* rm activeweb3react * wrap in web3provider?
156 lines
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156 lines
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import { Interface } from '@ethersproject/abi'
import { BigintIsh, Currency, Token } from '@uniswap/sdk-core'
import { abi as IUniswapV3PoolStateABI } from '@uniswap/v3-core/artifacts/contracts/interfaces/pool/IUniswapV3PoolState.sol/IUniswapV3PoolState.json'
import { computePoolAddress } from '@uniswap/v3-sdk'
import { FeeAmount, Pool } from '@uniswap/v3-sdk'
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'
import JSBI from 'jsbi'
import { useMultipleContractSingleData } from 'lib/hooks/multicall'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { V3_CORE_FACTORY_ADDRESSES } from '../constants/addresses'
import { IUniswapV3PoolStateInterface } from '../types/v3/IUniswapV3PoolState'
const POOL_STATE_INTERFACE = new Interface(IUniswapV3PoolStateABI) as IUniswapV3PoolStateInterface
// Classes are expensive to instantiate, so this caches the recently instantiated pools.
// This avoids re-instantiating pools as the other pools in the same request are loaded.
class PoolCache {
// Evict after 128 entries. Empirically, a swap uses 64 entries.
private static MAX_ENTRIES = 128
// These are FIFOs, using unshift/pop. This makes recent entries faster to find.
private static pools: Pool[] = []
private static addresses: { key: string; address: string }[] = []
static getPoolAddress(factoryAddress: string, tokenA: Token, tokenB: Token, fee: FeeAmount): string {
if (this.addresses.length > this.MAX_ENTRIES) {
this.addresses = this.addresses.slice(0, this.MAX_ENTRIES / 2)
const { address: addressA } = tokenA
const { address: addressB } = tokenB
const key = `${factoryAddress}:${addressA}:${addressB}:${fee.toString()}`
const found = this.addresses.find((address) => address.key === key)
if (found) return found.address
const address = {
address: computePoolAddress({
return address.address
static getPool(
tokenA: Token,
tokenB: Token,
fee: FeeAmount,
sqrtPriceX96: BigintIsh,
liquidity: BigintIsh,
tick: number
): Pool {
if (this.pools.length > this.MAX_ENTRIES) {
this.pools = this.pools.slice(0, this.MAX_ENTRIES / 2)
const found = this.pools.find(
(pool) =>
pool.token0 === tokenA &&
pool.token1 === tokenB &&
pool.fee === fee &&
JSBI.EQ(pool.sqrtRatioX96, sqrtPriceX96) &&
JSBI.EQ(pool.liquidity, liquidity) &&
pool.tickCurrent === tick
if (found) return found
const pool = new Pool(tokenA, tokenB, fee, sqrtPriceX96, liquidity, tick)
return pool
export enum PoolState {
export function usePools(
poolKeys: [Currency | undefined, Currency | undefined, FeeAmount | undefined][]
): [PoolState, Pool | null][] {
const { chainId } = useWeb3React()
const poolTokens: ([Token, Token, FeeAmount] | undefined)[] = useMemo(() => {
if (!chainId) return new Array(poolKeys.length)
return poolKeys.map(([currencyA, currencyB, feeAmount]) => {
if (currencyA && currencyB && feeAmount) {
const tokenA = currencyA.wrapped
const tokenB = currencyB.wrapped
if (tokenA.equals(tokenB)) return undefined
return tokenA.sortsBefore(tokenB) ? [tokenA, tokenB, feeAmount] : [tokenB, tokenA, feeAmount]
return undefined
}, [chainId, poolKeys])
const poolAddresses: (string | undefined)[] = useMemo(() => {
const v3CoreFactoryAddress = chainId && V3_CORE_FACTORY_ADDRESSES[chainId]
if (!v3CoreFactoryAddress) return new Array(poolTokens.length)
return poolTokens.map((value) => value && PoolCache.getPoolAddress(v3CoreFactoryAddress, ...value))
}, [chainId, poolTokens])
const slot0s = useMultipleContractSingleData(poolAddresses, POOL_STATE_INTERFACE, 'slot0')
const liquidities = useMultipleContractSingleData(poolAddresses, POOL_STATE_INTERFACE, 'liquidity')
return useMemo(() => {
return poolKeys.map((_key, index) => {
const tokens = poolTokens[index]
if (!tokens) return [PoolState.INVALID, null]
const [token0, token1, fee] = tokens
if (!slot0s[index]) return [PoolState.INVALID, null]
const { result: slot0, loading: slot0Loading, valid: slot0Valid } = slot0s[index]
if (!liquidities[index]) return [PoolState.INVALID, null]
const { result: liquidity, loading: liquidityLoading, valid: liquidityValid } = liquidities[index]
if (!tokens || !slot0Valid || !liquidityValid) return [PoolState.INVALID, null]
if (slot0Loading || liquidityLoading) return [PoolState.LOADING, null]
if (!slot0 || !liquidity) return [PoolState.NOT_EXISTS, null]
if (!slot0.sqrtPriceX96 || slot0.sqrtPriceX96.eq(0)) return [PoolState.NOT_EXISTS, null]
try {
const pool = PoolCache.getPool(token0, token1, fee, slot0.sqrtPriceX96, liquidity[0], slot0.tick)
return [PoolState.EXISTS, pool]
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error when constructing the pool', error)
return [PoolState.NOT_EXISTS, null]
}, [liquidities, poolKeys, slot0s, poolTokens])
export function usePool(
currencyA: Currency | undefined,
currencyB: Currency | undefined,
feeAmount: FeeAmount | undefined
): [PoolState, Pool | null] {
const poolKeys: [Currency | undefined, Currency | undefined, FeeAmount | undefined][] = useMemo(
() => [[currencyA, currencyB, feeAmount]],
[currencyA, currencyB, feeAmount]
return usePools(poolKeys)[0]