/* istanbul ignore file */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function repeat(chr, count) { var result = ""; while (result.length < count) { result += chr; } return result; } function _getPrompt(prompt, options, callback) { process.stdout.write(prompt); var stdin = process.stdin; stdin.resume(); stdin.setRawMode(true); stdin.resume(); stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); var message = ''; var respond = function (ctrlC, message) { process.stdout.write('\n'); stdin.setRawMode(false); stdin.pause(); stdin.removeListener('data', handler); callback(ctrlC, message); }; function handler(chr) { chr = String(chr); switch (chr) { // Enter (ish) case "\n": case "\r": case "\u0004": if (options.choice) { if (options.defaultChoice) { respond(null, options.defaultChoice); } } else { respond(null, message); } break; // Backspace case "\u007f": if (message.length > 0 && options.choice == null) { message = message.substring(0, message.length - 1); (process.stdout).clearLine(); (process.stdout).cursorTo(0); if (options.mask) { process.stdout.write(prompt + repeat(options.mask, message.length)); } else { process.stdout.write(prompt + message); } } break; // Ctrl-C case "\u0003": process.stdout.write('\n[ CTRL-C ]'); respond(true, null); break; // Any other character default: if (options.choice) { if (options.choice.indexOf(chr) >= 0) { process.stdout.write(chr); respond(null, chr); } } else { // More passsword characters if (options.mask) { process.stdout.write('*'); } else { process.stdout.write(chr); } message += chr; } break; } } stdin.on('data', handler); } function getPrompt(prompt, options) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { _getPrompt(prompt, options, function (ctrlC, password) { if (ctrlC) { return reject(new Error("cancelled")); } resolve(password); }); }); } function getProgressBar(action) { var lastProgress = -1; return function (percent) { var progress = Math.trunc(percent * 100); if (progress == lastProgress) { return; } lastProgress = progress; process.stdin.setRawMode(false); process.stdin.pause(); (process.stdout).clearLine(); (process.stdout).cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write(action + "... " + progress + "%"); if (percent === 1) { process.stdout.write('\n'); } }; } exports.getProgressBar = getProgressBar; function getPassword(prompt) { return getPrompt(prompt, { mask: "*" }); } exports.getPassword = getPassword; function getMessage(prompt) { return getPrompt(prompt, {}); } exports.getMessage = getMessage; // @TODO: Allow choices to be an array, [ "Yes", "No", "All" ] => "(y)es/ (N)o/ (a)ll" function getChoice(prompt, choices, defaultChoice) { var choice = choices.toLowerCase().split(""); if (defaultChoice) { defaultChoice = defaultChoice.toLowerCase(); } var options = { choice: choice, defaultChoice: defaultChoice }; var hint = choice.map(function (c) { return ((c === defaultChoice) ? c.toUpperCase() : c); }).join("/"); return getPrompt((prompt + " (" + hint + ") "), options); } exports.getChoice = getChoice; //# sourceMappingURL=prompt.js.map