2022-12-10 01:31:18 -05:00
* Explain all the nitty-gritty about the **FallbackProvider**.
* @_section: api/providers/fallback-provider:Fallback Provider [about-fallback-provider]
2022-09-08 23:21:08 -04:00
import {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
getBigInt, getNumber, assert, assertArgument
2022-09-08 23:21:08 -04:00
} from "../utils/index.js";
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
import { AbstractProvider } from "./abstract-provider.js";
import { Network } from "./network.js"
import type { PerformActionRequest } from "./abstract-provider.js";
import type { Networkish } from "./network.js"
const BN_1 = BigInt("1");
const BN_2 = BigInt("2");
function shuffle<T = any>(array: Array<T>): void {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
const tmp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = tmp;
2022-09-08 23:21:08 -04:00
function stall(duration: number): Promise<void> {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, duration); });
function getTime(): number { return (new Date()).getTime(); }
2022-11-04 18:08:37 -04:00
function stringify(value: any): string {
return JSON.stringify(value, (key, value) => {
if (typeof(value) === "bigint") {
return { type: "bigint", value: value.toString() };
return value;
2022-12-10 01:31:18 -05:00
* A configuration entry for how to use a [[Provider]].
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
export interface FallbackProviderConfig {
// The provider
provider: AbstractProvider;
// How long to wait for a response before getting impatient
// and ispatching the next provider
stallTimeout?: number;
// Lower values are dispatched first
priority?: number;
// How much this provider contributes to the quorum
weight?: number;
const defaultConfig = { stallTimeout: 400, priority: 1, weight: 1 };
// We track a bunch of extra stuff that might help debug problems or
// optimize infrastructure later on.
2022-12-10 01:31:18 -05:00
* The statistics and state maintained for a [[Provider]].
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
export interface FallbackProviderState extends Required<FallbackProviderConfig> {
// The most recent blockNumber this provider has reported (-2 if none)
blockNumber: number;
// The number of total requests ever sent to this provider
requests: number;
// The number of responses that errored
errorResponses: number;
// The number of responses that occured after the result resolved
lateResponses: number;
// How many times syncing was required to catch up the expected block
outOfSync: number;
// The number of requests which reported unsupported operation
unsupportedEvents: number;
// A rolling average (5% current duration) for response time
rollingDuration: number;
// The ratio of quorum-agreed results to total
score: number;
interface Config extends FallbackProviderState {
_updateNumber: null | Promise<any>;
2022-09-17 23:17:52 -04:00
_network: null | Network;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
_totalTime: number;
const defaultState = {
blockNumber: -2, requests: 0, lateResponses: 0, errorResponses: 0,
outOfSync: -1, unsupportedEvents: 0, rollingDuration: 0, score: 0,
_network: null, _updateNumber: null, _totalTime: 0
async function waitForSync(config: Config, blockNumber: number): Promise<void> {
while (config.blockNumber < 0 || config.blockNumber < blockNumber) {
if (!config._updateNumber) {
config._updateNumber = (async () => {
const blockNumber = await config.provider.getBlockNumber();
if (blockNumber > config.blockNumber) {
config.blockNumber = blockNumber;
config._updateNumber = null;
await config._updateNumber;
2022-12-10 01:31:18 -05:00
* Additional options to configure a [[FallbackProvider]].
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
export type FallbackProviderOptions = {
// How many providers must agree on a value before reporting
// back the response
quorum: number;
// How many providers must have reported the same event
// for it to be emitted
eventQuorum: number;
// How many providers to dispatch each event to simultaneously.
// Set this to 0 to use getLog polling, which implies eventQuorum
// is equal to quorum.
