import { assert, isHexString } from "../utils/index.js"; import type { AbstractProvider, Subscriber } from "./abstract-provider.js"; import type { EventFilter, OrphanFilter, ProviderEvent } from "./provider.js"; function copy(obj: any): any { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } /** * @TODO * * @_docloc: api/providers/abstract-provider */ export function getPollingSubscriber(provider: AbstractProvider, event: ProviderEvent): Subscriber { if (event === "block") { return new PollingBlockSubscriber(provider); } if (isHexString(event, 32)) { return new PollingTransactionSubscriber(provider, event); } assert(false, "unsupported polling event", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "getPollingSubscriber", info: { event } }); } // @TODO: refactor this /** * @TODO * * @_docloc: api/providers/abstract-provider */ export class PollingBlockSubscriber implements Subscriber{ #provider: AbstractProvider; #poller: null | number; #interval: number; // The most recent block we have scanned for events. The value -2 // indicates we still need to fetch an initial block number #blockNumber: number; constructor(provider: AbstractProvider) { this.#provider = provider; this.#poller = null; this.#interval = 4000; this.#blockNumber = -2; } get pollingInterval(): number { return this.#interval; } set pollingInterval(value: number) { this.#interval = value; } async #poll(): Promise { const blockNumber = await this.#provider.getBlockNumber(); if (this.#blockNumber === -2) { this.#blockNumber = blockNumber; return; } // @TODO: Put a cap on the maximum number of events per loop? if (blockNumber !== this.#blockNumber) { for (let b = this.#blockNumber + 1; b <= blockNumber; b++) { this.#provider.emit("block", b); } this.#blockNumber = blockNumber; } this.#poller = this.#provider._setTimeout(this.#poll.bind(this), this.#interval); } start(): void { if (this.#poller) { throw new Error("subscriber already running"); } this.#poll(); this.#poller = this.#provider._setTimeout(this.#poll.bind(this), this.#interval); } stop(): void { if (!this.#poller) { throw new Error("subscriber not running"); } this.#provider._clearTimeout(this.#poller); this.#poller = null; } pause(dropWhilePaused?: boolean): void { this.stop(); if (dropWhilePaused) { this.#blockNumber = -2; } } resume(): void { this.start(); } } /** * @TODO * * @_docloc: api/providers/abstract-provider */ export class OnBlockSubscriber implements Subscriber { #provider: AbstractProvider; #poll: (b: number) => void; constructor(provider: AbstractProvider) { this.#provider = provider; this.#poll = (blockNumber: number) => { this._poll(blockNumber, this.#provider); } } async _poll(blockNumber: number, provider: AbstractProvider): Promise { throw new Error("sub-classes must override this"); } start(): void { this.#poll(-2); this.#provider.on("block", this.#poll); } stop(): void {"block", this.#poll); } pause(dropWhilePaused?: boolean): void { this.stop(); } resume(): void { this.start(); } } /** * @TODO * * @_docloc: api/providers/abstract-provider */ export class PollingOrphanSubscriber extends OnBlockSubscriber { #filter: OrphanFilter; constructor(provider: AbstractProvider, filter: OrphanFilter) { super(provider); this.#filter = copy(filter); } async _poll(blockNumber: number, provider: AbstractProvider): Promise { throw new Error("@TODO"); console.log(this.#filter); } } /** * @TODO * * @_docloc: api/providers/abstract-provider */ export class PollingTransactionSubscriber extends OnBlockSubscriber { #hash: string; constructor(provider: AbstractProvider, hash: string) { super(provider); this.#hash = hash; } async _poll(blockNumber: number, provider: AbstractProvider): Promise { const tx = await provider.getTransactionReceipt(this.#hash); if (tx) { provider.emit(this.#hash, tx); } } } /** * @TODO * * @_docloc: api/providers/abstract-provider */ export class PollingEventSubscriber implements Subscriber { #provider: AbstractProvider; #filter: EventFilter; #poller: (b: number) => void; // The most recent block we have scanned for events. The value -2 // indicates we still need to fetch an initial block number #blockNumber: number; constructor(provider: AbstractProvider, filter: EventFilter) { this.#provider = provider; this.#filter = copy(filter); this.#poller = this.#poll.bind(this); this.#blockNumber = -2; } async #poll(blockNumber: number): Promise { // The initial block hasn't been determined yet if (this.#blockNumber === -2) { return; } const filter = copy(this.#filter); filter.fromBlock = this.#blockNumber + 1; filter.toBlock = blockNumber; const logs = await this.#provider.getLogs(filter); // No logs could just mean the node has not indexed them yet, // so we keep a sliding window of 60 blocks to keep scanning if (logs.length === 0) { if (this.#blockNumber < blockNumber - 60) { this.#blockNumber = blockNumber - 60; } return; } this.#blockNumber = blockNumber; for (const log of logs) { this.#provider.emit(this.#filter, log); } } start(): void { if (this.#blockNumber === -2) { this.#provider.getBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => { this.#blockNumber = blockNumber; }); } this.#provider.on("block", this.#poller); } stop(): void {"block", this.#poller); } pause(dropWhilePaused?: boolean): void { this.stop(); if (dropWhilePaused) { this.#blockNumber = -2; } } resume(): void { this.start(); } }