* fix: Revert "fix: Revert "build: upgrade to webpack 5 (#6459)" (#6566)" This reverts commit 5e591455b38c9618c750a23bc2a63cdcc30dba57. * build: polyfill Buffer * docs: fix comment negation
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199 lines
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/* eslint-env node */
const { VanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin')
const CaseSensitivePathsPlugin = require('case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin')
const path = require('path')
const ModuleScopePlugin = require('react-dev-utils/ModuleScopePlugin')
const { DefinePlugin, IgnorePlugin, ProvidePlugin } = require('webpack')
const commitHash = execSync('git rev-parse HEAD').toString().trim()
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
// Linting and type checking are only necessary as part of development and testing.
// Omit them from production builds, as they slow down the feedback loop.
const shouldLintOrTypeCheck = !isProduction
function getCacheDirectory(cacheName) {
// Include the trailing slash to denote that this is a directory.
return `${path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/.cache/', cacheName)}/`
module.exports = {
babel: {
plugins: [
? [
all: true,
include: ['src/**/*.tsx', 'src/**/*.ts'],
exclude: [
: []),
eslint: {
enable: shouldLintOrTypeCheck,
pluginOptions(eslintConfig) {
return Object.assign(eslintConfig, {
cache: true,
cacheLocation: getCacheDirectory('eslint'),
ignorePath: '.gitignore',
// Use our own eslint/plugins/config, as overrides interfere with caching.
// This ensures that `yarn start` and `yarn lint` share one cache.
eslintPath: require.resolve('eslint'),
resolvePluginsRelativeTo: null,
baseConfig: null,
typescript: {
enableTypeChecking: shouldLintOrTypeCheck,
jest: {
configure(jestConfig) {
return Object.assign(jestConfig, {
cacheDirectory: getCacheDirectory('jest'),
transform: Object.assign(jestConfig.transform, {
// Transform vanilla-extract using its own transformer.
// See https://sandroroth.com/blog/vanilla-extract-cra#jest-transform.
'\\.css\\.ts$': '@vanilla-extract/jest-transform',
// Use @uniswap/conedison's build directly, as jest does not support its exports.
transformIgnorePatterns: ['@uniswap/conedison/format', '@uniswap/conedison/provider'],
moduleNameMapper: {
'@uniswap/conedison/format': '@uniswap/conedison/dist/format',
'@uniswap/conedison/provider': '@uniswap/conedison/dist/provider',
webpack: {
plugins: [
// Webpack 5 does not polyfill node globals, so we do so for those necessary:
new ProvidePlugin({
// - react-markdown requires process.cwd
process: 'process/browser',
// vanilla-extract has poor performance on M1 machines with 'debug' identifiers, so we use 'short' instead.
// See https://vanilla-extract.style/documentation/integrations/webpack/#identifiers for docs.
// See https://github.com/vanilla-extract-css/vanilla-extract/issues/771#issuecomment-1249524366.
new VanillaExtractPlugin({ identifiers: 'short' }),
configure: (webpackConfig) => {
// Configure webpack plugins:
webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins
.map((plugin) => {
// Extend process.env with dynamic values (eg commit hash).
// This will make dynamic values available to JavaScript only, not to interpolated HTML (ie index.html).
if (plugin instanceof DefinePlugin) {
Object.assign(plugin.definitions['process.env'], {
REACT_APP_GIT_COMMIT_HASH: JSON.stringify(commitHash),
// CSS ordering is mitigated through scoping / naming conventions, so we can ignore order warnings.
// See https://webpack.js.org/plugins/mini-css-extract-plugin/#remove-order-warnings.
if (plugin instanceof MiniCssExtractPlugin) {
plugin.options.ignoreOrder = true
// Disable TypeScript's config overwrite, as it interferes with incremental build caching.
// This ensures that `yarn start` and `yarn typecheck` share one cache.
if (plugin.constructor.name == 'ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin') {
delete plugin.options.typescript.configOverwrite
return plugin
.filter((plugin) => {
// Case sensitive paths are already enforced by TypeScript.
// See https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.
if (plugin instanceof CaseSensitivePathsPlugin) return false
// IgnorePlugin is used to tree-shake moment locales, but we do not use moment in this project.
if (plugin instanceof IgnorePlugin) return false
return true
// Configure webpack resolution:
webpackConfig.resolve = Object.assign(webpackConfig.resolve, {
plugins: webpackConfig.resolve.plugins.map((plugin) => {
// Allow vanilla-extract in production builds.
// This is necessary because create-react-app guards against external imports.
// See https://sandroroth.com/blog/vanilla-extract-cra#production-build.
if (plugin instanceof ModuleScopePlugin) {
plugin.allowedPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin'))
return plugin
// Webpack 5 does not resolve node modules, so we do so for those necessary:
fallback: {
// - react-markdown requires path
path: require.resolve('path-browserify'),
// Configure webpack transpilation (create-react-app specifies transpilation rules in a oneOf):
webpackConfig.module.rules[1].oneOf = webpackConfig.module.rules[1].oneOf.map((rule) => {
// The fallback rule (eg for dependencies).
if (rule.loader && rule.loader.match(/babel-loader/) && !rule.include) {
// Allow not-fully-specified modules so that legacy packages are still able to build.
rule.resolve = { fullySpecified: false }
// The class properties transform is required for @uniswap/analytics to build.
return rule
// Configure webpack optimization:
webpackConfig.optimization = Object.assign(
? {
splitChunks: {
// Cap the chunk size to 5MB.
// react-scripts suggests a chunk size under 1MB after gzip, but we can only measure maxSize before gzip.
// react-scripts also caps cacheable chunks at 5MB, which gzips to below 1MB, so we cap chunk size there.
// See https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/d960b9e/packages/react-scripts/config/webpack.config.js#L713-L716.
maxSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024,
// Optimize over all chunks, instead of async chunks (the default), so that initial chunks are also optimized.
chunks: 'all',
: {}
// Configure webpack caching:
webpackConfig.cache = Object.assign(webpackConfig.cache, {
cacheDirectory: getCacheDirectory('webpack'),
// Ignore failed source mappings to avoid spamming the console.
// Source mappings for a package will fail if the package does not provide them, but the build will still succeed,
// so it is unnecessary (and bothersome) to log it. This should be turned off when debugging missing sourcemaps.
// See https://webpack.js.org/loaders/source-map-loader#ignoring-warnings.
webpackConfig.ignoreWarnings = [/Failed to parse source map/]
return webpackConfig