import * as ava from 'ava'; import { XMLHttpRequest } from '../xml-http-request'; import { HttpServer } from './helpers/server'; import * as Cookie from 'cookiejar'; function contextualize(getContext: () => T): ava.RegisterContextual { ava.test.beforeEach(t => { Object.assign(t.context, getContext()); }); return ava.test; } const test = contextualize(() => ({ xhr: new XMLHttpRequest() })); test.before(async () => { await HttpServer.serverStarted; }); test.beforeEach(t => { t.context.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); XMLHttpRequest.cookieJar = Cookie.CookieJar(); }); test('XMLHttpRequest sets cookies and passes them on on redirect', async t => { const xhr = t.context.xhr; t.plan(1); await new Promise(resolve => {'GET', `http://localhost:${HttpServer.port}/_/redirect-cookie/test/works`); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onload = () => {, 'works'); resolve(); }; xhr.send(); }); }); test('XMLHttpRequest sets cookies and uses them for subsequent calls', async t => { let xhr = t.context.xhr; t.plan(1); await new Promise(resolve => {'GET', `http://localhost:${HttpServer.port}/_/set-cookie/second-test/works`); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onload = resolve; xhr.send(); }); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); await new Promise(resolve => {'GET', `http://localhost:${HttpServer.port}/_/print-cookie/second-test`); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onload = () => {, 'works'); resolve(); }; xhr.send(); }); });