A bin file may be made up of multiple blocks of bytecode, each may optionally begin with a `0x` prefix, all of which **must** be of even length (since bytes are required, with 2 nibbles per byte)
This allows key/value pairs (where the value is a string) and flags (which the value is `true`) to be passed along to the assembler, which can be accessed in [Scripting Blocks](/v5/api/other/assembly/dialect/#asm-dialect-scripting), such as `{{= defined.someKey }}`.
#### **--ignore-warnings**
By default any warning will be treated like an error. This enabled by-passing warnings.
#### **--pic**
When a program is assembled, the labels are usually given as an absolute byte position, which can be jumped to for loops and control flow. This means that a program must be installed at a specific location.
Byt specifying the **Position Independent Code** flag, code will be generated in a way such that all offsets are relative, allowing the program to be moved without any impact to its logic.
All programs have a root scope named `_` which is by default assembled. This option allows another labelled target (either a [Scopes](/v5/api/other/assembly/dialect/#asm-dialect-scope) or a [Data Segment](/v5/api/other/assembly/dialect/#asm-dialect-datasegment) to be assembled instead. The entire program is still assembled per usual, so this only impacts which part of the program is output.