/* eslint-disable no-undef */ const assert = require('assert') const chalk = require('chalk') const fs = require('fs') const gzipSize = require('gzip-size').sync const path = require('path') const buildDir = path.join(__dirname, '../build') let entrypoints try { entrypoints = require(path.join(buildDir, 'asset-manifest.json')).entrypoints } catch (e) { console.log(chalk.yellow('You must build first: `yarn build`')) process.exit(1) } // The last recorded size for these assets, as reported by `yarn build`. const LAST_SIZE_MAIN_KB = 381 // This is the async-loaded js, called ..js, with a matching css file. const LAST_SIZE_ENTRY_KB = 1432 const SIZE_TOLERANCE_KB = 10 const jsEntrypoints = entrypoints.filter((entrypoint) => entrypoint.endsWith('js')) assert(jsEntrypoints.length === 3) let fail = false console.log('File sizes after gzip:\n') jsEntrypoints.forEach((entrypoint) => { const name = entrypoint.match(/\/([\w\d-]*)\./)[1] const size = gzipSize(fs.readFileSync(path.join(buildDir, entrypoint))) / 1024 let maxSize = LAST_SIZE_ENTRY_KB + SIZE_TOLERANCE_KB if (name === 'runtime-main') { return } else if (name === 'main') { maxSize = LAST_SIZE_MAIN_KB + SIZE_TOLERANCE_KB } const report = `\t${size.toFixed(2).padEnd(8)}kB\t${chalk.dim( `max: ${maxSize.toFixed().padEnd(4)} kB` )}\t${entrypoint}` if (maxSize > size) { console.log(chalk.green(report)) } else { console.log(chalk.red(report), '\tdid you import an unnecessary dependency?') fail = true } }) if (fail) { console.log(chalk.yellow('\nOne or more of your files has grown too large.')) console.log(chalk.yellow('Reduce the file size or update the size limit (in scripts/test-size.js)')) process.exit(1) }