The source code and location within the source code that this node represents.
### ValueNode
### LiteralNode
#### *literalNode* . **value** => *string*
The literal value of this node, which may be a [DataHexString](/v5/api/utils/bytes/#DataHexString) or string of a decimal number.
#### *literalNode* . **verbatim** => *boolean*
This is true in a [DataNode](/v5/api/other/assembly/ast/#asm-datanode) context, since in that case the value should be taken verbatim and no `PUSH` operation shoud be added, otherwise false.
### PopNode
#### *literalNode* . **index** => *number*
The index this **PopNode** is representing. For an implicit place-holder this is `0`.
This is true in a [DataNode](/v5/api/other/assembly/ast/#asm-datanode) context, since in that case the value should be taken verbatim and no `PUSH` operation shoud be added, otherwise false.
#### *evaluationNode* . **script** => *string*
The code to evaluate and produce the result to use as a literal.