2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { Base58 } from "@ethersproject/basex";
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
import { ArgParser, CLI, Help, Plugin } from '../cli';
2019-08-02 02:32:32 -04:00
import { version } from "../_version";
const logger = new ethers.utils.Logger(version);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
const ensAbi = [
"function setOwner(bytes32 node, address owner) external @500000",
"function setSubnodeOwner(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner) external @500000",
"function setResolver(bytes32 node, address resolver) external @500000",
"function owner(bytes32 node) external view returns (address)",
"function resolver(bytes32 node) external view returns (address)"
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
const States = Object.freeze([ "Open", "Auction", "Owned", "Forbidden", "Reveal", "NotAvailable" ]);
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
const deedAbi = [
"function owner() view returns (address)"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
const ethLegacyRegistrarAbi = [
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
"function entries(bytes32 _hash) view returns (uint8 state, address owner, uint registrationDate, uint value, uint highestBid)",
"function transferRegistrars(bytes32 _hash) @500000",
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
const ethControllerAbi = [
"function rentPrice(string memory name, uint duration) view public returns(uint)",
"function available(string memory label) public view returns(bool)",
"function makeCommitment(string memory name, address owner, bytes32 secret) pure public returns(bytes32)",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
"function commit(bytes32 commitment) public @500000",
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
"function register(string calldata name, address owner, uint duration, bytes32 secret) payable @500000",
"function renew(string calldata name, uint duration) payable @500000",
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
const ethRegistrarAbi = [
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
"function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) view returns (address)",
"function reclaim(uint256 id, address owner) @500000",
2020-05-01 16:21:33 -04:00
"function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) @500000",
"function nameExpires(uint256 id) external view returns(uint)"
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
const resolverAbi = [
"function interfaceImplementer(bytes32 nodehash, bytes4 interfaceId) view returns (address)",
"function addr(bytes32 nodehash) view returns (address)",
"function setAddr(bytes32 nodehash, address addr) @500000",
2020-03-31 23:16:16 -04:00
"function name(bytes32 nodehash) view returns (string)",
"function setName(bytes32 nodehash, string name) @500000",
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
"function text(bytes32 nodehash, string key) view returns (string)",
"function setText(bytes32 nodehash, string key, string value) @500000",
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
"function contenthash(bytes32 nodehash) view returns (bytes)",
"function setContenthash(bytes32 nodehash, bytes contenthash) @500000",
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
//const InterfaceID_ERC721 = "0x6ccb2df4";
const InterfaceID_Controller = "0x018fac06";
const InterfaceID_Legacy = "0x7ba18ba1";
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
const reverseRegistrarAbi = [
function listify(words: Array<string>): string {
if (words.length === 1) { return words[0]; }
return words.slice(0, words.length - 1).join(", ") + " and " + words[words.length - 1];
let cli = new CLI();
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
abstract class EnsPlugin extends Plugin {
_ethAddressCache: { [ addressOrInterfaceId: string ]: string };
constructor() {
ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(this, "_ethAddressCache", { });
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
getEns(): ethers.Contract {
return new ethers.Contract(this.network.ensAddress, ensAbi, this.accounts[0] || this.provider);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
async getResolver(nodehash: string): Promise<ethers.Contract> {
if (!this._ethAddressCache[nodehash]) {
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
this._ethAddressCache[nodehash] = await this.getEns().resolver(nodehash);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
return new ethers.Contract(this._ethAddressCache[nodehash], resolverAbi, this.accounts[0] || this.provider);
async getEthInterfaceAddress(interfaceId: string): Promise<string> {
let ethNodehash = ethers.utils.namehash("eth");
if (!this._ethAddressCache[interfaceId]) {
let resolver = await this.getResolver(ethNodehash);
this._ethAddressCache[interfaceId] = await resolver.interfaceImplementer(ethNodehash, interfaceId);
return this._ethAddressCache[interfaceId];
async getEthController(): Promise<ethers.Contract> {
let address = await this.getEthInterfaceAddress(InterfaceID_Controller);
return new ethers.Contract(address, ethControllerAbi, this.accounts[0] || this.provider);
async getEthLegacyRegistrar(): Promise<ethers.Contract> {
let address = await this.getEthInterfaceAddress(InterfaceID_Legacy);
return new ethers.Contract(address, ethLegacyRegistrarAbi, this.accounts[0] || this.provider);
