* move the gas estimation stuff into its own hook and report errors from the gas estimation * fix linter errors * show the swap callback error separately * rename some variables * use a manually specified key for gas estimates * flip price... thought i did this already * only show swap callback error if approval state is approved * some clean up to the swap components * stop proactively looking for gas estimates * improve some retry stuff, show errors inline * add another retry test * latest ethers * fix integration tests * simplify modal and fix jitter on open in mobile * refactor confirmation modal into pieces before creating the error content * finish refactoring of transaction confirmation modal * show error state in the transaction confirmation modal * fix lint errors * error not always relevant * fix lint errors, remove action item * move a lot of code into ConfirmSwapModal.tsx * show accept changes flow, not styled * Adjust styles for slippage error states * Add styles for updated price prompt * Add input/output highlighting * lint errors * fix link to wallets in modal * use total supply instead of reserves for `noLiquidity` (fixes #701) * bump the walletconnect version to the fixed alpha Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
103 lines
3.1 KiB
103 lines
3.1 KiB
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