2022-04-11 17:09:17 -04:00
import { Interface } from "@ethersproject/abi";
import { getCreateAddress } from "@ethersproject/address";
import { concat, hexlify } from "@ethersproject/bytes";
import { defineProperties } from "@ethersproject/properties";
import { BaseContract, copyOverrides, resolveArgs } from "./contract.js";
import { logger } from "./logger.js";
import type { InterfaceAbi } from "@ethersproject/abi";
import type { BytesLike } from "@ethersproject/logger";
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import type { ContractRunner } from "@ethersproject/providers";
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import type {
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ContractInterface, ContractMethodArgs, ContractDeployTransaction,
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} from "./types.js";
import type { ContractTransactionResponse } from "./wrappers.js";
// A = Arguments to the constructor
// I = Interface of deployed contracts
export class ContractFactory<A extends Array<any> = Array<any>, I = BaseContract> {
readonly interface!: Interface;
readonly bytecode!: string;
readonly runner!: null | ContractRunner;
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constructor(abi: Interface | InterfaceAbi, bytecode: BytesLike | { object: string }, runner?: null | ContractRunner) {
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const iface = Interface.from(abi);
// Dereference Solidity bytecode objects and allow a missing `0x`-prefix
if (bytecode instanceof Uint8Array) {
bytecode = hexlify(logger.getBytes(bytecode));
} else {
if (typeof(bytecode) === "object") { bytecode = bytecode.object; }
if (bytecode.substring(0, 2) !== "0x") { bytecode = "0x" + bytecode; }
bytecode = hexlify(logger.getBytes(bytecode));
defineProperties<ContractFactory>(this, {
bytecode, interface: iface, runner: (runner || null)
async getDeployTransaction(...args: ContractMethodArgs<A>): Promise<ContractDeployTransaction> {
let overrides: Omit<ContractDeployTransaction, "data"> = { };
const fragment = this.interface.deploy;
if (fragment.inputs.length + 1 === args.length) {
overrides = await copyOverrides(args.pop());
if (fragment.inputs.length !== args.length) {
throw new Error("incorrect number of arguments to constructor");
const resolvedArgs = await resolveArgs(this.runner, fragment.inputs, args);
const data = concat([ this.bytecode, this.interface.encodeDeploy(resolvedArgs) ]);
return Object.assign({ }, overrides, { data });
async deploy(...args: ContractMethodArgs<A>): Promise<BaseContract & { deploymentTransaction(): ContractTransactionResponse } & Omit<I, keyof BaseContract>> {
const tx = await this.getDeployTransaction(...args);
if (!this.runner || typeof(this.runner.sendTransaction) !== "function") {
return logger.throwError("factory runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "sendTransaction"
const sentTx = await this.runner.sendTransaction(tx);
const address = getCreateAddress(sentTx);
return new (<any>BaseContract)(address, this.interface, this.runner, sentTx);
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connect(runner: null | ContractRunner): ContractFactory<A, I> {
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return new ContractFactory(this.interface, this.bytecode, runner);
static fromSolidity<A extends Array<any> = Array<any>, I = ContractInterface>(output: any, runner?: ContractRunner): ContractFactory<A, I> {
if (output == null) {
logger.throwArgumentError("bad compiler output", "output", output);
if (typeof(output) === "string") { output = JSON.parse(output); }
const abi = output.abi;
let bytecode = "";
if (output.bytecode) {
bytecode = output.bytecode;
} else if (output.evm && output.evm.bytecode) {
bytecode = output.evm.bytecode;
return new this(abi, bytecode, runner);