eventWorkers: number;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
type RunnerResult = { result: any } | { error: Error };
type RunnerState = {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
config: Config;
staller: null | Promise<void>;
didBump: boolean;
perform: null | Promise<any>;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
result: null | RunnerResult;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
function _normalize(value: any): string {
if (value == null) { return "null"; }
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return "[" + (value.map(_normalize)).join(",") + "]";
if (typeof(value) === "object" && typeof(value.toJSON) === "function") {
return _normalize(value.toJSON());
switch (typeof(value)) {
case "boolean": case "symbol":
return value.toString();
case "bigint": case "number":
return BigInt(value).toString();
case "string":
return JSON.stringify(value);
case "object": {
const keys = Object.keys(value);
return "{" + keys.map((k) => `${ JSON.stringify(k) }:${ _normalize(value[k]) }`).join(",") + "}";
console.log("Could not serialize", value);
throw new Error("Hmm...");
function normalizeResult(value: RunnerResult): { tag: string, value: any } {
if ("error" in value) {
const error = value.error;
return { tag: _normalize(error), value: error };
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
const result = value.result;
return { tag: _normalize(result), value: result };
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
type TallyResult = {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
tag: string;
value: any;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
weight: number;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// This strategy picks the highest weight result, as long as the weight is
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// equal to or greater than quorum
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
function checkQuorum(quorum: number, results: Array<TallyResult>): any | Error {
const tally: Map<string, { value: any, weight: number }> = new Map();
for (const { value, tag, weight } of results) {
const t = tally.get(tag) || { value, weight: 0 };
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
t.weight += weight;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
tally.set(tag, t);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
let best: null | { value: any, weight: number } = null;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
for (const r of tally.values()) {
if (r.weight >= quorum && (!best || r.weight > best.weight)) {
best = r;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
if (best) { return best.value; }
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
return undefined;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
function getMedian(quorum: number, results: Array<TallyResult>): undefined | bigint | Error {
let resultWeight = 0;
const errorMap: Map<string, { weight: number, value: Error }> = new Map();
let bestError: null | { weight: number, value: Error } = null;
const values: Array<bigint> = [ ];
for (const { value, tag, weight } of results) {
if (value instanceof Error) {
const e = errorMap.get(tag) || { value, weight: 0 };
e.weight += weight;
errorMap.set(tag, e);
if (bestError == null || e.weight > bestError.weight) { bestError = e; }
} else {
resultWeight += weight;
if (resultWeight < quorum) {
// We have quorum for an error
if (bestError && bestError.weight >= quorum) { return bestError.value; }
// We do not have quorum for a result
return undefined;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// Get the sorted values
values.sort((a, b) => ((a < b) ? -1: (b > a) ? 1: 0));
2023-02-14 11:54:08 -05:00
const mid = Math.floor(values.length / 2);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// Odd-length; take the middle value
if (values.length % 2) { return values[mid]; }
// Even length; take the ceiling of the mean of the center two values
return (values[mid - 1] + values[mid] + BN_1) / BN_2;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
function getAnyResult(quorum: number, results: Array<TallyResult>): undefined | any | Error {
// If any value or error meets quorum, that is our preferred result
const result = checkQuorum(quorum, results);
if (result !== undefined) { return result; }
// Otherwise, do we have any result?
for (const r of results) {
if (r.value) { return r.value; }
// Nope!
return undefined;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
function getFuzzyMode(quorum: number, results: Array<TallyResult>): undefined | number {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
if (quorum === 1) { return getNumber(<bigint>getMedian(quorum, results), "%internal"); }
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
const tally: Map<number, { result: number, weight: number }> = new Map();
const add = (result: number, weight: number) => {
const t = tally.get(result) || { result, weight: 0 };
t.weight += weight;
tally.set(result, t);
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
for (const { weight, value } of results) {
const r = getNumber(value);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
add(r - 1, weight);
add(r, weight);
add(r + 1, weight);
let bestWeight = 0;
let bestResult = undefined;
for (const { weight, result } of tally.values()) {
// Use this result, if this result meets quorum and has either:
// - a better weight
// - or equal weight, but the result is larger
if (weight >= quorum && (weight > bestWeight || (bestResult != null && weight === bestWeight && result > bestResult))) {
bestWeight = weight;
bestResult = result;
return bestResult;
2022-12-10 01:31:18 -05:00
* A Fallback Provider.
