first try - compiles
Signed-off-by: AlienTornadosaurusHex <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ contract Governance is Initializable, Configuration, Delegation, EnsResolve {
address proposer,
address target,
string memory description
) internal override(Delegation) returns (uint256) {
) internal virtual override(Delegation) returns (uint256) {
uint256 votingPower = lockedBalance[proposer];
require(votingPower >= PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD, "Governance::propose: proposer votes below proposal threshold");
// target should be a contract
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ contract Governance is Initializable, Configuration, Delegation, EnsResolve {
return proposalId;
function execute(uint256 proposalId) external payable virtual {
function execute(uint256 proposalId) public payable virtual {
require(state(proposalId) == ProposalState.AwaitingExecution, "Governance::execute: invalid proposal state");
Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
proposal.executed = true;
@ -1,33 +1,60 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "../v1/Governance.sol";
import "../v3-relayer-registry/GovernanceStakingUpgrade.sol";
contract GovernancePatchProposal is GovernanceStakingUpgrade {
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) public _proposalCodeHashes;
contract GovernancePatchUpgrade is GovernanceStakingUpgrade {
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) public proposalCodehashes;
event CodeHashDifferent(address target, bytes32 oldHash, bytes32 newHash);
event CodehashDifferent(address target, bytes32 oldHash, bytes32 newHash);
// The stakingRewardsAddress sets the immutable to the new staking contract
address stakingRewardsAddress,
address gasCompLogic,
address userVaultAddress
) public GovernanceStakingUpgrade(stakingRewardsAddress, gasCompLogic, userVaultAddress) {}
// This should guarantee that the proposal extcodehashes are good
function execute(uint256 proposalId) public payable virtual override(Governance) {
require(msg.sender != address(this), "pseudo-external function");
function execute(uint256 proposalId) external payable virtual override(Governance) {
Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
if ( == _proposalCodeHashes[proposalId]) {
address target =;
bytes32 proposalCodehash;
assembly {
proposalCodehash := extcodehash(target)
if (proposalCodehash == proposalCodehashes[proposalId]) {
} else {
proposal.executed = true;
emit CodeHashDifferent(, _proposalCodeHashes[proposalId],;
emit CodehashDifferent(, proposalCodehashes[proposalId], proposalCodehash);
// This should store the proposal extcodehash
function _propose(
address proposer,
address target,
string memory description
) internal virtual override(Governance) {
uint256 proposalId = super._propose(proposer, target, description);
_proposalCodeHashes[proposalId] = target.codeHash;
) internal virtual override(Governance) returns (uint256 proposalId) {
// Implies all former predicates were valid
proposalId = super._propose(proposer, target, description);
bytes32 proposalCodehash;
assembly {
proposalCodehash := extcodehash(target)
proposalCodehashes[proposalId] = proposalCodehash;
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { LoopbackProxy } from "../v1/LoopbackProxy.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { Address } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import { GovernancePatchUpgrade } from "./GovernancePatchUpgrade.sol";
import { TornadoStakingRewards } from "./TornadoStakingRewards.sol";
contract RelayerRegistryProposal {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using Address for address;
IERC20 public constant TORN = IERC20(0x77777FeDdddFfC19Ff86DB637967013e6C6A116C);
address public immutable registry;
constructor(address _registry) public {
registry = _registry;
// Aight lets do this sirs
function executeProposal() external {
// address(this) has to be governance
address payable governance = payable(address(this));
// Get the two contracts gov depends on
address gasComp = address(GovernancePatchUpgrade(governance).gasCompensationVault());
address vault = address(GovernancePatchUpgrade(governance).userVault());
// Get the old staking contract
TornadoStakingRewards oldStaking = TornadoStakingRewards(address(GovernancePatchUpgrade(governance).Staking()));
// Get all of the TORN out cuz broken
// And create a new staking contract
TornadoStakingRewards newStaking = new TornadoStakingRewards(governance, address(TORN), address(registry));
// Now upgrade the governance to the latest stuff
LoopbackProxy(payable(governance)).upgradeTo(address(new GovernancePatchUpgrade(address(newStaking), gasComp, vault)));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { Initializable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Initializable.sol";
import { SafeERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import { EnsResolve } from "torn-token/contracts/ENS.sol";
import { TORN } from "torn-token/contracts/TORN.sol";
import { TornadoStakingRewards } from "./TornadoStakingRewards.sol";
interface ITornadoInstance {
function token() external view returns (address);
function denomination() external view returns (uint256);
function deposit(bytes32 commitment) external payable;
function withdraw(
bytes calldata proof,
bytes32 root,
bytes32 nullifierHash,
address payable recipient,
address payable relayer,
uint256 fee,
uint256 refund
) external payable;
interface IENS {
function owner(bytes32 node) external view returns (address);
* @dev Solidity implementation of the ENS namehash algorithm.
