import assert from 'assert' describe('Service Worker', () => { before(() => { // Fail fast if there is no Service Worker on this build. cy.request({ url: '/service-worker.js', headers: { 'Service-Worker': 'script' } }).then((response) => { const isValid = isValidServiceWorker(response) if (!isValid) { throw new Error( '\n' + 'Service Worker tests must be run on a production-like build\n' + 'To test, build with `yarn build` and serve with `yarn serve`' ) } }) function isValidServiceWorker(response: Cypress.Response) { const contentType = response.headers['content-type'] return !(response.status === 404 || (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('javascript') === -1)) } }) function unregisterServiceWorker() { return cy.log('unregisters service worker').then(async () => { const sw = await window.navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration(Cypress.config().baseUrl ?? undefined) await sw?.unregister() }) } before(unregisterServiceWorker) after(unregisterServiceWorker) beforeEach(() => { cy.intercept('', (req) => { const body = JSON.stringify(req.body) const serviceWorkerStatus = body.match(/"service_worker":"(\w+)"/)?.[1] if (serviceWorkerStatus) { req.alias = `ServiceWorker:${serviceWorkerStatus}` } }) }) it('installs a ServiceWorker and reports the uninstalled status to analytics', () => { cy.visit('/', { serviceWorker: true }) cy.wait('@ServiceWorker:uninstalled') cy.window().should( '', // The parent is checked instead of the AUT because it is on the same origin, // and the AUT will not be considered "activated" until the parent is idle. 'parent.navigator.serviceWorker.controller.state', 'activated' ) }) describe('cache hit', () => { it('reports the hit to analytics', () => { cy.visit('/', { serviceWorker: true }) cy.wait('@ServiceWorker:hit') }) }) describe('cache miss', () => { let cache: Cache | undefined let request: Request | undefined let response: Response | undefined before(() => { // Mocks the index.html in the cache to force a cache miss. cy.visit('/', { serviceWorker: true }).then(async () => { const cacheKeys = await window.caches.keys() const cacheKey = cacheKeys.find((key) => key.match(/precache/)) assert(cacheKey) cache = await const keys = await cache.keys() request = keys.find((key) => key.url.match(/index/)) assert(request) response = await cache.match(request) assert(response) await cache.put(request, new Response()) }) }) after(() => { // Restores the index.html in the cache so that re-runs behave as expected. // This is necessary because the Service Worker will not re-populate the cache. cy.then(async () => { if (cache && request && response) { await cache.put(request, response) } }) }) it('reports the miss to analytics', () => { cy.visit('/', { serviceWorker: true }) cy.wait('@ServiceWorker:miss') }) }) })