admin: updated dist files

This commit is contained in:
Richard Moore 2023-03-20 12:53:37 -04:00
parent 7d3af512c7
commit e03390130c
106 changed files with 2778 additions and 827 deletions

@ -3,6 +3,20 @@ Change Log
This change log is maintained by `src.ts/_admin/update-changelog.ts` but may also be manually updated.
ethers/v6.2.0 (2023-03-20 12:51)
- Remove use of Function sub-class to address unsafe-eval issues ([#3749](, [#3763](; [7d3af51](
- tests: added contract integration tests and llocal Geth ([5318b93](
- Added verifyTypedData utility (reported on Farcaster) ([f06a445](
- Removed stray logging in IpcProvider ([#3908](, [#3909](; [e11d4c1](
- Fixed legacy serialization for implicit chainId transactions ([#3898](, [#3899](; [fcf6c8f](
- Fix Webpack issue (reported on discord) ([3ad4273](
- Fix some bundlers which cannot handle recursive pkg.exports ([#3848](; [6315e78](
- Fixed typo in signature.s error ([#3891](; [47ef3eb](
- Fixed stray unreachable code ([#3890](; [c220fe2](
- Move all wrapping to proper _wrap functions ([#3818](; [02a0aad](
ethers/v6.1.0 (2023-03-07 02:10)

dist/ethers.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/ vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/ethers.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/ethers.umd.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ const u64 = {
* The current version of Ethers.
const version = "6.1.0";
const version = "6.2.0";
* Property helper functions.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export {};

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const assert_1 = __importDefault(require("assert"));
const index_js_1 = require("../index.js");
describe("Tests contract integration", function () {
const provider = new index_js_1.ethers.JsonRpcProvider("http:/\/");
const abi = [
"constructor(address owner, uint maxSupply)",
"function mint(address target) returns (bool minted)",
"function totalSupply() view returns (uint supply)",
"function balanceOf(address target) view returns (uint balance)",
"event Minted(address target)"
let address = null;
it("deploys a contract", async function () {
const bytecode = "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";
const signer = await provider.getSigner(0);
const factory = new index_js_1.ethers.ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, signer);
const contract = await factory.deploy(signer, 100);
address = await contract.getAddress();
await contract.waitForDeployment();
const deployed = await provider.getCode(address);
assert_1.default.ok(deployed != "0x", "has bytescode");
it("runs contract operations", async function () {
assert_1.default.ok(address != null);
const signer = await provider.getSigner(0);
const CustomContract = index_js_1.ethers.BaseContract.buildClass(abi);
const contract = new CustomContract(address, signer); //ethers.Contract.from<ContractAbi>(address, abi, signer);
// Test implicit staticCall (i.e. view/pure)
const supply0 = await contract.totalSupply();
assert_1.default.equal(supply0, BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; default");
// Test explicit staticCall
const supply0 = await contract.totalSupply.staticCall();
assert_1.default.equal(supply0, BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; staticCall");
// Test staticCallResult (positional and named)
const supply0 = await contract.totalSupply.staticCallResult();
assert_1.default.equal(supply0[0], BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; staticCallResult");
assert_1.default.equal(, BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; staticCallResult");
// Test populateTransaction
const txInfo = await;
assert_1.default.equal(, address, "");
const txInfoData = index_js_1.ethers.hexlify(index_js_1.ethers.concat([
index_js_1.ethers.zeroPadValue(await signer.getAddress(), 32)
assert_1.default.equal(, txInfoData, "");
// Test minting (default)
const tx = await;
const receipt = await tx.wait();
assert_1.default.ok(receipt, "receipt");
// Check the receipt has parsed the events
assert_1.default.equal(receipt.logs.length, 1, "logs.length");
assert_1.default.ok(receipt instanceof index_js_1.ethers.ContractTransactionReceipt, "receipt typeof");
assert_1.default.ok(receipt.logs[0] instanceof index_js_1.ethers.EventLog, "receipt.log typeof");
assert_1.default.equal(receipt.logs[0].fragment && receipt.logs[0], "Minted", "logs[0]");
assert_1.default.equal(receipt.logs[0].args[0], await signer.getAddress(), "logs[0].args[0]");
assert_1.default.equal(receipt.logs[0], await signer.getAddress(), "logs[0]");
// Check the state has been adjusted
assert_1.default.equal(await contract.totalSupply(), BigInt(1), "initial supply 1; default");
assert_1.default.equal(await contract.balanceOf(signer), BigInt(1), "balanceOf(signer)");
// Test minting (explicit)
const tx2 = await;
await tx2.wait();
// Check the state has been adjusted
assert_1.default.equal(await contract.totalSupply(), BigInt(2), "initial supply 2; default");

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ exports.version = void 0;
* The current version of Ethers.
exports.version = "6.1.0";
exports.version = "6.2.0";

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class TokenString {
linkBack: (t.linkBack - from),
linkNext: (t.linkNext - from),
return t;
// Pops and returns the value of the next token, if it is a keyword in allowed; throws if out of tokens

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import { ContractTransactionResponse, EventLog } from "./wrappers.js";
import type { EventFragment, FunctionFragment, InterfaceAbi, ParamType } from "../abi/index.js";
import type { Addressable } from "../address/index.js";
import type { EventEmitterable, Listener } from "../utils/index.js";
import type { BlockTag, ContractRunner, TransactionRequest } from "../providers/index.js";
import type { ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractTransaction } from "./types.js";
import type { BlockTag, ContractRunner } from "../providers/index.js";
import type { ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractTransaction, WrappedFallback } from "./types.js";
* @_ignore:
@ -14,14 +14,6 @@ export declare function copyOverrides<O extends string = "data" | "to">(arg: any
* @_ignore:
export declare function resolveArgs(_runner: null | ContractRunner, inputs: ReadonlyArray<ParamType>, args: Array<any>): Promise<Array<any>>;
declare class WrappedFallback {
readonly _contract: BaseContract;
constructor(contract: BaseContract);
populateTransaction(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransaction>;
staticCall(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<string>;
send(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>;
estimateGas(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<bigint>;
declare const internal: unique symbol;
export declare class BaseContract implements Addressable, EventEmitterable<ContractEventName> {
readonly target: string | Addressable;

@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ class PreparedTopicFilter {
// D = The type the default call will return (i.e. R for view/pure,
// TransactionResponse otherwise)
//export interface ContractMethod<A extends Array<any> = Array<any>, R = any, D extends R | ContractTransactionResponse = ContractTransactionResponse> {
function _WrappedMethodBase() {
return Function;
function getRunner(value, feature) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
@ -112,98 +109,142 @@ async function resolveArgs(_runner, inputs, args) {
exports.resolveArgs = resolveArgs;
class WrappedFallback {
constructor(contract) {
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(this, { _contract: contract });
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
// Perform send when called
apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => {
return await target.send(...args);
return proxy;
async populateTransaction(overrides) {
function buildWrappedFallback(contract) {
const populateTransaction = async function (overrides) {
// If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values
const tx = (await copyOverrides(overrides, ["data"])); = await this._contract.getAddress();
const iface = this._contract.interface; = await contract.getAddress();
const iface = contract.interface;
// Only allow payable contracts to set non-zero value
const payable = iface.receive || (iface.fallback && iface.fallback.payable);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(payable || (tx.value || BN_0) === BN_0, "cannot send value to non-payable contract", "overrides.value", tx.value);
// Only allow fallback contracts to set non-empty data
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(iface.fallback || ( || "0x") === "0x", "cannot send data to receive-only contract", "",;
return tx;
async staticCall(overrides) {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call");
const staticCall = async function (overrides) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "call");
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canCall(runner), "contract runner does not support calling", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" });
const tx = await this.populateTransaction(overrides);
const tx = await populateTransaction(overrides);
try {
return await;
catch (error) {
if ((0, index_js_3.isCallException)(error) && {
throw contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw error;
const send = async function (overrides) {
const runner = contract.runner;
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await populateTransaction(overrides));
const provider = getProvider(contract.runner);
// @TODO: the provider can be null; make a custom dummy provider that will throw a
// meaningful error
return new wrappers_js_1.ContractTransactionResponse(contract.interface, provider, tx);
const estimateGas = async function (overrides) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "estimateGas");
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
return await runner.estimateGas(await populateTransaction(overrides));
const method = async (overrides) => {
return await send(overrides);
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(method, {
_contract: contract,
send, staticCall
return method;
class WrappedFallback {
constructor (contract: BaseContract) {
defineProperties<WrappedFallback>(this, { _contract: contract });
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
// Perform send when called
apply: async (target, thisArg, args: Array<any>) => {
return await target.send(...args);
return proxy;
async populateTransaction(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransaction> {
// If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values
const tx: ContractTransaction = <any>(await copyOverrides<"data">(overrides, [ "data" ])); = await this._contract.getAddress();
const iface = this._contract.interface;
// Only allow payable contracts to set non-zero value
const payable = iface.receive || (iface.fallback && iface.fallback.payable);
assertArgument(payable || (tx.value || BN_0) === BN_0,
"cannot send value to non-payable contract", "overrides.value", tx.value);
// Only allow fallback contracts to set non-empty data
assertArgument(iface.fallback || ( || "0x") === "0x",
"cannot send data to receive-only contract", "",;
return tx;
async staticCall(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<string> {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call");
assert(canCall(runner), "contract runner does not support calling",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" });
const tx = await this.populateTransaction(overrides);
try {
return await;
} catch (error: any) {
if (isCallException(error) && {
throw this._contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw error;
async send(overrides) {
async send(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse> {
const runner = this._contract.runner;
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
assert(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await this.populateTransaction(overrides));
const provider = getProvider(this._contract.runner);
// @TODO: the provider can be null; make a custom dummy provider that will throw a
// meaningful error
return new wrappers_js_1.ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, provider, tx);
return new ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, <Provider>provider, tx);
async estimateGas(overrides) {
async estimateGas(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<bigint> {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "estimateGas");
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
assert(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
return await runner.estimateGas(await this.populateTransaction(overrides));
class WrappedMethod extends _WrappedMethodBase() {
name = ""; // Investigate!
constructor(contract, key) {
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(this, {
name: contract.interface.getFunctionName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
// Perform the default operation for this fragment type
apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => {
const fragment = target.getFragment(...args);
if (fragment.constant) {
return await target.staticCall(...args);
return await target.send(...args);
return proxy;
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous)
get fragment() {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getFunction(this._key);
function buildWrappedMethod(contract, key) {
const getFragment = function (...args) {
const fragment = contract.interface.getFunction(key, args);
(0, index_js_3.assert)(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
getFragment(...args) {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getFunction(this._key, args);
(0, index_js_3.assert)(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
async populateTransaction(...args) {
const fragment = this.getFragment(...args);
const populateTransaction = async function (...args) {
const fragment = getFragment(...args);
// If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values
let overrides = {};
if (fragment.inputs.length + 1 === args.length) {
@ -212,88 +253,109 @@ class WrappedMethod extends _WrappedMethodBase() {
if (fragment.inputs.length !== args.length) {
throw new Error("internal error: fragment inputs doesn't match arguments; should not happen");
const resolvedArgs = await resolveArgs(this._contract.runner, fragment.inputs, args);
const resolvedArgs = await resolveArgs(contract.runner, fragment.inputs, args);
return Object.assign({}, overrides, await (0, index_js_3.resolveProperties)({
to: this._contract.getAddress(),
data: this._contract.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, resolvedArgs)
to: contract.getAddress(),
data: contract.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, resolvedArgs)
async staticCall(...args) {
const result = await this.staticCallResult(...args);
const staticCall = async function (...args) {
const result = await staticCallResult(...args);
if (result.length === 1) {
return result[0];
return result;
async send(...args) {
const runner = this._contract.runner;
const send = async function (...args) {
const runner = contract.runner;
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await this.populateTransaction(...args));
const provider = getProvider(this._contract.runner);
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await populateTransaction(...args));
const provider = getProvider(contract.runner);
// @TODO: the provider can be null; make a custom dummy provider that will throw a
// meaningful error
return new wrappers_js_1.ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, provider, tx);
async estimateGas(...args) {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "estimateGas");
return new wrappers_js_1.ContractTransactionResponse(contract.interface, provider, tx);
const estimateGas = async function (...args) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "estimateGas");
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
return await runner.estimateGas(await this.populateTransaction(...args));
async staticCallResult(...args) {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call");
return await runner.estimateGas(await populateTransaction(...args));
const staticCallResult = async function (...args) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "call");
(0, index_js_3.assert)(canCall(runner), "contract runner does not support calling", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" });
const tx = await this.populateTransaction(...args);
const tx = await populateTransaction(...args);
let result = "0x";
try {
result = await;
catch (error) {
if ((0, index_js_3.isCallException)(error) && {
throw this._contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw error;
const fragment = this.getFragment(...args);
return this._contract.interface.decodeFunctionResult(fragment, result);
const fragment = getFragment(...args);
return contract.interface.decodeFunctionResult(fragment, result);
const method = async (...args) => {
const fragment = getFragment(...args);
if (fragment.constant) {
return await staticCall(...args);
return await send(...args);
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(method, {
name: contract.interface.getFunctionName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key,
send, staticCall, staticCallResult,
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous)
Object.defineProperty(method, "fragment", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
get: () => {
const fragment = contract.interface.getFunction(key);
(0, index_js_3.assert)(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
return method;
function _WrappedEventBase() {
return Function;
class WrappedEvent extends _WrappedEventBase() {
name = ""; // @TODO: investigate
constructor(contract, key) {
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(this, {
name: contract.interface.getEventName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key
return new Proxy(this, {
// Perform the default operation for this fragment type
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
return new PreparedTopicFilter(contract, target.getFragment(...args), args);
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys
get fragment() {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getEvent(this._key);
function buildWrappedEvent(contract, key) {
const getFragment = function (...args) {
const fragment = contract.interface.getEvent(key, args);
(0, index_js_3.assert)(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
getFragment(...args) {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getEvent(this._key, args);
(0, index_js_3.assert)(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
const method = async function (...args) {
return new PreparedTopicFilter(contract, getFragment(...args), args);
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(method, {
name: contract.interface.getEventName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key,
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous)
Object.defineProperty(method, "fragment", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
get: () => {
const fragment = contract.interface.getEvent(key);
(0, index_js_3.assert)(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
return method;
// The combination of TypeScrype, Private Fields and Proxies makes
// the world go boom; so we hide variables with some trickery keeping
// a symbol attached to each BaseContract which its sub-class (even
@ -553,7 +615,7 @@ class BaseContract {
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(this, { filters });
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(this, {
fallback: ((iface.receive || iface.fallback) ? (new WrappedFallback(this)) : null)
fallback: ((iface.receive || iface.fallback) ? (buildWrappedFallback(this)) : null)
// Return a Proxy that will respond to functions
return new Proxy(this, {
@ -621,13 +683,14 @@ class BaseContract {
if (typeof (key) !== "string") {
key = key.format();
return (new WrappedMethod(this, key));
const func = buildWrappedMethod(this, key);
return func;
getEvent(key) {
if (typeof (key) !== "string") {
key = key.format();
return (new WrappedEvent(this, key));
return buildWrappedEvent(this, key);
async queryTransaction(hash) {
// Is this useful?

