import React, { useMemo } from 'react' import { Text, TextProps as TextPropsOriginal } from 'rebass' import styled, { createGlobalStyle, css, DefaultTheme, ThemeProvider as StyledComponentsThemeProvider, } from 'styled-components/macro' import { useIsDarkMode } from '../state/user/hooks' import { Colors } from './styled' export * from './components' type TextProps = Omit export const MEDIA_WIDTHS = { upToExtraSmall: 500, upToSmall: 720, upToMedium: 960, upToLarge: 1280, } // Migrating to a standard z-index system // Please avoid using deprecated numbers export enum Z_INDEX { deprecated_zero = 0, deprecated_content = 1, dropdown = 1000, sticky = 1020, fixed = 1030, modalBackdrop = 1040, offcanvas = 1050, modal = 1060, popover = 1070, tooltip = 1080, } const mediaWidthTemplates: { [width in keyof typeof MEDIA_WIDTHS]: typeof css } = Object.keys(MEDIA_WIDTHS).reduce( (accumulator, size) => { ;(accumulator as any)[size] = (a: any, b: any, c: any) => css` @media (max-width: ${(MEDIA_WIDTHS as any)[size]}px) { ${css(a, b, c)} } ` return accumulator }, {} ) as any const white = '#FFFFFF' const black = '#000000' function colors(darkMode: boolean): Colors { return { darkMode, // base white, black, // text text1: darkMode ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000', text2: darkMode ? '#C3C5CB' : '#565A69', text3: darkMode ? '#8F96AC' : '#6E727D', text4: darkMode ? '#B2B9D2' : '#C3C5CB', text5: darkMode ? '#2C2F36' : '#EDEEF2', // backgrounds / greys bg0: darkMode ? '#191B1F' : '#FFF', bg1: darkMode ? '#212429' : '#F7F8FA', bg2: darkMode ? '#2C2F36' : '#EDEEF2', bg3: darkMode ? '#40444F' : '#CED0D9', bg4: darkMode ? '#565A69' : '#888D9B', bg5: darkMode ? '#6C7284' : '#888D9B', bg6: darkMode ? '#1A2028' : '#6C7284', //specialty colors modalBG: darkMode ? 'rgba(0,0,0,.425)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', advancedBG: darkMode ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)' : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', //primary colors primary1: darkMode ? '#2172E5' : '#E8006F', primary2: darkMode ? '#3680E7' : '#FF8CC3', primary3: darkMode ? '#4D8FEA' : '#FF99C9', primary4: darkMode ? '#376bad70' : '#F6DDE8', primary5: darkMode ? '#153d6f70' : '#FDEAF1', // color text primaryText1: darkMode ? '#5090ea' : '#D50066', // secondary colors secondary1: darkMode ? '#2172E5' : '#E8006F', secondary2: darkMode ? '#17000b26' : '#F6DDE8', secondary3: darkMode ? '#17000b26' : '#FDEAF1', // other red1: darkMode ? '#FF4343' : '#DA2D2B', red2: darkMode ? '#F82D3A' : '#DF1F38', red3: '#D60000', green1: darkMode ? '#27AE60' : '#007D35', yellow1: '#E3A507', yellow2: '#FF8F00', yellow3: '#F3B71E', blue1: darkMode ? '#2172E5' : '#0068FC', blue2: darkMode ? '#5199FF' : '#0068FC', error: darkMode ? '#FD4040' : '#DF1F38', success: darkMode ? '#27AE60' : '#007D35', warning: '#FF8F00', // dont wanna forget these blue yet blue4: darkMode ? '#153d6f70' : '#C4D9F8', // blue5: darkMode ? '#153d6f70' : '#EBF4FF', } } function theme(darkMode: boolean): DefaultTheme { return { ...colors(darkMode), grids: { sm: 8, md: 12, lg: 24, }, //shadows shadow1: darkMode ? '#000' : '#2F80ED', // media queries mediaWidth: mediaWidthTemplates, // css snippets flexColumnNoWrap: css` display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; `, flexRowNoWrap: css` display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; `, } } export default function ThemeProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { const darkMode = useIsDarkMode() const themeObject = useMemo(() => theme(darkMode), [darkMode]) return {children} } const TextWrapper = styled(Text)<{ color: keyof Colors }>` color: ${({ color, theme }) => (theme as any)[color]}; ` /** * Preset styles of the Rebass Text component */ export const ThemedText = { Main(props: TextProps) { return }, Link(props: TextProps) { return }, Label(props: TextProps) { return }, Black(props: TextProps) { return }, White(props: TextProps) { return }, Body(props: TextProps) { return }, LargeHeader(props: TextProps) { return }, MediumHeader(props: TextProps) { return }, SubHeader(props: TextProps) { return }, Small(props: TextProps) { return }, Blue(props: TextProps) { return }, Yellow(props: TextProps) { return }, DarkGray(props: TextProps) { return }, Gray(props: TextProps) { return }, Italic(props: TextProps) { return }, Error({ error, ...props }: { error: boolean } & TextProps) { return }, } export const ThemedGlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle` html { color: ${({ theme }) => theme.text1}; background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg1} !important; } a { color: ${({ theme }) => theme.blue1}; } `