import assert from "assert"; import { decodeBase64, encodeBase64, toUtf8Bytes } from "../index.js"; describe("Base64 Coding", function () { const tests = [ { name: "wikipedia", plaintext: toUtf8Bytes("Many hands make light work."), encoded: "TWFueSBoYW5kcyBtYWtlIGxpZ2h0IHdvcmsu" } ]; for (const test of tests) { it(`encodes base64: ${}`, function () { assert.equal(encodeBase64(test.plaintext), test.encoded); }); } for (const test of tests) { it(`decodes base64: ${}`, function () { const decoded = decodeBase64(test.encoded); assert.equal(decoded.length, test.plaintext.length, "data.length"); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++) { assert.equal(decoded[i], test.plaintext[i]); } }); } }); //#