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2022-04-11 17:09:17 -04:00
// @TODO:
// - Add the batching API
import { resolveAddress } from "@ethersproject/address";
import { hexlify, isHexString, quantity } from "@ethersproject/bytes";
import { defineProperties } from "@ethersproject/properties";
import { TypedDataEncoder } from "@ethersproject/hash";
import { toUtf8Bytes } from "@ethersproject/strings";
2022-04-17 04:29:51 -04:00
import { accessListify } from "@ethersproject/transaction";
2022-04-11 17:09:17 -04:00
import { fetchData, FetchRequest } from "@ethersproject/web";
import { AbstractProvider, UnmanagedSubscriber } from "./abstract-provider.js";
import { Network } from "./network.js";
import { FeeData } from "./provider.js";
import { FilterIdEventSubscriber, FilterIdPendingSubscriber } from "./subscriber-filterid.js";
import type { Addressable } from "@ethersproject/address";
import type { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "@ethersproject/hash";
import type { Frozen } from "@ethersproject/properties";
import type { ConnectionInfo } from "@ethersproject/web";
import type { PerformActionRequest, Subscriber, Subscription } from "./abstract-provider.js";
import type { Networkish } from "./network.js";
import type { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from "./provider.js";
import type { Signer } from "./signer.js";
import { logger } from "./logger.js";
function copy<T = any>(value: T): T {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
const Primitive = "bigint,boolean,function,number,string,symbol".split(/,/g);
//const Methods = "getAddress,then".split(/,/g);
function deepCopy<T = any>(value: T): T {
if (value == null || Primitive.indexOf(typeof(value)) >= 0) {
return value;
// Keep any Addressable
if (typeof((<any>value).getAddress) === "function") {
return value;
if (Array.isArray(value)) { return <any>(; }
if (typeof(value) === "object") {
return Object.keys(value).reduce((accum, key) => {
accum[key] = (<any>value)[key];
return accum;
}, <any>{ });
throw new Error(`should not happen: ${ value } (${ typeof(value) })`);
function getLowerCase(value: string): string {
if (value) { return value.toLowerCase(); }
return value;
interface Pollable {
pollingInterval: number;
function isPollable(value: any): value is Pollable {
return (value && typeof(value.pollingInterval) === "number");
export type JsonRpcPayload = {
id: number;
method: string;
params: any;
jsonrpc: "2.0";
export type JsonRpcResult = {
id: number;
result: any;
} | {
id: number;
error: {
code: number;
message?: string;
data?: any;
export type JsonRpcIncomingMessage = JsonRpcResult | {
method: string;
params: any;
export type JsonRpcOptions = {
polling?: boolean;
batchStallTime?: number;
batchMaxSize?: number;
batchMaxCount?: number;
const defaultOptions = {
// Default to use filter ID (the FilterIdSubscriber will
// fallback onto polling if subscription fails)
polling: false,
// Maximum batch size (in bytes)
batchMaxSize: (1 << 20),
// How long to wait before dispatching a new batch
batchStallTime: 250,
export interface JsonRpcTransactionRequest {
from?: string;
to?: string;
data?: string;
chainId?: string;
type?: string;
gas?: string;
gasPrice?: string;
maxFeePerGas?: string;
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string;
nonce?: string;
value?: string;
accessList?: Array<{ address: string, storageKeys: Array<string> }>;
// @TODO: Unchecked Signers
export class JsonRpcSigner implements Signer {
provider!: JsonRpcApiProvider;
address!: string;
constructor(provider: JsonRpcApiProvider, address: string) {
defineProperties<JsonRpcSigner>(this, { provider, address });
connect(provider: null | Provider): Signer {
return logger.throwError("cannot reconnect JsonRpcSigner", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "signer.connect"
async getAddress(): Promise<string> {
return this.address;
async getNetwork(): Promise<Frozen<Network>> {
return await this.provider.getNetwork();
async getFeeData(): Promise<FeeData> {
return await this.provider.getFeeData();
async estimateGas(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<bigint> {
return await this.provider.estimateGas(tx);
async call(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<string> {
return await;
async resolveName(name: string | Addressable): Promise<null | string> {
return await this.provider.resolveName(name);
async getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<bigint> {
return await this.provider.getBalanceOf(this.address);
async getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number> {
return await this.provider.getTransactionCountOf(this.address);
// Returns just the hash of the transaction after sent, which is what
// the bare JSON-RPC API does;
async sendUncheckedTransaction(_tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<string> {
const tx = deepCopy(_tx);
const promises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
// Make sure the from matches the sender
if (tx.from) {
const _from = tx.from;
promises.push((async () => {
const from = await resolveAddress(_from, this.provider);
if (from == null || from.toLowerCase() !== this.address.toLowerCase()) {
logger.throwArgumentError("from address mismatch", "transaction", _tx);
tx.from = from;
} else {
tx.from = this.address;
// The JSON-RPC for eth_sendTransaction uses 90000 gas; if the user
// wishes to use this, it is easy to specify explicitly, otherwise
// we look it up for them.
