Returns a floating-point JavaScript number value of *fixednumber*. Due to rounding in JavaScript numbers, the value is only approximate.
### Inspection
#### *FixedNumber* . **isFixedNumber**( value ) => *boolean*
Returns true if and only if *value* is a **FixedNumber**.
### Format Strings
### Creating Instances
#### *FixedFormat* . **from**( value = "fixed128x18" ) => *[FixedFormat](/v5/api/utils/fixednumber/#FixedFormat)*
Returns a new instance of a **FixedFormat** defined by *value*. Any valid [Format Strings](/v5/api/utils/fixednumber/#FixedFormat--strings) may be passed in as well as any object which has any of `signed`, `width` and `decimals` defined, including a [FixedFormat](/v5/api/utils/fixednumber/#FixedFormat) object.
### Properties
#### *fixedFormat* . **signed** => *boolean*
The signed-ness of *fixedFormat*, true if negative values are supported.
#### *fixedFormat* . **width** => *number*
The width (in bits) of *fixedFormat*.
#### *fixedFormat* . **decimals** => *number*
The number of decimal points of *fixedFormat*.
#### *fixedFormat* . **name** => *string*
The name of the *fixedFormat*, which can be used to recreate the format and is the string that the Solidity language uses to represent this format.