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
export { BaseContract, Contract } from "./contract.js";
export { ContractFactory } from "./factory.js";
export { ContractEventPayload, ContractUnknownEventPayload, ContractTransactionReceipt, ContractTransactionResponse, EventLog, } from "./wrappers.js";
export type { BaseContractMethod, ConstantContractMethod, PostfixOverrides, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractDeployTransaction, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides } from "./types.js";
export type { BaseContractMethod, ConstantContractMethod, PostfixOverrides, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractDeployTransaction, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides, WrappedFallback } from "./types.js";

@ -46,3 +46,10 @@ export interface ContractEvent<A extends Array<any> = Array<any>> {
fragment: EventFragment;
getFragment(...args: ContractEventArgs<A>): EventFragment;
export interface WrappedFallback {
(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>;
populateTransaction(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransaction>;
staticCall(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<string>;
send(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>;
estimateGas(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<bigint>;

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ class EventLog extends provider_js_1.Log {
exports.EventLog = EventLog;
class ContractTransactionReceipt extends provider_js_1.TransactionReceipt {
constructor(iface, provider, tx) {
super(tx, provider);
this.#interface = iface;
this.#iface = iface;
get logs() {
return => {
const fragment = log.topics.length ? this.#interface.getEvent(log.topics[0]) : null;
const fragment = log.topics.length ? this.#iface.getEvent(log.topics[0]) : null;
if (fragment) {
return new EventLog(log, this.#interface, fragment);
return new EventLog(log, this.#iface, fragment);
else {
return log;
@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ class ContractTransactionReceipt extends provider_js_1.TransactionReceipt {
exports.ContractTransactionReceipt = ContractTransactionReceipt;
class ContractTransactionResponse extends provider_js_1.TransactionResponse {
constructor(iface, provider, tx) {
super(tx, provider);
this.#interface = iface;
this.#iface = iface;
async wait(confirms) {
const receipt = await super.wait();
if (receipt == null) {
return null;
return new ContractTransactionReceipt(this.#interface, this.provider, receipt);
return new ContractTransactionReceipt(this.#iface, this.provider, receipt);
exports.ContractTransactionResponse = ContractTransactionResponse;

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Signature {
get s() { return this.#s; }
set s(_value) {
(0, index_js_2.assertArgument)((0, index_js_2.dataLength)(_value) === 32, "invalid r", "value", _value);
(0, index_js_2.assertArgument)((0, index_js_2.dataLength)(_value) === 32, "invalid s", "value", _value);
const value = (0, index_js_2.hexlify)(_value);
(0, index_js_2.assertArgument)(parseInt(value.substring(0, 3)) < 8, "non-canonical s", "value", value);
this.#s = value;

@ -178,10 +178,8 @@ class SigningKey {
const sig = signature_js_1.Signature.from(signature);
const der = secp256k1.Signature.fromCompact((0, index_js_1.getBytesCopy)((0, index_js_1.concat)([sig.r, sig.s]))).toDERRawBytes();
const pubKey = secp256k1.recoverPublicKey((0, index_js_1.getBytesCopy)(digest), der, sig.yParity);
if (pubKey != null) {
return (0, index_js_1.hexlify)(pubKey);
(0, index_js_1.assertArgument)(false, "invalid signautre for digest", "signature", signature);
(0, index_js_1.assertArgument)(pubKey != null, "invalid signautre for digest", "signature", signature);
return (0, index_js_1.hexlify)(pubKey);
* Returns the point resulting from adding the ellipic curve points

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export { getAddress, getIcapAddress, getCreateAddress, getCreate2Address, isAddr
export { ZeroAddress, WeiPerEther, MaxUint256, MinInt256, MaxInt256, N, ZeroHash, EtherSymbol, MessagePrefix } from "./constants/index.js";
export { BaseContract, Contract, ContractFactory, ContractEventPayload, ContractTransactionReceipt, ContractTransactionResponse, ContractUnknownEventPayload, EventLog, } from "./contract/index.js";
export { computeHmac, randomBytes, keccak256, ripemd160, sha256, sha512, pbkdf2, scrypt, scryptSync, lock, Signature, SigningKey } from "./crypto/index.js";
export { id, ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode, hashMessage, verifyMessage, solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256, TypedDataEncoder } from "./hash/index.js";
export { id, ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode, hashMessage, verifyMessage, solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256, TypedDataEncoder, verifyTypedData } from "./hash/index.js";
export { getDefaultProvider, Block, FeeData, Log, TransactionReceipt, TransactionResponse, AbstractSigner, NonceManager, VoidSigner, AbstractProvider, FallbackProvider, JsonRpcApiProvider, JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcSigner, BrowserProvider, AlchemyProvider, AnkrProvider, CloudflareProvider, EtherscanProvider, InfuraProvider, InfuraWebSocketProvider, PocketProvider, QuickNodeProvider, IpcSocketProvider, SocketProvider, WebSocketProvider, EnsResolver, Network, EnsPlugin, EtherscanPlugin, FeeDataNetworkPlugin, GasCostPlugin, NetworkPlugin, SocketBlockSubscriber, SocketEventSubscriber, SocketPendingSubscriber, SocketSubscriber, UnmanagedSubscriber, copyRequest, showThrottleMessage } from "./providers/index.js";
export { accessListify, computeAddress, recoverAddress, Transaction } from "./transaction/index.js";
export { decodeBase58, encodeBase58, decodeBase64, encodeBase64, concat, dataLength, dataSlice, getBytes, getBytesCopy, hexlify, isHexString, isBytesLike, stripZerosLeft, zeroPadBytes, zeroPadValue, defineProperties, resolveProperties, assert, assertArgument, assertArgumentCount, assertNormalize, assertPrivate, makeError, isCallException, isError, EventPayload, FetchRequest, FetchResponse, FetchCancelSignal, FixedNumber, getBigInt, getNumber, getUint, toBeArray, toBigInt, toBeHex, toNumber, toQuantity, fromTwos, toTwos, mask, formatEther, parseEther, formatUnits, parseUnits, toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8CodePoints, toUtf8String, Utf8ErrorFuncs, decodeRlp, encodeRlp, uuidV4, } from "./utils/index.js";
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export { Mnemonic, BaseWallet, HDNodeWallet, HDNodeVoidWallet, Wallet, defaultPa
export { Wordlist, LangEn, WordlistOwl, WordlistOwlA, wordlists } from "./wordlists/index.js";
export type { JsonFragment, JsonFragmentType, FormatType, FragmentType, InterfaceAbi, ParamTypeWalkFunc, ParamTypeWalkAsyncFunc } from "./abi/index.js";
export type { Addressable, AddressLike, NameResolver } from "./address/index.js";
export type { ConstantContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides, BaseContractMethod, ContractDeployTransaction, PostfixOverrides } from "./contract/index.js";
export type { ConstantContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides, BaseContractMethod, ContractDeployTransaction, PostfixOverrides, WrappedFallback } from "./contract/index.js";
export type { ProgressCallback, SignatureLike } from "./crypto/index.js";
export type { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "./hash/index.js";
export type { Provider, Signer, AbstractProviderPlugin, BlockParams, BlockTag, ContractRunner, DebugEventBrowserProvider, Eip1193Provider, EventFilter, Filter, FilterByBlockHash, GasCostParameters, JsonRpcApiProviderOptions, JsonRpcError, JsonRpcPayload, JsonRpcResult, JsonRpcTransactionRequest, LogParams, MinedBlock, MinedTransactionResponse, Networkish, OrphanFilter, PerformActionFilter, PerformActionRequest, PerformActionTransaction, PreparedTransactionRequest, ProviderEvent, Subscriber, Subscription, TopicFilter, TransactionReceiptParams, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponseParams, WebSocketCreator, WebSocketLike } from "./providers/index.js";

