'use strict'; import assert from 'assert'; import { ethers } from "ethers"; import { loadTests, TestCase } from "@ethersproject/testcases"; function checkWordlist(content: string, wordlist: ethers.Wordlist): void { let words = content.split('\n'); it('matches wordlists for ' + wordlist.locale, function() { for (let i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { let actual = wordlist.getWord(i); let expected = words[i]; assert.equal(actual, expected, 'failed to match word ' + i + ': ' + words[i] + ' !=' + wordlist.getWord(i)); } }); it ("splitting and joining are equivalent", function() { const words: Array = [ ]; for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { words.push(wordlist.getWord(i)); } const phrase = wordlist.join(words); const words2 = wordlist.split(phrase); const phrase2 = wordlist.join(words2); assert.deepStrictEqual(words2, words, "split words"); assert.deepStrictEqual(phrase2, phrase, "re-joined words"); }); } describe('Check Wordlists', function() { let tests: Array = loadTests("wordlists"); tests.forEach((test) => { let wordlist = (<{ [ locale: string ]: ethers.Wordlist }>(ethers.wordlists))[test.locale]; if (wordlist == null) { return; } checkWordlist(test.content, wordlist); }); });