async getEthRegistrar(): Promise<ethers.Contract> {
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
//let address = await this.getEthInterfaceAddress(InterfaceID_ERC721);
let address = await this.getEns().owner(ethers.utils.namehash("eth"));
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
return new ethers.Contract(address, ethRegistrarAbi, this.accounts[0] || this.provider);
class LookupPlugin extends EnsPlugin {
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
names: Array<string>;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "lookup [ NAME | ADDRESS [ ... ] ]",
help: "Lookup a name or address"
async prepareArgs(args: Array<string>): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareArgs(args);
this.names = args;
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
let ens = this.getEns();
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let controller = await this.getEthController();
let registrar = await this.getEthRegistrar();
let legacyRegistrar = await this.getEthLegacyRegistrar();
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
for (let i = 0; i < this.names.length; i++) {
let name = this.names[i];
let nodehash = ethers.utils.namehash(name);
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let details: { [ key: string]: string } = {
Nodehash: nodehash
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let owner = await ens.owner(nodehash);
let resolverAddress: string = null;
if (owner === ethers.constants.AddressZero) {
owner = null;
} else {
details.Controller = owner;
details.Resolver = await ens.resolver(nodehash).then((address: string) => {
if (address === ethers.constants.AddressZero) {
return "(not configured)";
resolverAddress = address;
return address;
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
let comps = name.split(".");
if (comps.length === 2 && comps[1] === "eth") {
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
details.Labelhash = ethers.utils.id(comps[0].toLowerCase()); // @TODO: nameprep
details.Available = await controller.available(comps[0]);
if (!details.Available) {
try {
let ownerOf = await registrar.ownerOf(details.Labelhash);
if (ownerOf !== ethers.constants.AddressZero) {
details.Registrant = ownerOf;
details.Registrar = "Permanent";
} catch (error) {
let entry = await legacyRegistrar.entries(details.Labelhash);
let deed = new ethers.Contract(entry.owner, deedAbi, this.provider);
details.Registrant = await deed.owner();
details.Registrar = "Legacy";
details["Deed Value"] = (ethers.utils.formatEther(entry.value) + " ether");
details["Highest Bid"] = (ethers.utils.formatEther(entry.highestBid) + " ether");
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
if (resolverAddress) {
let resolver = new ethers.Contract(resolverAddress, resolverAbi, this.provider);
details["Address"] = await resolver.addr(nodehash);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let email = await resolver.text(nodehash, "email").catch((error: any) => (""));
if (email) { details["E-mail"] = email; }
2020-03-31 23:33:13 -04:00
let website = await resolver.text(nodehash, "url").catch((error: any) => (""));
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
if (website) { details["Website"] = website; }
let content = await resolver.contenthash(nodehash).then((hash: string) => {
if (hash === "0x") { return ""; }
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
if (hash.substring(0, 10) === "0xe3010170" && ethers.utils.isHexString(hash, 38)) {
return Base58.encode(ethers.utils.hexDataSlice(hash, 4)) + " (IPFS)";
return hash + " (unknown format)";
}, (error: any) => (""));
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
if (content) { details["Content Hash"] = content; }
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let ordered: { [ key: string]: string } = { };
"Nodehash,Labelhash,Available,Registrant,Controller,Resolver,Address,Registrar,Deed Value,Highest Bid,E-mail,Website,Content Hash".split(",").forEach((key) => {
if (!details[key]) { return; }
ordered[key] = details[key];
for (let key in details) {
if (ordered[key]) { continue; }
ordered[key] = details[key];
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
this.dump("Name: " + this.names[i], ordered);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
cli.addPlugin("lookup", LookupPlugin);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
abstract class AccountPlugin extends EnsPlugin {
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
name: string;
nodehash: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
2020-04-22 02:42:25 -04:00
return logger.throwError("subclasses must implement this", ethers.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, {
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
operation: "getHelp"
async _setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
2020-02-04 08:01:26 -05:00
ethers.utils.defineReadOnly<any, any>(this, key, value);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
if (key === "name") {
await this._setValue("nodehash", ethers.utils.namehash(value));
async prepareArgs(args: Array<string>): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareArgs(args);
let helpLine = ethers.utils.getStatic<() => Help>(this.constructor, "getHelp")().name;
let params = helpLine.split(" ");
let command = params[0];
params = params.slice(1);
if (this.accounts.length !== 1) {