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.sha256 = exports.ripemd160 = exports.keccak256 = exports.randomBytes = exports.computeHmac = exports.EventLog = exports.ContractUnknownEventPayload = exports.ContractTransactionResponse = exports.ContractTransactionReceipt = exports.ContractEventPayload = exports.ContractFactory = exports.Contract = exports.BaseContract = exports.MessagePrefix = exports.EtherSymbol = exports.ZeroHash = exports.N = exports.MaxInt256 = exports.MinInt256 = exports.MaxUint256 = exports.WeiPerEther = exports.ZeroAddress = exports.resolveAddress = exports.isAddress = exports.isAddressable = exports.getCreate2Address = exports.getCreateAddress = exports.getIcapAddress = exports.getAddress = exports.Typed = exports.TransactionDescription = exports.Result = exports.LogDescription = exports.Interface = exports.Indexed = exports.ErrorDescription = exports.checkResultErrors = exports.StructFragment = exports.ParamType = exports.NamedFragment = exports.FunctionFragment = exports.FallbackFragment = exports.Fragment = exports.EventFragment = exports.ErrorFragment = exports.ConstructorFragment = exports.AbiCoder = exports.encodeBytes32String = exports.decodeBytes32String = exports.version = void 0;
exports.GasCostPlugin = exports.FeeDataNetworkPlugin = exports.EtherscanPlugin = exports.EnsPlugin = exports.Network = exports.EnsResolver = exports.WebSocketProvider = exports.SocketProvider = exports.IpcSocketProvider = exports.QuickNodeProvider = exports.PocketProvider = exports.InfuraWebSocketProvider = exports.InfuraProvider = exports.EtherscanProvider = exports.CloudflareProvider = exports.AnkrProvider = exports.AlchemyProvider = exports.BrowserProvider = exports.JsonRpcSigner = exports.JsonRpcProvider = exports.JsonRpcApiProvider = exports.FallbackProvider = exports.AbstractProvider = exports.VoidSigner = exports.NonceManager = exports.AbstractSigner = exports.TransactionResponse = exports.TransactionReceipt = exports.Log = exports.FeeData = exports.Block = exports.getDefaultProvider = exports.TypedDataEncoder = exports.solidityPackedSha256 = exports.solidityPackedKeccak256 = exports.solidityPacked = exports.verifyMessage = exports.hashMessage = exports.dnsEncode = exports.namehash = exports.isValidName = exports.ensNormalize = = exports.SigningKey = exports.Signature = exports.lock = exports.scryptSync = exports.scrypt = exports.pbkdf2 = exports.sha512 = void 0;
exports.toQuantity = exports.toNumber = exports.toBeHex = exports.toBigInt = exports.toBeArray = exports.getUint = exports.getNumber = exports.getBigInt = exports.FixedNumber = exports.FetchCancelSignal = exports.FetchResponse = exports.FetchRequest = exports.EventPayload = exports.isError = exports.isCallException = exports.makeError = exports.assertPrivate = exports.assertNormalize = exports.assertArgumentCount = exports.assertArgument = exports.assert = exports.resolveProperties = exports.defineProperties = exports.zeroPadValue = exports.zeroPadBytes = exports.stripZerosLeft = exports.isBytesLike = exports.isHexString = exports.hexlify = exports.getBytesCopy = exports.getBytes = exports.dataSlice = exports.dataLength = exports.concat = exports.encodeBase64 = exports.decodeBase64 = exports.encodeBase58 = exports.decodeBase58 = exports.Transaction = exports.recoverAddress = exports.computeAddress = exports.accessListify = exports.showThrottleMessage = exports.copyRequest = exports.UnmanagedSubscriber = exports.SocketSubscriber = exports.SocketPendingSubscriber = exports.SocketEventSubscriber = exports.SocketBlockSubscriber = exports.NetworkPlugin = void 0;
exports.wordlists = exports.WordlistOwlA = exports.WordlistOwl = exports.LangEn = exports.Wordlist = exports.encryptKeystoreJsonSync = exports.encryptKeystoreJson = exports.decryptKeystoreJson = exports.decryptKeystoreJsonSync = exports.decryptCrowdsaleJson = exports.isKeystoreJson = exports.isCrowdsaleJson = exports.getAccountPath = exports.defaultPath = exports.Wallet = exports.HDNodeVoidWallet = exports.HDNodeWallet = exports.BaseWallet = exports.Mnemonic = exports.uuidV4 = exports.encodeRlp = exports.decodeRlp = exports.Utf8ErrorFuncs = exports.toUtf8String = exports.toUtf8CodePoints = exports.toUtf8Bytes = exports.parseUnits = exports.formatUnits = exports.parseEther = exports.formatEther = exports.mask = exports.toTwos = exports.fromTwos = void 0;
exports.FeeDataNetworkPlugin = exports.EtherscanPlugin = exports.EnsPlugin = exports.Network = exports.EnsResolver = exports.WebSocketProvider = exports.SocketProvider = exports.IpcSocketProvider = exports.QuickNodeProvider = exports.PocketProvider = exports.InfuraWebSocketProvider = exports.InfuraProvider = exports.EtherscanProvider = exports.CloudflareProvider = exports.AnkrProvider = exports.AlchemyProvider = exports.BrowserProvider = exports.JsonRpcSigner = exports.JsonRpcProvider = exports.JsonRpcApiProvider = exports.FallbackProvider = exports.AbstractProvider = exports.VoidSigner = exports.NonceManager = exports.AbstractSigner = exports.TransactionResponse = exports.TransactionReceipt = exports.Log = exports.FeeData = exports.Block = exports.getDefaultProvider = exports.verifyTypedData = exports.TypedDataEncoder = exports.solidityPackedSha256 = exports.solidityPackedKeccak256 = exports.solidityPacked = exports.verifyMessage = exports.hashMessage = exports.dnsEncode = exports.namehash = exports.isValidName = exports.ensNormalize = = exports.SigningKey = exports.Signature = exports.lock = exports.scryptSync = exports.scrypt = exports.pbkdf2 = exports.sha512 = void 0;
exports.toNumber = exports.toBeHex = exports.toBigInt = exports.toBeArray = exports.getUint = exports.getNumber = exports.getBigInt = exports.FixedNumber = exports.FetchCancelSignal = exports.FetchResponse = exports.FetchRequest = exports.EventPayload = exports.isError = exports.isCallException = exports.makeError = exports.assertPrivate = exports.assertNormalize = exports.assertArgumentCount = exports.assertArgument = exports.assert = exports.resolveProperties = exports.defineProperties = exports.zeroPadValue = exports.zeroPadBytes = exports.stripZerosLeft = exports.isBytesLike = exports.isHexString = exports.hexlify = exports.getBytesCopy = exports.getBytes = exports.dataSlice = exports.dataLength = exports.concat = exports.encodeBase64 = exports.decodeBase64 = exports.encodeBase58 = exports.decodeBase58 = exports.Transaction = exports.recoverAddress = exports.computeAddress = exports.accessListify = exports.showThrottleMessage = exports.copyRequest = exports.UnmanagedSubscriber = exports.SocketSubscriber = exports.SocketPendingSubscriber = exports.SocketEventSubscriber = exports.SocketBlockSubscriber = exports.NetworkPlugin = exports.GasCostPlugin = void 0;
exports.wordlists = exports.WordlistOwlA = exports.WordlistOwl = exports.LangEn = exports.Wordlist = exports.encryptKeystoreJsonSync = exports.encryptKeystoreJson = exports.decryptKeystoreJson = exports.decryptKeystoreJsonSync = exports.decryptCrowdsaleJson = exports.isKeystoreJson = exports.isCrowdsaleJson = exports.getAccountPath = exports.defaultPath = exports.Wallet = exports.HDNodeVoidWallet = exports.HDNodeWallet = exports.BaseWallet = exports.Mnemonic = exports.uuidV4 = exports.encodeRlp = exports.decodeRlp = exports.Utf8ErrorFuncs = exports.toUtf8String = exports.toUtf8CodePoints = exports.toUtf8Bytes = exports.parseUnits = exports.formatUnits = exports.parseEther = exports.formatEther = exports.mask = exports.toTwos = exports.fromTwos = exports.toQuantity = void 0;
var _version_js_1 = require("./_version.js");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "version", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _version_js_1.version; } });
var index_js_1 = require("./abi/index.js");
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "solidityPacked", { enumerable: true, get: functi
Object.defineProperty(exports, "solidityPackedKeccak256", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return index_js_6.solidityPackedKeccak256; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "solidityPackedSha256", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return index_js_6.solidityPackedSha256; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "TypedDataEncoder", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return index_js_6.TypedDataEncoder; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "verifyTypedData", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return index_js_6.verifyTypedData; } });
var index_js_7 = require("./providers/index.js");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "getDefaultProvider", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return index_js_7.getDefaultProvider; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Block", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return index_js_7.Block; } });

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ export { id } from "./id.js";
export { ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode } from "./namehash.js";
export { hashMessage, verifyMessage } from "./message.js";
export { solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256 } from "./solidity.js";
export { TypedDataEncoder } from "./typed-data.js";
export { TypedDataEncoder, verifyTypedData } from "./typed-data.js";
export type { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "./typed-data.js";

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* @_section: api/hashing:Hashing Utilities [about-hashing]
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TypedDataEncoder = exports.solidityPackedSha256 = exports.solidityPackedKeccak256 = exports.solidityPacked = exports.verifyMessage = exports.hashMessage = exports.dnsEncode = exports.namehash = exports.isValidName = exports.ensNormalize = = void 0;
exports.verifyTypedData = exports.TypedDataEncoder = exports.solidityPackedSha256 = exports.solidityPackedKeccak256 = exports.solidityPacked = exports.verifyMessage = exports.hashMessage = exports.dnsEncode = exports.namehash = exports.isValidName = exports.ensNormalize = = void 0;
var id_js_1 = require("./id.js");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "id", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return; } });
var namehash_js_1 = require("./namehash.js");
@ -22,4 +22,5 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "solidityPackedKeccak256", { enumerable: true, ge
Object.defineProperty(exports, "solidityPackedSha256", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return solidity_js_1.solidityPackedSha256; } });
var typed_data_js_1 = require("./typed-data.js");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "TypedDataEncoder", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return typed_data_js_1.TypedDataEncoder; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "verifyTypedData", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return typed_data_js_1.verifyTypedData; } });

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import type { SignatureLike } from "../crypto/index.js";
import type { BigNumberish, BytesLike } from "../utils/index.js";
export interface TypedDataDomain {
name?: null | string;
@ -35,3 +36,7 @@ export declare class TypedDataEncoder {
static getPayload(domain: TypedDataDomain, types: Record<string, Array<TypedDataField>>, value: Record<string, any>): any;
* Compute the address used to sign the typed data for the %%signature%%.
export declare function verifyTypedData(domain: TypedDataDomain, types: Record<string, Array<TypedDataField>>, value: Record<string, any>, signature: SignatureLike): string;

