Moody Salem 19b1e9e399
feat(weth): support WETH across the site and use sdk 3.0 (#947)
* first pass of sdk 3.0

* second pass using weth

* kill unused pool popup

* get it compiling again

* first pass of sdk 3.0

* switch to currencies

* get it compiling after the big move merge

* restore margin

* clean up add liquidity more

* fix a bunch of bugs

* todo trade on v1

* show eth in currency list

* allow selecting eth in the swap page

* fix unit tests for swap page

* test lint errors

* fix failing integration tests

* fix another couple of failing unit tests

* handle selecting currency b when no currency a

* improve the import pool page

* clean up add liquidity for invalid pairs

* bold

* first pass at swap arguments for v1, some unit tests

* fix some bugs in add liquidity, burn hook

* fix last of ts errors in remove liquidity

* support wrapping/unwrapping weth

* kill a bunch of code including the dummy pairs

* required pair prop in the position card

* tests for the v1 swap arguments

* do not say estimated on the wrap ui

* show ETH instead of WETH in the pool summaries

* small size socks

* fix lint error

* in burn, use currencies from the URL

* fix some integration tests

* both contain weth

* receive eth/weth link

* fix empty row

* show wrapped only if one currency is weth

* currency selects in the remove liquidity page
2020-07-20 06:48:42 -05:00

107 lines
3.3 KiB

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