
62 lines
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2019-05-14 18:25:46 -04:00
2019-06-11 17:57:04 -04:00
This change log is managed by `scripts/cmds/update-versions` but may be manually updated.
2019-06-28 16:18:04 -04:00
ethers/v5.0.0-beta.142 (2019-06-28 16:13)
- Do not require a Signer for contract.populateTransaction. ([0e78386](
- Bumping version of solc to 0.5.9. ([e2da447](
2019-06-24 21:26:48 -04:00
ethers/v5.0.0-beta.141 (2019-06-24 21:25)
- Fix non-ES6 import in keccak256. ([5eb393d](
- Refactored wordlist exports to export Wordlist directly. ([746d255](
ethers/v5.0.0-beta.140 (2019-06-12 01:25)
2019-06-28 16:18:04 -04:00
2019-06-12 01:01:04 -04:00
2019-06-12 01:25:05 -04:00
- Move from node-fetch to cross-fetch; better browser fallback implementation. ([826ffbc](
2019-06-12 01:01:04 -04:00
- Added getStatic with support for inheritance of static methods. ([5e4535e](
- Fixed node-fetch for Safari (todo: push this fix upstream to node-fetch). ([7164e51](
- Migrated XMLHttpRequest to fetch API. ([#506](; [62201c5](
2019-06-11 17:57:04 -04:00
ethers/v5.0.0-beta.139 (2019-06-11 17:55)
- Removed freeze option from deepCopy; all properties are read-only and only objects may have new properties added. ([1bc792d](
- Moved away from isNamedInstance which breaks after Browserify name mangling. ([257d67c](
- Expose poll function in utils. ([#512](; [e6f6383](
- Make TransactionResponse hash required. ([#537](; [095c1fe](
2019-05-24 18:15:42 -04:00
2019-06-04 16:08:07 -04:00
ethers/v5.0.0-beta.138 (2019-06-04 16:05)
- Fixed INFURA project ID checking. ([#534](; [5bf763f](
2019-06-01 14:19:43 -04:00
ethers/v5.0.0-beta.137 (2019-06-01 14:06)
2019-06-04 16:08:07 -04:00
- Fixed invalid arrayify value in browser for SHA2-HMAC. ([#530](; [c4a494b](
2019-06-01 14:19:43 -04:00
- Fix event and function fragment formatting. ([a2d4b29](
2019-06-04 16:08:07 -04:00
- Fixed default JsonRpcSigner. ([#532](; [5ba6a61](
2019-06-01 14:19:43 -04:00
- Added changelog management to update-versions. ([4a3f719](
2019-06-04 16:08:07 -04:00
2019-06-11 17:57:04 -04:00
2019-05-24 18:15:42 -04:00
2019-05-24 18:27:07 -04:00
- Added queryFilter to Contracts. ([#463](; [eea53bb](
- Allow storage class in Human-Readable ABI. ([#476](; [cf39adb](
- Track per-provider JSON-RPC ID in JsonRpcProvider. ([#337](, [#489](; [044554b](
2019-05-24 18:27:07 -04:00
- Fixed typo in error message. ([#470](; [47d92ae](
2019-05-24 18:15:42 -04:00
2019-05-24 18:27:07 -04:00
- Better error message for unconfigured ENS names. ([#504](; [3cbc4b4](
- Fixed contract events. ([#404](; [8cdda37](
- Updated license for BaseX to include original authors; was only included in the source. ([03c9725](
2019-05-14 18:25:46 -04:00