this.throwError(command + " requires an account");
if (args.length !== params.length) {
this.throwError(command + " requires exactly " + listify(params));
for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) {
await this._setValue(params[i].toLowerCase(), args[i]);
abstract class ControllerPlugin extends AccountPlugin {
salt: string;
owner: string
label: string;
duration: number;
static getOptionHelp(): Array<Help> {
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
return [
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
name: "[ --duration DAYS ]",
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
help: "Register duration (default: 365 days)"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
name: "[ --salt SALT ]",
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
help: "SALT to blind the commit with"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
name: "[ --secret SECRET ]",
help: "Use id(SECRET) as the salt"
name: "[ --owner OWNER ]",
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
help: "The target owner (default: current account)"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
async _setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
if (key === "name") {
let comps = value.split(".");
if (comps.length !== 2 || comps[1] !== "eth") {
this.throwError("Invalid NAME");
await super._setValue("label", comps[0]);
await super._setValue(key, value);
async prepareOptions(argParser: ArgParser): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareOptions(argParser);
this.salt = argParser.consumeOption("salt");
let secret = argParser.consumeOption("secret");
if (secret) {
if (this.salt) {
this.throwError("Cannot specify --salt with --secret");
this.salt = ethers.utils.id(secret);
this.owner = argParser.consumeOption("owner");
if (this.owner) {
this.owner = await this.getAddress(this.owner);
} else {
this.owner = await this.accounts[0].getAddress();
let duration = parseInt(argParser.consumeOption("duration") || "365");
if (duration < 28) {
this.throwError("registration must be for a minimum length of 28 days");
ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(this, "duration", duration * (60 * 60 * 24));
async prepareArgs(args: Array<string>): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareArgs(args);
if (!this.salt) {
let signature = await this.accounts[0].signMessage("commit-" + this.owner + "-" + this.name);
this.salt = ethers.utils.keccak256(signature);
class CommitPlugin extends ControllerPlugin {
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "commit NAME",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Submit a pre-commitment"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
let ethController = await this.getEthController();
let commitment = await ethController.makeCommitment(this.label, this.owner, this.salt);
let fee = await ethController.rentPrice(this.label, this.duration);
this.dump("Commit: " + this.name, {
Nodehash: this.nodehash,
Owner: this.owner,
Salt: this.salt,
Duration: (this.duration + " seconds (informational)"),
Fee: ethers.utils.formatEther(fee) + " (informational)",
Commitment: commitment
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await ethController.commit(commitment);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
cli.addPlugin("commit", CommitPlugin);
class RevealPlugin extends ControllerPlugin {
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
name: "reveal NAME",
help: "Reveal a previous pre-commitment"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
let ethController = await this.getEthController();
let fee = await ethController.rentPrice(this.label, this.duration);
this.dump("Reveal: " + this.name, {
Nodehash: this.nodehash,
Owner: this.owner,
Salt: this.salt,
Duration: (this.duration + " seconds"),
Fee: ethers.utils.formatEther(fee),
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await ethController.register(this.label, this.owner, this.duration, this.salt, {
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
value: fee.mul(11).div(10)
cli.addPlugin("reveal", RevealPlugin);
class CommitRevealPlugin extends RevealPlugin {
waitBlocks: number;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "commit-reveal LABEL",
help: "Commit, wait and reveal a name"
static getOptionHelp(): Array<Help> {
let help = CommitPlugin.getOptionHelp().slice();
name: "[ --wait BLOCKS ]",
help: "Wait BLOCKS confirms (Default: 5)"
return help;
async prepareOptions(argParser: ArgParser): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareOptions(argParser);
let waitBlocks = argParser.consumeOption("wait");
try {
this.waitBlocks = parseInt(waitBlocks || "5");
} catch(error) {
this.throwError("Invalid --wait BLOCKS")
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
cli.addPlugin("commit-reveal", CommitRevealPlugin);
abstract class AddressAccountPlugin extends AccountPlugin {
address: string;
static getOptionHelp(): Array<Help> {
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
return [
name: "[ --address ADDRESS ]",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Specify another address"
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
getDefaultAddress(): Promise<string> {
return this.accounts[0].getAddress();
async prepareOptions(argParser: ArgParser): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareOptions(argParser);
let address = argParser.consumeOption("address");
if (!address) {