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
export class FallbackProvider extends AbstractProvider {
readonly quorum: number;
readonly eventQuorum: number;
readonly eventWorkers: number;
readonly #configs: Array<Config>;
#height: number;
#initialSyncPromise: null | Promise<void>;
constructor(providers: Array<AbstractProvider | FallbackProviderConfig>, network?: Networkish) {
this.#configs = providers.map((p) => {
if (p instanceof AbstractProvider) {
return Object.assign({ provider: p }, defaultConfig, defaultState );
} else {
return Object.assign({ }, defaultConfig, p, defaultState );
this.#height = -2;
this.#initialSyncPromise = null;
this.quorum = 2; //Math.ceil(providers.length / 2);
this.eventQuorum = 1;
this.eventWorkers = 1;
2022-10-25 04:06:00 -04:00
assertArgument(this.quorum <= this.#configs.reduce((a, c) => (a + c.weight), 0),
"quorum exceed provider wieght", "quorum", this.quorum);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
get providerConfigs(): Array<FallbackProviderState> {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
return this.#configs.map((c) => {
const result: any = Object.assign({ }, c);
for (const key in result) {
if (key[0] === "_") { delete result[key]; }
return result;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-09-17 23:17:52 -04:00
async _detectNetwork(): Promise<Network> {
return Network.from(getBigInt(await this._perform({ method: "chainId" })));
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// @TODO: Add support to select providers to be the event subscriber
//_getSubscriber(sub: Subscription): Subscriber {
// throw new Error("@TODO");
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
async _translatePerform(provider: AbstractProvider, req: PerformActionRequest): Promise<any> {
switch (req.method) {
case "broadcastTransaction":
return await provider.broadcastTransaction(req.signedTransaction);
case "call":
return await provider.call(Object.assign({ }, req.transaction, { blockTag: req.blockTag }));
case "chainId":
return (await provider.getNetwork()).chainId;
case "estimateGas":
return await provider.estimateGas(req.transaction);
case "getBalance":
return await provider.getBalance(req.address, req.blockTag);
case "getBlock": {
const block = ("blockHash" in req) ? req.blockHash: req.blockTag;
2022-11-30 15:41:17 -05:00
return await provider.getBlock(block, req.includeTransactions);
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
case "getBlockNumber":
return await provider.getBlockNumber();
case "getCode":
return await provider.getCode(req.address, req.blockTag);
case "getGasPrice":
return (await provider.getFeeData()).gasPrice;
case "getLogs":
return await provider.getLogs(req.filter);
case "getStorage":
return await provider.getStorage(req.address, req.position, req.blockTag);
case "getTransaction":
return await provider.getTransaction(req.hash);
case "getTransactionCount":
return await provider.getTransactionCount(req.address, req.blockTag);
case "getTransactionReceipt":
return await provider.getTransactionReceipt(req.hash);
case "getTransactionResult":
return await provider.getTransactionResult(req.hash);
// Grab the next (random) config that is not already part of
// the running set
#getNextConfig(running: Set<RunnerState>): null | Config {
// @TODO: Maybe do a check here to favour (heavily) providers that
// do not require waitForSync and disfavour providers that
// seem down-ish or are behaving slowly
const configs = Array.from(running).map((r) => r.config)
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// Shuffle the states, sorted by priority
const allConfigs = this.#configs.slice();
allConfigs.sort((a, b) => (b.priority - a.priority));
for (const config of allConfigs) {
if (configs.indexOf(config) === -1) { return config; }
return null;
// Adds a new runner (if available) to running.
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
#addRunner(running: Set<RunnerState>, req: PerformActionRequest): null | RunnerState {
const config = this.#getNextConfig(running);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// No runners available
if (config == null) { return null; }
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Create a new runner
const runner: RunnerState = {
config, result: null, didBump: false,
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
perform: null, staller: null
const now = getTime();
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Start performing this operation
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
runner.perform = (async () => {
try {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
const result = await this._translatePerform(config.provider, req);
runner.result = { result };
} catch (error: any) {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
runner.result = { error };
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
const dt = (getTime() - now);
config._totalTime += dt;
config.rollingDuration = 0.95 * config.rollingDuration + 0.05 * dt;
runner.perform = null;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Start a staller; when this times out, it's time to force
// kicking off another runner because we are taking too long
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
runner.staller = (async () => {
await stall(config.stallTimeout);
runner.staller = null;
return runner;
// Initializes the blockNumber and network for each runner and
// blocks until initialized
async #initialSync(): Promise<void> {
let initialSync = this.#initialSyncPromise;
if (!initialSync) {
const promises: Array<Promise<any>> = [ ];
this.#configs.forEach((config) => {
promises.push(waitForSync(config, 0));
promises.push((async () => {
config._network = await config.provider.getNetwork();
this.#initialSyncPromise = initialSync = (async () => {
// Wait for all providers to have a block number and network
await Promise.all(promises);
// Check all the networks match
let chainId: null | bigint = null;
for (const config of this.#configs) {
2022-09-17 23:17:52 -04:00
const network = <Network>(config._network);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
if (chainId == null) {
chainId = network.chainId;
} else if (network.chainId !== chainId) {
2022-11-04 18:08:37 -04:00
assert(false, "cannot mix providers on different networks", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
operation: "new FallbackProvider"
await initialSync
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
async #checkQuorum(running: Set<RunnerState>, req: PerformActionRequest): Promise<any> {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// Get all the result objects
const results: Array<TallyResult> = [ ];
for (const runner of running) {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
if (runner.result != null) {
const { tag, value } = normalizeResult(runner.result);
results.push({ tag, value, weight: runner.config.weight });
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// Are there enough results to event meet quorum?