* Warning! Does not normalize or validate names before hashing.
* Original version can be found here
library ENSNamehash {
function namehash(bytes memory domain) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
return namehash(domain, 0);
function namehash(bytes memory domain, uint256 i) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
if (domain.length <= i) return 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
uint256 len = labelLength(domain, i);
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(namehash(domain, i + len + 1), keccak(domain, i, len)));
function labelLength(bytes memory domain, uint256 i) private pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 len;
while (i + len != domain.length && domain[i + len] != 0x2e) {
return len;
function keccak(
bytes memory data,
uint256 offset,
uint256 len
) private pure returns (bytes32 ret) {
require(offset + len <= data.length);
assembly {
ret := keccak256(add(add(data, 32), offset), len)
interface IFeeManager {
function instanceFeeWithUpdate(ITornadoInstance _instance) external returns (uint160);
struct RelayerState {
uint256 balance;
bytes32 ensHash;
* @notice Registry contract, one of the main contracts of this protocol upgrade.
* The contract should store relayers' addresses and data attributed to the
* master address of the relayer. This data includes the relayers stake and
* his ensHash.
* A relayers master address has a number of subaddresses called "workers",
* these are all addresses which burn stake in communication with the proxy.
* If a relayer is not registered, he is not displayed on the frontend.
* - if setter functions are compromised, relayer metadata would be at risk, including the noted amount of his balance
* - if burn function is compromised, relayers run the risk of being unable to handle withdrawals
* - the above risk also applies to the nullify balance function
* */
contract RelayerRegistry is Initializable, EnsResolve {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeERC20 for TORN;
using ENSNamehash for bytes;
TORN public immutable torn;
address public immutable governance;
IENS public immutable ens;
TornadoStakingRewards public immutable staking;
IFeeManager public immutable feeManager;
address public tornadoRouter;
uint256 public minStakeAmount;
mapping(address => RelayerState) public relayers;
mapping(address => address) public workers;
event RelayerBalanceNullified(address relayer);
event WorkerRegistered(address relayer, address worker);
event WorkerUnregistered(address relayer, address worker);
event StakeAddedToRelayer(address relayer, uint256 amountStakeAdded);
event StakeBurned(address relayer, uint256 amountBurned);
event MinimumStakeAmount(uint256 minStakeAmount);
event RouterRegistered(address tornadoRouter);
event RelayerRegistered(bytes32 relayer, string ensName, address relayerAddress, uint256 stakedAmount);
modifier onlyGovernance() {
require(msg.sender == governance, "only governance");
modifier onlyTornadoRouter() {
require(msg.sender == tornadoRouter, "only proxy");
modifier onlyRelayer(address sender, address relayer) {
require(workers[sender] == relayer, "only relayer");
address _torn,
address _governance,
address _ens,
bytes32 _staking,
bytes32 _feeManager
) public {
torn = TORN(_torn);
governance = _governance;
ens = IENS(_ens);
staking = TornadoStakingRewards(resolve(_staking));
feeManager = IFeeManager(resolve(_feeManager));
* @notice initialize function for upgradeability
* @dev this contract will be deployed behind a proxy and should not assign values at logic address,
* params left out because self explainable
* */
function initialize(bytes32 _tornadoRouter) external initializer {
tornadoRouter = resolve(_tornadoRouter);
* @notice This function should register a master address and optionally a set of workeres for a relayer + metadata
* @dev Relayer can't steal other relayers workers since they are registered, and a wallet (msg.sender check) can always unregister itself
* @param ensName ens name of the relayer
* @param stake the initial amount of stake in TORN the relayer is depositing
* */
function register(
string calldata ensName,
uint256 stake,
address[] calldata workersToRegister
) external {
_register(msg.sender, ensName, stake, workersToRegister);
* @dev Register function equivalent with permit-approval instead of regular approve.
