2019-08-21 01:53:47 -04:00
_section: Events
Explain how topics and such work
2019-12-13 22:05:10 -05:00
_subsection: Solidity Topics
How to compute the topic...
2020-05-08 03:24:40 -04:00
_subsection: Logs and Filtering
Example hog logs are used.
Link to provider.getLogs and contract.on
_heading: Filters
Filter are used as a way to query ... efficient, explain bloom filters lightly
A filter may have up to 4 topic-sets, where each topic-set refers
to a condition that must match the log topic in that position (i.e. each
condition is ``AND``-ed together).
If a topic-set is ``null``, a log topic in that position is not filtered
at all and **any value** matches.
If a topic-set is a single topic, a log topic in that position must match
**that topic**.
If a topic-set is an array of topics, a log topic in that position must
2020-07-03 01:44:17 -04:00
match any **one** of the topics (i.e. the topic in this position are ``OR``-ed).
2020-05-08 03:24:40 -04:00
_table: Example Log Matching @style<full>
$TopicABaCD: **[** (topic[0] = A) **OR** (topic[0] = B) **]** **AND**
**[** (topic[1] = C) **OR** (topic[1] = D) **]**
| **Topic-Sets** | **Matching Logs** <<|
| [ A ] | topic[0] = A <<|
| [ A, null ] | ^ |
| [ null, B ] | topic[1] = B <<|
| [ null, [ B ] ] | ^ |
| [ null, [ B ], null ] | ^ |
| [ A, B ] | (topic[0] = A) **AND** (topic[1] = B) <<|
| [ A, [ B ] ] | ^ |
| [ A, [ B ], null ] | ^ |
| [ [ A, B ] ] | (topic[0] = A) **OR** (topic[0] = B) <<|
| [ [ A, B ], null ] | ^ |
| [ [ A, B ], [ C, D ] ] | $TopicABaCD <<|
_code: ERC-20 Transfer Filter Examples @lang<javascript>
// <hide>
const tokenAddress = ethers.constants.AddressZero;
const myAddress = ethers.constants.AddressZero;
const myOtherAddress = ethers.constants.AddressZero;
const id = ethers.utils.id;
const hexZeroPad = ethers.utils.hexZeroPad;
// </hide>
// Short example of manually creating filters for an ERC-20
// Transfer event.
// Most users should generally use the Contract API to
// compute filters, as it is much simpler, but this is
// provided as an illustration for those curious. See
// below for examples of the equivalent Contract API.
// ERC-20:
// Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint val)
// -------------------^
// ----------------------------------------^
// Notice that only *src* and *dst* are *indexed*, so ONLY they
// qualify for filtering.
// Also, note that in Solidity an Event uses the first topic to
// identify the Event name; for Transfer this will be:
// id("Transfer(address,address,uint256)")
// Other Notes:
// - A topic must be 32 bytes; so shorter types must be padded
// List all token transfers *from* myAddress
filter = {
address: tokenAddress,
topics: [
hexZeroPad(myAddress, 32)
// List all token transfers *to* myAddress:
filter = {
address: tokenAddress,
topics: [
hexZeroPad(myAddress, 32)
// List all token transfers *to* myAddress or myOtherAddress:
filter = {
address: tokenAddress,
topics: [
hexZeroPad(myAddress, 32),
hexZeroPad(myOtherAddress, 32),
To simplify life, ..., explain here, the contract API
_code: ERC-20 Contract Filter Examples @lang<javascript>
// <hide>
const tokenAddress = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"; // DAI
const myAddress = "0x8ba1f109551bD432803012645Ac136ddd64DBA72";
const otherAddress = "0xEA517D5a070e6705Cc5467858681Ed953d285Eb9";
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
const Contract = ethers.Contract;
// </hide>
const abi = [
"event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint val)"
const contract = new Contract(tokenAddress, abi, provider);
// List all token transfers *from* myAddress
// List all token transfers *to* myAddress:
contract.filters.Transfer(null, myAddress)
// List all token transfers *from* myAddress *to* otherAddress:
contract.filters.Transfer(myAddress, otherAddress)
// List all token transfers *to* myAddress OR otherAddress:
contract.filters.Transfer(null, [ myAddress, otherAddress ])
_heading: Other Things? TODO
Explain what happens to strings and bytes, how to filter and retain the value