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TypedDataEncoder = void 0;
exports.verifyTypedData = exports.TypedDataEncoder = void 0;
//import { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "@ethersproject/providerabstract-signer";
const index_js_1 = require("../address/index.js");
const index_js_2 = require("../crypto/index.js");
const index_js_3 = require("../utils/index.js");
const index_js_3 = require("../transaction/index.js");
const index_js_4 = require("../utils/index.js");
const id_js_1 = require("./id.js");
const padding = new Uint8Array(32);
@ -15,15 +16,15 @@ const BN_MAX_UINT256 = BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
function hexPadRight(value) {
const bytes = (0, index_js_3.getBytes)(value);
const bytes = (0, index_js_4.getBytes)(value);
const padOffset = bytes.length % 32;
if (padOffset) {
return (0, index_js_3.concat)([bytes, padding.slice(padOffset)]);
return (0, index_js_4.concat)([bytes, padding.slice(padOffset)]);
return (0, index_js_3.hexlify)(bytes);
return (0, index_js_4.hexlify)(bytes);
const hexTrue = (0, index_js_3.toBeHex)(BN_1, 32);
const hexFalse = (0, index_js_3.toBeHex)(BN_0, 32);
const hexTrue = (0, index_js_4.toBeHex)(BN_1, 32);
const hexFalse = (0, index_js_4.toBeHex)(BN_0, 32);
const domainFieldTypes = {
name: "string",
version: "string",
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ const domainFieldNames = [
function checkString(key) {
return function (value) {
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(typeof (value) === "string", `invalid domain value for ${JSON.stringify(key)}`, `domain.${key}`, value);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(typeof (value) === "string", `invalid domain value for ${JSON.stringify(key)}`, `domain.${key}`, value);
return value;
@ -44,19 +45,19 @@ const domainChecks = {
name: checkString("name"),
version: checkString("version"),
chainId: function (value) {
return (0, index_js_3.getBigInt)(value, "domain.chainId");
return (0, index_js_4.getBigInt)(value, "domain.chainId");
verifyingContract: function (value) {
try {
return (0, index_js_1.getAddress)(value).toLowerCase();
catch (error) { }
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(false, `invalid domain value "verifyingContract"`, "domain.verifyingContract", value);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(false, `invalid domain value "verifyingContract"`, "domain.verifyingContract", value);
salt: function (value) {
const bytes = (0, index_js_3.getBytes)(value, "domain.salt");
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(bytes.length === 32, `invalid domain value "salt"`, "domain.salt", value);
return (0, index_js_3.hexlify)(bytes);
const bytes = (0, index_js_4.getBytes)(value, "domain.salt");
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(bytes.length === 32, `invalid domain value "salt"`, "domain.salt", value);
return (0, index_js_4.hexlify)(bytes);
function getBaseEncoder(type) {
@ -66,13 +67,13 @@ function getBaseEncoder(type) {
if (match) {
const signed = (match[1] === "");
const width = parseInt(match[2] || "256");
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(width % 8 === 0 && width !== 0 && width <= 256 && (match[2] == null || match[2] === String(width)), "invalid numeric width", "type", type);
const boundsUpper = (0, index_js_3.mask)(BN_MAX_UINT256, signed ? (width - 1) : width);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(width % 8 === 0 && width !== 0 && width <= 256 && (match[2] == null || match[2] === String(width)), "invalid numeric width", "type", type);
const boundsUpper = (0, index_js_4.mask)(BN_MAX_UINT256, signed ? (width - 1) : width);
const boundsLower = signed ? ((boundsUpper + BN_1) * BN__1) : BN_0;
return function (_value) {
const value = (0, index_js_3.getBigInt)(_value, "value");
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(value >= boundsLower && value <= boundsUpper, `value out-of-bounds for ${type}`, "value", value);
return (0, index_js_3.toBeHex)((0, index_js_3.toTwos)(value, 256), 32);
const value = (0, index_js_4.getBigInt)(_value, "value");
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(value >= boundsLower && value <= boundsUpper, `value out-of-bounds for ${type}`, "value", value);
return (0, index_js_4.toBeHex)((0, index_js_4.toTwos)(value, 256), 32);
@ -81,17 +82,17 @@ function getBaseEncoder(type) {
const match = type.match(/^bytes(\d+)$/);
if (match) {
const width = parseInt(match[1]);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(width !== 0 && width <= 32 && match[1] === String(width), "invalid bytes width", "type", type);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(width !== 0 && width <= 32 && match[1] === String(width), "invalid bytes width", "type", type);
return function (value) {
const bytes = (0, index_js_3.getBytes)(value);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(bytes.length === width, `invalid length for ${type}`, "value", value);
const bytes = (0, index_js_4.getBytes)(value);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(bytes.length === width, `invalid length for ${type}`, "value", value);
return hexPadRight(value);
switch (type) {
case "address": return function (value) {
return (0, index_js_3.zeroPadValue)((0, index_js_1.getAddress)(value), 32);
return (0, index_js_4.zeroPadValue)((0, index_js_1.getAddress)(value), 32);
case "bool": return function (value) {
return ((!value) ? hexFalse : hexTrue);
@ -135,17 +136,17 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
const uniqueNames = new Set();
for (const field of types[name]) {
// Check each field has a unique name
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(!uniqueNames.has(, `duplicate variable name ${JSON.stringify(} in ${JSON.stringify(name)}`, "types", types);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(!uniqueNames.has(, `duplicate variable name ${JSON.stringify(} in ${JSON.stringify(name)}`, "types", types);
// Get the base type (drop any array specifiers)
const baseType = (field.type.match(/^([^\x5b]*)(\x5b|$)/))[1] || null;
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(baseType !== name, `circular type reference to ${JSON.stringify(baseType)}`, "types", types);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(baseType !== name, `circular type reference to ${JSON.stringify(baseType)}`, "types", types);
// Is this a base encoding type?
const encoder = getBaseEncoder(baseType);
if (encoder) {
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(parents.has(baseType), `unknown type ${JSON.stringify(baseType)}`, "types", types);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(parents.has(baseType), `unknown type ${JSON.stringify(baseType)}`, "types", types);
// Add linkage
@ -153,12 +154,12 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
// Deduce the primary type
const primaryTypes = Array.from(parents.keys()).filter((n) => (parents.get(n).length === 0));
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(primaryTypes.length !== 0, "missing primary type", "types", types);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(primaryTypes.length === 1, `ambiguous primary types or unused types: ${ => (JSON.stringify(t))).join(", ")}`, "types", types);
(0, index_js_3.defineProperties)(this, { primaryType: primaryTypes[0] });
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(primaryTypes.length !== 0, "missing primary type", "types", types);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(primaryTypes.length === 1, `ambiguous primary types or unused types: ${ => (JSON.stringify(t))).join(", ")}`, "types", types);
(0, index_js_4.defineProperties)(this, { primaryType: primaryTypes[0] });
// Check for circular type references
function checkCircular(type, found) {
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(!found.has(type), `circular type reference to ${JSON.stringify(type)}`, "types", types);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(!found.has(type), `circular type reference to ${JSON.stringify(type)}`, "types", types);
for (const child of links.get(type)) {
if (!parents.has(child)) {
@ -203,12 +204,12 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
const subtype = match[1];
const subEncoder = this.getEncoder(subtype);
return (value) => {
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(!match[3] || parseInt(match[3]) === value.length, `array length mismatch; expected length ${parseInt(match[3])}`, "value", value);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(!match[3] || parseInt(match[3]) === value.length, `array length mismatch; expected length ${parseInt(match[3])}`, "value", value);
let result =;
if (this.#fullTypes.has(subtype)) {
result =;
return (0, index_js_2.keccak256)((0, index_js_3.concat)(result));
return (0, index_js_2.keccak256)((0, index_js_4.concat)(result));
// Struct
@ -224,14 +225,14 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
return result;
return (0, index_js_3.concat)(values);
return (0, index_js_4.concat)(values);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(false, `unknown type: ${type}`, "type", type);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(false, `unknown type: ${type}`, "type", type);
encodeType(name) {
const result = this.#fullTypes.get(name);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(result, `unknown type: ${JSON.stringify(name)}`, "name", name);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(result, `unknown type: ${JSON.stringify(name)}`, "name", name);
return result;
encodeData(type, value) {
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
// Array
const match = type.match(/^(.*)(\x5b(\d*)\x5d)$/);
if (match) {
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(!match[3] || parseInt(match[3]) === value.length, `array length mismatch; expected length ${parseInt(match[3])}`, "value", value);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(!match[3] || parseInt(match[3]) === value.length, `array length mismatch; expected length ${parseInt(match[3])}`, "value", value);
return => this._visit(match[1], v, callback));
// Struct
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
return accum;
}, {});
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(false, `unknown type: ${type}`, "type", type);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(false, `unknown type: ${type}`, "type", type);
visit(value, callback) {
return this._visit(this.primaryType, value, callback);
@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
const type = domainFieldTypes[name];
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(type, `invalid typed-data domain key: ${JSON.stringify(name)}`, "domain", domain);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(type, `invalid typed-data domain key: ${JSON.stringify(name)}`, "domain", domain);
domainFields.push({ name, type });
domainFields.sort((a, b) => {
@ -298,7 +299,7 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
return TypedDataEncoder.hashStruct("EIP712Domain", { EIP712Domain: domainFields }, domain);
static encode(domain, types, value) {
return (0, index_js_3.concat)([
return (0, index_js_4.concat)([
@ -320,14 +321,14 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
// Look up all ENS names
const ensCache = {};
// Do we need to look up the domain's verifyingContract?
if (domain.verifyingContract && !(0, index_js_3.isHexString)(domain.verifyingContract, 20)) {
if (domain.verifyingContract && !(0, index_js_4.isHexString)(domain.verifyingContract, 20)) {
ensCache[domain.verifyingContract] = "0x";
// We are going to use the encoder to visit all the base values
const encoder = TypedDataEncoder.from(types);
// Get a list of all the addresses
encoder.visit(value, (type, value) => {
if (type === "address" && !(0, index_js_3.isHexString)(value, 20)) {
if (type === "address" && !(0, index_js_4.isHexString)(value, 20)) {
ensCache[value] = "0x";
return value;
@ -365,7 +366,7 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
const encoder = TypedDataEncoder.from(types);
const typesWithDomain = Object.assign({}, types);
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(typesWithDomain.EIP712Domain == null, "types must not contain EIP712Domain type", "types.EIP712Domain", types);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(typesWithDomain.EIP712Domain == null, "types must not contain EIP712Domain type", "types.EIP712Domain", types);
typesWithDomain.EIP712Domain = domainTypes;
// Validate the data structures and types
@ -376,11 +377,11 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
message: encoder.visit(value, (type, value) => {
// bytes
if (type.match(/^bytes(\d*)/)) {
return (0, index_js_3.hexlify)((0, index_js_3.getBytes)(value));
return (0, index_js_4.hexlify)((0, index_js_4.getBytes)(value));
// uint or int
if (type.match(/^u?int/)) {
return (0, index_js_3.getBigInt)(value).toString();
return (0, index_js_4.getBigInt)(value).toString();
switch (type) {
case "address":
@ -388,13 +389,20 @@ class TypedDataEncoder {
case "bool":
return !!value;
case "string":
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(typeof (value) === "string", "invalid string", "value", value);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(typeof (value) === "string", "invalid string", "value", value);
return value;
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(false, "unsupported type", "type", type);
(0, index_js_4.assertArgument)(false, "unsupported type", "type", type);
exports.TypedDataEncoder = TypedDataEncoder;
* Compute the address used to sign the typed data for the %%signature%%.
function verifyTypedData(domain, types, value, signature) {
return (0, index_js_3.recoverAddress)(TypedDataEncoder.hash(domain, types, value), signature);
exports.verifyTypedData = verifyTypedData;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class AbstractProvider {
return new provider_js_1.TransactionReceipt((0, format_js_1.formatTransactionReceipt)(value), this);
_wrapTransactionResponse(tx, network) {
return new provider_js_1.TransactionResponse(tx, this);
return new provider_js_1.TransactionResponse((0, format_js_1.formatTransactionResponse)(tx), this);
_detectNetwork() {
(0, index_js_6.assert)(false, "sub-classes must implement this", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ class AbstractProvider {
if (params == null) {
return null;
return this._wrapBlock((0, format_js_1.formatBlock)(params), network);
return this._wrapBlock(params, network);
async getTransaction(hash) {
const { network, params } = await (0, index_js_6.resolveProperties)({
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ class AbstractProvider {
if (params == null) {
return null;
return this._wrapTransactionResponse((0, format_js_1.formatTransactionResponse)(params), network);
return this._wrapTransactionResponse(params, network);
async getTransactionReceipt(hash) {
const { network, params } = await (0, index_js_6.resolveProperties)({
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ class AbstractProvider {
params.effectiveGasPrice = tx.gasPrice;
return this._wrapTransactionReceipt((0, format_js_1.formatTransactionReceipt)(params), network);
return this._wrapTransactionReceipt(params, network);
async getTransactionResult(hash) {
const { result } = await (0, index_js_6.resolveProperties)({
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ class AbstractProvider {
network: this.getNetwork(),
params: this.#perform({ method: "getLogs", filter })
return => this._wrapLog((0, format_js_1.formatLog)(p), network));
return => this._wrapLog(p, network));
// ENS
_getProvider(chainId) {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export declare class EnsResolver {
address: string;
* The name this resovler was resolved against.
* The name this resolver was resolved against.
name: string;
constructor(provider: AbstractProvider, address: string, name: string);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export declare class EnsResolver {
getAddress(coinType?: number): Promise<null | string>;
* Resovles to the EIP-643 text record for %%key%%, or ``null``
* Resolves to the EIP-643 text record for %%key%%, or ``null``
* if unconfigured.
getText(key: string): Promise<null | string>;

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class EnsResolver {
* The name this resovler was resolved against.
* The name this resolver was resolved against.
// For EIP-2544 names, the ancestor that provided the resolver
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class EnsResolver {
* Resovles to the EIP-643 text record for %%key%%, or ``null``
* Resolves to the EIP-643 text record for %%key%%, or ``null``
* if unconfigured.
async getText(key) {

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class IpcSocketProvider extends provider_socket_js_1.SocketProvider {
async _write(message) {
console.log(">>>", message);

