2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
* Generic long-lived socket provider.
* Sub-classing notes
* - a sub-class MUST call the `_start()` method once connected
* - a sub-class MUST override the `_write(string)` method
* - a sub-class MUST call `_processMessage(string)` for each message
2022-11-30 13:44:47 -05:00
* @_subsection: api/providers/abstract-provider
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
import { UnmanagedSubscriber } from "./abstract-provider.js";
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import { assert, assertArgument } from "../utils/index.js";
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import { JsonRpcApiProvider } from "./provider-jsonrpc.js";
import type { Subscriber, Subscription } from "./abstract-provider.js";
import type { EventFilter } from "./provider.js";
import type { JsonRpcError, JsonRpcPayload, JsonRpcResult } from "./provider-jsonrpc.js";
import type { Networkish } from "./network.js";
type JsonRpcSubscription = {
method: string,
params: {
result: any,
subscription: string
export class SocketSubscriber implements Subscriber {
#provider: SocketProvider;
#filter: string;
get filter(): Array<any> { return JSON.parse(this.#filter); }
#filterId: null | Promise<string |number>;
#paused: null | boolean;
#emitPromise: null | Promise<void>;
constructor(provider: SocketProvider, filter: Array<any>) {
this.#provider = provider;
this.#filter = JSON.stringify(filter);
this.#filterId = null;
this.#paused = null;
this.#emitPromise = null;
start(): void {
this.#filterId = this.#provider.send("eth_subscribe", this.filter).then((filterId) => {;
this.#provider._register(filterId, this);
return filterId;
stop(): void {
(<Promise<number>>(this.#filterId)).then((filterId) => {
this.#provider.send("eth_unsubscribe", [ filterId ]);
this.#filterId = null;
// @TODO: pause should trap the current blockNumber, unsub, and on resume use getLogs
// and resume
pause(dropWhilePaused?: boolean): void {
2022-11-04 18:08:37 -04:00
assert(dropWhilePaused, "preserve logs while paused not supported by SocketSubscriber yet",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "pause(false)" });
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
this.#paused = !!dropWhilePaused;
resume(): void {
this.#paused = null;
_handleMessage(message: any): void {
if (this.#filterId == null) { return; }
if (this.#paused === null) {
let emitPromise: null | Promise<void> = this.#emitPromise;
if (emitPromise == null) {
emitPromise = this._emit(this.#provider, message);
} else {
emitPromise = emitPromise.then(async () => {
await this._emit(this.#provider, message);
this.#emitPromise = emitPromise.then(() => {
if (this.#emitPromise === emitPromise) {
this.#emitPromise = null;
async _emit(provider: SocketProvider, message: any): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("sub-classes must implemente this; _emit");
export class SocketBlockSubscriber extends SocketSubscriber {
constructor(provider: SocketProvider) {
super(provider, [ "newHeads" ]);
async _emit(provider: SocketProvider, message: any): Promise<void> {
provider.emit("block", parseInt(message.number));
export class SocketPendingSubscriber extends SocketSubscriber {
constructor(provider: SocketProvider) {
super(provider, [ "newPendingTransactions" ]);
async _emit(provider: SocketProvider, message: any): Promise<void> {
provider.emit("pending", message);
export class SocketEventSubscriber extends SocketSubscriber {
#logFilter: string;
get logFilter(): EventFilter { return JSON.parse(this.#logFilter); }
constructor(provider: SocketProvider, filter: EventFilter) {
super(provider, [ "logs", filter ]);
this.#logFilter = JSON.stringify(filter);
async _emit(provider: SocketProvider, message: any): Promise<void> {
2022-09-17 23:17:52 -04:00
provider.emit(this.#logFilter, provider._wrapLog(message, provider._network));
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2022-11-30 13:44:47 -05:00
* SocketProvider...
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
export class SocketProvider extends JsonRpcApiProvider {
#callbacks: Map<number, { payload: JsonRpcPayload, resolve: (r: any) => void, reject: (e: Error) => void }>;
// Maps each filterId to its subscriber
#subs: Map<number | string, SocketSubscriber>;
// If any events come in before a subscriber has finished
// registering, queue them
#pending: Map<number | string, Array<any>>;
constructor(network?: Networkish) {
super(network, { batchMaxCount: 1 });
this.#callbacks = new Map();
this.#subs = new Map();
this.#pending = new Map();
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// This value is only valid after _start has been called
get _network(): Network {
if (this.#network == null) {
throw new Error("this shouldn't happen");
return this.#network.clone();
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_getSubscriber(sub: Subscription): Subscriber {
switch (sub.type) {
case "close":
return new UnmanagedSubscriber("close");
case "block":
return new SocketBlockSubscriber(this);
case "pending":
return new SocketPendingSubscriber(this);
case "event":
return new SocketEventSubscriber(this, sub.filter);
case "orphan":
// Handled auto-matically within AbstractProvider
// when the log.removed = true
if (sub.filter.orphan === "drop-log") {
return new UnmanagedSubscriber("drop-log");
return super._getSubscriber(sub);
_register(filterId: number | string, subscriber: SocketSubscriber): void {
this.#subs.set(filterId, subscriber);
const pending = this.#pending.get(filterId);
if (pending) {
for (const message of pending) {
async _send(payload: JsonRpcPayload | Array<JsonRpcPayload>): Promise<Array<JsonRpcResult | JsonRpcError>> {
// WebSocket provider doesn't accept batches
assertArgument(!Array.isArray(payload), "WebSocket does not support batch send", "payload", payload);
// @TODO: stringify payloads here and store to prevent mutations
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// Prepare a promise to respond to
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const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.#callbacks.set(payload.id, { payload, resolve, reject });
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// Wait until the socket is connected before writing to it
await this._waitUntilReady();
// Write the request to the socket
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await this._write(JSON.stringify(payload));
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return <Array<JsonRpcResult | JsonRpcError>>[ await promise ];
// Sub-classes must call this once they are connected
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2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
async _start(): Promise<void> {
if (this.#ready) { return; }
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2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
for (const { payload } of this.#callbacks.values()) {
await this._write(JSON.stringify(payload));
2022-09-17 23:17:52 -04:00
this.#ready = (async function() {
await super._start();
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2022-09-17 23:17:52 -04:00
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// Sub-classes must call this for each message
async _processMessage(message: string): Promise<void> {
const result = <JsonRpcResult | JsonRpcError | JsonRpcSubscription>(JSON.parse(message));
if ("id" in result) {
const callback = this.#callbacks.get(result.id);
if (callback == null) {
console.log("Weird... Response for not a thing we sent");
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2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
if ("error" in result) {
const { message, code, data } = result.error;
2022-09-08 23:21:08 -04:00
const error = makeError(message || "unkonwn error", "SERVER_ERROR", {
2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
request: `ws:${ JSON.stringify(callback.payload) }`,
info: { code, data }
} else {
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2022-09-05 16:14:43 -04:00
} else if (result.method === "eth_subscription") {
const filterId = result.params.subscription;
const subscriber = this.#subs.get(filterId);
if (subscriber) {
} else {
let pending = this.#pending.get(filterId);
if (pending == null) {
pending = [ ];
this.#pending.set(filterId, pending);
async _write(message: string): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("sub-classes must override this");