* deleting some code first * strict, some refactoring * denser common bases * more add liquidity refactoring * add liquidity paths working * show common bases in the token selects * fix the ability to select duplicate tokens * useless rename * try to handle alllll the duplicate token edge cases * think i got them all lol * remove common bases header * Revert "remove common bases header" This reverts commit 6ac4565d * fix and add integration tests * make gap between rows smaller * get integration tests actually running again * try another format of the command, upgrade serve * frozen lockfile on install * try the cypress github action * install cypress in ci * remove redundant ignore-scripts command * use a specific github commit for the pinata action * fix a bug in the multicall reducer, improve token list rendering performance * improve the enter key on the token search modal * stop using history.push * fix linting errors * position card cleanup before updating to match mock
107 lines
3.4 KiB
107 lines
3.4 KiB
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