if (tx.gasLimit == null) {
promises.push((async () => {
tx.gasLimit = await this.provider.estimateGas({ ...tx, from: this.address});
// The address may be an ENS name or Addressable
if ( != null) {
const _to =;
promises.push((async () => { = await resolveAddress(_to, this.provider);
// Wait until all of our properties are filled in
if (promises.length) { await Promise.all(promises); }
const hexTx = this.provider.getRpcTransaction(tx);
return this.provider.send("eth_sendTransaction", [ hexTx ]);
async sendTransaction(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
// This cannot be mined any earlier than any recent block
const blockNumber = await this.provider.getBlockNumber();
// Send the transaction
const hash = await this.sendUncheckedTransaction(tx);
// Unfortunately, JSON-RPC only provides and opaque transaction hash
// for a response, and we need the actual transaction, so we poll
// for it; it should show up very quickly
return await (new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timeouts = [ 1000, 100 ];
const checkTx = async () => {
2022-04-11 17:09:17 -04:00
// Try getting the transaction
const tx = await this.provider.getTransaction(hash);
if (tx != null) {
resolve(this.provider._wrapTransaction(tx, hash, blockNumber));
// Wait another 4 seconds
this.provider._setTimeout(() => { checkTx(); }, timeouts.pop() || 4000);
2022-04-11 17:09:17 -04:00
2022-04-11 17:09:17 -04:00
async signTransaction(_tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<string> {
const tx = deepCopy(_tx);
// Make sure the from matches the sender
if (tx.from) {
const from = await resolveAddress(tx.from, this.provider);
if (from == null || from.toLowerCase() !== this.address.toLowerCase()) {
return logger.throwArgumentError("from address mismatch", "transaction", _tx);
tx.from = from;
} else {
tx.from = this.address;
const hexTx = this.provider.getRpcTransaction(tx);
return await this.provider.send("eth_sign_Transaction", [ hexTx ]);
async signMessage(_message: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string> {
const message = ((typeof(_message) === "string") ? toUtf8Bytes(_message): _message);
return await this.provider.send("personal_sign", [
hexlify(message), this.address.toLowerCase() ]);
async signTypedData(domain: TypedDataDomain, types: Record<string, Array<TypedDataField>>, _value: Record<string, any>): Promise<string> {
const value = deepCopy(_value);
// Populate any ENS names (in-place)
const populated = await TypedDataEncoder.resolveNames(domain, types, value, async (value: string) => {
const address = await resolveAddress(value);
if (address == null) {
return logger.throwArgumentError("TypedData does not support null address", "value", value);
return address;
return await this.provider.send("eth_signTypedData_v4", [
JSON.stringify(TypedDataEncoder.getPayload(populated.domain, types, populated.value))
async unlock(password: string): Promise<boolean> {
return this.provider.send("personal_unlockAccount", [
this.address.toLowerCase(), password, null ]);
async _legacySignMessage(_message: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string> {
const message = ((typeof(_message) === "string") ? toUtf8Bytes(_message): _message);
return await this.provider.send("eth_sign", [
this.address.toLowerCase(), hexlify(message) ]);
export class JsonRpcApiProvider extends AbstractProvider {
#nextId: number;
#options: JsonRpcOptions;
constructor(network?: Networkish) {
this.#nextId = 1;
this.#options = Object.assign({ }, defaultOptions);
_getOptions<K extends keyof JsonRpcOptions>(key: K): JsonRpcOptions[K] {
return this.#options[key];
_setOptions(options: JsonRpcOptions): void {
// Validate all the options
for (const _key in options) {
const key = <keyof JsonRpcOptions>_key;
const value = options[key];
if (typeof(value) !== typeof(this.#options[key])) {
return logger.throwArgumentError("invalid option value", `options.${ key }`, value);
// Update the values
for (const _key in options) {
const key = <keyof JsonRpcOptions>_key;
this.#options[key] = <any>(options[key]);
prepareRequest(method: string, params: Array<any>): JsonRpcPayload {
return {
method, params, id: (this.#nextId++), jsonrpc: "2.0"
// Sends the payload to the backend
//async sendPayload(payload: any): Promise<any> {
// throw new Error("sub-class must implement this");
async send<T = any>(method: string, params: Array<any>): Promise<T> {
// @TODO: This should construct and queue the payload
throw new Error("sub-class must implement this");
async getSigner(address: number | string = 0): Promise<JsonRpcSigner> {
const network = await this.getNetwork();
const accounts = await this.send<Array<string>>("eth_accounts", [ ]);
// Account index
if (typeof(address) === "number") {
if (address > accounts.length) { throw new Error("no such account"); }