* */
function registerPermit(
string calldata ensName,
uint256 stake,
address[] calldata workersToRegister,
address relayer,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external {
torn.permit(relayer, address(this), stake, deadline, v, r, s);
_register(relayer, ensName, stake, workersToRegister);
function _register(
address relayer,
string calldata ensName,
uint256 stake,
address[] calldata workersToRegister
) internal {
bytes32 ensHash = bytes(ensName).namehash();
require(relayer == ens.owner(ensHash), "only ens owner");
require(workers[relayer] == address(0), "cant register again");
RelayerState storage metadata = relayers[relayer];
require(metadata.ensHash == bytes32(0), "registered already");
require(stake >= minStakeAmount, "!min_stake");
torn.safeTransferFrom(relayer, address(staking), stake);
emit StakeAddedToRelayer(relayer, stake);
metadata.balance = stake;
metadata.ensHash = ensHash;
workers[relayer] = relayer;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < workersToRegister.length; i++) {
address worker = workersToRegister[i];
_registerWorker(relayer, worker);
emit RelayerRegistered(ensHash, ensName, relayer, stake);
* @notice This function should allow relayers to register more workeres
* @param relayer Relayer which should send message from any worker which is already registered
* @param worker Address to register
* */
function registerWorker(address relayer, address worker) external onlyRelayer(msg.sender, relayer) {
_registerWorker(relayer, worker);
function _registerWorker(address relayer, address worker) internal {
require(workers[worker] == address(0), "can't steal an address");
workers[worker] = relayer;
emit WorkerRegistered(relayer, worker);
* @notice This function should allow anybody to unregister an address they own
* @dev designed this way as to allow someone to unregister themselves in case a relayer misbehaves
* - this should be followed by an action like burning relayer stake
* - there was an option of allowing the sender to burn relayer stake in case of malicious behaviour, this feature was not included in the end
* - reverts if trying to unregister master, otherwise contract would break. in general, there should be no reason to unregister master at all
* */
function unregisterWorker(address worker) external {
if (worker != msg.sender) require(workers[worker] == msg.sender, "only owner of worker");
require(workers[worker] != worker, "cant unregister master");
emit WorkerUnregistered(workers[worker], worker);
workers[worker] = address(0);
* @notice This function should allow anybody to stake to a relayer more TORN
* @param relayer Relayer main address to stake to
* @param stake Stake to be added to relayer
* */
function stakeToRelayer(address relayer, uint256 stake) external {
_stakeToRelayer(msg.sender, relayer, stake);
* @dev stakeToRelayer function equivalent with permit-approval instead of regular approve.
