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2019-09-20 02:21:11 -04:00
2020-04-21 23:17:53 -04:00
ethers/v4.0.47 (2020-04-21 23:15)
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#778](; [fab14f8](
- Allow receive type in ABI without warning. ([#746](; [e8c89d7](
2020-03-14 16:59:58 +01:00
ethers/v4.0.46 (2020-03-14 16:56)
- Fixed typo in error. ([#722](; [3b7176f](
- Fix EtherscanProvider from throwing outside async context. ([#729](; [5f7ddcd](
2020-02-16 16:34:49 -05:00
ethers/v4.0.45 (2020-02-16 16:16)
- Added default API key for EtherscanProvider. ([a930047](
- Fixed typo in arguments name for waitForTransaction. ([#477](; [4e41871](
- Partial support for non-English mnemonics for encrypted JSON wallets. ([#685](; [9947acc](
- Updated expected balance in test cases. ([748f896](
2020-01-29 22:14:34 -05:00
ethers/v4.0.44 (2020-01-29 22:01)
- Fix backwards compatibility with certain parsed JSON objects passed into Interface and Contracts ([#721](; [0589b31](
- Updated ENS registry address for all networks ([df51b26](
ethers/v4.0.43 (2020-01-10 21:14)
- Fixed Contract and Interface constructor abi paramter type; should be a Fragment not a ParamType ([#602](; [6da5c53](
- Add missing chainId to transaction responses ([#700](; [26d3271](
- Fix resolveName when name is an address with an invalid checksum ([#694](; [bd066b8](
- Fixed testcases for PhantomJS syntax. ([447889](
2020-01-03 19:01:29 -05:00
ethers/v4.0.42 (2020-01-03 18:35)
- Properly handle errors in the IpcProvider ([#695](; [c76e01e](
- Added utility function to compute CREATE2 addresses ([#697](; [f8087ae](
2019-12-21 01:09:18 -05:00
ethers/v4.0.41 (2019-12-21 01:05)
- Added proper support for v0.6 Solidity JSON type ([#688](; [20f34f1](
2019-11-24 20:06:10 +09:00
ethers/v4.0.40 (2019-11-24 19:58)
- Update elliptic package to protect from Minerva timing attack ([#666](; [20409c0](
- Do not poll if disabled during the previous event loop. ([7a90f18](
- Moved node types to devDependencies ([#663](; [df1ae61](
- Added provider property to Web3Provider ([#641](; [6009a26](
2019-10-30 19:17:31 +09:00
ethers/v4.0.39 (2019-10-30 19:15)
- Fix filters by forcing a poll instantly when polling starts to capture the current block. ([#613](; [d0e0e30](
2019-10-17 01:32:36 +09:00
ethers/v4.0.38 (2019-10-17 01:28)
- Fixed TypeScript 3.7-beta import issue. ([#622](; [0609ea9](
2019-09-20 02:21:11 -04:00
ethers/v4.0.37 (2019-09-06 19:10)
- Added pkg.ethereum key for donations. ([#593](; [004cb82](
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#592](; [bfcf224](
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#580](; [c969fe5](
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#574](; [8737f12](
ethers/v4.0.36 (2019-08-26 16:09)
- Updated package-lock for security reasons; dev dependency only. ([11c250f](
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#592](; [c303199](
- Fixed ENS lookupAddress when the resolver isn't configured. ([#581](; [760a5ae](
- Allow Secret Storage wallet address to be optional. ([#582](; [24f243e](
- Updated package-lock for lodash security advisory; the package is only a development dependency, so no urgent need to publish, just for developers. ([lodash/lodash#4336](; [d719064](
ethers/v4.0.33 (2019-07-09 20:17)
- Reduce number of HDNode tests which cause TravisCI to timeout. ([a7d0b41](
ethers/v4.0.32 (2019-07-09 16:56)
- Added test cases for case-agnostic mnemonics. ([#557](; [a34ca6b](
- Make mnemonics case-agnostic. ([#557](; [ef91dcd](
- Added tests for testnet extended private key. ([#553](; [a5296a9](
ethers/v4.0.31 (2019-06-28 15:39)
