// *********************************************** // For more comprehensive examples of custom // commands please read more here: // https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands // *********************************************** import { JsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers' import { Wallet } from '@ethersproject/wallet' import { _Eip1193Bridge } from '@ethersproject/experimental/lib/eip1193-bridge' // never send real ether to this, obviously const PRIVATE_KEY_TEST_NEVER_USE = '0xad20c82497421e9784f18460ad2fe84f73569068e98e270b3e63743268af5763' // address of the above key export const TEST_ADDRESS_NEVER_USE = '0x0fF2D1eFd7A57B7562b2bf27F3f37899dB27F4a5' export const TEST_ADDRESS_NEVER_USE_SHORTENED = '0x0fF2...F4a5' class CustomizedBridge extends _Eip1193Bridge { async sendAsync(...args) { console.debug('sendAsync called', ...args) return this.send(...args) } async send(...args) { console.debug('send called', ...args) const isCallbackForm = typeof args[0] === 'object' && typeof args[1] === 'function' let callback let method let params if (isCallbackForm) { callback = args[1] method = args[0].method params = args[0].params } else { method = args[0] params = args[1] } if (method === 'eth_requestAccounts' || method === 'eth_accounts') { if (isCallbackForm) { callback({ result: [TEST_ADDRESS_NEVER_USE] }) } else { return Promise.resolve([TEST_ADDRESS_NEVER_USE]) } } if (method === 'eth_chainId') { if (isCallbackForm) { callback(null, { result: '0x4' }) } else { return Promise.resolve('0x4') } } try { const result = await super.send(method, params) console.debug('result received', method, params, result) if (isCallbackForm) { callback(null, { result }) } else { return result } } catch (error) { if (isCallbackForm) { callback(error, null) } else { throw error } } } } // sets up the injected provider to be a mock ethereum provider with the given mnemonic/index Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (original, url, options) => { return original(url.startsWith('/') && url.length > 2 && !url.startsWith('/#') ? `/#${url}` : url, { ...options, onBeforeLoad(win) { options && options.onBeforeLoad && options.onBeforeLoad(win) win.localStorage.clear() const provider = new JsonRpcProvider('https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/4bf032f2d38a4ed6bb975b80d6340847', 4) const signer = new Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY_TEST_NEVER_USE, provider) win.ethereum = new CustomizedBridge(signer, provider) } }) })