Justin Domingue 9e1a775c13
feat: integrate SwapRouter02 on L1/L2 + gas ui
* client-side smart order router support
* support auto router on L2s
* add swap router version in approval/swap callback GA events to save $ on approval txs
* add persistent UI view of gas estimate on L1s

Co-authored-by: Lint Action <lint-action@samuelmeuli.com>
Co-authored-by: Ian Lapham <ian@uniswap.org>
Co-authored-by: Callil Capuozzo <callil.capuozzo@gmail.com>
2021-12-16 14:44:03 -05:00

176 lines
6.5 KiB

import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro'
import { Currency, Percent, TradeType } from '@uniswap/sdk-core'
import { useContext, useState } from 'react'
import { AlertTriangle, ArrowDown } from 'react-feather'
import { Text } from 'rebass'
import { InterfaceTrade } from 'state/routing/types'
import styled, { ThemeContext } from 'styled-components/macro'
import { useUSDCValue } from '../../hooks/useUSDCPrice'
import { ThemedText } from '../../theme'
import { isAddress, shortenAddress } from '../../utils'
import { computeFiatValuePriceImpact } from '../../utils/computeFiatValuePriceImpact'
import { ButtonPrimary } from '../Button'
import { LightCard } from '../Card'
import { AutoColumn } from '../Column'
import { FiatValue } from '../CurrencyInputPanel/FiatValue'
import CurrencyLogo from '../CurrencyLogo'
import { RowBetween, RowFixed } from '../Row'
import TradePrice from '../swap/TradePrice'
import { AdvancedSwapDetails } from './AdvancedSwapDetails'
import { SwapShowAcceptChanges, TruncatedText } from './styleds'
const ArrowWrapper = styled.div`
padding: 4px;
border-radius: 12px;
height: 32px;
width: 32px;
position: relative;
margin-top: -18px;
margin-bottom: -18px;
left: calc(50% - 16px);
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg1};
border: 4px solid;
border-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.bg0};
z-index: 2;
export default function SwapModalHeader({
}: {
trade: InterfaceTrade<Currency, Currency, TradeType>
allowedSlippage: Percent
recipient: string | null
showAcceptChanges: boolean
onAcceptChanges: () => void
}) {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext)
const [showInverted, setShowInverted] = useState<boolean>(false)
const fiatValueInput = useUSDCValue(trade.inputAmount)
const fiatValueOutput = useUSDCValue(trade.outputAmount)
return (
<AutoColumn gap={'4px'} style={{ marginTop: '1rem' }}>
<LightCard padding="0.75rem 1rem">
<AutoColumn gap={'8px'}>
<RowBetween align="center">
<RowFixed gap={'0px'}>
color={showAcceptChanges && trade.tradeType === TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT ? theme.primary1 : ''}
<RowFixed gap={'0px'}>
<CurrencyLogo currency={trade.inputAmount.currency} size={'20px'} style={{ marginRight: '12px' }} />
<Text fontSize={20} fontWeight={500}>
<FiatValue fiatValue={fiatValueInput} />
<ArrowDown size="16" color={theme.text2} />
<LightCard padding="0.75rem 1rem" style={{ marginBottom: '0.25rem' }}>
<AutoColumn gap={'8px'}>
<RowBetween align="flex-end">
<RowFixed gap={'0px'}>
<TruncatedText fontSize={24} fontWeight={500}>
<RowFixed gap={'0px'}>
<CurrencyLogo currency={trade.outputAmount.currency} size={'20px'} style={{ marginRight: '12px' }} />
<Text fontSize={20} fontWeight={500}>
<ThemedText.Body fontSize={14} color={theme.text3}>
priceImpact={computeFiatValuePriceImpact(fiatValueInput, fiatValueOutput)}
<RowBetween style={{ marginTop: '0.25rem', padding: '0 1rem' }}>
<TradePrice price={trade.executionPrice} showInverted={showInverted} setShowInverted={setShowInverted} />
<LightCard style={{ padding: '.75rem', marginTop: '0.5rem' }}>
<AdvancedSwapDetails trade={trade} allowedSlippage={allowedSlippage} />
{showAcceptChanges ? (
<SwapShowAcceptChanges justify="flex-start" gap={'0px'}>
<AlertTriangle size={20} style={{ marginRight: '8px', minWidth: 24 }} />
<ThemedText.Main color={theme.primary1}>
<Trans>Price Updated</Trans>
style={{ padding: '.5rem', width: 'fit-content', fontSize: '0.825rem', borderRadius: '12px' }}
) : null}
<AutoColumn justify="flex-start" gap="sm" style={{ padding: '.75rem 1rem' }}>
{trade.tradeType === TradeType.EXACT_INPUT ? (
<ThemedText.Italic fontWeight={400} textAlign="left" style={{ width: '100%' }}>
Output is estimated. You will receive at least{' '}
{trade.minimumAmountOut(allowedSlippage).toSignificant(6)} {trade.outputAmount.currency.symbol}
</b>{' '}
or the transaction will revert.
) : (
<ThemedText.Italic fontWeight={400} textAlign="left" style={{ width: '100%' }}>
Input is estimated. You will sell at most{' '}
{trade.maximumAmountIn(allowedSlippage).toSignificant(6)} {trade.inputAmount.currency.symbol}
</b>{' '}
or the transaction will revert.
{recipient !== null ? (
<AutoColumn justify="flex-start" gap="sm" style={{ padding: '12px 0 0 0px' }}>
Output will be sent to{' '}
<b title={recipient}>{isAddress(recipient) ? shortenAddress(recipient) : recipient}</b>
) : null}