address = await this.getDefaultAddress();
2020-03-31 23:16:16 -04:00
this.address = await this.getAddress(address);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
class SetControllerPlugin extends AddressAccountPlugin {
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
name: "set-controller NAME",
help: "Set the controller (default: current account)"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
2019-08-31 23:56:02 -04:00
this.dump("Set Subnode: " + this.name, {
"Nodehash": this.nodehash,
"Owner": this.address
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
this.getEns().setOwner(this.nodehash, this.address);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
cli.addPlugin("set-controller", SetControllerPlugin);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
class SetSubnodePlugin extends AddressAccountPlugin {
label: string;
node: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-subnode NAME",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Set a subnode owner (default: current account)"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
async _setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
if (key === "name") {
let comps = value.toLowerCase().split(".");
await super._setValue("label", comps[0]);
await super._setValue("node", comps.slice(1).join("."));
await super._setValue(key, value);
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
this.dump("Set Subnode: " + this.name, {
2019-08-31 23:56:02 -04:00
"Label": this.label,
"Node": this.node,
"Owner": this.address
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await this.getEns().setSubnodeOwner(ethers.utils.namehash(this.node), ethers.utils.id(this.label), this.address);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
cli.addPlugin("set-subnode", SetSubnodePlugin);
class SetResolverPlugin extends AddressAccountPlugin {
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-resolver NAME",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Set the resolver (default: resolver.eth)"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
getDefaultAddress(): Promise<string> {
return this.getAddress("resolver.eth");
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
this.dump("Set Resolver: " + this.name, {
2019-08-31 23:56:02 -04:00
"Nodehash": this.nodehash,
"Resolver": this.address
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await this.getEns().setResolver(this.nodehash, this.address);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
cli.addPlugin("set-resolver", SetResolverPlugin);
class SetAddrPlugin extends AddressAccountPlugin {
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-addr NAME",
help: "Set the addr record (default: current account)"
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
this.dump("Set Addr: " + this.name, {
2019-08-31 23:56:02 -04:00
"Nodehash": this.nodehash,
"Address": this.address
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
let resolver = await this.getResolver(this.nodehash);
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await resolver.setAddr(this.nodehash, this.address);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
cli.addPlugin("set-addr", SetAddrPlugin);
2020-03-31 23:16:16 -04:00
class SetNamePlugin extends AddressAccountPlugin {
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-name NAME",
help: "Set the reverse name record (default: current account)"
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
const nodehash = ethers.utils.namehash(this.address.substring(2) + ".addr.reverse");
this.dump("Set Name: " + this.name, {
"Nodehash": nodehash,
"Address": this.address
let resolver = await this.getResolver(nodehash);
await resolver.setName(nodehash, this.name);
cli.addPlugin("set-name", SetNamePlugin);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
abstract class TextAccountPlugin extends AccountPlugin {
abstract getHeader(): string;
abstract getKey(): string;
abstract getValue(): string;
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
let key = this.getKey();
let value = this.getValue();
this.dump("Set " + this.getHeader() + ": " + this.name, {
Nodehash: this.nodehash,
Key: key,
Value: value
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
let resolver = await this.getResolver(this.nodehash);
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await resolver.setText(this.nodehash, key, value);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
class SetTextPlugin extends TextAccountPlugin {
key: string;
value: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-text NAME KEY VALUE",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Set a text record"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
getHeader(): string { return "Test" }
getKey(): string { return this.key; }
getValue(): string { return this.value; }
cli.addPlugin("set-text", SetTextPlugin);
class SetEmailPlugin extends TextAccountPlugin {
email: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-email NAME EMAIL",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Set the email text record"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
getHeader(): string { return "E-mail" }
getKey(): string { return "email"; }
getValue(): string { return this.email; }
cli.addPlugin("set-email", SetEmailPlugin);
class SetWebsitePlugin extends TextAccountPlugin {