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ export interface PreparedTransactionRequest {
enableCcipRead?: boolean;
export declare function copyRequest(req: TransactionRequest): PreparedTransactionRequest;
* An Interface to indicate a [[Block]] has been included in the
* blockchain. This asserts a Type Guard that necessary properties
* are non-null.
* Before a block is included, it is a //pending// block.
export interface MinedBlock extends Block {
readonly number: number;
readonly hash: string;
@ -266,46 +273,200 @@ export interface MinedTransactionResponse extends TransactionResponse {
export declare class TransactionResponse implements TransactionLike<string>, TransactionResponseParams {
* The provider this is connected to, which will influence how its
* methods will resolve its async inspection methods.
readonly provider: Provider;
* The block number of the block that this transaction was included in.
* This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
readonly blockNumber: null | number;
* The blockHash of the block that this transaction was included in.
* This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
readonly blockHash: null | string;
* The index within the block that this transaction resides at.
readonly index: number;
* The transaction hash.
readonly hash: string;
* The [[link-eip-2718]] transaction envelope type. This is
* ``0`` for legacy transactions types.
readonly type: number;
* The receiver of this transaction.
* If ``null``, then the transaction is an initcode transaction.
* This means the result of executing the [[data]] will be deployed
* as a new contract on chain (assuming it does not revert) and the
* address may be computed using [[getCreateAddress]].
readonly to: null | string;
* The sender of this transaction. It is implicitly computed
* from the transaction pre-image hash (as the digest) and the
* [[signature]] using ecrecover.
readonly from: string;
* The nonce, which is used to prevent replay attacks and offer
* a method to ensure transactions from a given sender are explicitly
* ordered.
* When sending a transaction, this must be equal to the number of
* transactions ever sent by [[from]].
readonly nonce: number;
* The maximum units of gas this transaction can consume. If execution
* exceeds this, the entries transaction is reverted and the sender
* is charged for the full amount, despite not state changes being made.
readonly gasLimit: bigint;
* The gas price can have various values, depending on the network.
* In modern networks, for transactions that are included this is
* the //effective gas price// (the fee per gas that was actually
* charged), while for transactions that have not been included yet
* is the [[maxFeePerGas]].
* For legacy transactions, or transactions on legacy networks, this
* is the fee that will be charged per unit of gas the transaction
* consumes.
readonly gasPrice: bigint;
* The maximum priority fee (per unit of gas) to allow a
* validator to charge the sender. This is inclusive of the
* [[maxFeeFeePerGas]].
readonly maxPriorityFeePerGas: null | bigint;
* The maximum fee (per unit of gas) to allow this transaction
* to charge the sender.
readonly maxFeePerGas: null | bigint;
* The data.
readonly data: string;
* The value, in wei. Use [[formatEther]] to format this value
* as ether.
readonly value: bigint;
* The chain ID.
readonly chainId: bigint;
* The signature.
readonly signature: Signature;
* The [[link-eip-2930]] access list for transaction types that
* support it, otherwise ``null``.
readonly accessList: null | AccessList;
* Create a new TransactionResponse with %%tx%% parameters
* connected to %%provider%%.
constructor(tx: TransactionResponseParams, provider: Provider);
* Returns a JSON representation of this transaction.
toJSON(): any;
* Resolves to the Block that this transaction was included in.
* This will return null if the transaction has not been included yet.
getBlock(): Promise<null | Block>;
* Resolves to this transaction being re-requested from the
* provider. This can be used if you have an unmined transaction
* and wish to get an up-to-date populated instance.
getTransaction(): Promise<null | TransactionResponse>;
* Resolves once this transaction has been mined and has
* %%confirms%% blocks including it (default: ``1``) with an
* optional %%timeout%%.
* This can resolve to ``null`` only if %%confirms%% is ``0``
* and the transaction has not been mined, otherwise this will
* wait until enough confirmations have completed.
wait(_confirms?: number, _timeout?: number): Promise<null | TransactionReceipt>;
* Returns ``true`` if this transaction has been included.
* This is effective only as of the time the TransactionResponse
* was instantiated. To get up-to-date information, use
* [[getTransaction]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* non-null property values for properties that are null for
* unmined transactions.
isMined(): this is MinedTransactionResponse;
* Returns true if the transaction is a legacy (i.e. ``type == 0``)
* transaction.
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isLegacy(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
accessList: null;
maxFeePerGas: null;
maxPriorityFeePerGas: null;
* Returns true if the transaction is a Berlin (i.e. ``type == 1``)
* transaction. See [[link-eip-2070]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isBerlin(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
accessList: AccessList;
maxFeePerGas: null;
maxPriorityFeePerGas: null;
* Returns true if the transaction is a London (i.e. ``type == 2``)
* transaction. See [[link-eip-1559]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isLondon(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
accessList: AccessList;
maxFeePerGas: bigint;
maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint;
* Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
* that evict this transaction.
removedEvent(): OrphanFilter;
* Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
* that re-order this event against %%other%%.
reorderedEvent(other?: TransactionResponse): OrphanFilter;
* Returns a new TransactionResponse instance which has the ability to
@ -318,6 +479,13 @@ export declare class TransactionResponse implements TransactionLike<string>, Tra
replaceableTransaction(startBlock: number): TransactionResponse;
* An Orphan Filter allows detecting when an orphan block has
* resulted in dropping a block or transaction or has resulted
* in transactions changing order.
* Not currently fully supported.
export type OrphanFilter = {
orphan: "drop-block";
hash: string;
@ -358,6 +526,15 @@ export type OrphanFilter = {
index: number;
* A **TopicFilter** provides a struture to define bloom-filter
* queries.
* Each field that is ``null`` matches **any** value, a field that is
* a ``string`` must match exactly that value and and ``array`` is
* effectively an ``OR``-ed set, where any one of those values must
* match.
export type TopicFilter = Array<null | string | Array<string>>;
export interface EventFilter {
address?: AddressLike | Array<AddressLike>;

@ -543,25 +543,117 @@ export type ReplacementDetectionSetup = {
class TransactionResponse {
* The provider this is connected to, which will influence how its
* methods will resolve its async inspection methods.
* The block number of the block that this transaction was included in.
* This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
* The blockHash of the block that this transaction was included in.
* This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
* The index within the block that this transaction resides at.
* The transaction hash.
* The [[link-eip-2718]] transaction envelope type. This is
* ``0`` for legacy transactions types.
* The receiver of this transaction.
* If ``null``, then the transaction is an initcode transaction.
* This means the result of executing the [[data]] will be deployed
* as a new contract on chain (assuming it does not revert) and the
* address may be computed using [[getCreateAddress]].
* The sender of this transaction. It is implicitly computed
* from the transaction pre-image hash (as the digest) and the
* [[signature]] using ecrecover.
* The nonce, which is used to prevent replay attacks and offer
* a method to ensure transactions from a given sender are explicitly
* ordered.
* When sending a transaction, this must be equal to the number of
* transactions ever sent by [[from]].
* The maximum units of gas this transaction can consume. If execution
* exceeds this, the entries transaction is reverted and the sender
* is charged for the full amount, despite not state changes being made.
* The gas price can have various values, depending on the network.
* In modern networks, for transactions that are included this is
* the //effective gas price// (the fee per gas that was actually
* charged), while for transactions that have not been included yet
* is the [[maxFeePerGas]].
* For legacy transactions, or transactions on legacy networks, this
* is the fee that will be charged per unit of gas the transaction
* consumes.
* The maximum priority fee (per unit of gas) to allow a
* validator to charge the sender. This is inclusive of the
* [[maxFeeFeePerGas]].
* The maximum fee (per unit of gas) to allow this transaction
* to charge the sender.
* The data.
* The value, in wei. Use [[formatEther]] to format this value
* as ether.
* The chain ID.
* The signature.
* The [[link-eip-2930]] access list for transaction types that
* support it, otherwise ``null``.
* Create a new TransactionResponse with %%tx%% parameters
* connected to %%provider%%.
constructor(tx, provider) {
this.provider = provider;
this.blockNumber = (tx.blockNumber != null) ? tx.blockNumber : null;
@ -583,6 +675,9 @@ class TransactionResponse {
this.accessList = (tx.accessList != null) ? tx.accessList : null;
this.#startBlock = -1;
* Returns a JSON representation of this transaction.
toJSON() {
const { blockNumber, blockHash, index, hash, type, to, from, nonce, data, signature, accessList } = this;
return {
@ -599,6 +694,11 @@ class TransactionResponse {
value: toJson(this.value),
* Resolves to the Block that this transaction was included in.
* This will return null if the transaction has not been included yet.
async getBlock() {
let blockNumber = this.blockNumber;
if (blockNumber == null) {
@ -616,9 +716,23 @@ class TransactionResponse {
return block;
* Resolves to this transaction being re-requested from the
* provider. This can be used if you have an unmined transaction
* and wish to get an up-to-date populated instance.
async getTransaction() {
return this.provider.getTransaction(this.hash);
* Resolves once this transaction has been mined and has
* %%confirms%% blocks including it (default: ``1``) with an
* optional %%timeout%%.
* This can resolve to ``null`` only if %%confirms%% is ``0``
* and the transaction has not been mined, otherwise this will
* wait until enough confirmations have completed.
async wait(_confirms, _timeout) {
const confirms = (_confirms == null) ? 1 : _confirms;
const timeout = (_timeout == null) ? 0 : _timeout;
@ -773,22 +887,62 @@ class TransactionResponse {
return await waiter;
* Returns ``true`` if this transaction has been included.
* This is effective only as of the time the TransactionResponse
* was instantiated. To get up-to-date information, use
* [[getTransaction]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* non-null property values for properties that are null for
* unmined transactions.
isMined() {
return (this.blockHash != null);
* Returns true if the transaction is a legacy (i.e. ``type == 0``)
* transaction.
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isLegacy() {
return (this.type === 0);
* Returns true if the transaction is a Berlin (i.e. ``type == 1``)
* transaction. See [[link-eip-2070]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isBerlin() {
return (this.type === 1);
* Returns true if the transaction is a London (i.e. ``type == 2``)
* transaction. See [[link-eip-1559]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isLondon() {
return (this.type === 2);
* Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
* that evict this transaction.
removedEvent() {
(0, index_js_1.assert)(this.isMined(), "unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" });
return createRemovedTransactionFilter(this);
* Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
* that re-order this event against %%other%%.
reorderedEvent(other) {
(0, index_js_1.assert)(this.isMined(), "unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" });
(0, index_js_1.assert)(!other || other.isMined(), "unmined 'other' transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" });

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ function _serializeLegacy(tx, sig) {
( || "0x"),
let chainId = BN_0;
if (tx.chainId != null) {
if (tx.chainId != BN_0) {
// A chainId was provided; if non-zero we'll use EIP-155
chainId = (0, index_js_3.getBigInt)(tx.chainId, "tx.chainId");
// We have a chainId in the tx and an EIP-155 v in the signature,
// make sure they agree with each other
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(!sig || sig.networkV == null || sig.legacyChainId === chainId, "tx.chainId/sig.v mismatch", "sig", sig);
else if (sig) {
// No chainId provided, but the signature is signing with EIP-155; derive chainId
const legacy = sig.legacyChainId;
else if (tx.signature) {
// No explicit chainId, but EIP-155 have a derived implicit chainId
const legacy = tx.signature.legacyChainId;
if (legacy != null) {
chainId = legacy;
@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ function _serializeLegacy(tx, sig) {
return (0, index_js_3.encodeRlp)(fields);
// We pushed a chainId and null r, s on for hashing only; remove those
// @TODO: We should probably check that tx.signature, chainId, and sig
// match but that logic could break existing code, so schedule
// this for the next major bump.
// Compute the EIP-155 v
let v = BigInt(27 + sig.yParity);
if (chainId !== BN_0) {
v = index_js_2.Signature.getChainIdV(chainId, sig.v);
@ -133,6 +136,7 @@ function _serializeLegacy(tx, sig) {
else if (BigInt(sig.v) !== v) {
(0, index_js_3.assertArgument)(false, "tx.chainId/sig.v mismatch", "sig", sig);
// Add the signature
fields.push((0, index_js_3.toBeArray)(v));
fields.push((0, index_js_3.toBeArray)(sig.r));
fields.push((0, index_js_3.toBeArray)(sig.s));

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ export declare class FetchRequest implements Iterable<[key: string, value: strin
* Create a new FetchRequest instance with default values.
* Once created, each property may be set before issuing a
* ``.send()`` to make teh request.
* ``.send()`` to make the request.
constructor(url: string);
toString(): string;

@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ class FetchRequest {
* Create a new FetchRequest instance with default values.
* Once created, each property may be set before issuing a
* ``.send()`` to make teh request.
* ``.send()`` to make the request.
constructor(url) {
this.#url = String(url);

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { getChanges } from "./utils/changelog.js";
import { getDateTime } from "./utils/date.js";
import { resolve } from "./utils/path.js";
import { run } from "./utils/run.js";
import { getVersions } from "./utils/npm.js";
const version = process.argv[2] || null;
(async function () {
// Get the change from the CHANGELOG
const changes = getChanges();
const change = version ? changes.filter((c) => (c.version === version))[0] : changes.shift();
if (change == null) {
throw new Error(`version not found: ${version}`);
// Find the gitHead and release date
const versions = await getVersions("ethers");
const ver = versions.filter((c) => (c.version === change.version))[0];
if (ver == null) {
throw new Error(`no npm version found: ${change.version}`);
const title = `${change.title.split("(")[0].trim()} (${getDateTime(new Date(})`;
const args = [
"release", "create", `v${change.version}`,
// "--draft", // DEBUGGING
"--title", title,
"--target", ver.gitHead,
"--notes", change.body.join("\n"),
const result = await run("gh", args, resolve("."));
console.log(`See: ${(result.stdout || "").trim()}`);
})().catch((e) => {

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { getLogs } from "./utils/git.js";
import { loadJson } from "./utils/json.js";
import { resolve } from "./utils/path.js";
import { getVersions } from "./utils/npm.js";
import { getDateTime } from "./utils/date.js";
function repeat(c, length) {
if (c.length === 0) {
throw new Error("too short");
@ -12,26 +13,6 @@ function repeat(c, length) {
return c.substring(0, length);
function zpad(value, length) {
if (length == null) {
length = 2;
const str = String(value);
return repeat("0", length - str.length) + str;
function getDate(date) {
return [
zpad(date.getMonth() + 1),
export function getDateTime(date) {
return getDate(date) + " " + [
zpad(date.getMinutes() + 1)
async function getChanges(tag0, tag1) {
const result = [];
const logs = await getLogs(null, { tag0, tag1 });