if (results.reduce((a, r) => (a + r.weight), 0) < this.quorum) {
return undefined;
switch (req.method) {
case "getBlockNumber": {
// We need to get the bootstrap block height
if (this.#height === -2) {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
this.#height = Math.ceil(getNumber(<bigint>getMedian(this.quorum, this.#configs.map((c) => ({
value: c.blockNumber,
tag: getNumber(c.blockNumber).toString(),
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
weight: c.weight
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Find the mode across all the providers, allowing for
// a little drift between block heights
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
const mode = getFuzzyMode(this.quorum, results);
if (mode === undefined) { return undefined; }
if (mode > this.#height) { this.#height = mode; }
return this.#height;
case "getGasPrice":
case "estimateGas":
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
return getMedian(this.quorum, results);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
case "getBlock":
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Pending blocks are in the mempool and already
// quite untrustworthy; just grab anything
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
if ("blockTag" in req && req.blockTag === "pending") {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
return getAnyResult(this.quorum, results);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
return checkQuorum(this.quorum, results);
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
case "call":
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
case "chainId":
case "getBalance":
case "getTransactionCount":
case "getCode":
2022-09-29 21:55:13 -04:00
case "getStorage":
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
case "getTransaction":
case "getTransactionReceipt":
case "getLogs":
return checkQuorum(this.quorum, results);
case "broadcastTransaction":
2022-12-30 16:26:20 -05:00
return getAnyResult(this.quorum, results);
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-04 18:08:37 -04:00
assert(false, "unsupported method", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: `_perform(${ stringify((<any>req).method) })`
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
async #waitForQuorum(running: Set<RunnerState>, req: PerformActionRequest): Promise<any> {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
if (running.size === 0) { throw new Error("no runners?!"); }
// Any promises that are interesting to watch for; an expired stall
// or a successful perform
const interesting: Array<Promise<void>> = [ ];
let newRunners = 0;
for (const runner of running) {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
// No responses, yet; keep an eye on it
if (runner.perform) {
// Still stalling...
if (runner.staller) {
// This runner has already triggered another runner
if (runner.didBump) { continue; }
// Got a response (result or error) or stalled; kick off another runner
runner.didBump = true;
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Check if we have reached quorum on a result (or error)
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
const value = await this.#checkQuorum(running, req);
if (value !== undefined) {
if (value instanceof Error) { throw value; }
return value;
// Add any new runners, because a staller timed out or a result
// or error response came in.
for (let i = 0; i < newRunners; i++) {
this.#addRunner(running, req)
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// All providers have returned, and we have no result
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
assert(interesting.length > 0, "quorum not met", "SERVER_ERROR", {
request: "%sub-requests",
info: { request: req, results: Array.from(running).map((r) => stringify(r.result)) }
// Wait for someone to either complete its perform or stall out
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
await Promise.race(interesting);
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// This is recursive, but at worst case the depth is 2x the
// number of providers (each has a perform and a staller)
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
return await this.#waitForQuorum(running, req);
async _perform<T = any>(req: PerformActionRequest): Promise<T> {
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Broadcasting a transaction is rare (ish) and already incurs
// a cost on the user, so spamming is safe-ish. Just send it to
// every backend.
if (req.method === "broadcastTransaction") {
const results = await Promise.all(this.#configs.map(async ({ provider, weight }) => {
try {
const result = await provider._perform(req);
return Object.assign(normalizeResult({ result }), { weight });
} catch (error: any) {
return Object.assign(normalizeResult({ error }), { weight });
const result = getAnyResult(this.quorum, results);
assert(result !== undefined, "problem multi-broadcasting", "SERVER_ERROR", {
request: "%sub-requests",
info: { request: req, results: results.map(stringify) }
2022-12-30 16:26:20 -05:00
if (result instanceof Error) { throw result; }
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
return result;
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
await this.#initialSync();
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
// Bootstrap enough runners to meet quorum
const running: Set<RunnerState> = new Set();
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
for (let i = 0; i < this.quorum; i++) {
this.#addRunner(running, req);
2022-11-09 02:52:25 -05:00
const result = await this.#waitForQuorum(running, req);
// Track requests sent to a provider that are still
// outstanding after quorum has been otherwise found
for (const runner of running) {
if (runner.perform && runner.result == null) {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
return result;
2022-12-30 14:31:22 -05:00
async destroy(): Promise<void> {
for (const { provider } of this.#configs) {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00