url: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-website NAME URL",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Set the website text record"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
getHeader(): string { return "Website" }
2020-03-31 23:16:16 -04:00
getKey(): string { return "url"; }
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
getValue(): string { return this.url; }
cli.addPlugin("set-website", SetWebsitePlugin);
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
class SetContentPlugin extends AccountPlugin {
readonly hash: string;
readonly multihash: string;
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "set-content NAME HASH",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Set the IPFS Content Hash"
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
async _setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
if (key === "hash") {
let bytes = Base58.decode(value);
if (bytes.length !== 34 || bytes[0] !== 18 || bytes[1] !== 32) {
this.throwError("Unsupported IPFS hash");
let multihash = ethers.utils.concat([ "0xe3010170", bytes ]);
await super._setValue("multihash", ethers.utils.hexlify(multihash));
await super._setValue(key, value);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
this.dump("Set Content Hash: " + this.name, {
Nodehash: this.nodehash,
"Content Hash": this.hash
let resolver = await this.getResolver(this.nodehash);
await resolver.setContenthash(this.nodehash, this.multihash);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
cli.addPlugin("set-content", SetContentPlugin);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
class MigrateRegistrarPlugin extends AccountPlugin {
readonly label: string;
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
readonly deedValue: ethers.BigNumber;
readonly highestBid: ethers.BigNumber;
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "migrate-registrar NAME",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Migrate from the Legacy to the Permanent Registrar"
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
async prepareArgs(args: Array<string>): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareArgs(args);
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
// Only Top-Level names can be migrated
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
let comps = this.name.split(".");
if (comps.length !== 2 || comps[1] !== "eth") {
this.throwError("Not a top-level .eth name");
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
await super._setValue("label", comps[0]);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
let ethLegacyRegistrar = await this.getEthLegacyRegistrar();
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let entry: any = await ethLegacyRegistrar.entries(ethers.utils.id(comps[0]));
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
// Only owned names can be migrated
if (States[entry.state] !== "Owned") {
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
this.throwError("Name not present in the Legacy registrar");
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let deed = new ethers.Contract(entry.owner, deedAbi, this.provider);
let owner = await deed.owner();
let address = await this.accounts[0].getAddress();
// Only the deed owner (registrant) may migrate a name
if (owner !== address) {
this.throwError("Only the registrant can migrate");
await super._setValue("deedValue", entry.value);
await super._setValue("highestBid", entry.highestBid);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
this.dump("Migrate Registrar: " + this.name, {
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
"Nodehash": this.nodehash,
"Highest Bid": (ethers.utils.formatEther(this.highestBid) + " ether"),
"Deed Value": (ethers.utils.formatEther(this.deedValue) + " ether"),
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
let legacyRegistrar = await this.getEthLegacyRegistrar();
2019-08-04 19:55:46 -04:00
await legacyRegistrar.transferRegistrars(ethers.utils.id(this.label));
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
cli.addPlugin("migrate-registrar", MigrateRegistrarPlugin);
class TransferPlugin extends AccountPlugin {
readonly name: string;
readonly new_owner: string;
readonly label: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "transfer NAME NEW_OWNER",
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
help: "Transfer registrant ownership"
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
async _setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
if (key === "new_owner") {
let address = await this.getAddress(value);
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
await super._setValue(key, address);
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
} else if (key === "name") {
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
let comps = value.split(".");
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
if (comps.length !== 2 || comps[1] !== "eth") {
this.throwError("Not a top-level .eth name");
await super._setValue("label", comps[0]);
await super._setValue(key, value);
} else {
await super._setValue(key, value);
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
this.dump("Transfer: " + this.name, {
Nodehash: this.nodehash,
"New Owner": this.new_owner,
let registrar = await this.getEthRegistrar();
2019-08-21 01:47:08 -04:00
await registrar.safeTransferFrom(this.accounts[0].getAddress(), this.new_owner, ethers.utils.id(this.label));
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
