"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); const assert_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("assert")); const index_js_1 = require("../index.js"); const utils_js_1 = require("./utils.js"); const index_js_2 = require("../index.js"); describe("Tests Namehash", function () { const tests = (0, utils_js_1.loadTests)("namehash"); for (const test of tests) { if (!test.error) { it(`hashes ENS name: ${JSON.stringify(test.name)}`, function () { const actual = (0, index_js_1.namehash)(test.ensName); assert_1.default.equal(actual, test.namehash, "namehash"); // The empty string is not a valid ENS name if (test.ensName) { assert_1.default.ok((0, index_js_1.isValidName)(test.ensName), "isValidName"); } }); } } for (const test of tests) { if (test.error) { it(`correctly fails to hash ENS name: ${test.error} ${JSON.stringify(test.name)}`, function () { assert_1.default.throws(function () { const actual = (0, index_js_1.namehash)(test.ensName); console.log("Failed to throw", actual); }, (error) => { return ((0, index_js_1.isError)(error, "INVALID_ARGUMENT") && error.argument === "name" && error.value === test.ensName); }); // The empty string is not a valid ENS name if (test.ensName) { assert_1.default.ok(!(0, index_js_1.isValidName)(test.ensName), "!isValidName"); } }); } } }); describe("Test dnsEncode", function () { const tests = [ { name: "ricmoo.com", result: "0x067269636d6f6f03636f6d00" }, { name: "ricmoo.com", length: 5, error: "exceeds 5 bytes" }, { name: "a-very-long-label-without-a-length-override-foo-12345678901234567890", error: "exceeds 63 bytes" }, { name: "a-very-long-label-with-a-length-override-to-255-foo-12345678901234567890", length: 255, result: "0x48612d766572792d6c6f6e672d6c6162656c2d776974682d612d6c656e6774682d6f766572726964652d746f2d3235352d666f6f2d313233343536373839303132333435363738393000" }, ]; for (const test of tests) { it(`tests dnsEncode: ${test.name}`, function () { if (test.error) { assert_1.default.throws(() => { let result; if (test.length != null) { result = (0, index_js_2.dnsEncode)(test.name, test.length); } else { result = (0, index_js_2.dnsEncode)(test.name); } console.log("result", result); }, (error) => { return ((0, index_js_1.isError)(error, "INVALID_ARGUMENT") && error.argument === "name" && error.value === test.name && error.message.indexOf(test.error || "") >= 0); }); } else { if (test.length != null) { assert_1.default.equal((0, index_js_2.dnsEncode)(test.name, test.length), test.result, "dnsEncode(name, length)"); } else { assert_1.default.equal((0, index_js_2.dnsEncode)(test.name), test.result, "dnsEncode(name)"); } } }); } }); describe("Test EIP-191 Personal Message Hash", function () { const tests = [ { test: "hello-world", message: "Hello World", hash: "0xa1de988600a42c4b4ab089b619297c17d53cffae5d5120d82d8a92d0bb3b78f2" }, { test: "binary-message", message: new Uint8Array([0x42, 0x43]), hash: "0x0d3abc18ec299cf9b42ba439ac6f7e3e6ec9f5c048943704e30fc2d9c7981438" }, { test: "hex-looking-string", message: "0x4243", hash: "0x6d91b221f765224b256762dcba32d62209cf78e9bebb0a1b758ca26c76db3af4" } ]; for (const test of tests) { it(`tests hashMessage: ${test.test}`, function () { assert_1.default.equal((0, index_js_1.hashMessage)(test.message), test.hash); }); } }); describe("Test Solidity Hash functions", function () { const tests = (0, utils_js_1.loadTests)("solidity-hashes"); for (const test of tests) { it(`computes the solidity keccak256: ${test.name}`, function () { assert_1.default.equal((0, index_js_1.solidityPackedKeccak256)(test.types, test.values), test.keccak256); }); } for (const test of tests) { it(`computes the solidity sha256: ${test.name}`, function () { assert_1.default.equal((0, index_js_1.solidityPackedSha256)(test.types, test.values), test.sha256); }); } const badTypes = [ { types: ["uint5"], values: [1] }, { types: ["bytes0"], values: ["0x"] }, { types: ["blorb"], values: [false] }, ]; for (const { types, values } of badTypes) { it("correctly fails on invalid type", function () { assert_1.default.throws(function () { const result = (0, index_js_1.solidityPacked)(types, values); console.log(result); }, function (error) { return ((0, index_js_1.isError)(error, "INVALID_ARGUMENT") && error.argument === "type"); }); }); } }); //# sourceMappingURL=test-hash.js.map