import fs from "fs"; import { getLogs } from "./utils/git.js"; import { loadJson } from "./utils/json.js"; import { resolve } from "./utils/path.js"; import { getVersions } from "./utils/npm.js"; import { getDateTime } from "./utils/date.js"; function repeat(c: string, length: number): string { if (c.length === 0) { throw new Error("too short"); } while(c.length < length) { c += c; } return c.substring(0, length); } type Change = { message: string; issues: Array; commit: string; }; type Version = { date: string; version: string; changes: Array }; async function getChanges(tag0: string, tag1: string): Promise> { const result: Array = [ ]; const logs = await getLogs(null, { tag0, tag1 }); for (const log of logs) { if (log.body.startsWith("admin:") || log.body.startsWith("docs:")) { continue; } let message = log.body; const issues: Array = [ ]; message = message.replace(/\((([0-9#,]|\s)*)\)/g, (all, text) => { text = (text).replace(/#([0-9]+)/g, (all, issue) => { issues.push(issue); return ""; }); if (text.replace(/,/g, "").trim()) { console.log(`WARNING: commit leftovers ${ JSON.stringify(text) }`); } return ""; }).replace(/\.+\s*$/, "").trim(); result.push({ message, issues, commit: log.commit }); } return result; } type PresentVersion = { version: string; body: Array; }; (async function() { // Get the already included versions in the CHANGELOG const present: Array = [ { version: "null", body: [ ] } ]; { const content = fs.readFileSync(resolve("")).toString(); for (const line of content.split("\n")) { let match = line.match(/^ethers\/v(\S+)\s/); if (match) { present.push({ version: match[1], body: [ line ] }); } else { present[present.length - 1].body.push(line); } } for (const { body } of present) { while (body[body.length - 1].trim() === "") { body.pop(); } } } // Get the remote versions (along with their date and gitHead) let versions = await getVersions("ethers"); versions = versions.filter((v) => (v.version.match(/^6\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/))); const entries: Array = [ ]; const getPresent = (version: string) => { const pres = present.filter((p) => (p.version === version)); return pres.length ? pres[0]: null; }; // Add the first entry, which has no previous version to compare against { const pres = getPresent(versions[0].version); if (pres) { entries.push(pres); } else { entries.push({ date: getDateTime(new Date(versions[0].date)), version: versions[0].version, changes: [ { message: "Initial release", issues: [ ], commit: versions[0].gitHead } ] }); } } // Add each version, with preference given to present entries, as // they may have been updated manually let lastVer = versions[0]; for (let i = 1; i < versions.length; i++) { const ver = versions[i]; // Prefer present entries const pres = getPresent(ver.version); if (pres) { entries.push(pres); lastVer = ver; continue; } // Get the entry info from git const version = ver.version; const date = getDateTime(new Date(; const changes = await getChanges(lastVer.gitHead, ver.gitHead); entries.push({ date, version, changes }); lastVer = ver; } // If this is a new version (not present in npm) add the changes // from the lastest version until HEAD. const curVer = loadJson(resolve("package.json")).version; if (curVer !== lastVer) { // Include any present entry, as it was placed here by a // previous run of update-changelog and may have been // modified manually const pres = getPresent(curVer); if (pres) { console.log(`WARNING: existing entry for ${ curVer }; duplicating`); entries.push(pres); } // Also include theentry from git const latest = await getChanges(lastVer.gitHead, "HEAD"); if (latest.length) { entries.push({ date: getDateTime(new Date()), version: curVer, changes: latest }); } } // Gerenate the output const output: Array = [ ]; output.push("Change Log"); output.push("=========="); output.push(""); output.push("This change log is maintained by `src.ts/_admin/update-changelog.ts` but may also be manually updated."); output.push(""); for (const ver of entries.reverse()) { // Present entry; include verbatim if ("body" in ver) { ver.body.forEach((line) => output.push(line)); output.push("") continue; } // Entry from git; format it nicely const title = `ethers/v${ ver.version } (${})`; output.push(title); output.push(repeat("-", title.length)); output.push(""); for (const change of ver.changes) { let line = ` - ${ change.message } (`; line += => { return `[#${ i }](https:/\/${ i })`; }).join(", "); if (change.issues.length) { line += "; "; } line += `[${ change.commit.substring(0, 7) }](https:/\/${ change.commit })).`; output.push(line) } output.push(""); } fs.writeFileSync(resolve(""), output.join("\n")); })();