* @param staker address from that stake is paid
* */
function stakeToRelayerPermit(
address relayer,
uint256 stake,
address staker,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external {
torn.permit(staker, address(this), stake, deadline, v, r, s);
_stakeToRelayer(staker, relayer, stake);
function _stakeToRelayer(
address staker,
address relayer,
uint256 stake
) internal {
require(workers[relayer] == relayer, "!registered");
torn.safeTransferFrom(staker, address(staking), stake);
relayers[relayer].balance = stake.add(relayers[relayer].balance);
emit StakeAddedToRelayer(relayer, stake);
* @notice This function should burn some relayer stake on withdraw and notify staking of this
* - This should be only called by the tornado proxy
* - Should revert if relayer does not call proxy from valid worker
* - Should not overflow
* - Should underflow and revert (SafeMath) on not enough stake (balance)
* @param sender worker to check sender == relayer
* @param relayer address of relayer who's stake is being burned
* @param pool instance to get fee for
* */
function burn(
address sender,
address relayer,
ITornadoInstance pool
) external onlyTornadoRouter {
address masterAddress = workers[sender];
if (masterAddress == address(0)) {
require(workers[relayer] == address(0), "Only custom relayer");
require(masterAddress == relayer, "only relayer");
uint256 toBurn = feeManager.instanceFeeWithUpdate(pool);
relayers[relayer].balance = relayers[relayer].balance.sub(toBurn);
emit StakeBurned(relayer, toBurn);
* @notice This function should allow governance to set the minimum stake amount
* @param minAmount new minimum stake amount
* */
function setMinStakeAmount(uint256 minAmount) external onlyGovernance {
minStakeAmount = minAmount;
emit MinimumStakeAmount(minAmount);
* @notice This function should allow governance to set a new tornado proxy address
* @param tornadoRouterAddress address of the new proxy
* */
function setTornadoRouter(address tornadoRouterAddress) external onlyGovernance {
tornadoRouter = tornadoRouterAddress;
emit RouterRegistered(tornadoRouterAddress);
* @notice This function should allow governance to nullify a relayers balance
* - Should nullify the balance
* - Adding nullified balance as rewards was refactored to allow for the flexibility of these funds (for gov to operate with them)
* @param relayer address of relayer who's balance is to nullify
* */
function nullifyBalance(address relayer) external onlyGovernance {
address masterAddress = workers[relayer];
require(relayer == masterAddress, "must be master");
relayers[masterAddress].balance = 0;
emit RelayerBalanceNullified(relayer);
* @notice This function should check if a worker is associated with a relayer
* @param toResolve address to check
* @return true if is associated
* */
function isRelayer(address toResolve) external view returns (bool) {
return workers[toResolve] != address(0);
* @notice This function should check if a worker is registered to the relayer stated
* @param relayer relayer to check
* @param toResolve address to check
* @return true if registered
* */
function isRelayerRegistered(address relayer, address toResolve) external view returns (bool) {
return workers[toResolve] == relayer;
* @notice This function should get a relayers ensHash
* @param relayer address to fetch for
* @return relayer's ensHash
* */
function getRelayerEnsHash(address relayer) external view returns (bytes32) {
return relayers[workers[relayer]].ensHash;
* @notice This function should get a relayers balance
* @param relayer relayer who's balance is to fetch
* @return relayer's balance
* */
function getRelayerBalance(address relayer) external view returns (uint256) {
return relayers[workers[relayer]].balance;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { SafeERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import { Initializable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Initializable.sol";
import { EnsResolve } from "torn-token/contracts/ENS.sol";
interface ITornadoVault {
function withdrawTorn(address recipient, uint256 amount) external;
interface ITornadoGovernance {
function lockedBalance(address account) external view returns (uint256);
function userVault() external view returns (ITornadoVault);
* @notice This is the staking contract of the governance staking upgrade.
* This contract should hold the staked funds which are received upon relayer registration,
* and properly attribute rewards to addresses without security issues.
* - Relayer staked TORN at risk if contract is compromised.
