - token_not?: InputMaybe; - token_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - token_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - token_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - token_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - token_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - token_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume_gt?: InputMaybe; - volume_gte?: InputMaybe; - volume_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume_lt?: InputMaybe; - volume_lte?: InputMaybe; - volume_not?: InputMaybe; - volume_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum TokenHourData_OrderBy { - Close = 'close', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - High = 'high', - Id = 'id', - Low = 'low', - Open = 'open', - PeriodStartUnix = 'periodStartUnix', - PriceUsd = 'priceUSD', - Token = 'token', - TokenDecimals = 'token__decimals', - TokenDerivedEth = 'token__derivedETH', - TokenFeesUsd = 'token__feesUSD', - TokenId = 'token__id', - TokenName = 'token__name', - TokenPoolCount = 'token__poolCount', - TokenSymbol = 'token__symbol', - TokenTotalSupply = 'token__totalSupply', - TokenTotalValueLocked = 'token__totalValueLocked', - TokenTotalValueLockedUsd = 'token__totalValueLockedUSD', - TokenTotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'token__totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - TokenTxCount = 'token__txCount', - TokenUntrackedVolumeUsd = 'token__untrackedVolumeUSD', - TokenVolume = 'token__volume', - TokenVolumeUsd = 'token__volumeUSD', - TotalValueLocked = 'totalValueLocked', - TotalValueLockedUsd = 'totalValueLockedUSD', - UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'untrackedVolumeUSD', - Volume = 'volume', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD' -} - -export type Token_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - decimals?: InputMaybe; - decimals_gt?: InputMaybe; - decimals_gte?: InputMaybe; - decimals_in?: InputMaybe>; - decimals_lt?: InputMaybe; - decimals_lte?: InputMaybe; - decimals_not?: InputMaybe; - decimals_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - derivedETH?: InputMaybe; - derivedETH_gt?: InputMaybe; - derivedETH_gte?: InputMaybe; - derivedETH_in?: InputMaybe>; - derivedETH_lt?: InputMaybe; - derivedETH_lte?: InputMaybe; - derivedETH_not?: InputMaybe; - derivedETH_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - name?: InputMaybe; - name_contains?: InputMaybe; - name_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - name_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - name_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - name_gt?: InputMaybe; - name_gte?: InputMaybe; - name_in?: InputMaybe>; - name_lt?: InputMaybe; - name_lte?: InputMaybe; - name_not?: InputMaybe; - name_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - name_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - name_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - name_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - name_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - name_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - name_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - name_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - name_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - poolCount?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - poolCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_not?: InputMaybe; - poolCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - symbol?: InputMaybe; - symbol_contains?: InputMaybe; - symbol_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - symbol_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - symbol_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - symbol_gt?: InputMaybe; - symbol_gte?: InputMaybe; - symbol_in?: InputMaybe>; - symbol_lt?: InputMaybe; - symbol_lte?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not_contains?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - symbol_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - symbol_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - symbol_starts_with?: InputMaybe; - symbol_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; - tokenDayData_?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalSupply_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply_not?: InputMaybe; - totalSupply_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSDUntracked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLockedUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLockedUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked_gt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_gte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_in?: InputMaybe>; - totalValueLocked_lt?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_lte?