return new JsonRpcSigner(this, accounts[address]);
// Account address
address = network.formatter.address(address);
for (const account of accounts) {
if (network.formatter.address(account) === account) {
return new JsonRpcSigner(this, account);
throw new Error("invalid account");
// Sub-classes can override this; it detects the *actual* network we
// are connected to
async _detectNetwork(): Promise<Network> {
return Network.from(logger.getBigInt(await this._perform({ method: "chainId" })));
_getSubscriber(sub: Subscription): Subscriber {
// Pending Filters aren't availble via polling
if (sub.type === "pending") { return new FilterIdPendingSubscriber(this); }
if (sub.type === "event") {
return new FilterIdEventSubscriber(this, sub.filter);
// Orphaned Logs are handled automatically, by the filter, since
// logs with removed are emitted by it
if (sub.type === "orphan" && sub.filter.orphan === "drop-log") {
return new UnmanagedSubscriber("orphan");
return super._getSubscriber(sub);
getRpcTransaction(tx: TransactionRequest): JsonRpcTransactionRequest {
const result: JsonRpcTransactionRequest = {};
// JSON-RPC now requires numeric values to be "quantity" values
["chainId", "gasLimit", "gasPrice", "type", "maxFeePerGas", "maxPriorityFeePerGas", "nonce", "value"].forEach((key) => {
if ((<any>tx)[key] == null) { return; }
let dstKey = key;
if (key === "gasLimit") { dstKey = "gas"; }
(<any>result)[dstKey] = quantity((<any>tx)[key]);
// Make sure addresses and data are lowercase
["from", "to", "data"].forEach((key) => {
if ((<any>tx)[key] == null) { return; }
(<any>result)[key] = hexlify((<any>tx)[key]);
// Normalize the access list object
if (tx.accessList) {
result["accessList"] = accessListify(tx.accessList);
return result;
getRpcRequest(req: PerformActionRequest): null | { method: string, args: Array<any> } {
switch (req.method) {
case "chainId":
return { method: "eth_chainId", args: [ ] };
case "getBlockNumber":
return { method: "eth_blockNumber", args: [ ] };
case "getGasPrice":
return { method: "eth_gasPrice", args: [] };
case "getBalance":
return {
method: "eth_getBalance",
args: [ getLowerCase(req.address), req.blockTag ]
case "getTransactionCount":
return {
method: "eth_getTransactionCount",
args: [ getLowerCase(req.address), req.blockTag ]
case "getCode":
return {
method: "eth_getCode",
args: [ getLowerCase(req.address), req.blockTag ]
case "getStorageAt":
return {
method: "eth_getStorageAt",
args: [
("0x" + req.position.toString(16)),
case "sendTransaction":
return {
method: "eth_sendRawTransaction",
args: [ req.signedTransaction ]
case "getBlock":
if ("blockTag" in req) {
return {
method: "eth_getBlockByNumber",
args: [ req.blockTag, !!req.includeTransactions ]
} else if ("blockHash" in req) {
return {
method: "eth_getBlockByHash",
args: [ req.blockHash, !!req.includeTransactions ]
case "getTransaction":
return {
method: "eth_getTransactionByHash",
args: [ req.hash ]
case "getTransactionReceipt":
return {
method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt",
args: [ req.hash ]
case "call":
return {
method: "eth_call",
args: [ this.getRpcTransaction(req.transaction), req.blockTag ]
case "estimateGas": {
return {
method: "eth_estimateGas",
args: [ this.getRpcTransaction(req.transaction) ]
case "getLogs":
if (req.filter && req.filter.address != null) {
if (Array.isArray(req.filter.address)) {
req.filter.address =;
} else {
req.filter.address = getLowerCase(req.filter.address);
return { method: "eth_getLogs", args: [ req.filter ] };
return null;
getRpcError(method: string, args: Array<any>, error: Error): Error {
if (method === "eth_call") {
const result = spelunkData(error);
if (result) {
// @TODO: Extract errorSignature, errorName, errorArgs, reason if
// it is Error(string) or Panic(uint25)
return logger.makeError("execution reverted during JSON-RPC call", "CALL_EXCEPTION", {
transaction: args[0]
return logger.makeError("missing revert data during JSON-RPC call", "CALL_EXCEPTION", {
data: "0x", transaction: args[0], info: { error }
if (method === "eth_estimateGas") {
const message = JSON.stringify(spelunkMessage(error));
if (message.match(/insufficient funds|base fee exceeds gas limit/)) {
return logger.makeError("insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost", "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", {
transaction: args[0]
if (message.match(/nonce/) && message.match(/too low/)) {
return logger.makeError("nonce has already been used", "NONCE_EXPIRED", {
transaction: args[0]
// "replacement transaction underpriced"
if (message.match(/replacement transaction/) && message.match(/underpriced/)) {
return logger.makeError("replacement fee too low", "REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED", {
transaction: args[0]
if (message.match(/only replay-protected/)) {
