Jesse eb06aef199
feat: add support for Celo (#3915)
* feat: Support for Celo

* fix: wrong condition

* combine celo and alfajores lists

* use celo erc20 representation

* fix: refactor infura.ts to networks.ts & add celo to rpc urls

* feature: add celo contract addresses
fix: remove celo from supported gas estimate chains until feature is available

* refactor: useUSDCPrice to useStablecoinPrice
fix: add celo to supported gas estimate chains

* fix: use unique factory address for getting pool address

* fix: darkmode background graident

* fix: removing a comment left behind

* fix: remove bad import

* fix: remove dead link until the Celo is live on info.uniswap.org

* fix: add asset to common bases & minor refactoring

* fix: celo info links point to root info.uniswap.org

* fix: change celo token bridge to portal

* fix: update redux-multicall to latest version

* refactor: for code readability

* fix: celo banner colors & remove unused alternative logo

* fix: change celo token list to hosted version

* fix: update celo banner colors

* fix: move celo to the bottom of the network selector list

* fix: dedup dependencies @uniswap/router-sdk @uniswap/v3-sdk

* fix: refactoring + move Celo above L2s

* fix: update celo contract addresses

* fix: update celo subgraph

* fix: update v3-sdk and smart-order-router versions

* fix: move Celo to the bottom of the network selector list

* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix

* fix: downgrade smart-order-router and add casting fix

* fix: resolve Pool dependency

* fix: bridge chain id types

* fix: explorer link test

* fix: use quoter v2 ABI in useClientSideV3Trade fro Celo

* fix: update connection "infura_rpc" to networks

* fix: revert yarn.lock and force install

* fix: dedup router and v3 sdk

* refactor: mv quoter v2 to client side v3 trade

* build: dedup lockfile

* feature: add portal ether to common bases

* fix: add comment for chains that use QuoterV2

* fix: use token as native asset

* fix: supply correct factory address to getPoolAddress call & refactor nativeOnChain method

* feature: adjust celo tokens presetned

* fix: update celo explorer to celoscan

* fix: celo token casting

* fix: celo celo explorer it

* fix: celo chain info should be consistent with block explorer used.

Co-authored-by: Zach Pomerantz <zzmp@uniswap.org>
2022-07-12 16:48:03 +02:00

203 lines
6.8 KiB

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