import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers' import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core' import { Web3ReactContextInterface } from '@web3-react/core/dist/types' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { isMobile } from 'react-device-detect' import { gnosisSafe, injected } from '../connectors' import { IS_IN_IFRAME, NetworkContextName } from '../constants/misc' export function useActiveWeb3React(): Web3ReactContextInterface { const context = useWeb3React() const contextNetwork = useWeb3React(NetworkContextName) return ? context : contextNetwork } export function useEagerConnect() { const { activate, active } = useWeb3React() const [tried, setTried] = useState(false) // gnosisSafe.isSafeApp() races a timeout against postMessage, so it delays pageload if we are not in a safe app; // if we are not embedded in an iframe, it is not worth checking const [triedSafe, setTriedSafe] = useState(!IS_IN_IFRAME) // first, try connecting to a gnosis safe useEffect(() => { if (!triedSafe) { gnosisSafe.isSafeApp().then((loadedInSafe) => { if (loadedInSafe) { activate(gnosisSafe, undefined, true).catch(() => { setTriedSafe(true) }) } else { setTriedSafe(true) } }) } }) // intentionally only running on mount // then, if that fails, try connecting to an injected connector useEffect(() => { if (!active && triedSafe) { injected.isAuthorized().then((isAuthorized) => { if (isAuthorized) { activate(injected, undefined, true).catch(() => { setTried(true) }) } else { if (isMobile && window.ethereum) { activate(injected, undefined, true).catch(() => { setTried(true) }) } else { setTried(true) } } }) } }, [activate, active, triedSafe]) // wait until we get confirmation of a connection to flip the flag useEffect(() => { if (active) { setTried(true) } }, [active]) return tried } /** * Use for network and injected - logs user in * and out after checking what network theyre on */ export function useInactiveListener(suppress = false) { const { active, error, activate } = useWeb3React() useEffect(() => { const { ethereum } = window if (ethereum && ethereum.on && !active && !error && !suppress) { const handleChainChanged = () => { // eat errors activate(injected, undefined, true).catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to activate after chain changed', error) }) } const handleAccountsChanged = (accounts: string[]) => { if (accounts.length > 0) { // eat errors activate(injected, undefined, true).catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to activate after accounts changed', error) }) } } ethereum.on('chainChanged', handleChainChanged) ethereum.on('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged) return () => { if (ethereum.removeListener) { ethereum.removeListener('chainChanged', handleChainChanged) ethereum.removeListener('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged) } } } return undefined }, [active, error, suppress, activate]) }