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def stringify(v):
if type(v) == int:
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
if v < 0:
return "-" + hex(v)[3:]
return hex(v)[2:]
return v
def javascript(obj):
if type(obj) == int:
return str(obj)
if type(obj) == list:
return "[ " + ", ".join(javascript(i) for i in obj) + " ]";
if type(obj) == dict:
return "{ " + ", ".join(map(lambda k: ("%s: %s" % (stringify(k), javascript(obj[k]))), obj.keys())) + " }"
print obj
raise Exception("unsupported")
def javascript_table(obj):
keys = obj.keys();
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
obj = [ [ k, obj[k] ] for k in keys ]
last = 0
for item in obj:
item[1] = stringify(item[1])
v = item[0]
item[0] -= last
last = v
return '"' + ",".join(("%s:%s" % (stringify(i[0]), i[1])) for i in obj) + '"'
weird = [ ];
lines = [ ]
for line in file("table.b.2.txt"):
comps = [ x.strip() for x in line.split(";") ]
if len(comps) != 3: raise Exception("bad line")
if len(comps[1].split(" ")) > 1:
src = int(comps[0], 16),
dst = int(comps[1], 16),
reason = comps[2]
buckets = dict()
for p in lines:
delta = p["dst"] - p["src"];
special = ""
if delta not in buckets: buckets[delta] = [ ]
deltas = buckets.keys()
simple = dict()
simple_relative = dict()
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
debug = dict()
def add_simple(src, dst):
if len(str(dst - src)) < len(str(dst)):
simple_relative[src] = dst - src
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
debug[src] = "rel:" + str(dst - src)
simple[src] = dst
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
debug[src] = "abs:" + str(dst)
def add_simple_data(data):
stride = 1
skip = [ ]
if "d" in data: stride = data["d"]
if "e" in data: skip = data["e"]
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
#print "ADD", data
for i in xrange(data["l"], data["l"] + data["h"] + 1, stride):
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
#print " ", i, data
if (i - data["l"]) in skip: continue
add_simple(i, i + data["s"])
mappings = [ ]
for delta in deltas:
bucket = buckets[delta]
if len(bucket) <= 7:
for p in bucket:
add_simple(p["src"], p["dst"])
last = 0
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# Compute the mode of the delta
mode = dict()
last = 0xffffffff
for p in buckets[delta]:
dl = p["src"] - last
if dl not in mode: mode[dl] = 0
mode[dl] += 1
last = p["src"]
mode = map(lambda k: (mode[k], k), mode.keys())
mode = mode[-1][1]
data = None
for p in bucket:
leap = ""
dl = p["src"] - last
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# Non-standard detla...
if dl != mode:
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# But only a small gap; add exceptions
if data and (dl % mode) == 0 and (dl - mode) < 5:
if "e" not in data: data["e"] = [ ]
for i in xrange(last + mode, p["src"], mode):
data["e"].append(i - data["l"])
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# Big gap; start a new range
if data:
data["h"] -= data["l"]
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# Small range, use simple LUT instead
if data["h"] <= 7:
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
debug[data["l"]] = "MAP:" + str(data)
# New range
data = dict(l = 0xffffffff, h = 0, s = delta)
if mode != 1: data["d"] = mode
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# Indicate a new range started in the debug info
leap = "***"
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
# Update ranges
if p["src"] < data["l"]: data["l"] = p["src"]
if p["src"] > data["h"]: data["h"] = p["src"]
last = p["src"]
data["h"] -= data["l"]
if data["h"] <= 7:
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
debug[data["l"]] = "MAP:" + str(data)
# Create complex table (things that map to more than one byte)
complex = { }
complex_output = [ ];
for (src, dst, reason) in weird:
for word in dst.split(" "):
complex_output.append(int(word, 16))
if len(word) != 4: raise Exception("hmmm")
complex[int(src, 16)] = dst.replace(" ", "")
# Experimenting: We can easily create a LUT for the individual
# components, as there is substantial overlap.
#complex_output = dict((x, True) for x in complex_output).keys()
#print "COM", complex_output, len(complex_output)
# Sort mappings by lo
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
mappings.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a["l"], b["l"]))
#debug_keys = debug.keys()
#for d in debug_keys:
# print d, debug[d]
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
#print mappings
last = 0
for item in mappings:
v = item["l"]
item["l"] -= last
last = v
print "const Table_B_2_ranges = ["
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
print ",\n".join((" " + javascript(m)) for m in mappings)
print "];"
2019-08-02 02:10:58 -04:00
print "SS", list(sorted(simple.keys())), simple[120763]
print "SS2", list(sorted(simple_relative.keys()))
print "const Table_B_2_lut_abs = createTable(" + javascript_table(simple) + ");"
print "const Table_B_2_lut_rel = createTable(" + javascript_table(simple_relative) + ");"
print "const Table_B_2_complex = createTable(" + javascript_table(complex) + ", bytes2);"