return logger.makeError("legacy pre-eip-155 transactions not supported", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: method, info: { transaction: args[0] }
if (method === "estimateGas" && message.match(/gas required exceeds allowance|always failing transaction|execution reverted/)) {
return logger.makeError("cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit", "UNPREDICTABLE_GAS_LIMIT", {
transaction: args[0]
return error;
async _perform(req: PerformActionRequest): Promise<any> {
// Legacy networks do not like the type field being passed along (which
// is fair), so we delete type if it is 0 and a non-EIP-1559 network
if (req.method === "call" || req.method === "estimateGas") {
let tx = req.transaction;
if (tx && tx.type != null && logger.getBigInt(tx.type)) {
// If there are no EIP-1559 properties, it might be non-EIP-a559
if (tx.maxFeePerGas == null && tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas == null) {
const feeData = await this.getFeeData();
if (feeData.maxFeePerGas == null && feeData.maxPriorityFeePerGas == null) {
// Network doesn't know about EIP-1559 (and hence type)
req = Object.assign({ }, req, {
transaction: Object.assign({ }, tx, { type: undefined })
const request = this.getRpcRequest(req);
if (request != null) {
this.emit("debug", { type: "sendRequest", request });
try {
const result = await this.send(request.method, request.args);
//console.log("RR", result);
this.emit("debug", { type: "getResponse", result });
return result;
} catch (error) {
this.emit("debug", { type: "getError", error });
throw this.getRpcError(request.method, request.args, <Error>error);
return super._perform(req);
export class JsonRpcProvider extends JsonRpcApiProvider {
#connect: ConnectionInfo;
#pollingInterval: number;
constructor(url?: string | ConnectionInfo, network?: Networkish) {
if (url == null) { url = "http:/\/localhost:8545"; }
if (typeof(url) === "string") {
this.#connect = { request: new FetchRequest(url) };
} else {
this.#connect = Object.assign({ }, url);
this.#connect.request = this.#connect.request.clone();
this.#pollingInterval = 4000;
async send<T = any>(method: string, params: Array<any>): Promise<T> {
params = copy<Array<any>>(params);
// Configure a POST connection for the requested method
const connection = Object.assign({ }, this.#connect);
connection.request = connection.request.clone();
connection.request.body = this.prepareRequest(method, params);
const response = await fetchData(connection);
const result: JsonRpcResult = response.bodyJson;
if ("error" in result) {
return logger.throwError("error from JSON-RPC", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", {
return result.result;
get pollingInterval(): number { return this.#pollingInterval; }
set pollingInterval(value: number) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value) || value < 0) { throw new Error("invalid interval"); }
this.#pollingInterval = value;
this._forEachSubscriber((sub) => {
if (isPollable(sub)) {
sub.pollingInterval = this.#pollingInterval;
// This class should only be used when it is not possible for the
// underlying network to change, such as with INFURA. If you are
// using MetaMask or some other client which allows users to change
// their network DO NOT USE THIS. Bad things will happen.
export class StaticJsonRpcProvider extends JsonRpcProvider {
readonly network!: Network;
constructor(url: string | ConnectionInfo, network?: Network) {
super(url, network);
defineProperties<StaticJsonRpcProvider>(this, { network });
async _detectNetwork(): Promise<Network> {
function spelunkData(value: any): null | { message: string, data: string } {
if (value == null) { return null; }
// These *are* the droids we're looking for.
if (typeof(value.message) === "string" && value.message.match("reverted") && isHexString( {
return { message: value.message, data: };
// Spelunk further...
if (typeof(value) === "object") {
for (const key in value) {
const result = spelunkData(value[key]);
if (result) { return result; }
return null;
// Might be a JSON string we can further descend...
if (typeof(value) === "string") {
try {
return spelunkData(JSON.parse(value));
} catch (error) { }
return null;
function _spelunkMessage(value: any, result: Array<string>): void {
if (value == null) { return; }
// These *are* the droids we're looking for.
if (typeof(value.message) === "string") {
// Spelunk further...
if (typeof(value) === "object") {
for (const key in value) {
_spelunkMessage(value[key], result);
// Might be a JSON string we can further descend...
if (typeof(value) === "string") {
try {
return _spelunkMessage(JSON.parse(value), result);
} catch (error) { }
function spelunkMessage(value: any): Array<string> {
const result: Array<string> = [ ];
_spelunkMessage(value, result);
return result;