#!/bin/node /** * Checks if any dependencies have been bundled with the interface library. * Exits with non-zero status if dependencies are included in the bundle. */ /* eslint-disable */ const { readFile } = require('fs') function checkDeps(err, sourcemap) { if (err) { console.error(err) process.exit(1) } const includesDeps = sourcemap.includes('node_modules') if (includesDeps) { const deps = [...sourcemap.toString().matchAll(/node_modules[\\\/]([^\\\/]*)/g)].map(([, match]) => match) console.error(` Sourcemap includes node_modules folder(s). External deps must be bundled under "dependencies". To fix, run: \`yarn add ${deps.join(' ')}\` `) process.exit(1) } } readFile('dist/interface.esm.js.map', checkDeps)