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_not?: InputMaybe; - totalValueLocked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - untrackedVolumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume_gt?: InputMaybe; - volume_gte?: InputMaybe; - volume_in?: InputMaybe>; - volume_lt?: InputMaybe; - volume_lte?: InputMaybe; - volume_not?: InputMaybe; - volume_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - whitelistPools?: InputMaybe>; - whitelistPools_?: InputMaybe; - whitelistPools_contains?: InputMaybe>; - whitelistPools_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe>; - whitelistPools_not?: InputMaybe>; - whitelistPools_not_contains?: InputMaybe>; - whitelistPools_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum Token_OrderBy { - Decimals = 'decimals', - DerivedEth = 'derivedETH', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - Id = 'id', - Name = 'name', - PoolCount = 'poolCount', - Symbol = 'symbol', - TokenDayData = 'tokenDayData', - TotalSupply = 'totalSupply', - TotalValueLocked = 'totalValueLocked', - TotalValueLockedUsd = 'totalValueLockedUSD', - TotalValueLockedUsdUntracked = 'totalValueLockedUSDUntracked', - TxCount = 'txCount', - UntrackedVolumeUsd = 'untrackedVolumeUSD', - Volume = 'volume', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD', - WhitelistPools = 'whitelistPools' -} - -export type Transaction = { - __typename?: 'Transaction'; - blockNumber: Scalars['BigInt']; - burns: Array>; - collects: Array>; - flashed: Array>; - gasPrice: Scalars['BigInt']; - gasUsed: Scalars['BigInt']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - mints: Array>; - swaps: Array>; - timestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; -}; - - -export type TransactionBurnsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type TransactionCollectsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type TransactionFlashedArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type TransactionMintsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - - -export type TransactionSwapsArgs = { - first?: InputMaybe; - orderBy?: InputMaybe; - orderDirection?: InputMaybe; - skip?: InputMaybe; - where?: InputMaybe; -}; - -export type Transaction_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - blockNumber?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_gt?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_gte?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_in?: InputMaybe>; - blockNumber_lt?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_lte?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_not?: InputMaybe; - blockNumber_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - burns_?: InputMaybe; - collects_?: InputMaybe; - flashed_?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice_gt?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice_gte?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice_in?: InputMaybe>; - gasPrice_lt?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice_lte?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice_not?: InputMaybe; - gasPrice_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - gasUsed?: InputMaybe; - gasUsed_gt?: InputMaybe; - gasUsed_gte?: InputMaybe; - gasUsed_in?: InputMaybe>; - gasUsed_lt?: InputMaybe; - gasUsed_lte?: InputMaybe; - gasUsed_not?: InputMaybe; - gasUsed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - mints_?: InputMaybe; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - swaps_?: InputMaybe; - timestamp?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; - timestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not?: InputMaybe; - timestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum Transaction_OrderBy { - BlockNumber = 'blockNumber', - Burns = 'burns', - Collects = 'collects', - Flashed = 'flashed', - GasPrice = 'gasPrice', - GasUsed = 'gasUsed', - Id = 'id', - Mints = 'mints', - Swaps = 'swaps', - Timestamp = 'timestamp' -} - -export type UniswapDayData = { - __typename?: 'UniswapDayData'; - date: Scalars['Int']; - feesUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - id: Scalars['ID']; - tvlUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - txCount: Scalars['BigInt']; - volumeETH: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSD: Scalars['BigDecimal']; - volumeUSDUntracked: Scalars['BigDecimal']; -}; - -export type UniswapDayData_Filter = { - /** Filter for the block changed event. */ - _change_block?: InputMaybe; - and?: InputMaybe>>; - date?: InputMaybe; - date_gt?: InputMaybe; - date_gte?: InputMaybe; - date_in?: InputMaybe>; - date_lt?: InputMaybe; - date_lte?: InputMaybe; - date_not?: InputMaybe; - date_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - feesUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - feesUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - id?: InputMaybe; - id_gt?: InputMaybe; - id_gte?: InputMaybe; - id_in?: InputMaybe>; - id_lt?: InputMaybe; - id_lte?: InputMaybe; - id_not?: InputMaybe; - id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - or?: InputMaybe>>; - tvlUSD?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - tvlUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - tvlUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_gte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_in?: InputMaybe>; - txCount_lt?: InputMaybe; - txCount_lte?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not?: InputMaybe; - txCount_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeETH?: InputMaybe; - volumeETH_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeETH_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeETH_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeETH_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeETH_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeETH_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeETH_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSDUntracked_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSDUntracked_not_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_gt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_gte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_in?: InputMaybe>; - volumeUSD_lt?