2020-09-21 01:14:06 -04:00
import fs from "fs";
import { dirnames, getPackageJsonPath, getPackagePath, resolve } from "./path";
import { run } from "./run";
import { loadJson, saveJson, sha256, sortRecords } from "./utils";
export type Package = {
dependencies: { [ name: string ]: string };
devDependencies: { [ name: string ]: string };
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gitHead: string;
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name: string;
version: string;
tarballHash: string;
location: "remote" | "local";
_ethers_nobuild: boolean;
export function getPackage(name: string): Package {
const value = loadJson(getPackageJsonPath(name));
return {
name: value.name,
version: value.version,
dependencies: (value.dependencies || { }),
devDependencies: (value.dependencies || { }),
location: "local",
tarballHash: (value.tarballHash || null),
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gitHead: (value.gitHead || null),
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_ethers_nobuild: !!value._ethers_nobuild,
export function updateJson(path: string, replace: Record<string, any>, sort?: boolean): void {
const values = loadJson(path);
Object.keys(replace).forEach((key) => {
const value = replace[key];
if (value === undefined) {
delete values[key];
} else {
values[key] = replace[key];
saveJson(path, values, !!sort);
export function getDependencies(name?: string, filter?: (name: string) => boolean): Record<string, string> {
if (name) {
return sortRecords(getPackage(name).dependencies);
// Find all versions for each package dependency
const deps = dirnames.reduce((accum, dirname) => {
const deps = getPackage(dirname).dependencies;
Object.keys(deps).forEach((name) => {
if (filter && !filter(name)) { return; }
if (!accum[name]) { accum[name] = { }; }
accum[name][deps[name]] = true;
return accum;
}, <Record<string, Record<string, boolean>>>{});
// Make sure each package dependency only has 1 version
return sortRecords(Object.keys(deps).reduce((accum, name) => {
const versions = Object.keys(deps[name]);
if (versions.length > 1) {
throw new Error(`cannot depend on multiple versions for ${ JSON.stringify(name) }: ${ versions.map(v => JSON.stringify(v)).join(", ") }`);
accum[name] = versions[0];
return accum;
}, <Record<string, string>>{ }));
export function getPackList(name: string): Array<string> {
const result = run("npm", [ "pack", "--json", getPackagePath(name), "--dry-run" ]);
if (!result.ok) {
const error = new Error(`failed to run npm pack: ${ name }`);
(<any>error).result = result;
throw error;
return JSON.parse(result.stdout)[0].files.map((info: { path: string }) => info.path);
export function getTarball(name: string): Buffer {
const files = getPackList(name).map((name) => `./${ name }`);
files.sort((a, b) => {
const compsA = a.split("/"), compsB = b.split("/");
while (true) {
const a = compsA.shift(), b = compsB.shift();
if (a === b) { continue; }
if (compsA.length === 0 && compsB.length === 0) {
if (a < b) { return -1; }
if (a > b) { return 1; }
if (compsA.length === 0) { return -1; }
if (compsB.length === 0) { return 1; }
if (a < b) { return -1; }
if (a > b) { return 1; }
return 0;
return tar.create({
sync: true,
cwd: getPackagePath(name),
prefix: "package/",
gzip: true,
portable: true,
// Provide a specific date in the 1980s for the benefit of zip,
// which is confounded by files dated at the Unix epoch 0.
mtime: new Date('1985-10-26T08:15:00.000Z'),
}, files).read();
export function computeTarballHash(name: string): string {
// Sort the files to get a consistent hash
const files = getPackList(name);
// Compute the hash for each file
const packageRoot = getPackagePath(name);
const hashes = files.reduce((accum, filename) => {
let content = fs.readFileSync(resolve(packageRoot, filename));
// The package.json includes the hash, so we need to nix it to get a consistent hash
if (filename === "package.json") {
const info = JSON.parse(content.toString());
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delete info.gitHead;
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delete info.tarballHash;
content = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2));
accum[filename] = sha256(content);
return accum;
}, <Record<string, string>>{ });
return sha256(Buffer.from("{" + files.map((filename) => {
return `${ JSON.stringify(filename) }:"${ hashes[filename] }"`
}).join(",") + "}"));