import { useState, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react' import { useWeb3Context } from 'web3-react' import ERC20_ABI from '../constants/abis/erc20' import { getContract, getFactoryContract, getExchangeContract, isAddress } from '../utils' import copy from 'copy-to-clipboard' // modified from export function useDebounce(value, delay) { const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = useState(value) useEffect(() => { // Update debounced value after delay const handler = setTimeout(() => { setDebouncedValue(value) }, delay) // Cancel the timeout if value changes (also on delay change or unmount) // This is how we prevent debounced value from updating if value is changed ... // .. within the delay period. Timeout gets cleared and restarted. return () => { clearTimeout(handler) } }, [value, delay]) return debouncedValue } // modified from export function useBodyKeyDown(targetKey, onKeyDown, suppressOnKeyDown = false) { const downHandler = useCallback( event => { const { target: { tagName }, key } = event if (key === targetKey && tagName === 'BODY' && !suppressOnKeyDown) { event.preventDefault() onKeyDown() } }, [targetKey, onKeyDown, suppressOnKeyDown] ) useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('keydown', downHandler) return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', downHandler) } }, [downHandler]) } export function useENSName(address) { const { library } = useWeb3Context() const [ENSName, setENSNname] = useState() useEffect(() => { if (isAddress(address)) { let stale = false try { library.lookupAddress(address).then(name => { if (!stale) { if (name) { setENSNname(name) } else { setENSNname(null) } } }) } catch { if (!stale) { setENSNname(null) } } return () => { stale = true setENSNname() } } }, [library, address]) return ENSName } // returns null on errors export function useContract(address, ABI, withSignerIfPossible = true) { const { library, account } = useWeb3Context() return useMemo(() => { try { return getContract(address, ABI, library, withSignerIfPossible ? account : undefined) } catch { return null } }, [address, ABI, library, withSignerIfPossible, account]) } // returns null on errors export function useTokenContract(tokenAddress, withSignerIfPossible = true) { const { library, account } = useWeb3Context() return useMemo(() => { try { return getContract(tokenAddress, ERC20_ABI, library, withSignerIfPossible ? account : undefined) } catch { return null } }, [tokenAddress, library, withSignerIfPossible, account]) } // returns null on errors export function useFactoryContract(withSignerIfPossible = true) { const { networkId, library, account } = useWeb3Context() return useMemo(() => { try { return getFactoryContract(networkId, library, withSignerIfPossible ? account : undefined) } catch { return null } }, [networkId, library, withSignerIfPossible, account]) } export function useExchangeContract(exchangeAddress, withSignerIfPossible = true) { const { library, account } = useWeb3Context() return useMemo(() => { try { return getExchangeContract(exchangeAddress, library, withSignerIfPossible ? account : undefined) } catch { return null } }, [exchangeAddress, library, withSignerIfPossible, account]) } export function useCopyClipboard(timeout = 500) { const [isCopied, setIsCopied] = useState(false) const staticCopy = useCallback(text => { const didCopy = copy(text) setIsCopied(didCopy) }, []) useEffect(() => { if (isCopied) { const hide = setTimeout(() => { setIsCopied(false) }, timeout) return () => { clearTimeout(hide) } } }, [isCopied, setIsCopied, timeout]) return [isCopied, staticCopy] }