<aname="21"><spanclass="lineNum"> 21 </span> : * @notice This function should return the price of baseToken in quoteToken, as in: quote/base (WETH/TORN)</a>
<aname="22"><spanclass="lineNum"> 22 </span> : * @dev uses the Uniswap written OracleLibrary "getQuoteAtTick", does not call external libraries,</a>
<aname="23"><spanclass="lineNum"> 23 </span> : * uses decimals() for the correct power of 10</a>
<aname="24"><spanclass="lineNum"> 24 </span> : * @param baseToken token which will be denominated in quote token</a>
<aname="25"><spanclass="lineNum"> 25 </span> : * @param quoteToken token in which price will be denominated</a>
<aname="26"><spanclass="lineNum"> 26 </span> : * @param fee the uniswap pool fee, pools have different fees so this is a pool selector for our usecase</a>
<aname="27"><spanclass="lineNum"> 27 </span> : * @param period the amount of seconds we are going to look into the past for the new token price</a>
<aname="28"><spanclass="lineNum"> 28 </span> : * @return returns the price of baseToken in quoteToken</a>
<aname="49"><spanclass="lineNum"> 49 </span> : * @notice This function should return the price of token in WETH</a>
<aname="50"><spanclass="lineNum"> 50 </span> : * @dev simply feeds WETH in to the above function</a>
<aname="51"><spanclass="lineNum"> 51 </span> : * @param token token which will be denominated in WETH</a>
<aname="52"><spanclass="lineNum"> 52 </span> : * @param fee the uniswap pool fee, pools have different fees so this is a pool selector for our usecase</a>
<aname="53"><spanclass="lineNum"> 53 </span> : * @param period the amount of seconds we are going to look into the past for the new token price</a>
<aname="54"><spanclass="lineNum"> 54 </span> : * @return returns the price of token in WETH</a>
<aname="67"><spanclass="lineNum"> 67 </span> : * @param token token which WETH will be denominated in</a>
<aname="68"><spanclass="lineNum"> 68 </span> : * @param fee the uniswap pool fee, pools have different fees so this is a pool selector for our usecase</a>
<aname="69"><spanclass="lineNum"> 69 </span> : * @param period the amount of seconds we are going to look into the past for the new token price</a>
<aname="70"><spanclass="lineNum"> 70 </span> : * @return returns the price of token in WETH</a>
<aname="81"><spanclass="lineNum"> 81 </span> : * @notice This function returns the price of token[0] in token[1], but more precisely and importantly the price ratio of the tokens in WETH</a>
<aname="82"><spanclass="lineNum"> 82 </span> : * @dev this is done as to always have good prices due to WETH-token pools mostly always having the most liquidity</a>
<aname="83"><spanclass="lineNum"> 83 </span> : * @param tokens array of tokens to get ratio for</a>
<aname="84"><spanclass="lineNum"> 84 </span> : * @param fees the uniswap pool FEES, since these are two independent tokens</a>
<aname="85"><spanclass="lineNum"> 85 </span> : * @param period the amount of seconds we are going to look into the past for the new token price</a>
<aname="86"><spanclass="lineNum"> 86 </span> : * @return returns the price of token[0] in token[1]</a>