T-Hax 735546619e
Signed-off-by: T-Hax <>
2023-04-08 18:46:18 +00:00

55 lines
2.1 KiB

import { Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { ethers, waffle } from 'hardhat'
import { NoDelegateCallTest } from '../typechain/NoDelegateCallTest'
import { expect } from './shared/expect'
import snapshotGasCost from './shared/snapshotGasCost'
describe('NoDelegateCall', () => {
let wallet: Wallet, other: Wallet
let loadFixture: ReturnType<typeof waffle.createFixtureLoader>
before('create fixture loader', async () => {
;[wallet, other] = await (ethers as any).getSigners()
loadFixture = waffle.createFixtureLoader([wallet, other])
const noDelegateCallFixture = async () => {
const noDelegateCallTestFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('NoDelegateCallTest')
const noDelegateCallTest = (await noDelegateCallTestFactory.deploy()) as NoDelegateCallTest
const minimalProxyFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
const proxy = (await minimalProxyFactory.deploy()) as NoDelegateCallTest
return { noDelegateCallTest, proxy }
let base: NoDelegateCallTest
let proxy: NoDelegateCallTest
beforeEach('deploy test contracts', async () => {
;({ noDelegateCallTest: base, proxy } = await loadFixture(noDelegateCallFixture))
it('runtime overhead', async () => {
await snapshotGasCost(
(await base.getGasCostOfCannotBeDelegateCalled()).sub(await base.getGasCostOfCanBeDelegateCalled())
it('proxy can call the method without the modifier', async () => {
await proxy.canBeDelegateCalled()
it('proxy cannot call the method with the modifier', async () => {
await expect(proxy.cannotBeDelegateCalled())
it('can call the method that calls into a private method with the modifier', async () => {
await base.callsIntoNoDelegateCallFunction()
it('proxy cannot call the method that calls a private method with the modifier', async () => {
await expect(proxy.callsIntoNoDelegateCallFunction())