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import fs from "fs";
import { resolve } from "./path.js";
export function getChanges() {
const changes = [
{ title: "", version: "null", body: [] }
const content = fs.readFileSync(resolve("")).toString();
for (const line of content.split("\n")) {
let match = line.match(/^ethers\/v(\S+)\s/);
if (match) {
changes.push({ version: match[1], title: line.trim(), body: [] });
else {
const l = line.trim();
if (l && !l.match(/^-+$/)) {
changes[changes.length - 1].body.push(l);
return changes;

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function repeat(c, length) {
if (c.length === 0) {
throw new Error("too short");
while (c.length < length) {
c += c;
return c.substring(0, length);
function zpad(value, length) {
if (length == null) {
length = 2;
const str = String(value);
return repeat("0", length - str.length) + str;
function getDate(date) {
return [
zpad(date.getMonth() + 1),
export function getDateTime(date) {
return getDate(date) + " " + [
zpad(date.getMinutes() + 1)

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import assert from "assert";
import { ethers } from "../index.js";
describe("Tests contract integration", function () {
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("http:/\/");
const abi = [
"constructor(address owner, uint maxSupply)",
"function mint(address target) returns (bool minted)",
"function totalSupply() view returns (uint supply)",
"function balanceOf(address target) view returns (uint balance)",
"event Minted(address target)"
let address = null;
it("deploys a contract", async function () {
const bytecode = "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";
const signer = await provider.getSigner(0);
const factory = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, signer);
const contract = await factory.deploy(signer, 100);
address = await contract.getAddress();
await contract.waitForDeployment();
const deployed = await provider.getCode(address);
assert.ok(deployed != "0x", "has bytescode");
it("runs contract operations", async function () {
assert.ok(address != null);
const signer = await provider.getSigner(0);
const CustomContract = ethers.BaseContract.buildClass(abi);
const contract = new CustomContract(address, signer); //ethers.Contract.from<ContractAbi>(address, abi, signer);
// Test implicit staticCall (i.e. view/pure)
const supply0 = await contract.totalSupply();
assert.equal(supply0, BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; default");
// Test explicit staticCall
const supply0 = await contract.totalSupply.staticCall();
assert.equal(supply0, BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; staticCall");
// Test staticCallResult (positional and named)
const supply0 = await contract.totalSupply.staticCallResult();
assert.equal(supply0[0], BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; staticCallResult");
assert.equal(, BigInt(0), "initial supply 0; staticCallResult");
// Test populateTransaction
const txInfo = await;
assert.equal(, address, "");
const txInfoData = ethers.hexlify(ethers.concat([
ethers.zeroPadValue(await signer.getAddress(), 32)
assert.equal(, txInfoData, "");
// Test minting (default)
const tx = await;
const receipt = await tx.wait();
assert.ok(receipt, "receipt");
// Check the receipt has parsed the events
assert.equal(receipt.logs.length, 1, "logs.length");
assert.ok(receipt instanceof ethers.ContractTransactionReceipt, "receipt typeof");
assert.ok(receipt.logs[0] instanceof ethers.EventLog, "receipt.log typeof");
assert.equal(receipt.logs[0].fragment && receipt.logs[0], "Minted", "logs[0]");
assert.equal(receipt.logs[0].args[0], await signer.getAddress(), "logs[0].args[0]");
assert.equal(receipt.logs[0], await signer.getAddress(), "logs[0]");
// Check the state has been adjusted
assert.equal(await contract.totalSupply(), BigInt(1), "initial supply 1; default");
assert.equal(await contract.balanceOf(signer), BigInt(1), "balanceOf(signer)");
// Test minting (explicit)
const tx2 = await;
await tx2.wait();
// Check the state has been adjusted
assert.equal(await contract.totalSupply(), BigInt(2), "initial supply 2; default");

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
* The current version of Ethers.
export const version = "6.1.0";
export const version = "6.2.0";

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class TokenString {
linkBack: (t.linkBack - from),
linkNext: (t.linkNext - from),
return t;
// Pops and returns the value of the next token, if it is a keyword in allowed; throws if out of tokens

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ class PreparedTopicFilter {
// D = The type the default call will return (i.e. R for view/pure,
// TransactionResponse otherwise)
//export interface ContractMethod<A extends Array<any> = Array<any>, R = any, D extends R | ContractTransactionResponse = ContractTransactionResponse> {
function _WrappedMethodBase() {
return Function;
function getRunner(value, feature) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
@ -107,98 +104,142 @@ export async function resolveArgs(_runner, inputs, args) {
class WrappedFallback {
constructor(contract) {
defineProperties(this, { _contract: contract });
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
// Perform send when called
apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => {
return await target.send(...args);
return proxy;
async populateTransaction(overrides) {
function buildWrappedFallback(contract) {
const populateTransaction = async function (overrides) {
// If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values
const tx = (await copyOverrides(overrides, ["data"])); = await this._contract.getAddress();
const iface = this._contract.interface; = await contract.getAddress();
const iface = contract.interface;
// Only allow payable contracts to set non-zero value
const payable = iface.receive || (iface.fallback && iface.fallback.payable);
assertArgument(payable || (tx.value || BN_0) === BN_0, "cannot send value to non-payable contract", "overrides.value", tx.value);
// Only allow fallback contracts to set non-empty data
assertArgument(iface.fallback || ( || "0x") === "0x", "cannot send data to receive-only contract", "",;
return tx;
async staticCall(overrides) {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call");
const staticCall = async function (overrides) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "call");
assert(canCall(runner), "contract runner does not support calling", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" });
const tx = await this.populateTransaction(overrides);
const tx = await populateTransaction(overrides);
try {
return await;
catch (error) {
if (isCallException(error) && {
throw contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw error;
const send = async function (overrides) {
const runner = contract.runner;
assert(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await populateTransaction(overrides));
const provider = getProvider(contract.runner);
// @TODO: the provider can be null; make a custom dummy provider that will throw a
// meaningful error
return new ContractTransactionResponse(contract.interface, provider, tx);
const estimateGas = async function (overrides) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "estimateGas");
assert(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
return await runner.estimateGas(await populateTransaction(overrides));
const method = async (overrides) => {
return await send(overrides);
defineProperties(method, {
_contract: contract,
send, staticCall
return method;
class WrappedFallback {
constructor (contract: BaseContract) {
defineProperties<WrappedFallback>(this, { _contract: contract });
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
// Perform send when called
apply: async (target, thisArg, args: Array<any>) => {
return await target.send(...args);
return proxy;
async populateTransaction(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransaction> {
// If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values
const tx: ContractTransaction = <any>(await copyOverrides<"data">(overrides, [ "data" ])); = await this._contract.getAddress();
const iface = this._contract.interface;
// Only allow payable contracts to set non-zero value
const payable = iface.receive || (iface.fallback && iface.fallback.payable);
assertArgument(payable || (tx.value || BN_0) === BN_0,
"cannot send value to non-payable contract", "overrides.value", tx.value);
// Only allow fallback contracts to set non-empty data
assertArgument(iface.fallback || ( || "0x") === "0x",
"cannot send data to receive-only contract", "",;
return tx;
async staticCall(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<string> {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call");
assert(canCall(runner), "contract runner does not support calling",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" });
const tx = await this.populateTransaction(overrides);
try {
return await;
} catch (error: any) {
if (isCallException(error) && {
throw this._contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw error;
async send(overrides) {
async send(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse> {
const runner = this._contract.runner;
assert(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
assert(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await this.populateTransaction(overrides));
const provider = getProvider(this._contract.runner);
// @TODO: the provider can be null; make a custom dummy provider that will throw a
// meaningful error
return new ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, provider, tx);
return new ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, <Provider>provider, tx);
async estimateGas(overrides) {
async estimateGas(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<bigint> {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "estimateGas");
assert(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
assert(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation",
"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
return await runner.estimateGas(await this.populateTransaction(overrides));
class WrappedMethod extends _WrappedMethodBase() {
name = ""; // Investigate!
constructor(contract, key) {
defineProperties(this, {
name: contract.interface.getFunctionName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
// Perform the default operation for this fragment type
apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => {
const fragment = target.getFragment(...args);
if (fragment.constant) {
return await target.staticCall(...args);
return await target.send(...args);
return proxy;
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous)
get fragment() {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getFunction(this._key);
function buildWrappedMethod(contract, key) {
const getFragment = function (...args) {
const fragment = contract.interface.getFunction(key, args);
assert(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
getFragment(...args) {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getFunction(this._key, args);
assert(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
async populateTransaction(...args) {
const fragment = this.getFragment(...args);
const populateTransaction = async function (...args) {
const fragment = getFragment(...args);
// If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values
let overrides = {};
if (fragment.inputs.length + 1 === args.length) {
@ -207,88 +248,109 @@ class WrappedMethod extends _WrappedMethodBase() {
if (fragment.inputs.length !== args.length) {
throw new Error("internal error: fragment inputs doesn't match arguments; should not happen");
const resolvedArgs = await resolveArgs(this._contract.runner, fragment.inputs, args);
const resolvedArgs = await resolveArgs(contract.runner, fragment.inputs, args);
return Object.assign({}, overrides, await resolveProperties({
to: this._contract.getAddress(),
data: this._contract.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, resolvedArgs)
to: contract.getAddress(),
data: contract.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, resolvedArgs)
async staticCall(...args) {
const result = await this.staticCallResult(...args);
const staticCall = async function (...args) {
const result = await staticCallResult(...args);
if (result.length === 1) {
return result[0];
return result;
async send(...args) {
const runner = this._contract.runner;
const send = async function (...args) {
const runner = contract.runner;
assert(canSend(runner), "contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" });
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await this.populateTransaction(...args));
const provider = getProvider(this._contract.runner);
const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await populateTransaction(...args));
const provider = getProvider(contract.runner);
// @TODO: the provider can be null; make a custom dummy provider that will throw a
// meaningful error
return new ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, provider, tx);
async estimateGas(...args) {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "estimateGas");
return new ContractTransactionResponse(contract.interface, provider, tx);
const estimateGas = async function (...args) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "estimateGas");
assert(canEstimate(runner), "contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" });
return await runner.estimateGas(await this.populateTransaction(...args));
async staticCallResult(...args) {
const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call");
return await runner.estimateGas(await populateTransaction(...args));
const staticCallResult = async function (...args) {
const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "call");
assert(canCall(runner), "contract runner does not support calling", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" });
const tx = await this.populateTransaction(...args);
const tx = await populateTransaction(...args);
let result = "0x";
try {
result = await;
catch (error) {
if (isCallException(error) && {
throw this._contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw contract.interface.makeError(, tx);
throw error;
const fragment = this.getFragment(...args);
return this._contract.interface.decodeFunctionResult(fragment, result);
const fragment = getFragment(...args);
return contract.interface.decodeFunctionResult(fragment, result);
const method = async (...args) => {
const fragment = getFragment(...args);
if (fragment.constant) {
return await staticCall(...args);
return await send(...args);
defineProperties(method, {
name: contract.interface.getFunctionName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key,
send, staticCall, staticCallResult,
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous)
Object.defineProperty(method, "fragment", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
get: () => {
const fragment = contract.interface.getFunction(key);
assert(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
return method;
function _WrappedEventBase() {
return Function;
class WrappedEvent extends _WrappedEventBase() {
name = ""; // @TODO: investigate
constructor(contract, key) {
defineProperties(this, {
name: contract.interface.getEventName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key
return new Proxy(this, {
// Perform the default operation for this fragment type
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
return new PreparedTopicFilter(contract, target.getFragment(...args), args);
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys
get fragment() {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getEvent(this._key);
function buildWrappedEvent(contract, key) {
const getFragment = function (...args) {
const fragment = contract.interface.getEvent(key, args);
assert(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
getFragment(...args) {
const fragment = this._contract.interface.getEvent(this._key, args);
assert(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
const method = async function (...args) {
return new PreparedTopicFilter(contract, getFragment(...args), args);
defineProperties(method, {
name: contract.interface.getEventName(key),
_contract: contract, _key: key,
// Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous)
Object.defineProperty(method, "fragment", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
get: () => {
const fragment = contract.interface.getEvent(key);
assert(fragment, "no matching fragment", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "fragment"
return fragment;
return method;
// The combination of TypeScrype, Private Fields and Proxies makes
// the world go boom; so we hide variables with some trickery keeping
// a symbol attached to each BaseContract which its sub-class (even
@ -548,7 +610,7 @@ export class BaseContract {
defineProperties(this, { filters });
defineProperties(this, {
fallback: ((iface.receive || iface.fallback) ? (new WrappedFallback(this)) : null)
fallback: ((iface.receive || iface.fallback) ? (buildWrappedFallback(this)) : null)
// Return a Proxy that will respond to functions
return new Proxy(this, {
@ -616,13 +678,14 @@ export class BaseContract {
if (typeof (key) !== "string") {
key = key.format();
return (new WrappedMethod(this, key));
const func = buildWrappedMethod(this, key);
return func;
getEvent(key) {
if (typeof (key) !== "string") {
key = key.format();
return (new WrappedEvent(this, key));
return buildWrappedEvent(this, key);
async queryTransaction(hash) {
// Is this useful?