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_lte?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not?: InputMaybe; - volumeUSD_not_in?: InputMaybe>; -}; - -export enum UniswapDayData_OrderBy { - Date = 'date', - FeesUsd = 'feesUSD', - Id = 'id', - TvlUsd = 'tvlUSD', - TxCount = 'txCount', - VolumeEth = 'volumeETH', - VolumeUsd = 'volumeUSD', - VolumeUsdUntracked = 'volumeUSDUntracked' -} - -export type _Block_ = { - __typename?: '_Block_'; - /** The hash of the block */ - hash?: Maybe; - /** The block number */ - number: Scalars['Int']; - /** Integer representation of the timestamp stored in blocks for the chain */ - timestamp?: Maybe; -}; - -/** The type for the top-level _meta field */ -export type _Meta_ = { - __typename?: '_Meta_'; - /** - * Information about a specific subgraph block. The hash of the block - * will be null if the _meta field has a block constraint that asks for - * a block number. It will be filled if the _meta field has no block constraint - * and therefore asks for the latest block - */ - block: _Block_; - /** The deployment ID */ - deployment: Scalars['String']; - /** If `true`, the subgraph encountered indexing errors at some past block */ - hasIndexingErrors: Scalars['Boolean']; -}; - -export enum _SubgraphErrorPolicy_ { - /** Data will be returned even if the subgraph has indexing errors */ - Allow = 'allow', - /** If the subgraph has indexing errors, data will be omitted. The default. */ - Deny = 'deny' -} - -export type AllV3TicksQueryVariables = Exact<{ - poolAddress: Scalars['String']; - skip: Scalars['Int']; -}>; - - -export type AllV3TicksQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', ticks: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tick', liquidityNet: any, price0: any, price1: any, tick: any }> }; - -export type FeeTierDistributionQueryVariables = Exact<{ - token0: Scalars['String']; - token1: Scalars['String']; -}>; - - -export type FeeTierDistributionQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', _meta?: { __typename?: '_Meta_', block: { __typename?: '_Block_', number: number } }, asToken0: Array<{ __typename?: 'Pool', feeTier: any, totalValueLockedToken0: any, totalValueLockedToken1: any }>, asToken1: Array<{ __typename?: 'Pool', feeTier: any, totalValueLockedToken0: any, totalValueLockedToken1: any }> }; - - -export const AllV3TicksDocument = gql` - query AllV3Ticks($poolAddress: String!, $skip: Int!) { - ticks( - first: 1000 - skip: $skip - where: {poolAddress: $poolAddress} - orderBy: tickIdx - ) { - tick: tickIdx - liquidityNet - price0 - price1 - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useAllV3TicksQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useAllV3TicksQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useAllV3TicksQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useAllV3TicksQuery({ - * variables: { - * poolAddress: // value for 'poolAddress' - * skip: // value for 'skip' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useAllV3TicksQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(AllV3TicksDocument, options); - } -export function useAllV3TicksLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(AllV3TicksDocument, options); - } -export type AllV3TicksQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type AllV3TicksLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type AllV3TicksQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; -export const FeeTierDistributionDocument = gql` - query FeeTierDistribution($token0: String!, $token1: String!) { - _meta { - block { - number - } - } - asToken0: pools( - orderBy: totalValueLockedToken0 - orderDirection: desc - where: {token0: $token0, token1: $token1} - ) { - feeTier - totalValueLockedToken0 - totalValueLockedToken1 - } - asToken1: pools( - orderBy: totalValueLockedToken0 - orderDirection: desc - where: {token0: $token1, token1: $token0} - ) { - feeTier - totalValueLockedToken0 - totalValueLockedToken1 - } -} - `; - -/** - * __useFeeTierDistributionQuery__ - * - * To run a query within a React component, call `useFeeTierDistributionQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. - * When your component renders, `useFeeTierDistributionQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties - * you can use to render your UI. - * - * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; - * - * @example - * const { data, loading, error } = useFeeTierDistributionQuery({ - * variables: { - * token0: // value for 'token0' - * token1: // value for 'token1' - * }, - * }); - */ -export function useFeeTierDistributionQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useQuery(FeeTierDistributionDocument, options); - } -export function useFeeTierDistributionLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { - const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} - return Apollo.useLazyQuery(FeeTierDistributionDocument, options); - } -export type FeeTierDistributionQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type FeeTierDistributionLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; -export type FeeTierDistributionQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; \ No newline at end of file