/// declare module '@metamask/jazzicon' { export default function (diameter: number, seed: number): HTMLElement } interface Window { GIT_COMMIT_HASH?: string // walletLinkExtension is injected by the Coinbase Wallet extension walletLinkExtension?: any ethereum?: { // set by the Coinbase Wallet mobile dapp browser isCoinbaseWallet?: true // set by the Brave browser when using built-in wallet isBraveWallet?: true // set by the MetaMask browser extension (also set by Brave browser when using built-in wallet) isMetaMask?: true // set by the Rabby browser extension isRabby?: true // set by the Trust Wallet browser extension isTrustWallet?: true // set by the Ledger Extension Web 3 browser extension isLedgerConnect?: true autoRefreshOnNetworkChange?: boolean } web3?: Record } declare module 'content-hash' { declare function decode(x: string): string declare function getCodec(x: string): string } declare module 'multihashes' { declare function decode(buff: Uint8Array): { code: number; name: string; length: number; digest: Uint8Array } declare function toB58String(hash: Uint8Array): string } declare module '*.webm' { const src: string export default src } declare module '*.mov' { const src: string export default src }