import { concat, hexlify } from "@ethersproject/bytes"; import { toUtf8Bytes } from "@ethersproject/strings"; import { keccak256 } from "@ethersproject/keccak256"; import { Logger } from "@ethersproject/logger"; import { version } from "./_version"; const logger = new Logger(version); import { ens_normalize } from "./ens-normalize/lib"; const Zeros = new Uint8Array(32); Zeros.fill(0); const Partition = new RegExp("^((.*)\\.)?([^.]+)$"); export function isValidName(name: string): boolean { try { return ens_normalize(name).length !== 0; } catch (error) { } return false; } export function namehash(name: string): string { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof(name) !== "string") { logger.throwArgumentError("invalid ENS name; not a string", "name", name); } let current = ens_normalize(name); let result: string | Uint8Array = Zeros; while (current.length) { const partition = current.match(Partition); if (partition == null || partition[2] === "") { logger.throwArgumentError("invalid ENS address; missing component", "name", name); } const label = toUtf8Bytes(partition[3]); result = keccak256(concat([result, keccak256(label)])); current = partition[2] || ""; } return hexlify(result); } export function dnsEncode(name: string): string { name = ens_normalize(name) return hexlify(concat(name.split(".").map((comp) => { // DNS does not allow components over 63 bytes in length if (toUtf8Bytes(comp).length > 63) { throw new Error("invalid DNS encoded entry; length exceeds 63 bytes"); } // We jam in an _ prefix to fill in with the length later const bytes = toUtf8Bytes("_" + comp); bytes[0] = bytes.length - 1; return bytes; }))) + "00"; }