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ export class EventLog extends Log {
get eventSignature() { return this.fragment.format(); }
export class ContractTransactionReceipt extends TransactionReceipt {
constructor(iface, provider, tx) {
super(tx, provider);
this.#interface = iface;
this.#iface = iface;
get logs() {
return => {
const fragment = log.topics.length ? this.#interface.getEvent(log.topics[0]) : null;
const fragment = log.topics.length ? this.#iface.getEvent(log.topics[0]) : null;
if (fragment) {
return new EventLog(log, this.#interface, fragment);
return new EventLog(log, this.#iface, fragment);
else {
return log;
@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ export class ContractTransactionReceipt extends TransactionReceipt {
export class ContractTransactionResponse extends TransactionResponse {
constructor(iface, provider, tx) {
super(tx, provider);
this.#interface = iface;
this.#iface = iface;
async wait(confirms) {
const receipt = await super.wait();
if (receipt == null) {
return null;
return new ContractTransactionReceipt(this.#interface, this.provider, receipt);
return new ContractTransactionReceipt(this.#iface, this.provider, receipt);
export class ContractUnknownEventPayload extends EventPayload {

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export class Signature {
get s() { return this.#s; }
set s(_value) {
assertArgument(dataLength(_value) === 32, "invalid r", "value", _value);
assertArgument(dataLength(_value) === 32, "invalid s", "value", _value);
const value = hexlify(_value);
assertArgument(parseInt(value.substring(0, 3)) < 8, "non-canonical s", "value", value);
this.#s = value;

@ -152,10 +152,8 @@ export class SigningKey {
const sig = Signature.from(signature);
const der = secp256k1.Signature.fromCompact(getBytesCopy(concat([sig.r, sig.s]))).toDERRawBytes();
const pubKey = secp256k1.recoverPublicKey(getBytesCopy(digest), der, sig.yParity);
if (pubKey != null) {
return hexlify(pubKey);
assertArgument(false, "invalid signautre for digest", "signature", signature);
assertArgument(pubKey != null, "invalid signautre for digest", "signature", signature);
return hexlify(pubKey);
* Returns the point resulting from adding the ellipic curve points

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ export { getAddress, getIcapAddress, getCreateAddress, getCreate2Address, isAddr
export { ZeroAddress, WeiPerEther, MaxUint256, MinInt256, MaxInt256, N, ZeroHash, EtherSymbol, MessagePrefix } from "./constants/index.js";
export { BaseContract, Contract, ContractFactory, ContractEventPayload, ContractTransactionReceipt, ContractTransactionResponse, ContractUnknownEventPayload, EventLog, } from "./contract/index.js";
export { computeHmac, randomBytes, keccak256, ripemd160, sha256, sha512, pbkdf2, scrypt, scryptSync, lock, Signature, SigningKey } from "./crypto/index.js";
export { id, ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode, hashMessage, verifyMessage, solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256, TypedDataEncoder } from "./hash/index.js";
export { id, ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode, hashMessage, verifyMessage, solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256, TypedDataEncoder, verifyTypedData } from "./hash/index.js";
export { getDefaultProvider, Block, FeeData, Log, TransactionReceipt, TransactionResponse, AbstractSigner, NonceManager, VoidSigner, AbstractProvider, FallbackProvider, JsonRpcApiProvider, JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcSigner, BrowserProvider, AlchemyProvider, AnkrProvider, CloudflareProvider, EtherscanProvider, InfuraProvider, InfuraWebSocketProvider, PocketProvider, QuickNodeProvider, IpcSocketProvider, SocketProvider, WebSocketProvider, EnsResolver, Network, EnsPlugin, EtherscanPlugin, FeeDataNetworkPlugin, GasCostPlugin, NetworkPlugin, SocketBlockSubscriber, SocketEventSubscriber, SocketPendingSubscriber, SocketSubscriber, UnmanagedSubscriber, copyRequest, showThrottleMessage } from "./providers/index.js";
export { accessListify, computeAddress, recoverAddress, Transaction } from "./transaction/index.js";
export { decodeBase58, encodeBase58, decodeBase64, encodeBase64, concat, dataLength, dataSlice, getBytes, getBytesCopy, hexlify, isHexString, isBytesLike, stripZerosLeft, zeroPadBytes, zeroPadValue, defineProperties, resolveProperties, assert, assertArgument, assertArgumentCount, assertNormalize, assertPrivate, makeError, isCallException, isError, EventPayload, FetchRequest, FetchResponse, FetchCancelSignal, FixedNumber, getBigInt, getNumber, getUint, toBeArray, toBigInt, toBeHex, toNumber, toQuantity, fromTwos, toTwos, mask, formatEther, parseEther, formatUnits, parseUnits, toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8CodePoints, toUtf8String, Utf8ErrorFuncs, decodeRlp, encodeRlp, uuidV4, } from "./utils/index.js";

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ export { id } from "./id.js";
export { ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode } from "./namehash.js";
export { hashMessage, verifyMessage } from "./message.js";
export { solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256 } from "./solidity.js";
export { TypedDataEncoder } from "./typed-data.js";
export { TypedDataEncoder, verifyTypedData } from "./typed-data.js";

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
//import { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "@ethersproject/providerabstract-signer";
import { getAddress } from "../address/index.js";
import { keccak256 } from "../crypto/index.js";
import { recoverAddress } from "../transaction/index.js";
import { concat, defineProperties, getBigInt, getBytes, hexlify, isHexString, mask, toBeHex, toTwos, zeroPadValue, assertArgument } from "../utils/index.js";
import { id } from "./id.js";
const padding = new Uint8Array(32);
@ -393,4 +394,10 @@ export class TypedDataEncoder {
* Compute the address used to sign the typed data for the %%signature%%.
export function verifyTypedData(domain, types, value, signature) {
return recoverAddress(TypedDataEncoder.hash(domain, types, value), signature);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ export class AbstractProvider {
return new TransactionReceipt(formatTransactionReceipt(value), this);
_wrapTransactionResponse(tx, network) {
return new TransactionResponse(tx, this);
return new TransactionResponse(formatTransactionResponse(tx), this);
_detectNetwork() {
assert(false, "sub-classes must implement this", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ export class AbstractProvider {
if (params == null) {
return null;
return this._wrapBlock(formatBlock(params), network);
return this._wrapBlock(params, network);
async getTransaction(hash) {
const { network, params } = await resolveProperties({
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ export class AbstractProvider {
if (params == null) {
return null;
return this._wrapTransactionResponse(formatTransactionResponse(params), network);
return this._wrapTransactionResponse(params, network);
async getTransactionReceipt(hash) {
const { network, params } = await resolveProperties({
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ export class AbstractProvider {
params.effectiveGasPrice = tx.gasPrice;
return this._wrapTransactionReceipt(formatTransactionReceipt(params), network);
return this._wrapTransactionReceipt(params, network);
async getTransactionResult(hash) {
const { result } = await resolveProperties({
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ export class AbstractProvider {
network: this.getNetwork(),
params: this.#perform({ method: "getLogs", filter })
return => this._wrapLog(formatLog(p), network));
return => this._wrapLog(p, network));
// ENS
_getProvider(chainId) {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export class EnsResolver {
* The name this resovler was resolved against.
* The name this resolver was resolved against.
// For EIP-2544 names, the ancestor that provided the resolver
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ export class EnsResolver {
* Resovles to the EIP-643 text record for %%key%%, or ``null``
* Resolves to the EIP-643 text record for %%key%%, or ``null``
* if unconfigured.
async getText(key) {

@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ export class IpcSocketProvider extends SocketProvider {
async _write(message) {
console.log(">>>", message);

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -535,25 +535,117 @@ export type ReplacementDetectionSetup = {
export class TransactionResponse {
* The provider this is connected to, which will influence how its
* methods will resolve its async inspection methods.
* The block number of the block that this transaction was included in.
* This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
* The blockHash of the block that this transaction was included in.
* This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
* The index within the block that this transaction resides at.
* The transaction hash.
* The [[link-eip-2718]] transaction envelope type. This is
* ``0`` for legacy transactions types.
* The receiver of this transaction.
* If ``null``, then the transaction is an initcode transaction.
* This means the result of executing the [[data]] will be deployed
* as a new contract on chain (assuming it does not revert) and the
* address may be computed using [[getCreateAddress]].
* The sender of this transaction. It is implicitly computed
* from the transaction pre-image hash (as the digest) and the
* [[signature]] using ecrecover.
* The nonce, which is used to prevent replay attacks and offer
* a method to ensure transactions from a given sender are explicitly
* ordered.
* When sending a transaction, this must be equal to the number of
* transactions ever sent by [[from]].
* The maximum units of gas this transaction can consume. If execution
* exceeds this, the entries transaction is reverted and the sender
* is charged for the full amount, despite not state changes being made.
* The gas price can have various values, depending on the network.
* In modern networks, for transactions that are included this is
* the //effective gas price// (the fee per gas that was actually
* charged), while for transactions that have not been included yet
* is the [[maxFeePerGas]].
* For legacy transactions, or transactions on legacy networks, this
* is the fee that will be charged per unit of gas the transaction
* consumes.
* The maximum priority fee (per unit of gas) to allow a
* validator to charge the sender. This is inclusive of the
* [[maxFeeFeePerGas]].
* The maximum fee (per unit of gas) to allow this transaction
* to charge the sender.
* The data.
* The value, in wei. Use [[formatEther]] to format this value
* as ether.
* The chain ID.
* The signature.
* The [[link-eip-2930]] access list for transaction types that
* support it, otherwise ``null``.
* Create a new TransactionResponse with %%tx%% parameters
* connected to %%provider%%.
constructor(tx, provider) {
this.provider = provider;
this.blockNumber = (tx.blockNumber != null) ? tx.blockNumber : null;
@ -575,6 +667,9 @@ export class TransactionResponse {
this.accessList = (tx.accessList != null) ? tx.accessList : null;
this.#startBlock = -1;
* Returns a JSON representation of this transaction.
toJSON() {
const { blockNumber, blockHash, index, hash, type, to, from, nonce, data, signature, accessList } = this;
return {
@ -591,6 +686,11 @@ export class TransactionResponse {
value: toJson(this.value),
* Resolves to the Block that this transaction was included in.
* This will return null if the transaction has not been included yet.
async getBlock() {
let blockNumber = this.blockNumber;
if (blockNumber == null) {
@ -608,9 +708,23 @@ export class TransactionResponse {
return block;
* Resolves to this transaction being re-requested from the
* provider. This can be used if you have an unmined transaction
* and wish to get an up-to-date populated instance.
async getTransaction() {
return this.provider.getTransaction(this.hash);
* Resolves once this transaction has been mined and has
* %%confirms%% blocks including it (default: ``1``) with an
* optional %%timeout%%.
* This can resolve to ``null`` only if %%confirms%% is ``0``
* and the transaction has not been mined, otherwise this will
* wait until enough confirmations have completed.
async wait(_confirms, _timeout) {
const confirms = (_confirms == null) ? 1 : _confirms;
const timeout = (_timeout == null) ? 0 : _timeout;
@ -765,22 +879,62 @@ export class TransactionResponse {
return await waiter;
* Returns ``true`` if this transaction has been included.
* This is effective only as of the time the TransactionResponse
* was instantiated. To get up-to-date information, use
* [[getTransaction]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* non-null property values for properties that are null for
* unmined transactions.
isMined() {
return (this.blockHash != null);
* Returns true if the transaction is a legacy (i.e. ``type == 0``)
* transaction.
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isLegacy() {
return (this.type === 0);
* Returns true if the transaction is a Berlin (i.e. ``type == 1``)
* transaction. See [[link-eip-2070]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isBerlin() {
return (this.type === 1);
* Returns true if the transaction is a London (i.e. ``type == 2``)
* transaction. See [[link-eip-1559]].
* This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
* the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
isLondon() {
return (this.type === 2);
* Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
* that evict this transaction.
removedEvent() {
assert(this.isMined(), "unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" });
return createRemovedTransactionFilter(this);
* Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
* that re-order this event against %%other%%.
reorderedEvent(other) {
assert(this.isMined(), "unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" });
assert(!other || other.isMined(), "unmined 'other' transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" });