* */
contract TornadoStakingRewards is Initializable, EnsResolve {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
/// @notice 1e25
uint256 public immutable ratioConstant;
ITornadoGovernance public immutable Governance;
IERC20 public immutable torn;
address public immutable relayerRegistry;
/// @notice the sum torn_burned_i/locked_amount_i*coefficient where i is incremented at each burn
uint256 public accumulatedRewardPerTorn;
/// @notice notes down accumulatedRewardPerTorn for an address on a lock/unlock/claim
mapping(address => uint256) public accumulatedRewardRateOnLastUpdate;
/// @notice notes down how much an account may claim
mapping(address => uint256) public accumulatedRewards;
event RewardsUpdated(address indexed account, uint256 rewards);
event RewardsClaimed(address indexed account, uint256 rewardsClaimed);
modifier onlyGovernance() {
require(msg.sender == address(Governance), "only governance");
// Minor code change here we won't resolve the registry by ENS
address governanceAddress,
address tornAddress,
address _relayerRegistry
) public {
Governance = ITornadoGovernance(governanceAddress);
torn = IERC20(tornAddress);
relayerRegistry = _relayerRegistry;
ratioConstant = IERC20(tornAddress).totalSupply();
* @notice This function should safely send a user his rewards.
* We know that rewards are going to be updated every time someone locks or unlocks
* so we know that this function can't be used to falsely increase the amount of
* lockedTorn by locking in governance and subsequently calling it.
* - set rewards to 0 greedily
function getReward() external {
uint256 rewards = _updateReward(msg.sender, Governance.lockedBalance(msg.sender));
rewards = rewards.add(accumulatedRewards[msg.sender]);
accumulatedRewards[msg.sender] = 0;
torn.safeTransfer(msg.sender, rewards);
emit RewardsClaimed(msg.sender, rewards);
* @notice This function should increment the proper amount of rewards per torn for the contract
* - calculation must not overflow with extreme values
* (amount <= 1e25) * 1e25 / (balance of vault <= 1e25) -> (extreme values)
* @param amount amount to add to the rewards
function addBurnRewards(uint256 amount) external {
require(msg.sender == address(Governance) || msg.sender == relayerRegistry, "unauthorized");
accumulatedRewardPerTorn = accumulatedRewardPerTorn.add(
* @notice This function should allow governance to properly update the accumulated rewards rate for an account
* @param account address of account to update data for
* @param amountLockedBeforehand the balance locked beforehand in the governance contract
* */
function updateRewardsOnLockedBalanceChange(address account, uint256 amountLockedBeforehand) external onlyGovernance {
uint256 claimed = _updateReward(account, amountLockedBeforehand);
accumulatedRewards[account] = accumulatedRewards[account].add(claimed);
* @notice This function should allow governance rescue tokens from the staking rewards contract
* */
function withdrawTorn(uint256 amount) external onlyGovernance {
if (amount == type(uint256).max) amount = torn.balanceOf(address(this));
torn.safeTransfer(address(Governance), amount);
* @notice This function should calculated the proper amount of rewards attributed to user since the last update
* - calculation must not overflow with extreme values
* (accumulatedReward <= 1e25) * (lockedBeforehand <= 1e25) / 1e25
* - result may go to 0, since this implies on 1 TORN locked => accumulatedReward <= 1e7, meaning a very small reward
* @param account address of account to calculate rewards for
* @param amountLockedBeforehand the balance locked beforehand in the governance contract
* @return claimed the rewards attributed to user since the last update
function _updateReward(address account, uint256 amountLockedBeforehand) private returns (uint256 claimed) {
if (amountLockedBeforehand != 0)
claimed = (accumulatedRewardPerTorn.sub(accumulatedRewardRateOnLastUpdate[account])).mul(amountLockedBeforehand).div(
accumulatedRewardRateOnLastUpdate[account] = accumulatedRewardPerTorn;
emit RewardsUpdated(account, claimed);
* @notice This function should show a user his rewards.
* @param account address of account to calculate rewards for
function checkReward(address account) external view returns (uint256 rewards) {
uint256 amountLocked = Governance.lockedBalance(account);
if (amountLocked != 0)
rewards = (accumulatedRewardPerTorn.sub(accumulatedRewardRateOnLastUpdate[account])).mul(amountLocked).div(ratioConstant);
rewards = rewards.add(accumulatedRewards[account]);
@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ module.exports = {
version: '0.8.20',
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 1000,
networks: {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user