- Fixed testnet exteneded private keys. ([#553](; [fbf15c0](
ethers/v4.0.30 (2019-06-21 19:18)
- No longer use hard-coded id of 42 in Web3Provider. ([384fc32](
ethers/v4.0.29 (2019-06-10 01:58)
- Fixed error in throwing an error for ABI decode. ([#539](; [92c978e](
ethers/v4.0.28 (2019-05-24 14:57)
- Warn on deprecated INFURA API Token; use Project ID instead. ([#462](; [19587ee](
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#470](; [4a9373e](
- Export poll function. ([#514](; [2997bae](
- Fixed error message for unconfigured ENS names. ([#504](; [7075c8c](
- Fixed security recommendations (development deps only; not a problem, but quiets automatic audits). ([a4a532f](
ethers/v4.0.27 (2019-04-18 07:50)
- Increment JSON-RPC ID for JsonRpcProviders for environments that unsafely manage callbacks. ([#489](; [c93b489](
ethers/v4.0.26 (2019-03-08 14:29)
- Added goerli to InfuraProvider. ([#421](; [16c9745](
ethers/v4.0.25 (2019-02-15 13:43)
- Added fastRetry to polling for JsonRpcSigner to improve polling for sent transactions. ([#402](; [f318fd9](
- Fix waitForTransaction delay. ([#424](; [c15a898](
- Fixed waitForTransaction and removeListener. ([#410](; [72edcd0](
- Updated BIP39 list in readme. ([e4a2f8a](
ethers/v4.0.24 (2019-02-11 19:22)
- Fixed support for calling self-destructed contracts. ([#411](; [0ed983a](
- Updated balance address for Goerli test cases. ([8fab48a](
- Fixed utils test case for phantomjs. ([a2306f7](
- Initial support for EIP-234; filter by blockHash. ([#412](; [60b75c1](
- Fixed out-of-safe-range hexlify values to throw an exception. ([#420](; [41c2c8a](
- Added goerli testnet support. ([#421](; [9785eed](
- Fixed missing TypeArray slice on constrained environments. ([14484e5](
- Fixed test-hdnode for phantomjs; does not support let keyword. ([429af2c](
- Added xpub and xpriv deserialization. ([#405](; [af3aed4](
- Added xpub and xpriv test cases for HD nodes. ([#405](; [3a3764b](
- Support for xpub and xpriv derivation and generating extended keys; no fromExtendedKey yet. ([#405](; [18ee2c5](
ethers/v4.0.23 (2019-01-25 19:09)
- Fixed duplicate events from triggering. ([#404](; [908258f](
ethers/v4.0.22 (2019-01-24 16:53)
- Ganache does not include from in receipts. ([#400](; [b5f720a](
- Added to and from for Transaction Receipts. ([#398](; [700dd34](
- Added v3 INFURA end-points to InfuraProvider. ([#286](; [f2dd977](
- Fixed long-response bug in IpcProvider. ([#384](; [5f01321](
ethers/v4.0.21 (2019-01-17 16:33)
- Fixed path for x-ethers metadata and wallet. ([#392](; [e5bee7e](
- Fixed contract removeAllListeners which did not clean up the event loop properly. ([#391](; [6d08968](
ethers/v4.0.20 (2018-12-27 15:49)
- Added customizable log levels to quiet warnings. ([#379](; [f3ec27b](
ethers/v4.0.19 (2018-12-14 18:37)
- Allow unchecked transactions which will remain unwrapped for the JsonRpcSigner. ([#340](; [99a2166](
- Make it easier for sub-classes of Wallet to manage nonces. ([4bc62a1](
ethers/v4.0.18 (2018-12-12 16:57)
- Allow nonce to be a BigNumber. ([#228](; [bcba17a](
- Fixed typo in error strings. ([#376](; [918b66b](
- Add isHexString to exported utils. ([#367](; [152d672](
- Add abs method to BigNumber. ([#375](; [51fb472](
- Better error messages for namehash. ([#364](; [66440b8](
ethers/v4.0.17 (2018-12-08 18:47)
- Fixed function name in parsed transactions. ([#370](; [6ca1d77](
- Include request body in web errors. ([4f6748e](
- Squashed unhandled promise exception for Providers that are never used. ([#362](; [f56fc57](
- Added gas estimation back into JsonRpcSigner. ([#365](; [16fdf6b](
ethers/v4.0.16 (2018-12-04 17:17)
