import '@testing-library/jest-dom' // jest custom assertions import 'jest-styled-components' // adds style diffs to snapshot tests import type { createPopper } from '@popperjs/core' import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core' import { Readable } from 'stream' import { mocked } from 'test-utils/mocked' import { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } from 'util' = jest.fn() window.getComputedStyle = jest.fn() if (typeof global.TextEncoder === 'undefined') { global.ReadableStream = Readable as unknown as typeof globalThis.ReadableStream global.TextEncoder = TextEncoder global.TextDecoder = TextDecoder as typeof global.TextDecoder } global.matchMedia = global.matchMedia || function () { return { matches: false, addEventListener: jest.fn(), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), } } jest.mock('@popperjs/core', () => { const core = jest.requireActual('@popperjs/core') return { ...core, createPopper: (...args: Parameters) => { const [referenceElement, popperElement, options = {}] = args // Prevent popper from making state updates asynchronously. // This is necessary to avoid warnings during tests, as popper will asynchronously update state outside of test setup. options?.modifiers?.push({ name: 'synchronousUpdate', enabled: true, phase: 'beforeMain', effect: (state) => { state.instance.update = () => { state.instance.forceUpdate() return Promise.resolve(state.instance.state) } }, }) return core.createPopper(referenceElement, popperElement, options) }, } }) jest.mock('@web3-react/core', () => { const web3React = jest.requireActual('@web3-react/core') const { Empty } = jest.requireActual('@web3-react/empty') return { ...web3React, initializeConnector: () => web3React.initializeConnector( (actions: Parameters[0]) => new Empty(actions) ), useWeb3React: jest.fn(), } }) // Mocks are configured to reset between tests (by CRA), so they must be set in a beforeEach. beforeEach(() => { // Mock window.getComputedStyle, because it is otherwise too computationally expensive to unit test. // Not mocking this results in multi-second tests when using popper.js. mocked(window.getComputedStyle).mockImplementation(() => new CSSStyleDeclaration()) // Mock useWeb3React to return a chainId of 1 by default. mocked(useWeb3React).mockReturnValue({ chainId: 1 } as ReturnType) })