import * as secp256k1 from "@noble/secp256k1"; import { concat, dataLength, getBytes, getBytesCopy, hexlify, toBeHex, assertArgument } from "../utils/index.js"; import { computeHmac } from "./hmac.js"; import { Signature } from "./signature.js"; import type { BytesLike } from "../utils/index.js"; import type { SignatureLike } from "./index.js"; //const N = BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141"); // Make noble-secp256k1 sync secp256k1.utils.hmacSha256Sync = function(key: Uint8Array, ...messages: Array): Uint8Array { return getBytes(computeHmac("sha256", key, concat(messages))); } /** * A **SigningKey** provides high-level access to the elliptic curve * cryptography (ECC) operations and key management. */ export class SigningKey { #privateKey: string; /** * Creates a new **SigningKey** for %%privateKey%%. */ constructor(privateKey: BytesLike) { assertArgument(dataLength(privateKey) === 32, "invalid private key", "privateKey", "[REDACTED]"); this.#privateKey = hexlify(privateKey); } /** * The private key. */ get privateKey(): string { return this.#privateKey; } /** * The uncompressed public key. * * This will always begin with the prefix ``0x04`` and be 132 * characters long (the ``0x`` prefix and 130 hexadecimal nibbles). */ get publicKey(): string { return SigningKey.computePublicKey(this.#privateKey); } /** * The compressed public key. * * This will always begin with either the prefix ``0x02`` or ``0x03`` * and be 68 characters long (the ``0x`` prefix and 33 hexadecimal * nibbles) */ get compressedPublicKey(): string { return SigningKey.computePublicKey(this.#privateKey, true); } /** * Return the signature of the signed %%digest%%. */ sign(digest: BytesLike): Signature { assertArgument(dataLength(digest) === 32, "invalid digest length", "digest", digest); const [ sigDer, recid ] = secp256k1.signSync(getBytesCopy(digest), getBytesCopy(this.#privateKey), { recovered: true, canonical: true }); const sig = secp256k1.Signature.fromHex(sigDer); return Signature.from({ r: toBeHex("0x" + sig.r.toString(16), 32), s: toBeHex("0x" + sig.s.toString(16), 32), v: (recid ? 0x1c: 0x1b) }); } /** * Returns the [[link-wiki-ecdh]] shared secret between this * private key and the %%other%% key. * * The %%other%% key may be any type of key, a raw public key, * a compressed/uncompressed pubic key or aprivate key. * * Best practice is usually to use a cryptographic hash on the * returned value before using it as a symetric secret. * * @example: * sign1 = new SigningKey(id("some-secret-1")) * sign2 = new SigningKey(id("some-secret-2")) * * // Notice that privA.computeSharedSecret(pubB)... * sign1.computeSharedSecret(sign2.publicKey) * //_result: * * // equal to privB.computeSharedSecret(pubA). * sign2.computeSharedSecret(sign1.publicKey) * //_result: */ computeSharedSecret(other: BytesLike): string { const pubKey = SigningKey.computePublicKey(other); console.log(pubKey); return hexlify(secp256k1.getSharedSecret(getBytesCopy(this.#privateKey), getBytes(pubKey))); } /** * Compute the public key for %%key%%, optionally %%compressed%%. * * The %%key%% may be any type of key, a raw public key, a * compressed/uncompressed public key or private key. * * @example: * sign = new SigningKey(id("some-secret")); * * // Compute the uncompressed public key for a private key * SigningKey.computePublicKey(sign.privateKey) * //_result: * * // Compute the compressed public key for a private key * SigningKey.computePublicKey(sign.privateKey, true) * //_result: * * // Compute the uncompressed public key * SigningKey.computePublicKey(sign.publicKey, false); * //_result: * * // Compute the Compressed a public key * SigningKey.computePublicKey(sign.publicKey, true); * //_result: */ static computePublicKey(key: BytesLike, compressed?: boolean): string { let bytes = getBytes(key, "key"); if (bytes.length === 32) { const pubKey = secp256k1.getPublicKey(bytes, !!compressed); return hexlify(pubKey); } if (bytes.length === 64) { const pub = new Uint8Array(65); pub[0] = 0x04; pub.set(bytes, 1); bytes = pub; } const point = secp256k1.Point.fromHex(bytes); return hexlify(point.toRawBytes(compressed)); } /** * Returns the public key for the private key which produced the * %%signature%% for the given %%digest%%. * * @example: * key = new SigningKey(id("some-secret")) * digest = id("hello world") * sig = key.sign(digest) * * // Notice the signer public key... * key.publicKey * //_result: * * // equal to the recovered public key * SigningKey.recoverPublicKey(digest, sig) * //_result: * */ static recoverPublicKey(digest: BytesLike, signature: SignatureLike): string { assertArgument(dataLength(digest) === 32, "invalid digest length", "digest", digest); const sig = Signature.from(signature); const der = secp256k1.Signature.fromCompact(getBytesCopy(concat([ sig.r, sig.s ]))).toDERRawBytes(); const pubKey = secp256k1.recoverPublicKey(getBytesCopy(digest), der, sig.yParity); if (pubKey != null) { return hexlify(pubKey); } assertArgument(false, "invalid signautre for digest", "signature", signature); } /** * Returns the point resulting from adding the ellipic curve points * %%p0%% and %%p1%%. * * This is not a common function most developers should require, but * can be useful for certain privacy-specific techniques. * * For example, it is used by [[HDNodeWallet]] to compute child * addresses from parent public keys and chain codes. */ static addPoints(p0: BytesLike, p1: BytesLike, compressed?: boolean): string { const pub0 = secp256k1.Point.fromHex(SigningKey.computePublicKey(p0).substring(2)); const pub1 = secp256k1.Point.fromHex(SigningKey.computePublicKey(p1).substring(2)); return "0x" + pub0.add(pub1).toHex(!!compressed) } }