ethers/v4.0.15 (2018-12-04 17:14)
- Do not fill in implicit values for JSON-RPC based signers. ([#335](; [2d854bd](
- More relaxed transaction parsing. ([#357](; [9565c28](
- Allow any whitespace characters in human-readable ABI. ([#360](; [bc457bb](
ethers/v4.0.14 (2018-11-27 17:33)
- Fixed contract proxied tx.wait receipt properties. ([#355](; [3f76f60](
ethers/v4.0.13 (2018-11-27 15:60)
- Check for partially-working normalize support. ([bb6bc4c](
- Support for platforms where UTF-8 is only half broken. ([ef8b9c3](
- Throw exception instead of returning null for getDefaultProvider. ([#351](; [31d3ee8](
ethers/v4.0.12 (2018-11-20 15:42)
- Added default provider support for Ethereum classic. ([#351](; [bffc557](
ethers/v4.0.11 (2018-11-13 07:49)
- Fixed 0 confirmation waiting. ([#346](; [048c571](
ethers/v4.0.10 (2018-11-12 17:23)
- Fix spacing in checkArgument errors. ([#318](; [88f2f51](
- Do not replay block events when the provider event block is reset. ([#343](; [93152ef](
ethers/v4.0.9 (2018-11-09 14:37)
- Force unorm shim when String.prototype.normalize is broken. ([#338](; [478aaf9](
- Better error message when normalize is missing. ([fad902b](
- Added shims for React-Native support. ([7bfaf29](
ethers/v4.0.8 (2018-11-08 16:04)
- Updated dist files. ([be0488a](
ethers/v4.0.7 (2018-11-08 16:02)
- Fix for when blockTag is specified as a null equivalent value in contract overrides. ([#329](; [28a52cd](
- Added "debug" event for providers; do not depend on the format as it may change, but this should help debugging in most cases. ([#320](; [3a19f43](
- Fix for Kovan filters without an address. ([#339](; [4852e83](
ethers/v4.0.6 (2018-10-14 19:02)
- Fixed lingering polling timer when no events left to process in a provider. ([d54609a](
- Fixed utils.poll from mutating passed variables. ([f682861](
- Fixed and refactored populating transaction values for signers. ([#306](; [023a20f](
- Fixed test cases for phantomjs (must use ES3 syntax). ([e39cd84](
ethers/v4.0.5 (2018-10-13 17:18)
- Fixed filtering with null non-indexed parameters. ([#305](; [6ac2d92](
ethers/v4.0.4 (2018-10-11 16:04)
- Added optional blockTag to call; note that this may not behave as expected on all nodes. ([#226](; [493273d](
- Check all transaction parameters are valid; protect against typos. ([#299](; [84344ac](
ethers/v4.0.3 (2018-10-07 01:10)
- Added address to HDNode. ([#196](; [e39e2ed](
- Added French and Spanish to test-hdnode. ([71f781d](
- Mark progressCallback as optional. ([#293](; [b2db10e](
ethers/v4.0.2 (2018-10-04 19:55)
- Added automatic event parsing for contract transaction receipts from tx.wait. ([2481581](
- Added ability to wait for a specific number of confirmations. ([#229](; [f5c7ccb](
- Fix for geth-etc. (official geth is fine; [24335d0](
- Fixed confirmations tests and bootstrap fast blockNumber. ([908c2c1](
- Added confirmations to TransactionResponse. ([#156](; [#238](; [9797b36](
- Fixed nested errors for providers that were masking true error. ([#292](; [731f189](
- Added version to errors. ([99fed75](
- Fixed French and Spanish for browsers without Uint8Array.forEach. ([cb5f9f5](
- Added French and Spanish includes to phantomjs test page. ([aeac2cd](
- Increased timeout for querying npm registry. ([0dafd83](
ethers/v4.0.1 (2018-10-03 20:02)
- Added French and Spanish wordlist dist files. ([b9c07b5](
- Added French and Spanish BIP-39 wordlists. ([#191](; [c34a1f7](
- Added support for JSON serialized BigNumbers in the constructor. ([#288](; [281bd06](
- Fixed scrypt for long passwords. ([#223](; [d936b4c](
ethers/v4.0.0 (2018-10-01 17:34)
- Initial v4 release