cli.addPlugin("transfer", TransferPlugin);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
class ReclaimPlugin extends AddressAccountPlugin {
readonly label: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "reclaim NAME",
help: "Reset the controller by the registrant"
async _setValue(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
if (key === "name") {
let comps = value.split(".");
if (comps.length !== 2 || comps[1] !== "eth") {
this.throwError("Not a top-level .eth name");
let account = await this.accounts[0].getAddress();
let registrar = await this.getEthRegistrar();
let ownerOf: string = null;
try {
ownerOf = await registrar.ownerOf(ethers.utils.id(comps[0]));
} catch (error) {
2020-04-22 02:42:25 -04:00
this.throwError("Name not present in Permanent Registrar");
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
if (account !== ownerOf) {
this.throwError("Only the registrant can call reclaim");
await super._setValue("label", comps[0]);
await super._setValue(key, value);
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
this.dump("Reclaim: " + this.name, {
2019-08-31 23:56:02 -04:00
"Nodehash": this.nodehash,
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
"Address": this.address,
let registrar = await this.getEthRegistrar();
await registrar.reclaim(ethers.utils.id(this.label), this.address);
cli.addPlugin("reclaim", ReclaimPlugin);
2020-05-01 16:21:33 -04:00
function zpad(value: number, length: number): string {
let v = String(value);
while (v.length < length) { v = "0" + v; }
return v;
function formatDate(date: Date): string {
const count = Math.round((date.getTime() - (new Date()).getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
return [
zpad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2),
zpad(date.getDate(), 2)
].join("-") + ` (${ count } days from now)`;
class RenewPlugin extends EnsPlugin {
labels: ReadonlyArray<string>;
// Only one of these two will be set
duration: number;
until: string;
static getHelp(): Help {
return {
name: "renew NAME [ NAME ... ]",
help: "Reset the controller by the registrant"
static getOptionHelp(): Array<Help> {
return [
name: "[ --duration DAYS ]",
help: "Register duration (default: 365 days)"
name: "[ --until YYYY-MM-DD ]",
help: "Register until date"
getDuration(startDate: number, until: string): number {
const match = until.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/);
if (!match) {
this.throwError("invalid date format; use YYYY-MM-DD");
const year = parseInt(match[1]);
const month = parseInt(match[2]);
const day = parseInt(match[3]);
// Not perfect; allow February 30 or April 31 @TODO?
if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31) {
this.throwError("date out of range");
const endDate = (new Date(year, month - 1, day)).getTime() / 1000;
return Math.ceil(endDate - startDate);
async prepareOptions(argParser: ArgParser): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareOptions(argParser);
if (this.accounts.length !== 1) {
this.throwError("new requires ONE account");
const timespans = argParser.consumeMultiOptions([ "duration", "until" ]);
if (timespans.length === 1) {
const timespan = timespans.pop();
if (timespan.name === "duration") {
this.duration = parseInt(timespan.value) * 60 * 60 * 24;
} else if (timespan.name === "until") {
this.until = timespan.value;
} else if (timespans.length > 1) {
this.throwError("renew requires at most ONE of --duration or --until");
} else {
this.duration = 365 * 60 * 60 * 24;
async prepareArgs(args: Array<string>): Promise<void> {
await super.prepareArgs(args);
const labels: Array<string> = [ ];
args.forEach((arg) => {
const comps = arg.split(".");
if (comps.length !== 2 || comps[1] !== "eth") {
this.throwError(`name not supported ${ JSON.stringify(arg) }`);
this.labels = Object.freeze(labels);
async run(): Promise<void> {
await super.run();
const ethController = await this.getEthController();
const ethRegistrar = await this.getEthRegistrar();
for (let i = 0; i < this.labels.length; i++) {
const label = this.labels[i];
const expiration = (await ethRegistrar.nameExpires(ethers.utils.id(label))).toNumber();
if (expiration === 0) {
this.throwError(`not registered: ${ label }`);
const duration = this.duration ? this.duration: this.getDuration(expiration, this.until);
if (duration < 0) {
this.throwError(`bad duration: ${ duration }`);
const fee = (await ethController.rentPrice(label, duration)).mul(11).div(10);
this.dump(`Renew: ${ label }.eth`, {
"Current Expiry": formatDate(new Date(expiration * 1000)),
"Duration": `${ (duration / (24 * 60 * 60)) } days`,
"Until": formatDate(new Date((expiration + duration) * 1000)),
"Fee": `${ ethers.utils.formatEther(fee) } (+10% buffer)`,
await ethController.renew(label, duration, {
value: fee
cli.addPlugin("renew", RenewPlugin);
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
* To Do:
* register NAME --registrar
* set-reverse NAME
2019-08-06 02:22:11 -04:00
* renew NAME --duration DAYS
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00
2019-08-04 19:22:04 -04:00
* Done:
* migrate-registrar NAME
* transfer NAME OWNER
* set-subnode LABEL.NAME
* set-owner NAME OWNER
* set-resolver NAME RESOLVER
* set-addr NAME ADDRESS
* set-reverse-name ADDRESS NAME
* set-email NAME EMAIL
* set-webstie NAME WEBSITE
* set-text NAME KEY VALUE
* set-content NAME HASH
2019-08-06 19:11:09 -04:00
* reclaim NAME --address OWNER
2019-07-27 18:53:19 -03:00