* fix: esm/cjs exports * fix: guard visibility state WebAPI * fix: nextjs styled-components imports * fix: add ethers' optional deps * fix: document access in useHasFocus * fix: suffix babel-plugin-macros config for commonjs * chore: rollup sourcemaps * chore: export fonts separately * chore: mv redux to peer dep * fix: run tests off cjs config * fix: run cosmos off cjs config
128 lines
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128 lines
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* Bundles the widgets library, which is released independently of the interface application.
* This library lives in src/lib, but shares code with the interface application.
import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias'
import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel'
import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'
import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace'
import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'
import url from '@rollup/plugin-url'
import svgr from '@svgr/rollup'
import path from 'path'
import { RollupWarning } from 'rollup'
import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'
import del from 'rollup-plugin-delete'
import dts from 'rollup-plugin-dts'
import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals'
import sass from 'rollup-plugin-scss'
import { CompilerOptions } from 'typescript'
'process.env.REACT_APP_IS_WIDGET': true,
'process.env.REACT_APP_LOCALES': '"./locales"',
const EXTENSIONS = ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx']
const ASSET_EXTENSIONS = ['.png', '.svg']
function isAsset(source: string) {
const extname = path.extname(source)
return extname && [...ASSET_EXTENSIONS, '.css', '.scss'].includes(extname)
const TS_CONFIG = './tsconfig.lib.json'
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const { baseUrl, paths }: CompilerOptions = require(TS_CONFIG).compilerOptions
const aliases = Object.entries({ ...paths }).flatMap(([find, replacements]) => {
return replacements.map((replacement) => ({
find: path.dirname(find),
replacement: path.join(__dirname, baseUrl || '.', path.dirname(replacement)),
const plugins = [
// Dependency resolution
externals({ exclude: ['constants'], deps: true, peerDeps: true }), // marks builtins, dependencies, and peerDependencies external
resolve({ extensions: EXTENSIONS }), // resolves third-party modules within node_modules/
alias({ entries: aliases }), // resolves paths aliased through the tsconfig (babel does not use tsconfig path resolution)
// Source code transformation
replace({ ...REPLACEMENTS, preventAssignment: true }),
json(), // imports json; doing so type-checking allows the json to be type-checked
const check = {
input: 'src/lib/index.tsx',
output: { file: 'dist/widgets.tsc' },
external: isAsset,
plugins: [...plugins, typescript({ tsconfig: TS_CONFIG })],
onwarn: squelchTranspilationWarnings, // this pipeline is only for typechecking and generating definitions
const type = {
input: 'dist/dts/lib/index.d.ts',
output: { file: 'dist/widgets.d.ts' },
external: isAsset,
plugins: [
dts({ compilerOptions: { baseUrl: 'dist/dts' } }),
process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH ? undefined : del({ hook: 'buildEnd', targets: ['dist/widgets.tsc', 'dist/dts'] }),
const transpile = {
input: 'src/lib/index.tsx',
output: [
file: 'dist/widgets.js',
format: 'cjs',
sourcemap: true,
file: 'dist/widgets.esm.js',
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: true,
plugins: [
// Source code transformation
url({ include: ASSET_EXTENSIONS.map((extname) => '**/*' + extname) }), // imports assets as data URIs
svgr({ exportType: 'named', svgo: false }), // imports svgs as React components
sass({ output: 'dist/fonts.css' }), // generates widgets.css
commonjs(), // transforms cjs dependencies into tree-shakeable ES modules
babelHelpers: 'runtime',
presets: ['@babel/preset-env', ['@babel/preset-react', { runtime: 'automatic' }], '@babel/preset-typescript'],
extensions: EXTENSIONS,
plugins: [
'macros', // enables @lingui and styled-components macros
'@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', // embeds the babel runtime for library distribution
copyOnce: true,
targets: [{ src: 'src/locales/*.js', dest: 'dist/locales' }],
onwarn: squelchTypeWarnings, // this pipeline is only for transpilation
const config = [check, type, transpile]
export default config
function squelchTranspilationWarnings(warning: RollupWarning, warn: (warning: RollupWarning) => void) {
if (warning.pluginCode === 'TS5055') return
function squelchTypeWarnings(warning: RollupWarning, warn: (warning: RollupWarning) => void) {
if (warning.code === 'UNUSED_EXTERNAL_IMPORT') return