2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
2020-07-03 01:54:56 -04:00
Documentation: [html ](https://docs.ethers.io/ )
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
### BigNumberish
#### ***string***
A [HexString ](/v5/api/utils/bytes/#HexString ) or a decimal string, either of which may be negative.
#### ***BytesLike***
A [BytesLike ](/v5/api/utils/bytes/#BytesLike ) Object, such as an Array or Uint8Array.
#### ***BigNumber***
An existing [BigNumber ](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/ ) instance.
#### ***number***
A number that is within the [safe range ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/MAX_SAFE_INTEGER#Description ) for JavaScript numbers.
#### ***BigInt***
A JavaScript [BigInt ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt ) object, on environments that support BigInt.
Creating Instances
#### *ethers* . *BigNumber* . **from**( aBigNumberish ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns an instance of a **BigNumber** for *aBigNumberish* .
### Examples:
// From a decimal string...
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "42" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// From a HexString...
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "42" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// From a negative HexString...
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "-42" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// From an Array (or Uint8Array)...
BigNumber.from([ 42 ])
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "42" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// From an existing BigNumber...
let one1 = constants.One;
let one2 = BigNumber.from(one1)
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "1" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// ...which returns the same instance
one1 === one2
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// true
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// From a (safe) number...
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "42" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// From a ES2015 BigInt... (only on platforms with BigInt support)
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "42" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
// Numbers outside the safe range fail:
2021-02-08 15:26:10 -05:00
// Error: overflow (fault="overflow", operation="BigNumber.from", value=9007199254740991, code=NUMERIC_FAULT, version=bignumber/5.0.14)
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
### Math Operations
#### *BigNumber* . **add**( otherValue ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* ** +** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **sub**( otherValue ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* ** -** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **mul**( otherValue ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* ** \*** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **div**( divisor ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* ** /** *divisor* .
#### *BigNumber* . **mod**( divisor ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of the **remainder** of *BigNumber* / *divisor* .
#### *BigNumber* . **pow**( exponent ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* to the power of *exponent* .
#### *BigNumber* . **abs**( ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the absolute value of *BigNumber* .
#### *BigNumber* . **mask**( bitcount ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* with bits beyond the *bitcount* least significant bits set to zero.
2020-11-22 23:07:13 -05:00
### Two's Complement
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
#### *BigNumber* . **fromTwos**( bitwidth ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
2020-11-22 23:07:13 -05:00
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* converted from twos-complement with *bitwidth* .
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
#### *BigNumber* . **toTwos**( bitwidth ) => *[BigNumber](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/)*
2020-11-22 23:07:13 -05:00
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *BigNumber* converted to twos-complement with *bitwidth* .
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
### Comparison and Equivalence
#### *BigNumber* . **eq**( otherValue ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *BigNumber* is equal to *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **lt**( otherValue ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *BigNumber* ** < ** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **lte**( otherValue ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *BigNumber* ** < =** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **gt**( otherValue ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *BigNumber* ** >** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **gte**( otherValue ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *BigNumber* ** >=** *otherValue* .
#### *BigNumber* . **isZero**( ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *BigNumber* is zero.
### Conversion
#### *BigNumber* . **toNumber**( ) => *number*
Returns the value of *BigNumber* as a JavaScript value.
This will **throw an error** if the value is greater than or equal to *Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER* or less than or equal to *Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER* .
#### *BigNumber* . **toString**( ) => *string*
Returns the value of *BigNumber* as a base-10 string.
#### *BigNumber* . **toHexString**( ) => *string< [DataHexString](/v5/api/utils/bytes/#DataHexString) >*
Returns the value of *BigNumber* as a base-16, `0x` -prefixed [DataHexString ](/v5/api/utils/bytes/#DataHexString ).
### Inspection
2020-11-22 23:07:13 -05:00
#### *ethers* . *BigNumber* . **isBigNumber**( object ) => *boolean*
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
Returns true if and only if the *object* is a BigNumber object.
### Examples
let a = BigNumber.from(42);
let b = BigNumber.from("91");
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// { BigNumber: "3822" }
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
### Why can't I just use numbers?
(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 2 - 2) == (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
2020-06-12 19:21:37 -04:00
// false
2020-06-09 23:56:58 -04:00
To remedy this, all numbers (which can be large) are stored and manipulated as [Big Numbers ](/v5/api/utils/bignumber/ ).
The functions [parseEther( etherString ) ](/v5/api/utils/display-logic/#utils-parseEther ) and [formatEther( wei ) ](/v5/api/utils/display-logic/#utils-formatEther ) can be used to convert between string representations, which are displayed to or entered by the user and Big Number representations which can have mathematical operations handled safely.
### Why not BigNumber.js, BN.js, BigDecimal, etc?
### Why BN.js??
### Allow us to set a global Big Number library?