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ function _serializeLegacy(tx, sig) {
( || "0x"),
let chainId = BN_0;
if (tx.chainId != null) {
if (tx.chainId != BN_0) {
// A chainId was provided; if non-zero we'll use EIP-155
chainId = getBigInt(tx.chainId, "tx.chainId");
// We have a chainId in the tx and an EIP-155 v in the signature,
// make sure they agree with each other
assertArgument(!sig || sig.networkV == null || sig.legacyChainId === chainId, "tx.chainId/sig.v mismatch", "sig", sig);
else if (sig) {
// No chainId provided, but the signature is signing with EIP-155; derive chainId
const legacy = sig.legacyChainId;
else if (tx.signature) {
// No explicit chainId, but EIP-155 have a derived implicit chainId
const legacy = tx.signature.legacyChainId;
if (legacy != null) {
chainId = legacy;
@ -122,7 +122,10 @@ function _serializeLegacy(tx, sig) {
return encodeRlp(fields);
// We pushed a chainId and null r, s on for hashing only; remove those
// @TODO: We should probably check that tx.signature, chainId, and sig
// match but that logic could break existing code, so schedule
// this for the next major bump.
// Compute the EIP-155 v
let v = BigInt(27 + sig.yParity);
if (chainId !== BN_0) {
v = Signature.getChainIdV(chainId, sig.v);
@ -130,6 +133,7 @@ function _serializeLegacy(tx, sig) {
else if (BigInt(sig.v) !== v) {
assertArgument(false, "tx.chainId/sig.v mismatch", "sig", sig);
// Add the signature

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ export class FetchRequest {
* Create a new FetchRequest instance with default values.
* Once created, each property may be set before issuing a
* ``.send()`` to make teh request.
* ``.send()`` to make the request.
constructor(url) {
this.#url = String(url);

package-lock.json generated

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "ethers",
"version": "6.0.0",
"version": "6.1.0",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "ethers",
"version": "6.0.0",
"version": "6.1.0",
"funding": [
"type": "individual",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"@adraffy/ens-normalize": "1.8.9",
"@adraffy/ens-normalize": "1.9.0",
"@noble/hashes": "1.1.2",
"@noble/secp256k1": "1.7.1",
"aes-js": "4.0.0-beta.3",
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
"node_modules/@adraffy/ens-normalize": {
"version": "1.8.9",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-93OmGCV0vO8+JQ3FHG+gZk/MPHzzMPDRiCiFcCQNTCnHaaxsacO3ScTPGlu2wX2dOtgfalbchPcw1cOYYjHCYQ=="
"version": "1.9.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-iowxq3U30sghZotgl4s/oJRci6WPBfNO5YYgk2cIOMCHr3LeGPcsZjCEr+33Q4N+oV3OABDAtA+pyvWjbvBifQ=="
"node_modules/@bcoe/v8-coverage": {
"version": "0.2.3",
@ -1575,9 +1575,9 @@
"dependencies": {
"@adraffy/ens-normalize": {
"version": "1.8.9",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-93OmGCV0vO8+JQ3FHG+gZk/MPHzzMPDRiCiFcCQNTCnHaaxsacO3ScTPGlu2wX2dOtgfalbchPcw1cOYYjHCYQ=="
"version": "1.9.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-iowxq3U30sghZotgl4s/oJRci6WPBfNO5YYgk2cIOMCHr3LeGPcsZjCEr+33Q4N+oV3OABDAtA+pyvWjbvBifQ=="
"@bcoe/v8-coverage": {
"version": "0.2.3",

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"./lib.esm/wordlists/wordlists.js": "./lib.esm/wordlists/wordlists-browser.js"
"dependencies": {
"@adraffy/ens-normalize": "1.8.9",
"@adraffy/ens-normalize": "1.9.0",
"@noble/hashes": "1.1.2",
"@noble/secp256k1": "1.7.1",
"aes-js": "4.0.0-beta.3",
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"url": ""
"gitHead": "5f2678fb059d643638b9cc1dc59cbfc61ce7a7b8",
"gitHead": "7d3af512c75b4c24027ec2daef1e9f4c1064194a",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
@ -144,5 +144,5 @@
"sideEffects": false,
"type": "module",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"version": "6.1.0"
"version": "6.2.0"

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
* The current version of Ethers.
export const version: string = "6.1.0";
export const version: string = "6.2.0";

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import { ContractTransactionResponse, EventLog } from "./wrappers.js";
import type { EventFragment, FunctionFragment, InterfaceAbi, ParamType } from "../abi/index.js";
import type { Addressable } from "../address/index.js";
import type { EventEmitterable, Listener } from "../utils/index.js";
import type { BlockTag, ContractRunner, TransactionRequest } from "../providers/index.js";
import type { ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractTransaction } from "./types.js";
import type { BlockTag, ContractRunner } from "../providers/index.js";
import type { ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractTransaction, WrappedFallback } from "./types.js";
* @_ignore:
@ -14,14 +14,6 @@ export declare function copyOverrides<O extends string = "data" | "to">(arg: any
* @_ignore:
export declare function resolveArgs(_runner: null | ContractRunner, inputs: ReadonlyArray<ParamType>, args: Array<any>): Promise<Array<any>>;
declare class WrappedFallback {
readonly _contract: BaseContract;
constructor(contract: BaseContract);
populateTransaction(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransaction>;
staticCall(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<string>;
send(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>;
estimateGas(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<bigint>;
declare const internal: unique symbol;
export declare class BaseContract implements Addressable, EventEmitterable<ContractEventName> {
readonly target: string | Addressable;

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
export { BaseContract, Contract } from "./contract.js";
export { ContractFactory } from "./factory.js";
export { ContractEventPayload, ContractUnknownEventPayload, ContractTransactionReceipt, ContractTransactionResponse, EventLog, } from "./wrappers.js";
export type { BaseContractMethod, ConstantContractMethod, PostfixOverrides, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractDeployTransaction, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides } from "./types.js";
export type { BaseContractMethod, ConstantContractMethod, PostfixOverrides, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractDeployTransaction, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides, WrappedFallback } from "./types.js";

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -46,4 +46,11 @@ export interface ContractEvent<A extends Array<any> = Array<any>> {
fragment: EventFragment;
getFragment(...args: ContractEventArgs<A>): EventFragment;
export interface WrappedFallback {
(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>;
populateTransaction(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransaction>;
staticCall(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<string>;
send(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>;
estimateGas(overrides?: Omit<TransactionRequest, "to">): Promise<bigint>;

@ -1 +1 @@

types/ethers.d.ts vendored

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export { getAddress, getIcapAddress, getCreateAddress, getCreate2Address, isAddr
export { ZeroAddress, WeiPerEther, MaxUint256, MinInt256, MaxInt256, N, ZeroHash, EtherSymbol, MessagePrefix } from "./constants/index.js";
export { BaseContract, Contract, ContractFactory, ContractEventPayload, ContractTransactionReceipt, ContractTransactionResponse, ContractUnknownEventPayload, EventLog, } from "./contract/index.js";
export { computeHmac, randomBytes, keccak256, ripemd160, sha256, sha512, pbkdf2, scrypt, scryptSync, lock, Signature, SigningKey } from "./crypto/index.js";
export { id, ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode, hashMessage, verifyMessage, solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256, TypedDataEncoder } from "./hash/index.js";
export { id, ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode, hashMessage, verifyMessage, solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256, TypedDataEncoder, verifyTypedData } from "./hash/index.js";
export { getDefaultProvider, Block, FeeData, Log, TransactionReceipt, TransactionResponse, AbstractSigner, NonceManager, VoidSigner, AbstractProvider, FallbackProvider, JsonRpcApiProvider, JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcSigner, BrowserProvider, AlchemyProvider, AnkrProvider, CloudflareProvider, EtherscanProvider, InfuraProvider, InfuraWebSocketProvider, PocketProvider, QuickNodeProvider, IpcSocketProvider, SocketProvider, WebSocketProvider, EnsResolver, Network, EnsPlugin, EtherscanPlugin, FeeDataNetworkPlugin, GasCostPlugin, NetworkPlugin, SocketBlockSubscriber, SocketEventSubscriber, SocketPendingSubscriber, SocketSubscriber, UnmanagedSubscriber, copyRequest, showThrottleMessage } from "./providers/index.js";
export { accessListify, computeAddress, recoverAddress, Transaction } from "./transaction/index.js";
export { decodeBase58, encodeBase58, decodeBase64, encodeBase64, concat, dataLength, dataSlice, getBytes, getBytesCopy, hexlify, isHexString, isBytesLike, stripZerosLeft, zeroPadBytes, zeroPadValue, defineProperties, resolveProperties, assert, assertArgument, assertArgumentCount, assertNormalize, assertPrivate, makeError, isCallException, isError, EventPayload, FetchRequest, FetchResponse, FetchCancelSignal, FixedNumber, getBigInt, getNumber, getUint, toBeArray, toBigInt, toBeHex, toNumber, toQuantity, fromTwos, toTwos, mask, formatEther, parseEther, formatUnits, parseUnits, toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8CodePoints, toUtf8String, Utf8ErrorFuncs, decodeRlp, encodeRlp, uuidV4, } from "./utils/index.js";
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export { Mnemonic, BaseWallet, HDNodeWallet, HDNodeVoidWallet, Wallet, defaultPa
export { Wordlist, LangEn, WordlistOwl, WordlistOwlA, wordlists } from "./wordlists/index.js";
export type { JsonFragment, JsonFragmentType, FormatType, FragmentType, InterfaceAbi, ParamTypeWalkFunc, ParamTypeWalkAsyncFunc } from "./abi/index.js";
export type { Addressable, AddressLike, NameResolver } from "./address/index.js";
export type { ConstantContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides, BaseContractMethod, ContractDeployTransaction, PostfixOverrides } from "./contract/index.js";
export type { ConstantContractMethod, ContractEvent, ContractEventArgs, ContractEventName, ContractInterface, ContractMethod, ContractMethodArgs, ContractTransaction, DeferredTopicFilter, Overrides, BaseContractMethod, ContractDeployTransaction, PostfixOverrides, WrappedFallback } from "./contract/index.js";
export type { ProgressCallback, SignatureLike } from "./crypto/index.js";
export type { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "./hash/index.js";
export type { Provider, Signer, AbstractProviderPlugin, BlockParams, BlockTag, ContractRunner, DebugEventBrowserProvider, Eip1193Provider, EventFilter, Filter, FilterByBlockHash, GasCostParameters, JsonRpcApiProviderOptions, JsonRpcError, JsonRpcPayload, JsonRpcResult, JsonRpcTransactionRequest, LogParams, MinedBlock, MinedTransactionResponse, Networkish, OrphanFilter, PerformActionFilter, PerformActionRequest, PerformActionTransaction, PreparedTransactionRequest, ProviderEvent, Subscriber, Subscription, TopicFilter, TransactionReceiptParams, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponseParams, WebSocketCreator, WebSocketLike } from "./providers/index.js";

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ export { id } from "./id.js";
export { ensNormalize, isValidName, namehash, dnsEncode } from "./namehash.js";
export { hashMessage, verifyMessage } from "./message.js";
export { solidityPacked, solidityPackedKeccak256, solidityPackedSha256 } from "./solidity.js";
export { TypedDataEncoder } from "./typed-data.js";
export { TypedDataEncoder, verifyTypedData } from "./typed-data.js";
export type { TypedDataDomain, TypedDataField } from "./typed-data.js";

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import type { SignatureLike } from "../crypto/index.js";
import type { BigNumberish, BytesLike } from "../utils/index.js";
export interface TypedDataDomain {
name?: null | string;
@ -35,4 +36,8 @@ export declare class TypedDataEncoder {
static getPayload(domain: TypedDataDomain, types: Record<string, Array<TypedDataField>>, value: Record<string, any>): any;
* Compute the address used to sign the typed data for the %%signature%%.
export declare function verifyTypedData(domain: TypedDataDomain, types: Record<string, Array<TypedDataField>>, value: Record<string, any>, signature: SignatureLike): string;

@ -1 +1 @@

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More